I really became a prince

Chapter 434 The Eight Banners of Heishui and the League of Langjushan

Jiang Yi was in the Eight Banners camp, could there be thunderous cheers that resounded through the sky, but in contrast to the servant camp by the Coco Lake, it was completely silent at this moment.

The silence was depressing, and dozens of generals gathered in the central conference hall.

Although these people have the facial features of people from the Middle Earth, their skin is somewhat dark, and their bodies are relatively tall and burly, with a kind of roughness of grassland people outside the customs.

"That Prince Yi is too defiant. He accepted the cheers there, but made us wait here!" a blue-eyed general said dissatisfied.

"Hehe, he's trying to show us off again, and he's deliberately showing us off." Another general said, his tone a bit weird.

"If you want me to say that we don't need to look at his face, now that there are so many people gathered by the Keke Lake, and the source of soldiers is sufficient, we can form our own line."

"I heard that the Xifan dynasty is a bit too busy to take care of themselves now, and they can't take care of this prairie at all. This may be our chance. As long as we raise the banner, the Chinese survivors outside the customs will definitely support it. Isn't it better than relying on others?"


Many generals on both sides of the conference hall spoke one after another, all of which advocated taking advantage of the Xifan Dynasty's overwhelmedness to occupy a piece of land and raise the flag to stand on their own.

But most of the generals remained silent, and the one sitting on the main seat was a white-bearded veteran who just listened quietly at first without any expression.

But after seeing those generals talking more and more explicit, they finally couldn't help coughing lightly, and the whole meeting room immediately fell silent.

"Didn't we all discuss it before? Could it be that you want to go back on your word again?"

Hearing the words of the white-bearded veteran, the blue-eyed general said: "Commander, it's not that I waited for my promise, but that Prince Yi is too stingy and hasn't promised us anything so far. He obviously wants to swallow our army directly." cavalry."

The white-bearded veteran looked at the blue-eyed general and asked, "Then what do you want?"

The general with blue eyes continued: "Presumably the Xifan dynasty also sought out the commander. Why didn't the commander accept Xifan's invitation? Wouldn't it be ten thousand times better to be king than to be subordinate to others?"

"Stand up as king? I've become king, what about you?" The white-bearded veteran asked with a smile.

The generals headed by General Bi Yan looked a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Of course we will continue to serve under the Commander King's tent."

The white-bearded veteran shook his head with a sad expression, knowing that a purge was inevitable.

If he guessed correctly, the generals who spoke out in front of him must have accepted the solicitation of the Xifan Dynasty, and they all got the promise of the Xifan Dynasty to establish their own king account.

Originally, they should have been instructed to continue to lurk and wait for the right time to stab Yi Wangfu in the back.

But that Prince Yi suddenly delayed the meeting unilaterally, which made them unhappy, but also saw a glimmer of hope.As long as they can persuade themselves to continue to stand on the side of the Xifan Dynasty, then they have completed the task assigned by the Xifan Dynasty in advance, and they can reward them for their merits in advance.

But they didn't want to think about it. Since ancient times, whether it was the border dynasty or the Middle Earth dynasty, there were only a handful of kings with different surnames, and basically none of them ended well.

Of course, the Mu family in Dali Northern Border is an exception, but looking at the entire Manghuang continent, the Mu family in Northern Xinjiang is really the only one.

How could the Xifan Dynasty entrust so many royal tents all at once, and they were the Middle-earth adherents. They just wanted them, the Middle-earth adherents, to kill each other with Yiwangfu, and to restrain Yiwangfu's westward Bingfeng for them.

But they ignored the people's hearts, to be precise, the people's hearts of the Middle-earth survivors.

Just like now, when the war is coming, only a small part of them escape to Cocoa Lake, and most of the Middle-earth survivors choose to flee to Heishui Pass?

Why is this so?It stands to reason that their army composed of Middle-earth survivors should be the first choice, but why did most people choose Blackwater Pass?

This is the will of the people, and this is the general trend!

"Marshal, there is still time to make a decision." The blue-eyed general saw that the white-bearded veteran didn't express his attitude immediately, but seemed to be hesitating, so he couldn't help saying again.

"Yes, Commander, with our [-]-strong army, even the Kerhan cavalry will not be able to catch up with us in a short period of time. As long as we cross the Langju Mountain, there will naturally be an army of Xifan to support us..."

The white-bearded veteran sighed, stood up slowly, and the words that followed the think tank sounded in his mind:

Marshal, not anyone can get on the boat of Prince Yi's Mansion at will. At this time, the Marshal must not be soft-hearted anymore, that Prince Yi has been watching the Marshal.

"Well, it is said that kindness does not lead the army, but why has the old man always ruled the army with tolerance and kindness? It is really that we, the survivors who have left their homes, can no longer withstand any internal friction..."

He sighed to himself, and the white-bearded veteran looked at the dozens of generals in the hall, and said with a smile: "Do you know why the Xifan Dynasty allowed me to be in charge of the servant camp for so many years?"

"Nothing else, it's just because I don't love power, and I don't have any ambitions. Of course, I can unite us, the adherents of the Middle Earth, and be obedient citizens of Western Tibet."

"But that sentence is very correct, kindness does not control soldiers, maybe it's time to see blood..."

The blue-eyed general and others frowned slightly, some didn't understand, and then the white-bearded veteran spoke again: "I don't think I'm a murderer, but I must do what I promised Prince Yi, because the old man once treated Yi The prince promised that he would hand over a clean and innocent servant camp to Prince Yi's mansion!"

Speaking of this, he already had a hint of murderous intent, staring at the generals with blue eyes,

This was the first time that the white-bearded veteran showed such ferocious killing intent in front of everyone, the blue-eyed generals immediately sensed something was wrong, and were about to take some action, but it was already too late.

Only the white-bearded veteran yelled suddenly: "Take them down!"

After hearing the words, the dozen or so Yuan generals who had been silent at the side joined hands to kill General Bi Yan and the others, and at the same time, a burst of fierce fighting erupted in the entire barracks.

As for the generals with blue eyes, when they sensed something was wrong, they withdrew and rushed out of the conference hall, followed by more than a dozen other generals.

The white-bearded veteran didn't seem to have seen this scene, and continued to stand there, while the rest of the generals in the hall waited silently.

"This man... the most fearful thing is that he has no self-knowledge. According to the exact information I got, the champion of the Xifan dynasty has arrived at the foot of Langju Mountain!"

As soon as the word "Champion Hou" came out, the entire meeting room immediately burst into gasps.

Because this Champion Hou can be said to be a banner of the Xifan Dynasty, he was the champion of the three armies at a young age, and he was deeply trusted by the Xifan Emperor, and he was in charge of the entire prairie.

Originally, this horse herding meeting should be hosted by the Champion Hou, but something happened to the Xifan Dynasty, and under an order, the Champion Hou rushed back to the bank of the Black Water Lake.

If the champion Hou is here, the chances of Prince Yi entering the Heishui Pass will be very slim.

Now that the champion Hou Lin was ordered to return to the prairie, there might be a fierce battle in Prince Yi's residence.

Just as everyone was muttering to themselves about the champion of the three armies, the white-bearded veteran continued to speak, and asked, "Do you know what this champion is here for?"

No one answered him, but the generals knew in their hearts that they must have come to compete with Prince Yi for Heishui Pass and even the entire prairie.

Unexpectedly, the white-bearded veteran shook his head, and said: "You are all thinking wrong, the champion is not here to lead the army to fight against Prince Yi's mansion, but to negotiate peace!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the generals in the hall immediately stayed there, even subconsciously ignoring the fierce fighting outside the meeting hall.

"It's not just you, the old man didn't believe it at first, but later he found out that it was true. The champion Hou who bravely won the three armies really came to negotiate a peace. Obviously they have acquiesced to the fact that Prince Yi's mansion occupied Heishuiguan!"

"As for why this happened... the old man doesn't know."

"So the old man advises you to give up any thoughts you shouldn't have in your mind, and work hard under the command of Prince Yi's Mansion..."

Needle drop can be heard in the entire meeting hall, only the sound of fighting outside, but listening to the sound, the battle is coming to an end.

When Jiang Yi walked out of the Eight Banners camp, he got the news of the internal fighting in the Coco Lake servant camp, he couldn't help grinning, and said with a smile to the people behind him:

"It is said that Bai Ling is a good old man. The commander of the army has not killed a general under his command for so many years, and he is honest and responsible, and never has any wrong thoughts, but this king seems to be not at all. This Bai Ling has a ghost in his heart. ..."

All the generals behind him smiled and didn't say anything, because they didn't know how to respond to their prince's words.

Jiang Yi obviously didn't expect anyone to take up the conversation, and continued: "Bering is worried that the king will be too heavy handed when cleaning up, and too many people will be implicated, so he rushed to the front to clean up the house with the king."

"But this is also good, it will save me a lot of hands and feet..."

Originally, according to his plan, after taking over the slave camp, he would definitely go through a purge to completely eliminate the pro-Xiban elements inside.

Maybe there will be a big change of blood. After all, the location of the servant camp is too sensitive. If there is any thought that should not be there, it may cut off the retreat of Kerhan's cavalry, and may even cut off the connection between Kerhan's cavalry and the army. Contact with Black Water Pass.

Jiang Yi will never allow this kind of thing to happen, so a big cleaning must be carried out.But now, Bering did it for him.

"Let's go, if you don't go, I'm afraid Bering will expand the scope of the cleansing. After all, they are of the same family, and the bleeding can be less if possible..."

By the time Jiang Yi led tens of thousands of troops into the Cocoa Lake, Bering had already led dozens of generals out of the camp gate and bowed down on both sides.

It's just that at this time, Bai Ling had already retreated from his battle armor, and was kneeling at the front in casual clothes.

"Sinner Bering, kowtow to the prince!"

Under the leadership of Bai Ling, dozens of generals kowtowed to Jiang Yi.

"What's the meaning of old general Bai?" Jiang Yi looked at Bai Ling in casual clothes, especially the commander's seal in his hand.

Only the white-bearded veteran yelled suddenly: "Take them down!"

After hearing the words, the dozen or so Yuan generals who had been silent at the side joined hands to kill General Bi Yan and the others, and at the same time, a burst of fierce fighting erupted in the entire barracks.

As for the generals with blue eyes, when they sensed something was wrong, they withdrew and rushed out of the conference hall, followed by more than a dozen other generals.

The white-bearded veteran didn't seem to have seen this scene, and continued to stand there, while the rest of the generals in the hall waited silently.

"This man... the most fearful thing is that he has no self-knowledge. According to the exact information I got, the champion of the Xifan dynasty has arrived at the foot of Langju Mountain!"

As soon as the word "Champion Hou" came out, the entire meeting room immediately burst into gasps.

Because this Champion Hou can be said to be a banner of the Xifan Dynasty, he was the champion of the three armies at a young age, and he was deeply trusted by the Xifan Emperor, and he was in charge of the entire prairie.

Originally, this horse herding meeting should be hosted by the Champion Hou, but something happened to the Xifan Dynasty, and under an order, the Champion Hou rushed back to the bank of the Black Water Lake.

If the champion Hou is here, the chances of Prince Yi entering the Heishui Pass will be very slim.

Now that the champion Hou Lin was ordered to return to the prairie, there might be a fierce battle in Prince Yi's residence.

Just as everyone was muttering to themselves about the champion of the three armies, the white-bearded veteran continued to speak, and asked, "Do you know what this champion is here for?"

No one answered him, but the generals knew in their hearts that they must have come to compete with Prince Yi for Heishui Pass and even the entire prairie.

Unexpectedly, the white-bearded veteran shook his head, and said: "You are all thinking wrong, the champion is not here to lead the army to fight against Prince Yi's mansion, but to negotiate peace!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the generals in the hall immediately stayed there, even subconsciously ignoring the fierce fighting outside the meeting hall.

"It's not just you, the old man didn't believe it at first, but later he found out that it was true. The champion Hou who bravely won the three armies really came to negotiate a peace. Obviously they have acquiesced to the fact that Prince Yi's mansion occupied Heishuiguan!"

"As for why this happened... the old man doesn't know."

"So the old man advises you to give up any thoughts you shouldn't have in your mind, and work hard under the command of Prince Yi's Mansion..."

Needle drop can be heard in the entire meeting hall, only the sound of fighting outside, but listening to the sound, the battle is coming to an end.

When Jiang Yi walked out of the Eight Banners camp, he got the news of the internal fighting in the Coco Lake servant camp, he couldn't help grinning, and said with a smile to the people behind him:

"It is said that Bai Ling is a good old man. The commander of the army has not killed a general under his command for so many years, and he is honest and responsible, and never has any wrong thoughts, but this king seems to be not at all. This Bai Ling has a ghost in his heart. ..."

All the generals behind him smiled and didn't say anything, because they didn't know how to respond to their prince's words.

Jiang Yi obviously didn't expect anyone to take up the conversation, and continued: "Bering is worried that the king will be too heavy handed when cleaning up, and too many people will be implicated, so he rushed to the front to clean up the house with the king."

"But this is also good, it will save me a lot of hands and feet..."

Originally, according to his plan, after taking over the slave camp, he would definitely go through a purge to completely eliminate the pro-Xiban elements inside.

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