I really became a prince

Chapter 296 Sumeru Mansion and the Feasibility of "Taking" the Lord of the Yin Mountain

This scene was like being there, and Jiang Yi fell into it.

But after the light and shadow broke through the sky, the scene came to an abrupt end, and Jiang Yi returned to his own landscape and martial arts, and everything was like a dream.

I touched my heart, and there were bursts of colic, this is the kind of pain that is connected with flesh and blood and unforgettable.

Jiang Yi felt wet at the corners of his eyes and face, and reached out to touch it, but there were tears in his hand.

Looking down at the Sumeru Mansion in his palm, Jiang Yi's expression was inexplicable. What is hidden in this Sumeru Mansion? Is the suffering of human beings really as miserable as in the picture?

Who is the fetus in the woman's womb, that is, the son of the human race?

Is it the self before time travel?Or Jiang Zhongbao?Or is it the mountain village boy whose doves occupy the magpie's nest?But no matter which one it is, in the end it became who it is now.

If the human race is not established, it will suffer from reincarnation forever?But why bother now?Or is this a sign of the future, if you don't establish a human race, you will lose everything you have?

Also, why do you say the suffering of reincarnation?Is it possible that this world really has the Avenue of Longevity?

Jiang Yi clenched his fist vigorously. If there is a way of longevity, he must become one of them!

As for human beings as slaves forever... Jiang Yi's eyes were serious, these four words were basically a true portrayal of human beings in the wilderness, being servants and slaves, and being driven by others.

But it doesn't work with Jiang Yi, he won't accept it!

Regarding re-establishing the human race, Jiang Yi smiled, he had never had such a big ambition before, he just wanted to let himself live in peace and stability.

But in the emperor's house, and just as the sect outside the world is trying to cholera the secular world, he really has no other choice, he must firmly hold on to the power in his hands, and let the power grow step by step.

One day, when it is so big that no one or any force can shake it, Jiang Yi will really feel at ease.

As for the matter of re-establishing the human race, Jiang Yi shook his head lightly, it was still too far away, at least he was far from having the strength now.Maybe on a certain day, when the real power is overwhelming, whether he wants to or not, he will have to face this choice.

"The top priority is to strengthen your own strength as soon as possible!"

Jiang Yi murmured to himself in a low voice, and then turned his gaze to the entire landscape and martial realm. He was very satisfied with his trip to the Yin Mountains.

Although the monk of the Spirit Race called the Shanshui Martial Realm the Supernatural Realm, Jiang Yi still preferred the name Shanshui Martial Realm.

The changes in the mountains, rivers and martial arts are earth-shaking. Originally, there was only the tall and straight mountain in the middle of Qianyun Lake, standing alone in the middle of the lake.

And now there is a Heiyu Mountain on Qianyun Lake, and there is also a camp with heaven and earth inside, and on the central mountain peak, there is also a canopy tree, and the green flame that swayed its hooves in the landscape and martial arts from time to time. .

Every thing that is extra in this landscape and martial arts, if you take it out, it will set off a bloodbath.

Jiang Yi lowered his head to look at Xumi Mansion in the palm of his hand, then glanced at the entire landscape martial arts realm again, and finally fixed his eyes on the mountainside in the middle of the mountain.

There is an open space there, facing the sea and facing the cliff, and it is also the place where Jiang Yi stays the most in the mountains and waters.

Because there is a canopy treasure tree, a lotus platform soul fire, and a golden villain sitting there, it can be said to be the central core of the entire landscape and martial arts.

"It's there!"

Jiang Yi made up his mind, threw his hand away, and the Sumeru Mansion in his palm flew straight to the mountain peak, and landed on the mountainside with a "boom", turning into a mansion.

The layout of the entire mansion is the same as a courtyard house, but it is still very small, just a courtyard.

The moment Xumi Mansion settled in Shanshui Wujing, a huge head appeared in Qianyun Lake, it was a snapping turtle. into the bottom of the lake.

Jiang Yi had a vague feeling that after the appearance of Xumi Mansion, the entire landscape and martial arts realm suddenly became much more stable.

Before, because I collected too many things to this landscape and martial arts realm, although everything was as usual, there was always a feeling of competition among treasures. The Huagai Treasure Tree, the Black Prison Mountain, the Lotus Terrace Soul Fire, and the Thousand Clouds Water Mansion seemed to be incompatible with each other. In a kind of struggle, although there are villains sitting in the town, there is still some disharmony.

But now with the Sumeru Mansion, the entire landscape and martial arts realm seems to have its own backbone, and all the treasures are faintly centered on the Sumeru Mansion.

Shaking his head, to get rid of this absurd feeling, Jiang Yi stepped to the front of the courtyard.

The entire courtyard almost occupied the entire open space on the mountainside, leaving only a small open space in front of the gate.After going out of the gate, a dozen or so steps forward is the cliff, and under the pressure of the mountain is the entire Qianyun Lake, facing Heiyu Mountain and Yingpan across the water.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the courtyard in front of him, Jiang Yi smiled wryly and shook his head. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't have the style of the courtyard in the capital of the previous life, but gives people the feeling of a small courtyard in the mountains.

The gate is not as imposing as imagined, but two plain gray wooden doors, less than three meters high and less than two meters wide, really like the gate of a small courtyard in the mountains, without even a buckle, let alone a Talk about town house stone lions and stone unicorns.

Jiang Yi secretly sighed, and stepped up the steps.Looking at the uneven bluestone steps under his feet, Jiang Yi finally found some comfort. At least the surface of the bluestone steps is bumpy, but smooth, giving people a clean and neat feeling, which is very comfortable to look at.

When Jiang Yi walked to the wooden door, the wooden door opened automatically, and he realized that even the most basic threshold was not matched.

Jiang Yi walked into the courtyard and looked around. Compared with the courtyard house imprinted in his mind, it was really simple.

A few main rooms, a few side rooms, and a south room, this is the whole mansion, there is not even a corridor or a pavilion.

However, Jiang Yi is very satisfied with the layout of the courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is a tree with a canopy as full as an umbrella, covering half of the courtyard. It is the precious tree of canopy.

Under the precious tree, there is a pond with a pool of water. A red lotus with nine petals leaps out of the water. On the lotus platform in the middle of the red lotus, a little golden figure sits cross-legged.

There is also the iron furnace, as well as the Lotus Terrace Soul Fire and the Luofu Cave Heaven Seal that is still being refined...

It is like moving everything on the mountainside platform into this small courtyard, only the waterfall that flows down the mountain falls straight down outside the courtyard wall of the courtyard, connecting with the pool from the ground.

Jiang Yi walked around all the rooms, including the main room and the side room, and found that there were no decorations in them, so he could only add to them slowly in the future.

He remembered the set of seats that he had made in the Xumi tent in Boshidang before entering the Yinshan Realm. I am afraid that only such treasures can enter the threshold of the Sumeru Mansion.

After strolling around, Jiang Yi walked out of the courtyard, and sat down on the bluestone steps in front of the door like a farmer in the mountains.

Up to now, he hasn't figured out the real function of Xumi Mansion, but he finally knows the relationship between this Sumeru Mansion and the Yinshan Realm.

After owning the Sumeru Mansion, he himself can freely enter and leave the Yin Mountain Realm without any restrictions.But other people still need to hold the Yinshan Secret Order.

As for whether there is a time limit, I am afraid that we can only know when the Yinshan Secret Order is fully grown.

Looking back, Jiang Yi looked through the open wooden door and looked at the canopy tree in the yard. The ripe color of the green fruit on it seemed to be more obvious.

"Huh?" Jiang Yi gasped in surprise, because he found that he could see the number of green fruits on the treasure tree clearly.

Before that, it seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, and it was only possible to vaguely see that there were about a dozen blue fruits, and the exact number, but it was impossible to count the number, but now, the number can be seen at a glance.

"There are eighteen pieces..." Jiang Yi counted, secretly excited.

Because the cyan fruit is related to the number of people who can enter the Yinshan secret realm, now there are 18 cyan fruits, which means that when they are ripe, there will be [-] Yinshan secret orders, which means that [-] people can enter the Yinshan realm.

But this is not the reason for Jiang Yi's excitement, because in addition to these [-] Yinshan secret order names, he will also get [-] places to enter and exit the Yinshan world.

Holding the Yinshan secret order is one way, and the number of green fruits is the second way, and there are 36 places in this turn.

Moreover, the second path is obviously much more precious than the first path, because the 18 people who rely on this path can enter and exit the Yinshan Realm at will without any time or number of restrictions.

Of course, the premise is to obtain Jiang Yi's permission. Without the permission of Jiang Yi, the owner of Xumi Mansion, the second way will not work at all.

Jiang Yi waved his hand and looked at the door plaque above the wooden door above his head. It was a wordless door plaque, as if he was waiting for the owner to name the mansion.

Jiang Yi thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of a good name to use, so he could only put the matter aside for the time being, and it won't be too late to name it when he has a suitable name in the future.

This is the only information that Jiang Yi can know about Xumifu.

As for how to be promoted to Chengshan Mansion, and what it has to do with that immersive scene, they don't know anything.Jiang Yi speculated that it might be because Xumi Mansion's current level is too low. When it is promoted in the future, its other powers should be revealed.

"It's no wonder that the foreign races outside the wilderness and the Lord of the Yin Mountain Mountain want to get the Sumeru Mansion so much. Just being able to freely enter and leave the Yin Mountain Realm is a big temptation."

Jiang Yi didn't know about the world outside the wilderness, but compared to the wilderness continent, the Yinshan Realm is definitely a treasure.

Of course, it is also dangerously dense.Including the gathering points of human beings in this Yinshan world, they are basically chosen in relatively safe but barren places.

After all, unless there is a targeted purpose, the foreign races in the wilderness will not easily set foot in these barren lands.

With Xumi Mansion, Jiang Yi can freely go in and out of the Yin Mountain Realm. He doesn't know much about the south of the Dark Canyon, but in the north of the Dark Canyon, it is definitely a land of treasures and treasures, and it is still untouched by foreigners. Treasure land.

As for why there are no alien races from outside the wilderness, Jiang Yi speculates that it may be because the wilderness continent is the ancestral land of human beings.

Since it is the ancestral land, no matter how it declines, but the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, it must have some heritage.And the area under the dark canyon should be one of the foundations of the ancestral land of mankind.

It is also the last good fortune left by the ancestral land of mankind.

This is probably also one of the reasons why the foreign bodies outside the wilderness tried their best to set foot on the wild land, because they are greedy for the ancestral land of human beings, the last place of good fortune.

Then Jiang Yi thought of the Lord of the Yin Mountain, the beautiful woman of the Ming dynasty.

The identity of the other party is really shocking, it turned out to be the spirit race among the alien races in the wilderness.

Sitting on the bluestone steps, looking at Heiyu Mountain and Yingpan on the opposite side of the cliff, Jiang Yi tapped his knee with his right hand fingers, his expression changing.

"It's best to get rid of the Lord of the Yin Mountain as soon as possible!"

This is the best choice, it directly and completely cuts off the tentacles of the Spirit Race into the wild continent, but it is also the most difficult.

The Lord of Yinshan Mountain has been deeply rooted in the sect outside the world over the years, and he has a powerful influence on Yinshan Mountain, a blessed place of heaven and earth, which cannot be shaken by the current Jiang Yi.

"Or announce the identity of the other party?"

Jiang Yi shook his head. Although this method is feasible, it will put himself in danger.If you really want to announce this matter, you can't rely on rumors, you must have a stone hammer.

And Jiang Yi is the best stone hammer. With his status, as long as he stands up and publicly announces the other party's true identity, although not everyone will believe it, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of certain powerful forces, and even secretly investigate .

Moreover, the Lord of Yinshan Mountain will be suspected by others because of this, and even in the sect outside the world, he will no longer have such a great reputation as before.

But Jiang Yi himself is in danger, and if he fails, he will completely anger the Lord of Yinshan Mountain, and then use any means to deal with him.

Jiang Yi is very afraid of death. At present, it can only be said that he is getting more and more wings, but it is far from reaching the level of blatantly challenging the Lord of Yinshan Mountain.The most important thing is that once the mainstream of Yinshan Mountain reveals his murderous intentions, many people will immediately provide convenience secretly.

After all, there are too many people who wish Jiang Yi to die, and they wish that Lord Yinshan would be the vanguard, and they will secretly contribute to the flames.

Therefore, Jiang Yi would not choose to disclose the other party's identity until he had the absolute power to protect himself.The most important thing is that the Lord of the Yin Mountain seems to be unable to send any information items to the Lingzu, which also gives Jiang Yi enough time to prepare for development.

What's more, although the owner of Yinshan Mountain also has killing intent towards Jiang Yi, the killing intent doesn't seem to be very strong, but there is an inexplicable appreciation for it.

"You can't kill the other party, and you can't reveal the other party's identity for the time being, so what should you do?" Jiang Yi's fingertips twitched more frequently, "Then subdue the other party?"

The question is how to subdue it?Jiang Yi felt that it was very difficult.

But then he remembered a sentence his grandfather Mo Qiuxian said to him when he knew the identity of the owner of Yinshan Mountain.

When the monks of the Spirit Tribe were talking there, Jiang Yi and Mo Qiuxian had a few brief voice transmissions, asking him how to deal with the Lord of the Yin Mountain, which meant to let them clean up the sect themselves.

Mo Qiuxian disagreed, and he should also know that the difficulty is too great and the feasibility is too low, and then he gave Jiang Yi a meaningful look, meaning that this matter still depends on you, and said a word through voice transmission: "You Go to bed with her!"

If it wasn't for the spiritual monk who was staring at him, Jiang Yi would be dumbfounded and ask back on the spot: I'm your grandson-in-law, is it really okay for you to openly encourage me like a pimp?

But now thinking of this sentence, and thinking of the beautiful face of the Lord of the Yin Mountain, I can't help but feel a little hot. Fortunately, the other party doesn't look like that spiritual monk. Although there will be a sense of taboo, but In short, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

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