I really became a prince

Chapter 402 The Eve

The Kerhan Eight Banners upstarts in the entire tent were surrounded by ten Kerhan cavalrymen, imagining excitedly, imagining the scene of Kerhan's rise in the future.

Kerhan has been sinking for too long, the world is afraid that he has forgotten Kerhan's scimitar, and soon Kerhan will become the howling eagle on the prairie again.

However, there is also a group of people who remain sober. Even if Kerhan really has hundreds of thousands of cavalry and rises again, he can indeed regain the glory of his ancestors, but what about after that?

After waiting for hundreds of thousands of cavalry to die old and dead, will the glory continue?

After all, the method of activating bloodline inheritance is not in their own hands, but can only be controlled by Prince Yi's Mansion.

Prince Yi's Mansion will definitely not allow Kerhan to grow without limit, or one day the prince in Yiwang's Mansion will no longer help the Kerhans activate their bloodline inheritance, where will Kerhan go?

I'm afraid that they will be reduced to the weakest group on the prairie again soon, be slaves and handmaids, and be slaughtered by others!

Since Kerhan fell off his horseback, generations of Kerhan people have been looking for a way out, and even considered giving up the glory on horseback. Just like the royal forces in the hinterland of Middle-earth, they have re-emerged by relying on their powerful infantry combat capabilities.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of that curse. The Korhans without horses were pitifully weak in foot combat, and it was impossible for them to rule the roost.

So these people were full of worries, including Gu Lun, the owner of the Yellow Banner.

Gu Lun was really worried about Kerhan's future, and while other people were worried, they also began to secretly think in their hearts that Prince Yi might not be an opportunity for them.

There are various indications that the opponent is determined to win Kerhan, but if they want to quickly and completely control Kerhan, they have to rely on the Kerhans.

But how to make that Prince Yi notice him, and then support him?

Just when the upstarts of the Eight Banners in the tent had different thoughts, a shepherd with a disheveled appearance came in outside the tent.

As soon as he came in, he went straight to Helian, the owner of Zhenghong Banner. Helian also found out, looked at the shepherd with a confident smile, and asked, "How? Where did Prince Yi go after leaving?"

Immediately, the upstarts of the Eight Banners in the tent looked over, but the shepherd looked terrified, knelt down and said, "I lost..."

"What? How did you get lost?" Helian said angrily.

You must know that this tent area can be said to be the base camp of their Kerhan Eight Banners, and their eyeliner is everywhere, how could they be lost?

"Did he go back to the Demon Realm?" Su More asked.

"This... this should not be the case. The only way back to the Demon Field Pass is covered with our eyeliner, but there is no trace of the three of them..." the shepherd hesitated.

"Then where will he go?" Su More asked suspiciously.

Gu Lun remained silent from the beginning to the end, but he became even more worried.There are only two possibilities to disappear without a trace in their Eight Banners base camp.

One is that Prince Yi has infiltrated the power into the bottom of Kerhan, and even has a good force in Kerhan.

But this possibility is very small, after all, Prince Yi has just come to Xijiang for a few months, and his power cannot develop so fast.

Then there is only another possibility. In addition to the Kerhan Eight Banners, that Prince Yi also contacted other Kerhan forces at the same time.

In other words, Kerhan Eight Banners is not the only choice for Prince Yi's Mansion!

Looking up and looking around, Gu Lun didn't say anything after all, but secretly sighed in his heart that the newly formed Kerhan Eight Banners had many internal contradictions and was not monolithic.

Even the level of strictness is not weaker than that of the corrupt Kerhan chieftains. Not long after it was formed, some people headed by Helian have already begun to do their best, and every move is against those corrupt Kerhan chieftains. on par.

"Could it be that the Eight Banners of Kerhan really want to be demolished and rebuilt?" Gu Lun couldn't help but start to waver when he remembered the suggestion of a think tank beside him.

Besides, Jiang Yi, after leaving the tent area of ​​the base camp of Kerhan Eight Banners, walked all the way through the streets and alleys, seemingly wandering aimlessly, but Dong Chengyang, who followed behind him, was always in a state of shock.

Because he could feel that after they passed by, a group of people would appear behind them from time to time, disturbing the eyes, ears and eyes of the Eight Banners.

This was the first time he had seen Jiang Yi's hidden power, and he didn't expect it to have penetrated into the Western Xinjiang prairie.As for Fulong, he was already familiar with it. Even he, who has been following his prince all the time, couldn't figure out how many dark forces were hidden around his prince.

Before awakening Wenzong Dao, Dong Chengyang had been in a relatively closed environment almost all the time. Apart from getting some outside rumors from the market, he learned about the world from various books.

After awakening Wenzong Dao, all aspects of information contacted increased explosively, especially during this period of time with Jiang Yi, the reactions of all aspects became sensitive.

Just like now, watching the noisy flow of people outside through the gap in the curtain of the tent, he knew that the whole of Kerhan would soon be ushered in a bloody cleansing.

And his prince was one of the masterminds behind the bloody cleansing, but he didn't feel any disgust or discomfort, and even looked forward to it.

Because this will be the first time that Wenzong's mansion will show its ferociousness in front of the world, and he is surprisingly consistent with the other three ancestors of Wenzong in this respect. We must take this opportunity to kill Wenzong's mansion's reputation!

Sitting there, Jiang Yi looked at the looming killing intent on Dong Chengyang's body, and smiled with satisfaction.

He didn't want the Wenzong Avenue in this world to carry the pedantic atmosphere of his previous life, as well as compassion.

Over the past few years, he has deeply realized what it means to be a predator of the jungle, pedantic and blindly compassionate will only make himself passive forever.

Just like now, he is going to promote a major purge within Kerhan. The process will definitely be full of bloody killings, but it will allow him to control the entire Kerhan more quickly.

"The Eight Banners of Kerhan must be broken and rebuilt..."

While thinking about it, a small door was opened at the back of the tent, and two figures walked in with their heads bowed, Natou bowed:

"Slave Boermu sees the prince!"

"Slave Nalan Zhu sees the prince!"

Jiang Yi glanced at the two figures kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile, "Korhan's Eight Banners, you each lead one, are you satisfied?"

Boermu and Nalanzhu who were kneeling on the ground leaned very low, kowtowed and said: "Thank you for your cultivation, we will swear by our ancestors to be loyal to the prince for generations and never betray!"

Jiang Yi stood up and said with a smile: "It's too early to say these things, are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Go back to the prince, everything is ready!"

Jiang Yi nodded, flicked his fingers, two streamers of light entered their foreheads, and said at the same time: "Then the king will wait and see tomorrow, don't disappoint me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to reply, he stood up and walked out of the tent.

There will be another meeting next, and as long as this meeting is completed, the layout will be considered complete.

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