Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 320 The Fragile Bai Haonan

Tang Wangshan complained so much, but Bai Haonan didn't appreciate it and said: "It's better to die with a smile than to live on your knees." Tang Wangshan said helplessly: "Since you said that, then I can't tell you. After all, you have spoken to my heart~!"

The words were divided into two parts, and the case files under the hands of the new prefect Ding Kefu had filled the room.Dinkov began to approve from midnight without any haste, and the time was spent in Dinkov's review. Before dawn, Dinkov yawned and said, "Okay." Yes, this is the most official document approved by the miscellaneous family. I am afraid that something bad will happen recently...but when the enemy has the most advantage, it is often also the most vulnerable time~!" After finishing speaking, the maidservant next to her will write it all

, and the very insightful official document was taken down.Ding Kefu thought of the task that His Royal Highness of the Great Yuan Empire entrusted to him as an eunuch—do everything possible to provoke a war, and do everything possible to weaken the defense of Chuzhou City.But we must make every effort to make this battle more in line with the hearts of the people and more indignant!At that time, Ding Kefu didn't understand and said: "Your Majesty, I don't understand what you mean?" The last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty just sighed softly: "This is the fate of time, since the sky is about to destroy my Yuan Dynasty, Then temporarily increase the speed of the collapse. Although this is not beneficial to us at all, it will give us a shorter breathing time. And everything you are doing now is for me to be able to prepare for my escape. Only With the great Yuan that I have, but without the great Yuan, as long as I am still there, there will be a chance to rise again~!"

Others thought that he, the prefect, knew how to gossip all day long, or maliciously slander others.But in fact, the real Dinkov was a well-known political hand before he was castrated.Not only that, but everyone who survived the harem battle in the palace is not a simple character.And long before he was transferred, Ding Kefu, who was still in Dadu, began to plot against the two people in Chuzhou City.One is of course General Cao Zongyue, who is known as the patron saint of Chuzhou City. Ding Kefu, who was well informed that night, sneaked a little bit of five insects and seven flowers into Cao Zongyue's diet before Zhu Yuanzhang assassinated Cao Zongyue. paste.This kind of plaster is actually not toxic, but it will make the middle-aged and elderly people who are physically strong suddenly fall into a terminally ill situation!This plaster is a chronic drug that induces diseases, and its toxicity is not even as good as ordinary arsenic!This gave the Red Turban Army, who already hated General Cao Zongyue, a chance to take advantage of it.At this time, Cao Zongyue, in addition to being capable, also has an outstanding grandson.In order to play this big game of chess, Ding Kefu, who spent a lot of money, accidentally found three attractive young people in the Red Turban Army.So Dingkov relaxed his attack on the Red Scarf Army from the very beginning, and deliberately let the growth time of these three people grow infinitely longer.In this way, Ding Kefu finally saw a chance to get rid of Cao Mingsheng.

Coincidentally, two of these three people met Cao Mingcheng unexpectedly, thus the scene in the previous chapters happened.There are obviously 26 people, but so many helpers have left.And there are only seven pro-guards left.At this time, Dingkov has already calculated all the possibilities, and the rest depends on the strength of these three people.Sure enough, Zhu Yuanzhang succeeded in eradicating the veteran Cao Zongyue as Dingkov expected.And even one of his brothers unexpectedly killed Cao Mingcheng, a son of a nobleman with a high self-esteem.Originally, Ding Kefu planned to avenge Cao Mingsheng's revenge on one person.This is so that Dinkov can calmly calculate everyone.But people are not as good as heaven, and Ding Kefu accidentally missed Zhu Yuanzhang's wealth to hire a personal bodyguard, which made Ding Kefu start a new estimate.This made Ding Kefu's original plan have a new protagonist. Of course, these three people must die, and it is best to die at the hands of Guo Zixing, the leader of the red scarf army!Thinking of this, Dingkov, who was more calm in his heart, shouted: "Come on, bring them up." After saying that, his subordinates retreated.Soon, the subordinates brought a woman and two men up.

Dinkov looked at the woman who was red and swollen from crying, and sneered silently.And the lovely and pitiful woman in front of Ding Kefu is none other than Bai Haonan's confidante - Fei Qianying.And it goes without saying that the remaining two are the two seniors who traveled with Zhu Yuanzhang——Han Chuxing and Ao joined the club!Ding Kefu stared at the three people in front of him sullenly, and spit out four words for a long time: "Kneel down for me~!" Ding Kefu watched Han Chuxing and Fei Qianying kneel down in front of him, but the obtrusive Ao Jinhui in front of him But he refused to kneel down.Dingkov showed a piercing smile and said, "Why, the prisoner deserves to talk about dignity with miscellaneous people?" After finishing speaking, Dingkov casually picked up a mace covered with iron thorns and walked slowly. Then he slammed heavily on Ao Juhui's heel and said, "If the miscellaneous family wants you to kneel, you have to kneel, otherwise you will die in front of me~!" Forced to soften, bloody and helpless, Ao Jinhui let out a pained snort and said, "I kneel to the sky and kneel to my parents, but I never kneel to any youngsters~! Besides, you are just a court official!" The running dog sent here, a half-dead eunuch~! Bah..." Ao Ruhui spit under Dingkov's heel.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Dingkov, the old fox, quickly made a decision: "Come on, put this little girl under arrest, and then sell her to a brothel~!" The old blood spat out, and Dingkov stretched out the sole of his shoe casually and said: "Old man, if you are willing to lick the sole of my shoe, I will take back what I just said~! Otherwise, this good old yellow flower My daughter was ruined for nothing... Hehehe~!" Fei Qianying's complexion was pale, and her eyes no longer had any brilliance.Ao Ruhui took a difficult step towards Dinkov.Ding Kefu only had viciousness and anger in his eyes and said, "What, you still want to fight against me? Think about it, if Bai Haonan found out that it was because of you, an old man, that his lover was forced to sell to a brothel, What kind of expression is that? Hahaha, I am a dead eunuch, but I am looking forward to it~!" Ao Jin met with ashes and said, "I...how do I want to lick?" Ding Kefu said with a smile: "It's very simple. You just spit out my phlegm and licked it clean for me~! Otherwise, you will be a sinner through the ages, hahaha~! How about it? Hey, remember, you have to kneel and lick, otherwise, I will still be a bitch Little bitch~!"

Ao Ruhui nodded and agreed: "Okay... I... I will kneel down and lick it..." After speaking, Ao Ruhui secretly hid a handful of iron filings that he carried with him in his cuff. "Hahahaha..." Amidst Dingkov's smirk, Ao Ruhui directly cut his own throat with iron filings.Dingkov's smirk stopped immediately, watching the stubborn Ao join the club, Dingkov had a deep understanding of life for the first time.Under Ding Kefu's disdainful cold snort, Ao Jinhui was arranged to be treated by one of the most famous genius doctors in Chuzhou City.Not long after, Dinkov secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news that Ao had joined the association without serious problems.Dingkov secretly thought about the plan in his heart. Although the current Dayuan was already crumbling in the wind and rain, Dingkov's mission was to buy the emperor time to prepare for his escape, apart from intensifying civil conflicts.As the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the ideal way is to take advantage of the increasingly intensified conflict between landlords and peasants among the Han nationality, and then replace Li Zhuang with peaches.In the end, the fundamental strength of Dayuan was preserved, so that he came with regrets and left in style.

After a while, Dinkov made a decision. He would let the three young people who came into his vision lose their lives because of impulsiveness.Of course, although the three people just now were part of his plan, they were not all of them.His main conspiracy is actually focused on the leader Guo Zixing, who will gradually lose Guo Zixing's charisma as a leader.The previous show operation was to reduce Guo Zixing's defense against himself, and the rest depended on the assistance of nearby cities.And in this process, as long as Guo Zixing raises his troops, he will fall into a situation of eternal doom!Because now Ding Kefu still has a trump card left by Cao Zongyue-Cao Jiajun, as long as he uses it properly, he can still give Guo Zixing a blow in the face!Although the good cards in his hand have been smashed, as long as Cao Jiajun is still there, Guo Zixing cannot ignore it.Unless he has a way to defeat the Cao family army who will surely win.Ding Kefu's next plan will be aimed at these three young men. He wants Guo Zixing to dare not use his soldiers, and he will not be able to use his strength.

As for these three monstrous young men, especially Zhu Yuanzhang, who is rich, well-connected and prestigious, if these three are not eliminated, Ding Kefu will be restless all day long.

The conversation was divided into two parts. Bai Haonan and Tang Wangshan here had just retreated to the Taoist Temple when they received a message.This news was like a bolt from the blue, making Bai Haonan restless.The person in charge of taking care of Fei Qianying was killed, and Fei Qianying's ending can be imagined.According to the informant, Fei Qianying has been arrested by Ding Kefu, the prefect of Chuzhou whom everyone despises.And Zhu Yuanzhang, who had retreated from the front line, also received a tip-off that the two seniors who were still in the stronghold had been captured by the enemy he despised, and left a note.The three brothers were asked to go to the meeting alone, and they were not allowed to bring anyone. Only the three brothers went to the prefect's mansion in Chuzhou City to have a Hongmen banquet by themselves.If they didn't go, these three people would probably be worse off than dead, or even die without a whole body!Bai Haonan, who was already a bit fragile, couldn't help but grieved and said: "I should have thought about why it was such a coincidence that our companion suffered from the enemy just after we killed an important person... I was the one who killed Xiaoying...

...I was the one who killed her...I, rather than taking advantage of the enemy, I might as well die now~! "

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