I really became a prince

Chapter 276 The Evolution of "Brutal"

But now is not the time to think about these things. Now that the trace of the other party has been found, the goal has been achieved.

"Not yet?"

Jiang Yi said something in the air in a certain direction, but seeing no response, he shook his head and said

"Don't you understand that this is my world, and I am the ruler!"

After speaking, there was no movement, and the originally silent midair was suddenly covered with dark clouds, forming a flashing purple thundercloud.

Then a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket struck down in the air, and landed somewhere in Qianyun Lake.

A figure suddenly appeared and quickly avoided Luo Lei.

"Hey, it's a pity that a good skin is ruined like this... But your skin seems to be more suitable for me."

The disappearing mysterious alien strongman was finally forced to show up by Jiang Yi. He stood quietly under the thunder cloud, as if he didn't care much about the thunder above his head.

Neither Jiang Yi nor Mo Qiuxian made a sound, they just quietly looked at the figure not far away, seemingly shocked.

"What is this?" Mo Qiuxian asked with staring eyes. Although he had never seen the legendary wild species, this one really overturned his cognition.

Jiang Yi didn't answer right away, but just silently looked at the so-called "foreign species", and after a while, squeezed out two words "human stick!"

These two words are the only words that Jiang Yi can think of to describe the other party at the moment. Mo Qiuxian slammed his mouth. It was the first time he heard these two words, but he understood the meaning without explaining them. very apt.

The appearance of the face of this wild species is basically the same as that of humans, with two eyes, a nose and a mouth, and the same hair, but the two ears are a bit bigger, and the flapping is a bit like pig ears.

Except for a pair of pig ears, the facial features are very delicate, as delicate as a doll. If this face of the other party is placed in the 21st century of the previous life, it will definitely cause countless screams.

With this appearance alone, she can flourish in the circle, killing all men and women!

But under the head, Jiang Yi panicked a little.

No hands or feet, just like nesting dolls.

But in Jiang Yi's eyes, there is no exquisite matryoshka, only a kind of visual shock that makes the scalp tingle.

Seeing the other party's head and neck, there was a bare cylindrical body. Jiang Yi once guessed whether the other party had suffered some disaster and lost his hands and feet.

But the other party's body was as smooth as ever, without any trace of scars, it was obviously born like this.

"Hehe, very good, you actually forced me to show my real body." The other party was very confident in his words, as if he was not worried about the current situation at all.

"What kind of ghost body is this? It's better to wear that skin." Mo Qiuxian muttered.

As if they had received some great insult, the wilderness species turned cold, and then sneered, "What do you lowly four-legged worms know, our body is the most noble."

"You were born without hands and feet? Nothing in your whole body?" Jiang Yi was not in a hurry at this time, anyway, in his own landscape and martial arts environment, his desire for novelty was unprecedentedly strong.

"Why do you need hands and feet? It's just a burden..." The other party didn't seem to be in a hurry.

useless?Is it a burden?Jiang Yi looked down at his hands, feet, and other important objects, and couldn't help but slammed his mouth, as if talking to himself, or answering the other party

"It's useful, it's very useful, how can it be a burden, it's fun..."

The other party seemed to be interested in the discussion, quietly suspended above Qianyun Lake, and said, "Our ancestors used to look similar to yours, but later found that these limbs and other parts are really useless, a waste of limited physical strength. Afterwards, it slowly evolved, shed the cumbersome parts such as hands and feet, and directly evolved into the perfect body it is now."

Is it the result of evolution?

Jiang Yi and Mo Qiuxian looked at each other with serious eyes.

Since it is the result of evolution, it means that for them, such objects as hands and feet are really useless.This also means that the opponent must have a talent that can replace the faded parts such as hands and feet.

This kind of talent is definitely not simple, maybe it is the opponent's biggest hole card.

Mo Qiuxian seemed to have forgotten the hostile stance of the two sides, and instead ignited a raging fire of gossip, asking, "Without hands and feet, how do you usually hold things?"

"Take things? It's very simple." There was a "charming" smile on the other party's face, but there was no movement, not even an eye movement, and a large ball of water rose from the Qianyun Lake under his feet.

Round and round, as if contained in some container, it slowly floated to the other party's eyes.Then, the fist-sized water droplets suddenly split into hundreds of small water droplets, the size and shape of which did not repeat at all.

Then these hundreds of drops of water gathered together again, changing various shapes, just like juggling, changing hundreds of items.

Flowers and trees, birds and animals, and even pots and pans, everything is lifelike, like a work of art.

Jiang Yi and Mo Qiuxian watched silently, with turbulent waves in their hearts. This is the so-called "whatever you want"?

If you didn't guess wrong, it should be what the other party imagined, and what the water drop turned into.

"Is this mind power?" Jiang Yi said.

"Mindpower?" The mysterious species repeated, nodded and smiled, "That's a good way to say it, but it's our racial talent. If you want to do anything, just think about it, for example..."

Speaking of this, the other party smiled strangely, and the water drop in front of him suddenly turned into a water sword, attacking Jiang Yi directly.

Although it is made of water, it carries an overwhelming killing intent, not weaker than a divine weapon.

Jiang Yi didn't move at all, as if he didn't see the water sword, and even stopped Mo Qiuxian who was about to make a move.Seeing this, Mo Qiuxian stopped moving, wanting to see how Jiang Yi resolved it.

But Jiang Yi stood there motionless from beginning to end, but when the water sword suddenly shattered in front of his eyes, it turned into endless mist and returned to Qianyun Lake.

Mo Qiuxian vaguely understood something, the eyes of the mysterious species were bright, and he said with a smile, "Sure enough, it's the realm of supernatural powers, Your Excellency is so lucky!"

Jiang Yi smiled and didn't say anything. Everything in Shanshuiwu belongs to him. Even if the other party can control it, he can't hurt him.

Mo Qiuxian's fire of gossip still hasn't dissipated, and he asked curiously, "You're so bald, how did you do that?"

For this sentence, not only the mysterious species, but also Jiang Yi was a little unresponsive. What is that?

Mo Qiuxian glanced at Jiang Yi, faintly felt that it was a bit disrespectful to ask this question, but he was really curious, and explained, "It's just to have a baby, how do you have a baby?"

Jiang Yi pricked up his ears. He has been curious about this question for a long time. How ruthless it is. Even that part has not evolved. Could it be the legendary spiritual communication?

That's so boring, it's like playing a movie in your head, it doesn't quench your thirst...

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