The Dragon Gate Rivalry, this is today's Qiqi Hall, and it is also the highlight of the entire Duanwang Mansion.

Jiang Yi stopped talking after asking, and sat there quietly drinking tea.

Jiang Zhongchi, who was sitting at the bottom, kept winking at the youngest Jiang Zhongshu, but Jiang Zhongshu didn't seem to notice, and buried himself in arranging the books in his hands, seeming to cherish the book very much.

"Weeds on the wall!" Jiang Zhongchi, the second child, was annoyed in his heart, because things that had been discussed at first were now being played against the wind.

Then he turned his gaze to the pale-faced fifth child, but after seeing the other's evasive eyes, he couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Coward!"

As for the remaining fourth and seventh sons, they are low-status bastards, and they look down on them at all, so they naturally have no hope.

Then only the boss sitting opposite was left, but thinking of the other party's bad temper, he just gave up

Since they all flinched on the spot, they can only go into battle shirtless.The sixth younger brother's tyranny and impermanence in the past few years made him feel a little guilty, but thinking of that person's promise, he gritted his teeth secretly and said:

"Sixth brother, Longmen competition is related to the rise and fall of our Duanwang lineage, we must be cautious."

Jiang Yi nodded, and said, "What the second brother said is, I wonder if the second brother has any good countermeasures?"

"As far as I know, the Dragon Gate Competition was decided by the emperor's mother. Could it be that the sixth younger brother bumped into the emperor's grandmother? That's why..." Although he didn't finish the sentence, the meaning was very clear.

"Oh? What news did the second brother get? If it is really the reason why the younger brother ran into the imperial grandmother, then the younger brother will definitely apologize to the imperial grandmother." Jiang Yi sat up straight.

Seeing Jiang Yi's reaction, Jiang Zhongchi thought he was frightened, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, frowned and said, "It's not that there is no way to recover..."

"What way? Then how can we cancel the Dragon Gate Competition?"

Seeing that Jiang Yi took the initiative to ask, Jiang Zhongchi was very satisfied. After all, he had to do it by himself, so he subconsciously sat up straight and said:

"Although it is difficult to cancel the Dragon Gate Competition, it is not impossible. It is just that the sixth brother will be wronged..."

. "Second brother, just say, for the sake of Duan Wangfu's face, the younger brother's personal honor and disgrace are nothing!" Jiang Yi laughed.

"I took the initiative to write a letter asking myself to cut down the prince of the county and give up the position of the son. I believe that the emperor's grandmother will not be angry, and the Longmen competition can be cancelled."

After Jiang Zhongchi finished speaking, everyone in the Qiqi Hall had different expressions, except for Lao Qi who was only six or seven years old, the other brothers looked at Jiang Zhongchi with strange eyes.

An Daohui, who was sitting at the bottom, sighed secretly. My lord, my lord, everyone said that the tiger father has no dogs, so why...

"Then what? The second brother will be the heir of the palace?" Jiang Yi said with a smile.

"It's about the rise and fall of the Duan Palace, and I am duty-bound!" As if thinking of the future scene, Jiang Zhongchi was in high spirits for a while.

"Then I don't know if the second elder brother will be able to keep the family property of Prince Duan's Mansion after he becomes the eldest son? Many people are thinking about it."

Jiang Zhongchi seemed to have entered a state of excitement, and said disdainfully: "Don't worry about this, our loyal prince and uncle promised to help and deter those petty people."

"Hehe, I don't know how Prince Zhong and Uncle Zhong's deterrent method is?"

Perhaps because he noticed that Jiang Yi's tone was a little cold, except for the boss Jiang Zhongshan who was still calm, the other brothers all shrank their bodies into the grand master's chair in unison.

Jiang Zhongchi had already entered a certain state, and said: "Uncle Huang promised that Brother Jiang Shihuai will sit in Duanwang's Mansion, and even Uncle Huang will come over and sit in person in person when he has time."

Jiang Yi sighed secretly, saying that Lao Tzu is a hero, how could he give birth to such a wonderful thing.

Originally, Jiang Yi was worried that the second brother would come here with power and would be more difficult to deal with. After all, he could gather a group of warriors around him, but now it seems that Zhida is not talented and self-righteous, and it is not worth his energy to expend so much.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi stopped talking to the other party, and glanced at An Daohui, who was at the bottom, and said in a deep voice, "Director An!"

"The old slave is here."

"Father must have predicted the situation that Prince Duan's Mansion will face, so there must be some arrangements?"

An Daohui had the final choice this time, without any hesitation, he said: "Before the lord leaves, tell the old slave that all matters in the Duan Prince's mansion will be decided by the little lord!"

"And ask the old slave to hand over the bullfighting military order seal to the young prince."

"In addition, I also asked the old slave to bring a letter of his own hand!"

After speaking, he respectfully put the things in his hands on the table beside Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi didn't look at the seal, but picked up the secret letter, opened it and looked at it for himself, finished reading it after a while, and put the letter on the table casually.

Looking at An Daohui's gaze contained some kind of deep meaning, the other party really concealed something in the morning, this letter was not just for him, but for all the brothers.

Inside is King Duan's arrangement for the afterlife. The meaning is very clear, that is, to separate the family, and each son will take a share of the family property to set up his own family, and the Prince Duan's mansion has since disappeared.

But these family properties are only insignificant and a very small part, and most of them are given away for free to several big figures in the imperial capital,

Including the bullfighting cavalry that made the foreigners fearful, it was also given to the loyal prince Jiang Se.

In exchange for those big figures protecting the descendants of King Duan.

An Daohui was still standing there slightly bowed, beads of sweat had already begun to appear on his forehead, his deliberate concealment in the morning would probably anger the little prince, but he had to try hard to do what the prince had told him, so that he could be worthy of the prince for so many years The grace of cultivation.

Now it seems that it is difficult to carry out the prince's arrangement, but looking at Jiang Yi who is sitting there firmly, I also have some expectations in my heart.

If there is a better choice, I believe the prince will be happier.

"And that's all?"

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, An Daohui bowed and said, "The prince will tell this old slave."

"Okay, take Seventh Brother down to rest first."

Unknowingly, it was getting late, and only the six or seven-year-old Lao Qi was nodding his head like a sleepy bug, Jiang Yi said.

But looking at the other party's disheveled clothes and disheveled face, and the timid eyes of the two concubine brothers, Jiang Yi knew it was time to make some changes.

"Pass on the word, and in the future, anyone who detains the offerings from each room without authorization will be directly executed."

An Daohui responded, and took the sleepy-eyed Lao Qi down. Hearing Jiang Yi's words, the rest of the people had different expressions in their eyes.

.In the series of conversations just now, Jiang Zhongchi didn't feel that there was anything wrong. Hearing Jiang Yi's last words, he felt disdainful, but also a little dissatisfied. What he said just now was very clear, why he was still issuing orders beyond his authority, so he opened his mouth and said:

"If the sixth brother has no objection, the second brother will go and invite the emperor's uncle to be a witness, so as to plead with the emperor's grandmother to cancel the Longmen competition in January."

"Brother, what do you think?" Jiang Yi looked down at Jiang Zhongshan on the other side of his head, and the other party remained silent from the beginning to the end.

Jiang Zhongshan glanced at Jiang Yi in surprise, curious why he suddenly asked him, you must know that in the past two years, they looked down on these bastards the most, and it was not the third child who oppressed them the most, but the extremely tyrannical sixth child.

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