At this moment, Liu Bowen next to him couldn't help but sneered and said, "Don't forget that I'm still there~! I'm not your brother anymore?" Zhu Yuanzhang slapped his head and said, "Yes, how can we forget about this matter?" Now..." Bai Haonan said with some embarrassment: "Yes, there is our Liu Bowen~!" Tang Wangshan couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Yes, I almost forgot the youngest one." Liu Bowen smiled, and continued: " Don't panic too much now, although Chen Youliang has become a great trend. But he has a fatal weakness - that is, he is used to underestimating the enemy. I have actually planned it. For the situation that his army has a large number of people, we'd better just Let's fight against his navy, and before that, let's shell Brother Zhu's golden silkworm. Completely free yourself from this passive situation. Only when Brother Zhu really escapes Chen Youliang's pursuit, can we proceed to the next step." Bai Haonan was a little confused: "Then you want me to make a sacrifice?" Liu Bowen shook his head involuntarily and said, "That person must be similar to Brother Zhu in terms of height and appearance. Obviously you can't." Tang Wangshan looked at Liu Bowen and said: " I'm afraid I can't, so who do you arrange?" Liu Bowen said with a smile: "Do you still remember Xu Da? His figure is similar to that of Brother Zhu, and he is seriously ill now, so he is a perfect candidate Candidate." Zhu Yuanzhang stared straight at Liu Bowen and said, "Then there is no one else but him?" Liu Bowen shook his head and said, "He is the best choice, because his old man has already started to fail." Zhu Yuanzhang said with an ugly face : "But he is the only general I got from Mr. Deng, I..." Liu Bowen couldn't help but said helplessly: "Old Xu's only wish now is to watch your fourth son be born. You should spend more time with him if you have time." Your wife~!" Zhu Yuanzhang sighed helplessly.Bai Haonan suddenly reminded Zhu Yuanzhang: "Hey, Xiao Zhu. Don't blame brother, I didn't remind you. Today is Qixi Festival. You have been a husband for so long, and you didn't celebrate the festival with Xiaoyun. Now is the time to sneak in. You shouldn't go back Do you want to accompany Xiaoyun?" Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned, then nodded heavily and said: "You are right, this time may be the last time~!" After Zhu Yuanzhang finished his trivial affairs, he hurried home to spend the holiday with his wife.

This is the first time Zhu Yuanzhang has done such a romantic thing, and he doesn't know what to do.As soon as he entered the door, Zhu Yuanzhang said directly: "Yun'er, how do you plan to spend this Qixi Festival?" Ma Xiangyun didn't expect that Zhu Yuanzhang still had time to accompany him at this time.Ma Xiangyun was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he said: "Then you help me make the medicine, our fourth child is about to be born. I need someone to help me make a soup for calming the nerves." When Ma Xiangyun said this, Zhu Yuanzhang was the first Once he was embarrassed in front of Ma Xiangyun, but Ma Xiangyun couldn't see Zhu Yuanzhang's embarrassment.Ma Xiangyun wondered: "What's the matter, can't you remember the prescription and the time when it was given?" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a long sigh of relief: "That's right, I really don't remember this prescription." Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but said indifferently : "You don't remember, I have a prescription here. By the way, I want you to go out and buy me some grapes. This thing may one day make your son's eyes bigger..." Zhu Yuanzhang laughed a little : "Really? Who did you hear that eating grapes can make your eyes bigger?" Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but said: "It's not a day or two for you to squint your eyes, so why don't you tell me about it?" ?" Zhu Yuanzhang agreed and said: "Okay, no problem, lady. Boil the medicine first, or buy grapes first?" Ma Xiangyun beckoned and said: "Neither, how about coming here and trying this belt first." Pulling Zhu Yuanzhang's callused hands, he took out a belt.Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help being delighted to hear and said: "Yes, when can you make a belt?" Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but said speechlessly: "I said you, you even forgot that your wife's family made belts?" Thinking about it, he couldn't help but patted his bad mouth and said: "Look at my memory... I'm sorry, I can't even remember this clearly. Hey, when I am old, this is the virtue~!" Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but directly Debunked it and said: "I think you didn't forget, but you didn't take it to heart at all, otherwise why didn't you see that Lao Bai forgot his wife's wedding anniversary?" Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly wondered: "This... I really don't remember us. It's our wedding you remember?" Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but slapped Zhu Yuanzhang on the head and said, "I actually don't remember clearly, but I remember that there was a red dress with a nameplate in my dowry." When Zhu Yuanzhang was reminded by his wife, he suddenly remembered and said: "Yes, yes, I really forgot if you didn't tell me. It said the approximate time of the wedding anniversary." After Ma Xiangyun tried on the belt, he slapped it on Zhu Yuanzhang's buttocks said: "Go away, it seems that this belt needs to be changed. After all, you are almost fifty, and the waist of this middle-aged man is different, he is a little fat~!"

Zhu Yuanzhang turned around and looked at his wife's silvery hair, pampering him infinitely in his heart: "My lady, you have done a lot for this family, not to mention... just the child, you have given birth to three children for me." One. There is another one who was not born~! Do you think you regret marrying me now?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked, but Ma Xiangyun said without giving Zhu Yuanzhang any face: "Regret, why don't you regret it~! But you think I married Don't others regret it? Do you think anyone can match me well?" Zhu Yuanzhang hesitated for a moment and said, "Then what do you think of Chen Youliang?" Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but drew his mouth and said, "Hey, I Speaking of Zhu Yuanzhang, what do you mean? Is this the kind of person I am, Ma Xiangyun? Say it again, I will beat you to death today~!" Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant, I mean if it was Chen Youliang instead Marry you, are you willing?" Ma Xiangyun hesitated for a moment and said: "Am I willing? Isn't it too late for you to ask this question now? I have three children with you now, and I am planning a fourth one. This is not true Seeing that Chen Youliang is interesting to me~!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said speechlessly: "It seems that you still have that idea." Ma Xiangyun couldn't help sniffling and crying: "You always think Chen Youliang is amazing, but you think Have you ever been there? Does Chen Youliang have a wife and children like you?" Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly comforted his wife and said, "Now is not the time to cry, you should stabilize your emotions first." Ma Xiangyun couldn't help pointing to the outside world and said: "That grandson of Chen Youliang, Now there is not a decent son. What about you? Once you have three~! This is not your adopted son~!" Zhu Yuanzhang stroked Ma Xiangyun's back and said: "Those adopted sons were not born by you, you Why are you in a hurry? Isn’t it just that we both teach well?” Ma Xiangyun couldn’t help being speechless: “Apart from teaching them how to fight, do you teach them anything else?” Zhu Yuanzhang finally said: “Happy Qixi Festival, motherfucker~!” After speaking, he began to coax his wife to eat.Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Yun'er, you are waiting for the dinner here. I'll go out and buy some grapes~!" After talking about Zhu Yuanzhang's one step and three steps, he left in despair.Ma Xiangyun was angry and funny and said: "You have to come back to make medicine, don't come back too late~!" Zhu Yuanzhang quickly agreed: "Okay, I understand." Zhu Yuanzhang thought first while walking: "How about I'll go to Lao Bai's house and ask Xiaoyun what kind of delicious food he likes, and then go back and buy some~!"

Times have changed, and the current Zhu Yuanzhang was suddenly awakened by a hasty knock on the door, and a eunuch beside Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly knocked on the door and said: "Your Majesty, it's not good... Empress Ma can't hold it anymore~!" Zhu Yuanzhang was like a spring, his originally weak waist immediately supported his body, and with the support of the eunuchs, he slowly walked out of the palace door and said, "Quick... help me to have a look~!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but began to tremble violently. Palms began to get used to dripping sweat.Finally Zhu Yuanzhang was helped to Empress Ma's bedroom.On the hospital bed, Empress Ma coughed non-stop.Zhu Yuanzhang held his concubine's hand tightly, and burst into tears: "Yun'er, can't leave me first~!" Ma Xiangyun wiped Zhu Yuanzhang's tears and said: "Stupid old Zhu, I have lived enough in this life Yes. Not only accompany you through the most difficult years, but also accompany you to achieve the imperial career. Do you still can’t see it after living this way? There is no absolute power in this world that can guarantee longevity, and there is no absolute Power can rule the ages. You, put your heart in your belly~! Cough cough cough... We are just the happiest passers-by in this world~!" After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but smashed the cup next to him, The tableware said: "You bastards, if my Yun'er dies, I want you to be buried with me~!" Ma Xiangyun suddenly grabbed Zhu Yuanzhang's cuffs, shook his head and said, "Promise me, don't hurt those innocent people again, Otherwise, I will die with regret~!" Zhu Yuanzhang's throat seemed to be choked by something, unable to cough or swallow, Ma Xiangyun's hand slowly and feebly fell on the head of the bed!Zhu Yuanzhang buried his head in Ma Xiangyun's arms and wept bitterly.After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the trembling people beside him, and sighed, "Okay...just as Yun'er's will get out of here~! Get out..." After finishing speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang will Locked in the queen's bedroom, holding Ma Xiangyun alone, he began to slowly talk about his love for her.

As Zhu Yuanzhang talked, he gradually fell into the vortex of memories. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang hurried from Zhu Mansion to Bai Mansion.Along the way, I was worried about my first Valentine's Day.Finally Zhu Yuanzhang came to the White Mansion, the guards saw that it was Marshal Zhu coming, and hurried in to report.Zhu Yuanzhang saw Bai Haonan, who was a little unhappy, come out, and complained at the first sentence: "Xiao Zhu, what do you mean? We have just started, and you broke in~!" Zhu Yuanzhang said awkwardly: "I also No, it's just that I don't know what fruit your sister-in-law likes to eat now, or other delicious snacks. Didn't I come to ask you?" Bai Haonan couldn't help but hate iron and said: "Are you stupid, didn't sister-in-law say Have you ever loved to eat grapes? Now my sister-in-law is in the late stage of pregnancy, what kind of kiwi, orange, pear are similar, don’t you, a grown man, know?” Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said: “No wonder she asked to eat grapes by name. The baby's eyes..." Bai Haonan shook his head involuntarily and said, "I advise you, it's better to get back some common sense of traditional Chinese medicine, otherwise everyone will laugh at you as a marshal who doesn't even have basic common sense, so how can you learn it?" Soldiers fighting?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, and reflected deeply: "My brother taught me a lesson~! I will rush to buy fruit right away. I don't know if the fruit stall is closed at this late hour?" Bai Haonan couldn't help but say, "Even if the market is closed, You won't use the power of your Marshal's Mansion to detain the fruits of these people? I said you have such a good brain, how can you be an emotional idiot? You don't even remember the things you use best~! Hey, It seems that you are a fan of the authorities, and I am a bystander~!" Zhu Yuanzhang kept nodding his head and said, "How about I take you to the restaurant and take your wife along with me. Shall I take some supper that your sister-in-law likes to eat? Now It's so late, it's time to prepare to eat less and eat more~! You know that your sister-in-law believes in this idea the most..." Bai Haonan hesitated for a moment and said: "Well, it happens that my son was born not long ago, and this festival Think of our family as helping you with ideas~! You stay here for a while, I will go in and find my wife." Zhu Yuanzhang nodded seriously and said: "Okay, I will take you, and I will send you off in my carriage later. Come back." Just like that, Zhu Yuanzhang walked around the whole fruit stand, and then took Bai Haonan and his wife to a restaurant.Zhu Yuanzhang packed away all the delicious food, and then handed over a carriage to send Bai Haonan and his wife away, and then returned home alone.

When I got home, I was ready for dinner.Fortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang was on his way in time and returned home smoothly. Ma Xiangyun ate the fruits Zhu Yuanzhang bought one after another, and the two came to the dining table with a bit of ease and joy.Zhu Yuanzhang secretly hid all the midnight snacks he bought just now in the bedroom of his husband and wife.Not ready to show my wife.After Ma Xiangyun finished his meal, Zhu Yuanzhang walked around with him for a few laps, and then Zhu Yuanzhang began to make the soup that Ma Xiangyun needed to protect the fetus and calm the nerves

.Ma Xiangyun waited boredly to drink, and finally Zhu Yuanzhang cooked the soup with slow hands and feet.Ma Xiangyun drank the soup into his mouth, and Zhu Yuanzhang took Ma Xiangyun back to the bedroom again.As soon as he opened the door, Ma Xiangyun was attracted by several bags of delicious supper. Zhu Yuanzhang looked at his wife's satisfied face, and was also very satisfied in his heart. He kissed his wife's right side of the cheek.Ma Xiangyun couldn't help pinching Zhu Yuanzhang's face and said, "Why, is this a surprise for today's festival?"

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