After listening to Chu Huaizi's decryption, Jiang Yi finally uncovered the mystery in his heart.

Since his time travel, the current emperor Jiang Zhenyi has been a contradictory body.

On the one hand, he watched helplessly as the queen set up a dragon gate ring, and the entire descendants of King Duan's line were at the mercy of the sword, and were pushed to the brink of extinction.

Then Jiang Yi turned the world around, and the attitude of the emperor Jiang Zhenyi made another 180-degree change. He spared no effort to support Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi also took control of the Sun Moon Platform step by step.

But after that, he has been intentionally or unintentionally indulging the Queen's family to suppress him and seize power, and will support him again at critical times.

Now Jiang Yi understood that the other party was full of contradictions.

Although he has successfully completed the "Peach Replacing Li Zong", only he himself knows about it. In the eyes of the rest of the insiders, Prince Duan is the blood of the previous Fourteenth Lord.

In the future, if he really ascends to the top position, he will also fulfill the promise of "returning power to the line of the Fourteenth Lord".

The contemporary emperor Jiang Zhenyi can only be a mute and suffer from desolation, unable to tell.

So his thoughts have been vacillating, that is, he is secretly happy about his plan to replace Li Zong, but he is also full of depression, because this secret cannot be shared at all, and it will never be made public.

But in the end, he still cared about the blood and family relationship, which made Jiang Yi step by step to where he is today.

But now, Jiang Zhenyi, the emperor of Dali, learned the truth from nowhere, and his heart is probably full of murderous intent.

Jiang Yi knew that if he lost this time in the competition for the lord of the Western Frontier, he would not have any chance of a comeback, and he would not even be able to save his life.

That's why he said that there was no way out, and he had to win the power struggle in Western Xinjiang, otherwise there was really only a dead end.

"Why did the ancestor tell me this?" After a moment of silence, Jiang Yi asked aloud.

Patriarch Huaihua's eyes flashed with confusion, he shook his head and said, "I don't know... Maybe it's because I think Prince Duan is too bitter..."

Jiang Yi was silent, his heart was full of complicated feelings towards the "father" who had never been masked, he was grateful, but also a little bit guilty, just like Chu Huaizi said, his "father" was indeed suffering too much.

He gave all of the Duanwangfu lineage to his "fake" bloodline, and even preferred to abolish his cultivation and career, just to give Jiang Yi a chance.

"Why did the father do this?" Jiang Yi looked at the northern border and murmured in a low voice.

Chu Huaizi shook his head again, and sighed: "Since ancient times, the most difficult thing to understand is the human heart... I am afraid that Prince Duan himself did not expect that the prince would really rise like a comet one day."

Jiang Yi didn't speak, and he was full of puzzlement about the father who was bedridden in northern Xinjiang and dying.I always feel that there are things I don't know hidden in it, and no one can give the answer to this mystery except the "father" who is bedridden in Northern Xinjiang.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yi forcibly suppressed all the emotions in his heart, looked at Chu Huaizi, and said, "The old ancestor came here to stop the king?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Huaizi shook his head: "My lord is serious, this old slave is just a servant of the royal family, and I dare not interfere with the affairs of the royal family. It's just that I'm tired of staying in the forbidden palace, and I'm getting older. Take a look around for a while."

Jiang Yi was noncommittal, feeling that the other party hadn't told the truth, but he didn't plan to ask further, but said: "About what the ancestor said, I will go to my father to verify it in person in the future, if there is time... "

"But now, this king will not change his plan, what should be fought is still to be fought!"

Chu Huaizi sighed, and said, "My lord, have you really thought about it? You know, once you take this step, there is really no way out..."

Jiang Yi smiled, as if answering, but also as if talking to himself: "The ancestor thinks there is still a way out for this king?"

Chu Huaizi was not talking, because he knew that no matter what he said, it was useless. He only hoped that what he said today could plant a seed of kindness in the heart of Prince Yi, so that in the future battle for power, he would be able to fight for the future. There is a glimmer of life left in the lineage of the current emperor.

Yes, he has already sensed that the prince Yi in front of him has the heart to compete for the position, and it is also related to the grievances of the previous two generations. Once he wins, it is likely to bloody cleanse the current emperor's line.

He really didn't want to see this result. The "Nine Sons Seize the Inheritance" battle back then had hurt the Dali royal family's muscles and bones, and most of their blood had withered. Ding is even thinner.

At this time, in a dark room full of decay in northern Xinjiang, a man with a withered face was lying on the bed, his breath was weak, and he seemed to have reached the end of his life.

Not far from the bed, Mu Xiruo sat on a round stool, silently lost in thought, as if waiting for something.

Not long after, the eyelids of the man lying on the bed moved, and Mu Xiruo followed suit.

"you're awake?"

The man raised his eyelids with difficulty, took a look at Mu Xiruo, and said weakly: "It's hard for you to bear the name of husband and wife all these years. If you want, you can announce the real relationship between us at any time."

Mu Xiruo shook his head, and said: "What's the point of announcing or not announcing, you and I each got what we needed in this deal... But in the end, it was all for naught. Now your deadline is approaching, and I... In the end, I still Back to Northern Xinjiang."

"If really don't want to bear the burden of Northern Xinjiang, you can consider handing it over to the Dali royal family..." Before the man finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Xiruo, who only heard:

"Do you think it's possible? If the northern border is really handed over to the man from the imperial capital of Dali, then he will still be able to accommodate me?"

The man gasped and rested for a while before he said, "Maybe you can give it to my son. With his ability, it will not be a problem to rule the northern border."

Mu Xiruo glanced at the man and felt a little guilty in her heart. Although the two were just a couple in name and each took what they needed, what happened between her and Prince Yi was ultimately against etiquette.

Mu Xiruo stood up, looked at the man on the bed, and asked, "I came today to ask if there is any unfulfilled wish, tell me, and I will help you achieve it."

The man smiled and shook his head.

Mu Xiruo looked at him steadfastly, and said again: "You are no longer the former king of the northern border, and it's hard to do anything with that little power in your hands. If you have anything to do, you might as well tell me, because of the relationship between husband and wife. For the sake of it, I will try my best to help you complete it.”

After shaking his head, the man gently closed his eyes.

Mu Xiruo didn't speak any more, turned around and walked out, and said, "Then I won't bother you, he has been waiting for you outside for a long time, he looks anxious, and he has something important to report."

Walking to the door, he turned back and said, "You really don't need me to take action?"

Seeing that the man didn't respond, Mu Xiruo sighed and walked out.

"Your master is awake, you go in. Remember, there are important things to say, your master's waking time is getting shorter and shorter..."

Outside the door, a figure shrouded in a black robe slightly bowed to Mu Xiruo, and then walked into the dark room.

"You're back... How is it? The matter is finished?" Prince Duan Jiang Lie who was lying on the bed opened his eyes again with difficulty.

The man shrouded in the black robe knelt down upon hearing the words, and replied in a guilty tone: "My lord, the slave missed and let that man escape..." After finishing speaking, his entire upper body fell on the ground.

Jiang Lie's eyes suddenly became more empty, and he muttered to himself: "It's not your fault, it's my fault that I was too soft-hearted and didn't kill people to silence my words."

Then he asked: "Where did he go? But the imperial capital of Dali?"

The black-robed figure nodded, and said: "There is a strong man from the Forbidden Palace to meet me halfway, I think I have already contacted you."

There was a bit of bitterness in the corner of Prince Duan Jiang Lie's mouth, and he murmured in a low voice: "Then Father must have known about it, and he must hate me to the bone..."

"The mission is cancelled, you can go too, go to Xijiang, your little master is in need of someone, take my token to serve your little master..."

The black-robed figure wanted to say something more, but Jiang Lie didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued weakly: "I have fulfilled my promise to your master at the beginning, and I can go to see him under the Nine Springs."

"go Go……"

After saying these four words, Prince Duan Jiang Lie lost his voice and fell into a deep sleep again.

The black-robed figure was stunned, sighed, kowtowed to the bed a few times, then got up and walked out.

Not far from the door, Mu Xiruo was sitting in a hut, smiling and looking at a little girl playing alone on the corridor of the lotus pond.

The little girl looked about four or five years old, and was chasing a butterfly with a "giggle" smile.

The figure in black robe walked to Baosha, bowed and said: "The black robe comes to bid farewell."

"Why, the lord asked you to go to the western border?" Mu Xiruo turned his head and asked, looking away from the child.

"Yes." The black robe said respectfully.

"My lord, is there any unfulfilled wish?"

The black robe was silent, Mu Xiruo shook his head, and sighed: "Forget it, since you don't want to talk, just pretend I didn't ask. Don't worry, my lord, I will find someone to take good care of you. You can go to Xijiang without worry. "

The black robe bowed again, as if turning around and leaving.

Before Prince Duan asked him to go to Xijiang, his heart was calm and he had never thought about it, but after Prince Duan asked, he rushed to Xijiang impatiently.

After all, there is the only blood of his master there, and if he guessed correctly, he must be surrounded by enemies and extremely dangerous, so he must rush to Xijiang as soon as possible.

Mu Xiruo waved at the little girl, and said in a warm voice, "You Ning..."

The little girl ran over bouncingly, and the eyes of the black robe shrank slightly.Although it was the simplest bouncing and jumping just now, it inadvertently revealed a delicate footwork.

He secretly sighed in his heart that this "Concubine Duan"'s adopted daughter's martial arts talent is extremely high, otherwise it would be impossible to open up the martial arts at such a young age and practice the strange asynchronous method.

"Mother..." The little girl ran over and slipped into Mu Xiruo's arms.

"Didn't you prepare a gift for your father? Take it out and let your black-robed uncle bring it to your father."

Hei Pao was taken aback when he heard this, the concubine's adopted daughter still has a father?This... When did this happen?

He is aware of the relationship between this "Concubine Duan" and Prince Duan. They belong to the kind of fake couples who nominally are husband and wife, but in private they live their own lives, but the adopted daughter of the other party suddenly pops up A father, this is a bit shocking.

"Really? Uncle Heipao is going to see my father?" Jiang Youning, who was four or five years old, was overjoyed, and carefully took out a crumpled purse from his arms and handed it to Heipao.

"When Uncle Heipao sees Daddy, remember to tell Daddy that Mother misses Daddy so much that she cried at night..."

Hei Pao is completely stupid. From what he knows, this "Princess Duan" doesn't seem to like men...

"You're the one talking too much." After Mu Xiruo gave his daughter an angry look, he turned to Heipao and said, "Tell him, our mother and I have been waiting for him for four or five years..."

The black robe still hasn't recovered, he?who is he?But Mu Xiruo's next sentence made him understand everything in an instant. He just heard the "Princess Duan" who has completely controlled the northern border with iron and blood in a few years:

"By the way, tell him that if you can't stay in Xijiang, come here and be the master of Beijiang. Don't force yourself."

Until he walked out of the gate, the black robe still hadn't recovered from his senses. He smiled bitterly in his heart and said: It seems that the rumors outside are true. My little master is really affectionate, but it is a bit too shocking. If it is made public, I am afraid It is to be poked in the spine by many people.

However, the black robe didn't take it too seriously, as long as he could climb to the top of power, these were all minor details!

Almost at the same time, the Forbidden Palace, the Cauldron Courtyard, was in the imperial capital of Dali.

Dali Emperor Jiang Zhenyi was no longer as calm as before, and he no longer had the dignity of the past. Instead, he looked like a tyrannical bloodthirsty beast with a ferocious face.

The entire Cauldron Academy became extremely depressed because of this, even the Queen Ye Xinmei, who used to dominate him, was also cautiously walking on shaving ice during this time, for fear of accidentally annoying the Lord of Great Liberation who had a sudden change in temperament.

Not only her, but all the dignitaries in the imperial capital of Dali felt it, but they didn't know why. Of course, no one had the courage to find out the reason.

"Hehe, I really raised a good son!"

Although he was laughing, Jiang Zhenyi's face was full of ferocity.

"Could this be a cycle of cause and effect? ​​I worked so hard to complete Tao Dai Li Zong, but the Nizi immediately turned against the general and gave me Tao Dai Li Zang!"

"Why do you say this? Why did he do it! What good does it do him!"

Jiang Zhenyi, who was furious, looked at a figure, but that figure didn't dare to say anything, and just fell down deeply on the ground.

"Who else knows about this?" Jiang Zhenyi asked suddenly.

The figure on the ground was still lying on the ground, tremblingly said: "Return to the emperor, I found this letter from my mother's belongings. It was not damaged at the time when it was opened, and no one must have read it before."

The man on the ground was full of hesitation, and he no longer had the intention of asking for merit and promotion, and only wanted to leave the forbidden palace as soon as possible.

Since the time when he delivered the news, he has been imprisoned in the Cauldron Courtyard, especially facing an outraged ruler of a country, which made him no longer have the intention to climb up the ranks.

"Have you told others?" Jiang Zhenyi asked again.

"No... no."

"Very good!" Jiang Zhenyi laughed, then flicked his cuffs, and a streamer directly penetrated the man's head.

Then Jiang Zhenyi turned his back to somewhere and said: "The order continues, this operation will kill Prince Yi Jiang Yi at all costs! After this is done, the Bailing Ye family will be the master of the Western Border!"

"Yes!" A ghostly figure responded and disappeared into a dark corner.

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