Zhu Ziyi, who was curious on the side, couldn't help but said: "Uncle Tang, is that the black-faced uncle who was next to you that day?" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said, "That's right, it's the uncle with a bad face." Put Zhu Ziyi's hand on the back of his own.He led Zhu Ziyi in and handed it over to his current leader, Song Baiyan.Zhu Yuanzhang emphasized that Zhu Ziyi should learn the common sense possessed by generals, and then truthfully tell Song Baiyan about Zhu Ziyi's origin.Song Baiyan nodded and agreed: "Okay, no problem, I will take care of these things." After Zhu Ziyi was assigned to Song Baiyan by Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Ziyi started today's training.Song Baiyan asked Zhu Ziyi to take off his clothes, and then brought a whip that he used to train children.Song Baiyan first asked Zhu Ziyi to stand up, and he had to finish it within the time specified by him.Zhu Ziyi first stood on horseback. After standing for less than 5 minutes, his legs and feet began to shake.Seeing this, Song Baiyan hurriedly threatened: "You'd better stand for me enough time, otherwise, you won't have your share of this morning's breakfast." These words were really useful, and Zhu Ziyi's legs barely grew A little power, stand a little more stable.

After about 10 minutes, Zhu Ziyi's legs finally showed signs of collapse.Song Baiyan nodded, signaling Zhu Ziyi to stop.Zhu Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief, trembling and relaxing his body.Song Baiyan pointed to the breakfast brought by the soldiers next to him and said: "Eat a little first, after eating that, we will continue training. Remember not to eat too much, or you will vomit after running~!" After finishing speaking Song Baiyan began to sit and help Zhu Ziyi peel the eggshells, and Zhu Ziyi quickly finished eating the thin meat porridge with preserved eggs and a few eggs.After a while, Zhu Ziyi was called to the playground again by Song Baiyan. Looking at Zhu Ziyi's calf, Song Baiyan couldn't help frowning and said, "It seems that you didn't eat well before, you were malnourished~! If so, you follow Let me jog on the playground." After speaking, Song Baiyan did not give Zhu Ziyi any chance to maneuver, and started jogging with Zhu Ziyi.Song Baiyan ran with Zhu Ziyi for a long time, and finally ran several 50 meters before letting Zhu Ziyi take a rest.Zhu Ziyi was finally exhausted by this intensity of training.At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang came to visit Zhu Ziyi.Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Ziyi's stubborn but strong eyes, and couldn't help but add points in his heart: "Okay, you kid, it's not bad that you can persist until now~!" Song Baiyan looked at Zhu Ziyi The thin body said: "This child is very persevering, and he is very obedient. He is not as pampered as Lao Zhu's own son. It is rare~!" Zhu Ziyi panted: "Where... is it that Song Instructor teaches well " Song Baiyan took Zhu Ziyi's clothes, and then said to Zhu Ziyi: "Come with me, we won't train this time. I will take you to the military camp to see how those soldiers are doing. Training. I want you to know how hard it is to be in this industry~!"

Zhu Ziyi nodded, and was about to agree, but Zhu Yuanzhang disagreed: "Is today's training over?" Song Baiyan nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed gone. Because he is not yet seven years old, he cannot Do too much physical training." Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and said, "Well, Lao Song, I think so, since I want Xiao Yi to take a look, it's better to let Xiao Yi take a cold shower first. Then have some breakfast, Try to have a full stomach before going." Song Baiyan didn't like pipes too much: "It's up to you, but you have to hurry up, or I have other tasks~!" After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Ziyi to wash happily. After taking a bath, and after breakfast, the two of them took Zhu Ziyi to the barracks to have a look around.Zhu Ziyi looked at these uncles, and they basically trained hard all day long.Zhu Ziyi also saw the strong arms and good-looking muscles of these uncles after training, and Zhu Ziyi instantly understood what kind of hardship it is to be a soldier.Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help asking: "Do you want to ask in your heart, can I not do this?" Zhu Ziyi couldn't deny it: "There is such a thing." Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help telling Zhu Ziyi: "It is very normal. , It’s a strange thing if you don’t, practice hard, sooner or later you will be able to gallop on the battlefield with your father~!” Zhu Ziyi agreed, and began the arduous training from then on.

In the afternoon, Zhu Ziyi was arranged by Zhu Yuanzhang to study with a gentleman.Zhu Ziyi looked at the talkative gentleman in front of him, and couldn't help looking forward to the content of the cultural class.Unexpectedly, Zhu Ziyi was confused by the teacher not long after he entered. What he first taught was not the Confucianism that made people shake their heads.Instead, Zhu Ziyi was asked to read characters seriously, and in addition to reading characters, he was writing.This gave Zhu Ziyi a headache. What Zhu Ziyi said made Zhu Ziyi understand: "The most important thing to learn knowledge and culture is to be literate. If you don't know how to read, you can't be literate. Know what the enemy wrote, and even what the enemy wrote You can’t even read the intentions. And this kind of learning to read and write is the only shortcut to gain knowledge now and in the future~!” Zhu Yuanzhang quickly persuaded Zhu Ziyi, and Zhu Ziyi’s Wen Tao Wu Lue was officially adopted from it. She came out of her womb and became a bright light that will affect his life path in the future.After dinner, Zhu Yuanzhang pointed to a character on the wall and said, "How do you read and read that character? Do you understand the meaning and writing of this character?" Zhu Ziyi answered one by one, and then copied the character seriously.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Ziyi had an agreement that Zhu Yuanzhang would take Zhu Ziyi out to hunt after the number of words Zhu Ziyi knew reached the one thousand characters stipulated by Zhu Yuanzhang.After Zhu Ziyi's literacy reached [-] characters, Zhu Yuanzhang promised again: You can take Zhu Ziyi to experience the cruelty of war for yourself!Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Ziyi who was growing up, and felt a lot in his heart. Zhu Ziyi left many traces of years on his body, which made Zhu Yuanzhang feel distressed.Zhu Yuanzhang quickly confirmed the first agreement with Zhu Ziyi, and accompanied his adopted son to go hunting in a col outside Haozhou City.Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Ziyi and rode a fast horse to the col here.Zhu Ziyi looked at the rabbits running all over the ground, and shot an arrow casually, nailing one of them to the ground.Zhu Yuanzhang secretly praised: "Good~!" Zhu Ziyi held a bow and arrow in his hand and killed a wild boar.Although the wild boar was hit by an arrow, it was unstoppable, and then the wild boar went on a rampage and killed Zhu Ziyi aggressively: "Hey hey..." Zhu Ziyi's horse was frightened, and suddenly dodged aside.Zhu Ziyi shot the second arrow without any haste: "嗖~!" The arrow hit the wild boar's left eye, and the wild boar encountered blood, and the wildness in his heart became more unrestrained, and he desperately killed Zhu Ziyi Go: "Hoohoo~!" Zhu Ziyi judged the critical situation again at this time, and shot the third arrow directly: "嗖~!" Zhu Ziyi's third arrow hit the wild boar's right eye, and the wild boar felt the crisis deeply at this time , became disorderly and reckless: "Hurrrrrrrrr~!"

Seeing that the wild boar was about to hit his horse's leg, Zhu Ziyi took out his long-handled bayonet and stabbed the wild boar to death without any hesitation.The wild boar struggled a few times, then fell to the ground and died.Zhu Yuanzhang, who was watching the excitement, couldn't help admiring: "Yes, you brat. I didn't expect you to deal with this brave wild boar so quickly. It took less than a cup of tea~!" Zhu Zi Yi was a little embarrassed and said: "Where is this, foster father, you are too praised

. "Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the wild boar lying in a pool of blood, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "I said you are amazing, you are amazing, you don't need to be humble~! "Just as Zhu Ziyi called for someone to take away the dead boar, a skinny gray wolf suddenly appeared and wanted to snatch Zhu Ziyi's prey! Zhu Yuanzhang, who has rich hunting experience, quickly identified the wolf's identity. Said: "This wolf is probably an old wolf king who was expelled from the wolf pack~!You have to be careful this time, or be careful not to capsize in the gutter~! After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang mounted his horse, called the crowd, and surrounded the last prey of the day. Zhu Ziyi looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Father, if I can kill this defeated wolf king this time, and If I kill it with bare hands, what reward will you give me? "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Ziyi who was eager to try, not wanting to dampen his enthusiasm, and said: "Then let you go out with me on an expedition, and let you see what a real war is~!" Zhu Ziyi nodded and slowly got off the horse.Zhu Ziyi's performance certainly won the cheers of many followers, but it also angered the injured former wolf king.The skinny former wolf king glared and stretched out his paws to plan on the ground.Then a gray shadow flashed past, and Zhu Ziyi dodged, narrowly avoiding the former wolf king's first probing attack.Then the former wolf king flashed again, appeared at Zhu Ziyi's side, and attacked again: "Shua~!" Zhu Ziyi's cuff was torn with a cloth belt, but fortunately he was not injured.Then Zhu Ziyi dodged and looked for the enemy's weakness while consuming the enemy's physical strength.Finally, the physical strength of the former wolf king began to decline, Zhu Ziyi flashed his knife and stabbed the former wolf king's belly directly: "呵啦~!" The former wolf king's intestines and the contents of his stomach flowed out one place.Zhu Ziyi made up the knife again, completely ending the life of the former wolf king.Zhu Ziyi's performance made Zhu Yuanzhang deeply feel that this child has grown up and has become so patient and determined. The most important thing is that his confidence is particularly prominent.Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang made a random statement: "Well, I will take you to the real battlefield last time when I have time. Go and experience the difference between the battlefield and the drill~!" After finishing speaking, Zhu Ziyi casually took the wolf king's belly He dug it open, took out a small meat ball and said: "Great, this wolf actually has the legendary wolf treasure... It seems that my coming of age ceremony is not bad this time~!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded involuntarily and said: "Yeah, let's go back and enjoy the prey~!"

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