Just as Jiang Zhongchi's biological mother stood there with her hips on her hips and reprimanded the entire Chenxiang Courtyard, the door of the room next to Jiang Yi's two opened, and a chubby man with a naturally smiling face came out.

Dressed as a merchant, he greeted Jiang Yi with a smile when he saw Jiang Yi sitting there, and then walked to the handrail and looked down.

After looking at the group of guards dressed in the personal service of Prince Yi's mansion, he frowned, and then thought of going downstairs to resolve the crisis.

Now that Prince Yi is monopolizing the power in Xijiang, it is at the height of the sun, and even the people in Prince Yi's mansion are also rising with the tide.

In particular, the three Jiang brothers just now have faintly become a bully in Xijiang, but they are not the kind of bully in the traditional sense.

All the people in Moyuguan, especially merchants like him, made offerings to these three as if they were bodhisattvas.It is inevitable to show goodwill in private, and the three brothers are also straightforward, never rejecting anyone, and never know what a breeze in two sleeves is.

That Prince Yi, who has always been known for his uprightness, turned a blind eye to this, and didn't care about it at all.

However, the three Jiang brothers are very measured and never get involved in sensitive matters.

Take him as an example, he once sent a priceless rare treasure in private, but it was sent back to Chenxiangyuan that night.

"The big leader of Kerhan, why bother to get involved in such things."

Just when the man dressed as a merchant turned around to go downstairs, Jiang Yi, who was sitting at the table, spoke.

The merchant man stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at Jiang Yi, the smiling expression on his face disappeared, and a smoldering light appeared on his face.

Jiang Yi didn't care, and said with a smile: "This is the majestic appearance that the leader of Kerhan should have."

"Who are you?"

The merchant man didn't deny it, he knew very well that since the other party had found this place, he also called out his identity on the spot, and if he denied it, he would fall into a low position.

And the other party obviously came prepared, and would never give him any chance to resist.

He glanced around silently. The second floor, which was supposed to be crowded with people, had been cleared at some point.Except for the three of them, no one could be seen.

"Who is your Excellency?" Qiu Batu asked warily.

"Boss Qiu, it's noisy outside, why don't you go in and talk." Jiang Yi stood up.

Qiu Batu gave the two of them a wary look, especially for Fulong who was standing there like a wooden stake, his face was full of serious vigilance.

Seeing Jiang Yi walked into the room alone, Qiu Batu looked at the whole Chenxiang courtyard hesitantly, gave up the plan to escape, and followed into the room.

This is an ordinary guest room that cannot be more ordinary. It is no different from other rooms, and there is no trace of exotic style.

"Who would have thought that the big leader who has been given high hopes by the Kerhans turned out to be a businessman secretly."

Jiang Yi sat at the round table, picked up a cup, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"If the people of Kerhan knew the truth, how would they react?"

Qiu Batu's face became ugly. As the leader of the Kerhans, he should have been with his tribe.But he didn't. Instead, he hid his name from the world and became a rich man who thought he was the richest.

The life of the Kerhans was too bitter, and his status in the Xifan dynasty was low. He couldn't bear this kind of suffering, so he found an excuse to leave the tribe.

He said it was a reason, but it was actually a deception. He deceived all the Kerhans, claiming that he would walk barefoot throughout the wild land, praying for the Kerhans.

To put it bluntly, it means being an ascetic, walking all over the poor mountains and rivers, worshiping all the famous rivers and rivers, as long as life is endless, it will never stop.

On the prairie, this is considered the most devout way of praying for blessings, and of course, it is also the most tragic. Ascetics have to spend their entire lives to fulfill their promises.

Cut off all contact with family members, friends, etc., until the final burial.

Qiu Batu left in this way, and it moved all the Kerhan people. After decades, the position of chief leader has been vacant and reserved for him.

Because he carried the last hope of all the Korhans, the last hope of getting rid of the lowly status of the Coated Mannu.

Coated horse slaves are the identity that all Kerhan people will never get rid of. They raise horse mounts for their masters all their lives, and they lead the horses to fall, but they are never allowed to ride on horseback.

Moreover, the main family holds the power over their life and death, and has no status at all. Whether they can survive every day depends on the main family's mood.

"Who are you?"

The younger brother was exposed to the sky, but Qiu Batu calmed down. He could feel that the other party must have other plans for him and wanted to get something from him.

But the young man in front of him always had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"What do you want from me, you might as well say it, I will give you some of it, and if you don't, I can't give it to you even if you kill me."

For so many years, Qiu Batu has been hiding very well, and has never been seen through his true identity, but today he was planted. The big trick in the opponent's hand is enough to ruin his reputation and die without a place to bury him.

Once it gets out, it will be eaten alive by all of Kerhan's people, and even the bones of his severed relatives will be gone.

"Boss Qiu is serious, I don't want to threaten you." Jiang Yiduan took a sip from his teacup and shook his head slightly.

Qiu Batu sneered secretly, isn't this considered a threat?

Jiang Yi didn't care about the other party's expression, and continued: "On the contrary, I want to help Chief Qiu realize his dream."

Qiu Batu stared at the words, "Do you know what my dream is?"

"The world is rich, and as a Kerhan, he is a rich and aboveboard party!" After Jiang Yi finished speaking, he looked at the other party and asked, "I don't know if what I said is right?"

Qiu Batu was silent, this was indeed his ultimate dream, he didn't want to live with this false identity forever, but it wasn't all.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Jiang Yi continued: "This is one, as for the other... I think it can help you fulfill the promise you made to all the Kerhans!"

Hearing this, Qiu Batu's face was finally moved, but it was fleeting, and he asked, "I wonder what your Excellency wants?"

Jiang Yi smiled, turned his head and gave Fulong a look. Fulong took out a worn-out animal skin map from his arms and threw it on the round table.

Qiu Batu looked at the map and was a little confused, so he was very familiar with this map. It was the map of the entire Western Xinjiang, including more than half of the Xifan dynasty and part of the Baiyue and Dogshi dynasties.

Jiang Yi stood up, stared at the map for a while, raised his hand to point on the map: "I want this place!"

Qiu Batu was completely startled, and suddenly raised his head and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

Looking at the young man in front of him who looked more and more familiar, he thought of something, and exclaimed in surprise: "You are the master of Dali Wangqi!"

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