The general who served as Zhu Yuanzhang's siege this time was Zhu Yuanzhang's newly adopted adopted son, named Zhu Ziyi.Zhu Yuanzhang did not go out with the army, but arranged for Zhu Ziyi to capture.Zhu Ziyi has more than 5000 horses in his hands.Although it is a simple task, Zhu Ziyi attaches great importance to it.Because Zhu Zi counted Zhu Yuanzhang staying by his side for half a year, this was the first official war.Looking at the situation in front of him, Zhu Ziyi couldn't help frowning deeply.Although the enemy in front of him is a group of militiamen, he is familiar with the combination of water warfare and land warfare.Moreover, the offense and defense are orderly, which makes it difficult for Zhu Ziyi to display the strength of his navy.Zhu Ziyi hurriedly asked the military adviser. The military adviser He Chunxi glanced at the map and said: "This place is close to the narrow and long waterway and is just on the verge of the enemy's stronghold on the shore. This is a turning point. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is best to wait for our archers Come. Otherwise, even if you are a general with good water combat power, it will be difficult to adapt to the enemy's rhythm~! And the enemy is most afraid of the fire attack of the archers. Once the enemy's land barrier is solved, then we will Is your strength still within your reach?" Zhu Ziyi thought for a while, and said a little emotionally: "Why don't you open up the situation on the water, and then forcefully charge through the waterway, beheading the enemy's leader under the horse, so that even if you really encounter something, you can't be defeated." It can prompt the enemy to surrender~!" After speaking, Zhu Ziyi got angry

, Take the lead and lead the water army to rush onto the enemy's ships.He Chunxi suddenly found out that the enemy deliberately showed off their feet and deliberately separated the sailors on both sides, luring Zhu Ziyi to come forward, and then combined the two troops.What a trick to lure the snake out of the hole~!Just as He Chunxi wanted to speak out, it was too late, Zhu Ziyi fell into a tight siege in a blink of an eye, and was caught off guard!He Chunxi could only face the reality, rescued Zhu Ziyi, and then commanded the army to retreat.Zhu Ziyi, who was lying on the boat, had his last breath left. He Chunxi led his troops all the way back to Zhu Yuanzhang's base.

Zhu Yuanzhang quickly called a famous doctor, the doctor looked at it for a while and said: "If you take care of it carefully, you should be fine. It's just that this person has too many fatal injuries. If the skull at the back of his head is not carefully taken care of, then this person will directly affect his mental state in the future. ...even become the living dead~!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said helplessly: "Is there no cure for this disease?" The doctor shook his head and said: "Even if there is, it is almost extinct. Those are only heard of legends, but there is no cure. What I have really seen." Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help being very desperate, and after a long time, Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Then do as you want." After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered someone to arrest the prescription, and then sent the famous doctor away.Zhu Yuanzhang then stared blankly at Zhu Ziyi in front of him, and fell into a brief daze.

Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the reality, picked up Zhu Ziyi's nameplate casually, and thought again of this adopted son who will never be forgotten in his life.Zhu Yuanzhang was 28 years old that year, and it was also the time when his youth passed away. Zhu Yuanzhang, who had rapidly grown into a generation of heroes, met Zhu Ziyi's family at this time.That year, after Zhu Yuanzhang had won the battle, he returned to Dayu Town where he was born and raised.And Zhu Ziyi appeared on Zhu Yuanzhang's way home.Zhu Yuanzhang passed by a small house, walked for a while, and found someone following him

.Zhu Yuanzhang got off his horse resolutely and shouted: "Who is following this commander?" Zhu Ziyi appeared, poked out his tiger-like head and said, "Excuse me, are you the commander-in-chief Zhu Yuanzhang?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help laughing when he saw this

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" Zhu Ziyi said embarrassedly: "Can I go to the army with you to learn how to make a fire? Do you accept adopted sons here?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said helplessly: "Where did you come from?" Bear boy, why don’t you learn how to make a fire? You don’t learn well, why should I accept you as a foster son?” Zhu Ziyi was taken aback by Zhu Yuanzhang’s question, and then said: “Of course it’s because I want to make a fire Roast my sweet potato and eat it." Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head involuntarily and said, "Why, can't your family feed you enough? Why do you want to bake sweet potato?" Zhu Ziyi was a little puzzled: "This...not really, the main thing is I want to use my spare time to earn some pocket money to subsidize my family." Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but get angry when he heard this, "Tell me, who hired you as a child laborer?" Zhu Ziyi shook his head and said, "If you say You will make me unemployed. Then I would rather not be your adoptive son." Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said angrily: "It's because your family members are incompetent, and you have been wronged? You said it~! Zhu Ziyi said sensiblely: "The pillar of our family is sick, so I will go out and do my best to reduce the burden on my mother." Zhu Yuanzhang was told by Zhu Ziyi that he immediately recalled the days when he was still a poor man.Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's tone softened and said: "Then how did you fill your stomach before?" Zhu Ziyi replied: "I often pass by a steamed stuffed bun shop, and the proprietress there will give me some stuffed buns because she sees me as pitiful." Steamed buns. Who knows that the proprietress is sick these days, and the bun shop is closed, so I am hungry.” Zhu Yuanzhang gently picked up Zhu Ziyi, let Zhu Ziyi ride on the horse and said, “I know a famous doctor here, he can help You cure that proprietress and your father." After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang followed Zhu Ziyi's guidance, and Shou went to the bun shop first.Zhu Yuanzhang knocked on the door, and a child inside opened the door and said, "Who is it? You are here." The child opened the door and saw the familiar Zhu Ziyi, and greeted him, "Zhu Ziyi, why are you here? My mother is still sick No good~! How about I go to the kitchen to see if there are any leftovers.” Zhu Ziyi shook his head, introduced Zhu Yuanzhang and said, “This is Marshal Zhu Yuanzhang, he came to see your mother specially.” Zhu Yuanzhang At this time, he deliberately lowered his head and showed his face.The child was startled and said: "Are you stupid, you just found someone to make me happy? What if he is a liar?" Zhu Ziyi said to the child seriously: "Zhang Mi Nian, this person is the real deal. Zhu Yuanzhang, it’s like a fake~! I watched him come in from outside Dayu Town with my own eyes~!” Zhang Mixian obviously didn’t believe it, but soon Zhang Mixian took out a portrait, compared it and said: “It’s really Zhu Yuanzhang... the great hero I admire, that’s great, I’ll treat you to a big meal some other day~!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at it in amazement and said, "Why do you have a portrait of me? Where did you get it?" Zhang Mixian couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows Looking at his haggard face, he said: "I bought it from the storyteller with ten renminbi. Do you look like you?" Zhu Yuanzhang came in and said: "Our family doesn't have any good food, so you can just settle down." Zhu Ziyi looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Should we hire a doctor now?" Zhu Yuanzhang pointed to himself and said, "I said The doctor is far away in the sky, right in front of my eyes, it’s me~!” Zhang Mixian couldn’t help picking up Zhu Yuanzhang’s family history and said, “You forgot, Marshal Zhu started his business by reselling medicinal materials~! Do you have to deal with minor illnesses yourself? Doctor?" Zhu Ziyi couldn't help being stunned for a moment and then said: "Yes, you often tell me. So this is true~!" Zhang Mixian couldn't help but said speechlessly: "I don't even know my idol. Don’t you know the details? Did your head get caught between the cracks in the door? You’re so stupid~!” Zhu Yuanzhang walked slowly to the bed, and then helped the proprietress to feel the pulse: “Your mother just has a high fever, but it’s not It’s a serious illness. How did the doctor your family hired prescribe the medicine for your mother?” Zhang Mi Nian couldn’t help but said, “Here’s the prescription he gave my mother.” After speaking, Zhang Mi Nian handed over a note.Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at it and said: "This prescription is quite satisfactory. Although the above medicine has some effects, it is not very ideal. If you trust me, I will make a brand new prescription for you. I guarantee that your mother will be sick after taking it. Except~!" Zhang Mixian nodded quickly and said

: "You are my idol, of course I can trust it, you write it, and I will grab the medicine." After talking about rice noodles, he took out a piece of paper and said, "Come on, write." Zhu Yuanzhang picked up the brush and started writing.After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang finished writing and handed the note to Zhang Mixian.On the other hand, Zhu Ziyi said anxiously: "I wonder if Marshal Zhu will try his best to help me heal my father? Can you guarantee that he will be cured?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but smiled and said: "No one can guarantee that a disease in this world will be cured , unless he is a god. You can rest assured that I will do my best, and you can only resign yourself to fate." After speaking, the two left here and walked all the way to Zhu Ziyi's house.

Zhu Ziyi stared at the somewhat dilapidated bedside at home, where a middle-aged man was lying on the bed.Zhu Yuanzhang casually checked the man's condition carefully.Zhu Yuanzhang was silent for a long time, and comforted him: "This is a kind of dysentery. It can be easily cured or difficult to cure. It depends on the cycle of its onset. How long has your father been sick?" Zhu Ziyi was about to speak, Zhu Ziyi's mother immediately said, "It's been a week." Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said, "It's okay.

Well, this disease mainly depends on the patient's physique, if it's better, it's fine.If it's not good, it depends on the effect of the drug.

.This is not a serious illness. "After speaking, Zhu Ziyi nodded gratefully and said: "Thank you for your help, I really don't know how to repay you

..." Zhu Ziyi's mother also nodded in agreement: "Yes, our family is too poor to afford a doctor.Thank you for your generosity, if you want our family to die, you will die~! " Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said: "That's not necessary, I want your son to recognize me as a foster father, and I recognize him as a foster son~! Zhu Ziyi's mother hurriedly asked Zhu Ziyi to kowtow: "Silly boy, hurry up and kowtow to your adoptive father~!" Zhu Ziyi quickly kowtowed and said, "Father-in-law, please accept my child's worship~!" "Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but nodded in relief and said: "Good boy, from now on, I will protect you as a father~! "After a while, Zhu Ziyi's father woke up and learned about Zhu Ziyi's affairs.

, couldn't help laughing and said: "If you have a son like this, what more can you ask for~!" Zhu Yuanzhang began to have a long talk with Zhu Ziyi's father.

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