I really became a prince

Chapter 379 My King Has Three Conditions

This is a small school with an area of ​​only about one mu. When the second master's mansion was expanded, Jiang Zhongchi asked Jiang Yi to keep it.

The reason is also high-sounding. As a child of the Dali royal family, while practicing martial arts, one must also be proficient in bow and horse. This small school is used to train riding skills.

But in fact, since it was built, it has never been used once, but it is neatly trimmed, just like a big lawn.

A group of female guards in light red soft armor stood on the school grounds, with a sturdy war horse under their crotch.

Although there were only a dozen or so of these female guards, they had different faces. Some had faces from the central dynasty, some had faces from the frontier grasslands, and even some had high-nosed faces from the northern alpine regions.

But without exception, they all had the exact same Samuume imprinted on their foreheads.

This plum blossom is a symbol of their identity, showing their identity as Kerhan people.

In ancient times, Kerhan was a place name, and the Kerhan people were not an independent and unified race, but a collective name for all people living in the Kerhan area.

Some of their ancestors came from the central dynasty represented by the Dali dynasty, some from the Xifan, Baiyue, and dog food dynasties, and some even came from distant places outside the region.

Slowly formed a unified tribal group, known collectively as the Kerhans.

As for the plum blossom on the forehead, it is also unique to the Kerhan people.

The entire Kerhan people are divided into six big tribal alliances, and each tribal alliance has a cold plum jade hairpin. When every Kerhan baby is born, it will be used to brand a cold plum on the forehead.

This is a unique symbol of the Kerhan people. Once the brand is branded, it will be integrated into the blood, and the Kerhan people also use this to identify their respective identities.

This Hanmei brand is extremely unique, except for the six Hanmei jade hairpins, it cannot be imitated at all.

Moreover, only babies whose ancestors are Kerhan people can be branded with a cold plum. If they are not of the real Kerhan blood, no matter what method they use, they cannot brand the cold plum on their foreheads.

So when Qiu Wan saw more than a dozen female guards on horseback, especially when he saw the plum blossom on their foreheads, he immediately determined that they were from Kerhan.

What really shocked him was that the dozen or so Kerhans actually rode on horseback, and they looked comfortable and natural without any discomfort.

You must know that since the Kerhans have been plagued by the curse, once they ride on horseback, they will be dazzled and cause a lot of discomfort.

Therefore, the Kerhans are known as people who fall off their horses forever, and cannot ride on their horses again for life.

This is the pain of all the Kerhan people. The Kerhan cavalry who once roared in the grassland have also been reduced to lowly horse slaves. They can only raise war horses for the nobles of the grassland for generations.

So when Qiu Wan saw the Kerhan cavalry in front of him, even though there were only a dozen of them and they were women, his blood was still boiling.

"My lord, is there really a way for the lord to get the Kerhans back on their horses?" Qiu Wan asked excitedly.

Jiang Xiaotong smiled, and said crisply: "Sixth Uncle will come later, shopkeeper Qiu should ask Sixth Uncle himself."

After finishing speaking, he gestured to Ding Ren who was coming from a distance, then raised his hand and blew a whistle on his lips. With a neighing sound, a snow-white war horse galloped out of the stable beside the field .

"Hulk Blood Horse King!"

Qiu Wan's eyelids jumped when he saw it. This kind of fierce blood horse king was extremely rare, and it was rare in the entire prairie. Even in the Western Fan Dynasty, it would be listed as a national treasure.

The young master of Prince Yi's mansion in front of him actually owns a horse, it must not be her own, it is a gift from the master of Xijiang.

Qiu Wan couldn't help taking another look at the status of the little girl in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, the Hummer King was galloping close, and he was heading directly towards Jiang Xiaotong.

Qiu Wan just wanted to remind you that the reason why the King of Hunk Blood Horse has the word "humong" is because of his unruly wildness. tame.

But before he could open his mouth, Jiang Xiaotong, who was standing in front of him, suddenly disappeared, appearing in the air a few meters away, and then several volleys flashed in the air, landing lightly on the fierce blood horse king who leaped into the sky to meet him body.


A burst of clear and cheerful laughter rang out over the small school grounds, accompanied by a burst of horse neighing, as if responding to his master.

"This should be Prince Yi's famous stunt "Flash Inch"..." Qiu Wan shrank his eyes.

"Flash Inch", as Prince Yi Jiang Yi's unique martial arts stunt, is no longer a secret, and it has made countless enemies terrified, because it is so weird and unpredictable that it is impossible to guard against it.

But it was such a step that made all martial arts experts extremely afraid of the housekeeping skills, but now it has been passed on to the little figure on the horseback.

Ding Ren, who had already walked in, also saw the scene just now. Although there was no expression on his face, he was still sighing in his heart.

This is the "Flash Inch" handed down by my prince. It is completely different from the footwork that was handed down to the Eighth Part of the Sun and Moon in batches. It is not on the same level at all.

The young master in front of me is also the only person who has received the inheritance of his prince so far...

Under Jiang Xiaotong's leadership, a dozen female Kerhan cavalry galloped recklessly on the small school grounds, and Qiu Wan was very excited. From these dozen cavalry, he saw a chance for the Kerhan cavalry to rise again.

"Treasurer Qiu, do you believe what this king said now?"

A voice rang in Qiu Wan's ear, it was Jiang Yi.At this time, he brought Jiang Zhongshan to the school grounds.

"Uncle Six!"

After seeing Jiang Yi, Jiang Xiaotong waved and shouted from afar, wanting to come closer, but Jiang Yi gently tidied him up, and then happily rode on the school field again.

"My lord, I was blindsided before." Qiu Wan now believed what Jiang Yi said, and he could indeed lead the Kerhan people to rise again.

"I wonder if the prince's method can be extended to the whole Kerhan?" This is what Qiu Wan is most concerned about. Kerhan needs a huge number of cavalry if he wants to rise.

"It can be extended to the entire Kerhan, but the initiative can only be in the hands of this king."

Jiang Yi replied later, then looked at Qiu Wan and said with a smile: "It seems that Shopkeeper Qiu has always cared about Kerhan all these years."

Qiu Wanwen's eyelids twitched, he calmed down, and said, "My lord has misunderstood. From then on, there is only businessman Qiu Wan in the world, and the leader Qiu Batu is dead, and he will never return to Kerhan."

"I will call the new forces of various tribes for the prince."

Not wanting to, Jiang Yi shook his head, how could such a precious thing be so easy to get.

Qiu Wan understood Jiang Yi's meaning, there is no free lunch in the world, but with the resurgence of Guan Kerhan, he could only ask, "I wonder what the prince's conditions are?"

Looking at Jiang Xiaotong who was galloping happily in the school yard, Jiang Yi stretched out three fingers: "This king can let the Kerhans get back on their horses."

Then without waiting for Qiu Wan to ask, he opened his mouth and said:

"[-]. The Qiubatu family has withdrawn from Kerhan's political arena since then, and Kerhan has no big boss since then."

"Second, you Kerhan people need to hand in a nomination certificate to the king."

"[-]. Kerhan has served the king for ten years..."

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