Jiang Yi felt that the time was almost up, so he took his mount "Green Flame" into the Landscape Martial Arts Realm.

As soon as the green flame disappeared, the Flying Pig who had been wandering around and coveted the green flame stopped doing it immediately, whimpering and whining non-stop.

It wasn't until Jiang Yi slapped him with a sky ruler that he calmed down, and turned to "intimately" circle around him, the intention to please him was very obvious.

Looking at the Flying Pig who was gently arching his shoe with its pig's nose, Jiang Yi understood that the other party wanted him to decide to betroth Green Flame to it, and he couldn't help feeling absurd in his heart.

He will never do this matchmaker, because he also feels that this pig is not good enough for Lu Yan, how can he mess up the mandarin duck.

Of course, this attitude cannot be shown, and now it is still counting on this pig to contribute.

Facing Feizhu who was humming and humming to please him, Jiang Yi gave the other party a look of "you understand", and was so happy that Feizhu kicked around happily, almost rolling in the mud puddle.

Regardless of the Flying Pig who was entertaining himself, Jiang Yi took off the mask on his face, and regained his status as the king of Daliyi County after more than two months.

"Finally, I can vent well."

In the past two months, he was really aggrieved. He had never been hunted down by people all over the world.

Moreover, after more than two months of probing by Mr. Fenglei Dao, he has a general understanding of the strength of the disciples of Moen's Secret Biography of Shiwaizong, and it is not as powerful and invincible as rumors from the outside world.

Lord Fenglei Dao can kill a secret disciple, and the identity of the body with many cards is naturally not to mention.

Besides, a group of more than a dozen people who chased Fenglei Daojun and Jiang Yi all the way arrived outside the dark canyon not long after.

Among the dozen or so people, the leaders were two secret disciples from the Worldwide Sect.In fact, it can't be said to be the leader, because the several foreign races accompanying them didn't show any intention of obeying.

Aloofness and a sense of killing intent were on the faces of the few people.

After all, the border aliens and Middle-earth have been fighting each other for many years, and they have already become sworn enemies.

This time, if the Lord of Yinshan Mountain hadn't come forward to suppress him personally, I'm afraid the two sides would have fought together long ago.

Although in terms of cultivation, these alien warriors are not as good as the secret disciples, but they are worse than the number of people, so they don't have much fear of the secret disciples of the middle earth.

In the past, every time the Yinshan secret realm was opened, the two sides basically fought continuously, but this time it was an accident.

"It's difficult now, they actually entered the dark canyon." One of the secret disciples frowned.

Another esoteric disciple showed a ruthless look on his face, and said in a hateful tone: "Fenglei Daojun is fine, after all, he has a map of the secret realm, but Jiang Yi actually chased him in, it's incredible!"

When Jiang Yi's name was mentioned, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth, not hiding his hatred at all.

Another esoteric disciple from the seven sects and eight sects glanced at him indifferently, feeling a little disapproving in his heart. The Bailing Ye family was indeed a bit overblown.

Relying on Ye Xinmei's dual identity as the queen of Dali and the holy land of the sect, she is extremely arrogant and domineering. Not only are the children in the clan spreading branches and leaves in the secular world, they even want to bloom in the sects outside the world.

Not to mention the other small sects, just the two holy places and the seven sects and eight sects, basically there are children of the Boling Ye family. The hands are indeed stretched too long, which has already caused dissatisfaction among many monks outside the world.

However, the other party has also suffered heavy losses in the past few years. Only the children of Tianjiao were beheaded by Jiang Yi, the king of Daliyi County, to kill Ye Zichen and Ye Feng's uncle and nephew one after another.

Even their biggest backer, Empress Ye Xinmei, was severely injured by Jiang Yi.Of course, this also made the layout of the world sect over the years to be full of holes.

"Wait here. The Lord of the Mountain has already summoned Chang Xiangdao and other secret disciples of the Miaosheng Sect. I believe they will come soon." The secret disciple said.

The dozen or so people present were all silent, obviously agreeing with each other's opinions. This is a dark canyon known as the maze of the tomb, and the inside is completely darkened. You can only vaguely see the surrounding area for more than ten meters.

The most important thing is that there are so many strange beings inside. Once they go astray, they will die without a whole body. None of them want to take risks.

"But it's not an option to wait like this, or let's join forces and set up a siege formation at the entrance of the canyon?" The secret disciple said again.

"Set up an formation at the entrance of the Dark Canyon? You can figure it out, don't you know that there are no hundreds of formations near the entrance of the Dark Canyon?" Ye Hui said.

The esoteric disciple felt a little unhappy, this is the reason why the Boling Ye family has a very bad reputation in the sect outside the world, they have always been arrogant and arrogant, and they don't know what humility is.

What's even more ridiculous is that there is a rumor circulating in the Shiwai sect that a certain descendant of the Ye family once got drunk, and once said that the Dali dynasty would become the Bailing Ye family in the future.

Regardless of whether this matter is feasible or not, but on the premise that the horoscope has not yet been written, daring to speak in public like this shows the arrogance of the other party.

"Since we can't set up an array, we need to go forward and guard the entrance, otherwise, if the opponent suddenly comes out, it is very likely to escape again."

Hearing the words of the secret disciple, none of the dozen or so people present made a sound, and the whole scene fell into an eerie silence.

Including Ye Hui from the Bailing Ye family, just kidding, everyone present knows that the Dark Canyon must not be approached easily, even if it is close to the entrance.

Because when a secret realm was opened, a secret disciple of the Sixth Mirror was pulled in by a vine that appeared out of thin air because he was too close to the entrance of the canyon.

Since then, no one is alive, no one is dead.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the esoteric disciple didn't speak, but just quietly waited aside.

"Doesn't your worldly sect have a special token? There must be a strong man from the upper three realms coming in, why don't you come and kill Jiang Yi?" A foreign martial artist from the frontier said.

Ye Hui asked directly: "Don't you foreign races in the border also have a special token? Oh... sorry, I forgot, that token is no longer in your hands, and now it may be in the hands of Lord Fenglei Saber."

As soon as this remark came out, all the foreign races on the border immediately glared at each other.

The special token of the Baiyue Dynasty was the only special token of their border alien race, but it is also lost now.

The esoteric disciple who spoke before secretly smiled wryly in his heart. People from the Ye family in Bailing are really weird sometimes. What did you mean by what Ye Hui said just now?Isn't this just pulling hatred for yourself?

On the other hand, Yuan Chang said: "The two seniors with special tokens are doing a big event this time, and they can't get away."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden burst of fierce fighting atmosphere in the dark canyon, and there was one that they were very familiar with, and it belonged to Lord Fenglei Saber.

As for the other stock, it must belong to Jiang Yi, king of Daliyi County.

"Haha, what a Fenglei Saber Lord, actually hiding in the dark and making a sneak attack... I won't play with you anymore, so I leave!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, the king of Daliyi County is coming out!

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