The more than 3000 Chiye soldiers who had closed their eyes and waited to die, all knelt down silently on the ground after hearing Jiang Yi's words.

The servant army, when encountering mountains and opening mountains, building bridges when encountering water, and charging forward when encountering enemies... To put it clearly: cannon fodder!

But they were willing, and many of them even knelt on the ground and twitched their shoulders lightly, especially Jiang Yi's words, "After all, I, the royal family of Dali, broke their vows first", made them feel sorry for each other.

Dali's military status is unique to the Moyu Pass in the western border, and it exists because of the ancestral motto of the Dali royal family that "the royal family guards the gate". It used to be a symbol of glory and a high status.

But since the Dali royal family abandoned the promise of "the royal family guarding the country", their military status has plummeted, and they have become as low as slaves.

Because in the final analysis, their glory rests on the Dali royal family in the western border of Yongzhen. Without the Dali royal family sitting here, they will lose their biggest backing.

Everyone in the world knew that the royal family of Dali had broken their ancestor's oath, but no one dared to say this sentence, and now, Jiang Yi said this sentence without any cover-up.

This sentence is enough, their ancestors have waited for countless generations... everything is worth it!

"I am willing! Thank you, my lord!"

The middle-aged general lowered his head and replied, and then he lowered his whole body deeply on the ground, and the more than 3000 red wild troops behind him also followed suit, lowering their upper body deeply on the ground.

Jiang Yi held the reins in his hand, looked up into the depths of the underground canyon, and said, "Behead the rest of the escapees!"

With a flat tone, after saying this sentence, he turned around and walked towards Taniguchi.

Compared with the windy and sandy sky outside, the underground canyon was better, but he didn't like it at all. He always felt too depressing and panicked.

As soon as Jiang Yi finished speaking, thousands of blood-clothed guards in scarlet battle suits galloped deep into the underground canyon. In this dark environment with complex terrain, it was most suitable for hunters like them cruising in the dark.

The Moyu Mountains traverse tens of thousands of kilometers from north to south. The mountains are steep and high. The top of the mountain is covered with thick snow all year round. Life is extinct and insurmountable. It is a natural barrier to the western border of the Dali Dynasty.

But it is strange to say that the top of Moyu Mountain is full of snow, but there is no water to drink. This has been an unsolved mystery since ancient times.

Moyuguan is located in the very center of the entire mountain range. It is built on a natural canyon, cutting off the entire Moyu mountain range.

At this time, the wind and sand in the entire Demon Realm had returned, and the visibility had dropped from hundreds of meters at noon to 200 meters.

A cavalry of thousands of people is galloping in the wind and sand all over the sky, and the direction is Moyu Pass.

After a while, the tall city wall of Moyu Pass was already visible, and thousands of cavalry stopped.

A hundred meters away from this cavalry, there is a transport team of more than a thousand people, which is slowly marching towards Moyuguan. They transported drinking water from the imperial capital of Dali.

In addition to this transportation team, there are dozens of transportation teams that are exactly like them in this dry land that spans thousands of kilometers, running around thousands of kilometers of transportation lines year after year and day after day .

"My lord, do you want to get rid of them?"

A hundred meters behind thousands of cavalry, Jiang Yi stood holding the reins, silently watching the transport team moving forward slowly, and Ding Ren next to him asked for instructions in a low voice.

Jiang Yi shook his head, thinking that these transport teams, who have been running around in the red and dry land all year round, have a slightly better status than military border residents, and they also have a bitter background.

"My lord, are they reliable? To be on the safe side, we might as well attack Moyu Pass directly!" Lin Yizhi, who was standing by his side, looked worriedly at the thousands of cavalry ahead, always a little uneasy.

"The loss is too great for us to bear." Jiang Yi did not agree.

Lin Yizhi didn't say anything more. They deduced countless times about how to quickly and unknowingly win the Demon Realm Pass before finally confirming the plan.

Taking the servant army composed of the Red Field Army as the vanguard, they fraudulently opened the gate of the Demon Realm, followed by tens of thousands of cavalry, entered the pass, and won the first pass in the world in one fell swoop.

But this plan is extremely dangerous. After all, Jiang Yi only has 8 to [-] people, while the entire Moyu Pass has hundreds of thousands of troops. It will be a fierce battle.

But after deduction and deduction, this plan has the highest success rate.

Moreover, compared with Moyuguan, in terms of high-end combat power, Jiang Yi's side has an absolute advantage. Fulong and his two old friends, Zhang Zhiyuan from Wudian and other martial arts sect experts, as well as Lin Yizhi, Tian Buyi, etc. Buzhu Yue, together with Dong Chengyang and other dozens of scholars who have just awakened Wenzong Dao.

As long as the decapitation can be completed with lightning speed, with Jiang Yi's royal status and the Dali Wang Banner beside him, the situation will be under control soon.

But I'm afraid there will be some price to pay, but at this time, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched. Before Dali Huangdu can react, he must win the Moyu Pass and gain a firm foothold.

Otherwise, this wild land is so big that there may be no place for Jiang Yi to stand.

"Oh, it's a pity that these transport teams can't enter the Demon Pass, otherwise the success rate of disguising as a transport team will be greater..." Ning Wuze regretted. For some reason, these logistics troops transporting water sources can only be outside the Demon Pass. After completing the handover of the water source, you can't get close to the Moyu Pass at all.

Jiang Yi also thought about doing some tricks on these drinking water sources, and then effortlessly those demon gates in the state of empty cities.

It's a pity that the ancestors of Dali have long considered this point. The containers for transporting water are all refined by special means, and they are in a state of unity before opening. Once they are unsealed halfway, they will be easily closed by the Demon Realm. If the defenders find anomalies, they will not succeed at all.

Jiang Yi even thought about cutting off the drinking water source of Moyuguan directly, but it won't last long. It will take a few days for Dali Huangdu to react, and they will also be in the same predicament of cutting off the water source.

Therefore, the only way is to quickly win the demon pass with lightning speed.

As long as he can win the Demon Pass, Jiang Yi will have a foothold. As for the problem of drinking water source after taking the Demon Pass, Jiang Yi already has a solution.

Looking down at the palm of his right hand, a miniature mountain was slowly floating, then Jiang Yiyou looked up at the looming Moyu Pass, shook his head slightly, and slowly closed his palm.

This mini-mountain can break through the Demon Pass, but it will also return to the protective formation of the entire pass. Without the protective formation, it is difficult to withstand the attack of foreign races on the border only by virtue of the dangerous terrain.

Next to him, Lin Yizhi, Tian Buyi and other arrogant soldiers all looked at Jiang Yi's palm in horror, full of disbelief.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yi glanced at the thousands of red wild troops in front of him, and said, "Start to act!"

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