I really became a prince

Chapter 278 The Identity of the Lord of the Yin Mountain

Four-legged meat worm, these four words are full of contempt, and also imply a kind of humiliation.

Jiang Yi has always been proud of being a human being.

Although he is not a firm supporter of human supremacy, he will not tolerate human beings being "born as slaves" anyway!

But he knows that now is not the time to do it, and he needs to wait.

At the same time, he also knew that if he continued to ask this topic, the other party would not reveal any more information. He thought of the reason for the leak of the other party's breath in the first place.

Then he changed the subject and said, "Are you from the south of the Dark Canyon?"

The alien spirits didn't seem to be in a hurry to launch the final decisive battle, and were thinking about how to delay the time, when they suddenly heard Jiang Yi's words, narrowed their eyes, and said

"You actually know that the canyon is called the Dark Canyon, and you have a map of the Yinshan Realm on your body?"

The other party called this place the Yinshan Realm, not the Yinshan Secret Realm!Jiang Yi knew that his previous guess might be right, this is indeed a real world bigger than Manghuang Continent.

"No, the map of the Yinshan Realm is on that Fenglei Daojun. He was chased by me and fled into that canyon. I heard about the Dark Canyon from him."

The map of Yinshan Realm has too much to do with it. As long as the identity of Lord Fenglei Dao is not revealed, Jiang Yi will never reveal this information to himself.

"You should be thankful that there is a gloomy canyon blocking the north and south, otherwise, Manghuang Continent would have fallen long ago."

Although the alien spirit didn't say it clearly, his words were equivalent to tacitly acquiescing Jiang Yi's guess.

Jiang Yi couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he had obtained the map. If it really fell into the hands of Li Yuan of the Baiyue Dynasty, it would be handed down to foreigners in some way.

Although the foreign races outside the wilderness could not show up in the wilderness continent, since the other party could secretly control the four border dynasties, there must be some kind of concealed means of communication.

At that time, the natural danger of the dark canyon will no longer exist, and the foreigners from the southern wilderness of the canyon will probably swarm in. Once they get the secret order of the Yin Mountain from the practitioners of the wild wasteland, the wild wasteland will really be destroyed. Difficulty is imminent.

From this point of view, Huo Si of the Baiyue Dynasty has done a great job.

"There are many wilderness races in the south of the canyon?" Mo Qiuxian interjected.

The spiritual monk took a look at Mo Qiuxian and said, "The Outer World is beyond your imagination, and the humans in your Manghuang Continent can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean!"

"Then what is the status of your spirit race in the wild world?"

Hearing Jiang Yi's question, an embarrassing expression flashed across the face of the spiritual monk, and then he said arrogantly, "Naturally, it is far from what you humans can compare. At least we have our own mountain mansion in this Yinshan world..."

Here, the counselor seemed to realize that he had revealed too much, so he immediately shut up.

Shanfu?Jiang Yi chewed these two words secretly, knowing that he had received another important news. In this Yinshan world, for any race, the mountain mansion should be a sign of strength.

Then he thought of the Sumeru Mansion he had obtained. He had carefully studied it several times, but he had nothing.

Sumeru Mansion is a mini palm mansion. Jiang Yi tried to make it bigger, but there was no response at all.Now, to him, Sumeru Mansion is an exquisite handicraft, useless.

Even he couldn't figure out why the sect outside the world attached so much importance to Sumeru Mansion, and even claimed that with it, they could freely enter and exit the secret realm of Yinshan Mountain, which was simply a decoration.

After weighing it up, Jiang Yi decided to inquire about the Sumeru Mansion's information from the spiritual monk in front of him, but considering the need to hide the identity of Lord Fenglei Dao, he decided to

"The key to Shanfu is Xumifu, right?"

Perhaps the spiritual monks believed that the decisive battle in the near future would be the final victor, or they did not deny it but acquiesced in order to delay the time, but they were still a little surprised and said

"You actually know the Sumeru Mansion! The Sumeru Mansion was really born?"

Jiang Yi nodded and said, "That's right, Lord Fenglei Dao not only got the map of the Yinshan Realm, but also got the Sumeru Mansion..."

"What! The Sumeru Mansion fell into the hands of outsiders?" Hearing the words "Sumeru Mansion", the foreign spirit man blurted out without any thought.

"That's right. Although the Lord of the Yin Mountain had a meticulous layout, he was still taken advantage of in the end." After Jiang Yi finished speaking, he stared at the other party intently or unintentionally.

"Waste material is really waste wood! This thing can't be done well!" The monks of the Spirit Race seemed to resent the Lord of Yinshan Mountain very much, even a little contemptuous.

"So the Lord of Yinshan Mountain is a spiritual monk..." Jiang Yi heard something from the other party.

Mo Qiuxian on the side was also surprised, the owner of Yinshan Mountain turned out to be a foreign race?This is a big trouble, because these years, with the acquiescence of the sects outside the Middle Earth, the other party already has a great background, which is a danger of raising a tiger!

"It's okay to tell you, she is indeed a cultivator of our Spirit Race, but when she was born, there was an atavism phenomenon, her limbs were healthy, she was a failure!"

Failure?People with healthy limbs turned out to be failures!

Jiang Yi also understood that this spirit race should have been human before, but after awakening a certain talent, they evolved and shed their hands and feet, becoming the human stick in front of them.

Originally born to be human, but now he disdains to be human!That's why they rejected the Yinshan Mountain Lord who showed atavism so much.

"Oh, it's a pity. It took a lot of money to send her to the Manghuang Continent, but nothing was done. So many precious resources were wasted..."

Jiang Yi glanced at Mo Qiuxian, who was dazed beside him, and sneered secretly, thinking that this is what your worldly sect did. It was to connive a foreign enemy into a strong man with great background.

I was also secretly glad that neither the map of the Yinshan Realm nor the Sumeru Mansion fell into the hands of the owner of the Yinshan Mountain, otherwise the alien race from the wilderness would have come to the wilderness.

With the current strength of Manghuang Continent, I am afraid that he will really be reduced to a "four-legged worm". If it really happens by then, life will be worse than death.

Seeing that the spiritual monk no longer talked about the Lord of the Yin Mountain, Jiang Yi sensed the landscape and martial arts, and knew that he had to delay for a while, and there was still a final step left, so he asked another question

"In the wilderness world, can I practice immortality and martial arts at the same time?"

The spiritual monk looked at Jiang Yi and Mo Qiuxian's completely different cultivation aura, shook his head, and sneered, "It's really pitiful. Who can believe that the human beings who once struggled in the two realms of immortality and martial arts have fallen to the point where they can only do nothing?" Only cultivating one kind is really exhausting..."

Jiang Yi didn't care about the other party's sarcasm, on the contrary, his heart suddenly became agitated.

He got the information he wanted, and from the words of the other party, he could know that in ancient times, human beings followed the path of both celestial and martial arts, and they were famous!

Since humans in ancient times were able to do it, Jiang Yi is confident in recreating the Dao of Immortal Martial Arts in the Manghuang Continent!

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