I really became a prince

Chapter 413 Swearing in the Name of Kerhan's Golden Bloodline

Mo Xiechuan and Li Yuan, who were waiting for the Kerhans to tackle key problems, saw that the Kerhans had stopped, and were annoyed, so they planned to kill the Kerhans.

Under their orders, hundreds of thousands of cavalry drew out their sabers one after another. Even though the sky was cloudy, the light of the sabers still shone in the entire Demon Realm Pass.

"These Korhans are so clueless."

There was a bloodthirsty sneer on the corner of Mo Xiechuan's mouth, and he was very angry in his heart.Originally, according to his plan, driving millions of Kerhans to attack Moyu Pass was only the first step.

If the Kerhans really captured the West Demon Region Pass, then they would not need to cooperate with the Shiwai Zongmen of Middle Earth and the Bailing Ye Family, nor would they need to destroy the West Demon Region Pass, they could directly occupy the West Demon Region Pass.

Xiongguan is in hand, advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended, and the entire Western Border Devil Pass is just around the corner.

But I didn't expect the Kerhans to retreat before the battle, and even stopped a few tens of meters away from the West Demon Region Pass.

No matter how hard they tried to drive them away, the Kerhans just wouldn't take a step forward.

"These Kerhan people seem to have discussed it long ago." A counselor next to Mo Xiechuan said aloud.

"Well, it seems that they are organized and planned, so we must find their leader." Li Yuan nodded, with a glint of fierceness in his eyes, intending to use this opportunity to impress the Kerhan people.

"Those four people should be the leaders this time."

Mo Xiechuan pointed at the four figures who were walking towards the Moyu Pass under the courtesy of the Kerhan people, and his heart was full of killing intent.

"These Kerhans can't stay anymore, pass down the order and kill them all!"

There were millions of people in the entire demon realm, and Mo Xiechuan decided the life and death of millions of Kerhan people with a single word, but none of the Xifan and Baiyue dignitaries present expressed any objection.

Including several veteran Kerhan heads, they all looked at the millions of Kerhans standing in the distance with fierce faces.

"If you kill it, kill it. The most indispensable thing on the prairie is the obedient Kerhan people." Li Yuan said with a smile, "Tell those Kerhan leaders who supervised the battle, if you don't want to die with them, just be honest. Look at it."

While the few people were chatting and laughing, hundreds of thousands of Xifan and Baiyue cavalry had mobilized their horses and rushed towards the Kerhans.

Sword soldiers rose suddenly, facing the fierce prairie cavalry, the Kerhans who left their horses were like unarmed ordinary people. Wherever the cavalry passed, they fell in rows and in pieces.

In a short time, the blood of the Kerhans had gathered into pools of blood on the ground.

At this time, the four banner owners Su Mo'er, Gu Lun, Frontal Ye, and Ku Long had already come to the front. They wanted to say something, but they didn't know where to start.

How much he wished that Prince Yi would appear on the tower of the West Demon Gate, but there was no sign of King Dali's flag at all on the tower of the West Demon Gate, which meant that Prince Yi was not in the West Demon Gate.

"What should we do? Xifan and the Baiyue Dynasty have already killed them!" Kulong looked back at the grassland cavalry who were slowly advancing.

"Does he want to repent?" Frontal Lobe also asked anxiously.

"Maybe he wants to teach us a lesson, but it's inevitable..." Gu Lun guessed that Prince Yi was expressing his dissatisfaction, because the Four Banners did not express their position quickly.

Su Morer looked back at the Kerhan people lying in a pool of blood, his eyes were full of sorrow, and he said softly: "He is waiting for us to make a decision!"

what choice?The other upstarts of the Kerhan Eight Banners, who were in panic and sorrow, were taken aback when they heard the words, and many people began to think.

And Gu Lun, Kulong, and Frontal Ye suddenly thought of something, and looked at each other.

"These people are speaking from the bottom after all, and their ability to react is too slow..." On the edge of the distance, the veteran leaders Chaland from Hu'er Tubu and Yuen Long from Kuowotai were standing there looking at Su Mo'er from a distance. four people.

"Yes, there is no free lunch in the world. If you don't take some practical actions, that Prince Yi will not take action."

"Hey, I hope they make a decision quickly, otherwise there are only a few of the million Kerhans left..." Yuen Long sighed.

From the moment Xifan and Baiyue cavalry raised their butcher knives, they received orders from Mo Xiechuan and Li Yuan not to act rashly.

But even if they did not receive this order, they would not take any action unless they were ordered by the new master, Prince Yi.

So even if they couldn't bear it now, they could only watch from afar.

Boermu and Nalanzhu on the other edge were also in the same mood. They hid themselves in the crowd at this time, with killing intent on their faces.

But no matter how much they wanted to let go and kill them, they could only hold back and watched as the butcher knives of the Xifan and Baiyue cavalry slowly moved forward.

Because of today's current situation, only the four banner owners could fire the first counterattack. If the two of them act rashly, they might completely anger their new master, Prince Yi.

"It's really stupid, I really don't understand how the four of them became the four banner owners!" Boermu roared in a low voice.

"We are bystanders, and they are fans of the authorities, but we should have realized it now..." Nalanzhu continued bitterly.

"Is it really necessary to fight with the cavalry of Xifan and Baiyue first?" Gu Lun was still hesitant.

You know, if they really take this step, there is really no way out.

It doesn't matter to them themselves, the worst is to die in this Western Demon Region.But how could Xifan and the Baiyue Dynasty, who became angry from embarrassment, behave like this?It will definitely be vented on the heads of those Kerhan people on the grassland, and the entire Kerhan will usher in a bloody killing.

The reason why Gu Lun was hesitant was because he was worried that Prince Yi would stand on the sidelines if they completely broke their face and turned back to Xifan and the Baiyue Dynasty.

Not only the millions of Kerhans are going to die right now, but also those Kerhans left on the prairie will be affected, and the life of the Kerhans will be even more difficult.

"We have no choice..." Su Morer turned around, looking at the fallen Kerhan people with tearful eyes, "And I believe she will not break her promise!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the other three banner owners, and after getting a tacit approval, he turned around and took a brown horn from a Kerhan.

A dozen or so Kerhans seemed to have received some kind of signal, and the two of them held each other's shoulders in pairs, forming a human ladder next to each other.

Holding the brown horn in his hand, Su Mo'er walked up the human ladder step by step. When he reached the highest point, he immediately attracted the attention of all the Kerhans.

Of course, it also included the millions of troops from Xifan and the Baiyue Dynasty present, as well as many generals from the Yiwang Mansion in the Guancheng Tower of the Western Demon Territory.

"Who is she? What is she going to do?"

Mo Xiechuan felt something bad in his heart, and his tone became a little annoyed.

"Perhaps it is to call on the Kerhans present to rise up against us..." Li Yuan was indifferent. Regardless of whether they resisted or not, these Kerhans would die!

A bloody slaughter must be used to shock the rest of the Kerhans on the prairie, so that they can understand who is the real master.

Mo Xiechuan glanced at Li Yuan, a little disdainful, but he didn't say much, he just said solemnly: "What are the identities of those four people? Why didn't we notice it at all before? And who is that woman? Why are they here?" Such a high status among the lower class Korhans?"

A series of questions also made Li Yuan, the sixth prince of the Baiyue Dynasty, realize something, and his expression changed. Since when did they become blind?

Obviously, there is a mysterious organization among the Kerhans in front of them, which has a high reputation among the lower-level Kerhans, but no matter whether it is the Xifan Dynasty or their Baiyue Dynasty, they don't know it!

"What's going on?" Li Yuan looked at the veteran leaders of Kerhan beside him, showing a trace of killing intent.

The old Kerhans were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed, "I really don't know..."

Li Yuan wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Mo Xiechuan, the royal family of Xifan, who shook his head lightly. The matter has come to this point, the most important thing is to solve the four mysterious people. These obedient Kerhan heads still have to win over first.

But when the source of this disaster is solved, Kerhan must be thoroughly cleaned up, including these veteran leaders, and there may be a big change.

On the edge of the north and the south, the veteran leaders Chaland and Yuen Long, as well as Boermu and Nalanzhu who were born in the bottom of Kerhan, were all shocked.

"It's long overdue!"

The moment they saw Su Morer stepping slowly to the highest point, the four murmured in their hearts almost at the same time.

No matter what happened today, the Kerhan people had to submit a nomination certificate to show their determination, otherwise Prince Yi would not show up easily.

Besides, Su Morer reached the highest point under the attention of everyone, and instantly became the focus of millions of people in the audience.

At this time, her face no longer had the weird spirit that she had before, and she was full of endless sorrow, and her whole body exuded a deep sense of sadness.

"Your heart is so cruel..."

Turning his head, he forgot to glance at the Guancheng Tower of the Western Demon Territory, and Dali Wang Qi still did not show up.

Slowly putting the horn in her hand to her mouth, Su Mo'er couldn't help the tears from the corners of her eyes. She knew that as soon as the horn sounded, the Kerhans would have no way out.

Unless they are willing to be slaughtered from beginning to end by the Xifan and Baiyue dynasties, otherwise, they can only fight to the end with the two border dynasties.

This will be an asymmetrical war, and the Kerhans have no chance of winning and can only be reduced to the slaughtered side.

Unless that Prince Yi stood up and fulfilled his promise to help them awaken the bloodline inheritance of the Kerhans and get back on horseback.

So Su Morer was also betting that Prince Yi would fulfill his promise and let the Kerhans ride their horses again.At that time, the Kerhan people will regain the courage of their ancestors, even if they fight against the two dynasties of Xifan and Baiyue by themselves, they will not be afraid at all!


A long horn sounded through the sky, with an endless desolation in the low voice, as if telling the tragic past of the Kerhans, and another kind of passion, declaring the bravery of the Kerhans.

"For the glory of Kerhan, kill!"

Amidst the sound of the horn, figures stood out from among the millions of Kerhans and shouted.

"Kill!" The Korhans, who had always been weak and deceitful, erupted with the bloody courage they once had, and raised their blood-backed scimitars one after another.

In an instant, the entire Demon Realm was filled with a sea of ​​blood-backed scimitars, a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Where did they get the weapons!" Mo Xiechuan was frightened and angry, and suddenly looked at the veteran leaders of Kerhan beside him.

"I...we don't know..." several Kerhan leaders said tremblingly.

"What's the use of you!" Li Yuan stretched out his hand and looked at a leader's head with a knife. While furious, he was also extremely surprised.

The blood-backed scimitar, a very common name, is the exclusive weapon of the Kerhan cavalry. In ancient times, the blood-backed scimitar traversed the entire prairie, and wherever it passed, people's heads rolled.

After Kerhan fell off the back of the horse, the blood-backed scimitar became a prohibited weapon, which was strictly prohibited by the border dynasty. Once the owner was found, the whole family would be killed immediately.

But now, right under their noses, there are hundreds of thousands of Kerhan people, how can they not be shocked, how can they not be angry!

"Kill, kill all these Kerhans!"

Mo Xiechuan said coldly, although the appearance of the blood-backed scimitar shocked him, but he didn't have any fear, so what if he held the blood-backed scimitar?

Kerhan has fallen after all, even if he has a blood-backed scimitar, he can only be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

When the West Demon Region was shut down, a violent fight broke out in an instant. The Kerhans, who had been silent for countless years, finally raised the blood-backed scimitar in their hands again.

But it was useless. In front of the powerful prairie cavalry, the Kerhans were still under the knife in patches.

"Why doesn't the prince show up..." Bo'ermu looked at the West Demon Region Pass, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Perhaps the lord thinks that this nomination certificate is not enough..." Nalanzhu murmured.

The two of them followed the torrent of the Kerhans towards Xifan and the Baiyue Dynasty almost at the same pace, but because they had already received Jiang Yi's order, they could slow down their pace.

Also in the same state of mind are the veteran leaders Charland and Yuen Long, and of course, Su Morer, Gu Lun, Frontal Ye, and Ku Long.

The Kerhans had turned back on the spot, but the Dali Wang Banner still did not appear.

"Isn't that enough?"

Su Mo'er walked down the human ladder slowly, smiled sadly at Gu Lun and the others, and then walked towards Ximoyu Pass.

Gu Lun and the other three vaguely guessed something, they felt a surge in their throats, but they couldn't say a word.

Su Mo'er walked slowly to the gate of the Western Demon Region, brazenly walked into the 30-meter restricted area, looked up at the gate tower of the Western Demon Territory, smiled sadly, and knelt down slowly.

"Su Mo'er swears in the name of Kerhan's golden blood that Kerhan will be loyal to the prince from now on. Please have mercy on the prince and save Kerhan from the fire!"

"Su Mo'er is willing to be a slave and a handmaiden, and serve the king's bedside forever!"

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Lun, Frontal Ye, and Ku Long's faces were extremely bitter. In their plan, although Su Morer would also enter Prince Yi's mansion, it was in the name of marriage, and she had to be a side concubine no matter what. .

But now, it's begging for mercy...

You must know that Su Mo'er is the only orthodox golden bloodline remaining in Kerhan, and she swears in the name of the golden bloodline. Once this statement is made, there is no possibility of changing it.

Su Mo'er's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard throughout the battlefield.

"Korhan's Golden Bloodline!"

"It's really a crime that deserves death!"

Mo Xiechuan and Li Yuan were completely jealous. They had been searching hard for Kerhan's golden bloodline, but they found nothing except Qiu Batu's collateral line.

But now, it actually appeared in front of them, and even swore in the name of the golden bloodline!

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