Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 316 The Trap Seen Through

Bai Haonan looked at the heavily guarded barracks in front of him, and couldn't help but look at Qian Daoyuan, the leader of this operation.Don Wang Shan looked at the many valuable grains in front of him in a daze.Qian Daoyuan looked at the valley in front of him and said, "Our task this time is to count the exact number of granaries and weapon depots. Of course, because this time is a temporary operation, we can probably give the army an accurate count. You guys Be careful, bastard, otherwise, if our entire army is annihilated this time, Boss Peng will definitely not spare me~!" After finishing speaking, Qian Daoyuan looked at Bai Haonan and said, "Bai Haonan, you are the most familiar with Tang Wangshan, and you also cooperate the most tacitly The two of you. You are responsible for checking the innermost part of the arsenal, how many usable weapons there are in a row. Remember to fold it a little harder and don't make too much noise~!" Bai Haonan hurriedly pulled don Wangshan to accept the order Said: "Yes, this subordinate takes orders." After speaking, Tang Wangshan was dragged away by Bai Haonan.Bai Haonan pulled Don Wang Shan, and the two climbed over a wall and sneaked into the enemy's empty spot.Bai Haonan, who has been working as an employee for two years, and Tang Wangshan, who grew up in Pegasus Meteor since he was a child, lived up to everyone's expectations and came all the way to a warehouse for storing weapons.The two of them walked through the door nimbly with cats on their bodies, and then waited until the two soldiers on daily patrol left.One of the two was responsible for releasing the wind, and the other sneaked into the edge of the warehouse of the enemy camp.Of course, don Wangshan's movements were not as agile as Bai Haonan's seat assassin, so he was naturally chosen as the seat to show off.Bai Haonan stretched his body, pulled out a spear casually, picked it up, and broke it hard, testing the toughness of the spear.Bai Haonan put it back casually, then roughly counted how many there were in one row, and then began to estimate the approximate number.

At this moment, Don Wang-shan, who was still looking out of the door, suddenly waved.The two then shrank into one of the corners.He no longer poked his head out to see the situation, and covered it with a tablecloth by the way.Soon after, the two patrolling soldiers came back as expected.The two walked while talking.Soldier A said: "Hey, the news about the disappearance of the great general Cao Zongyue in the city has spread all over the place~! It seems that this time it really won't work..." Another soldier said: "That's not true, what we do People in the lead, anyway, there is no tomorrow anyway. Why worry about this? Let's patrol your patrol~!" After speaking, the two left here with a sigh.When the two walked away, Bai Haonan pulled Tang Wangshan away in a hurry.Along the way, the two gradually looked at all the weapons one by one. In the end, the two had gradually figured out how many usable weapons the enemy had.And the number was roughly this number. The two came to a secret place outside the tent, and Bai Haonan and Tang Wangshan finally returned to their original place.At this time, no one had returned, and the two of them sneaked in. Captain Qian Daoyuan asked, "How are you doing? Are you doing well?"

Bai Haonan opened his mouth and replied: "Report to Captain Qian, we have a total of more than 300 weapons. Among them, more than 1000 are semi-disabled, and among them, more than 300 are semi-disabled. Most of them are already rotten, and they are probably used. It’s gone. And the remaining 700 can be used for about a week or two. Among them, more than 500 are spears, and the rest are swords and halberds. There are so many of them~!” Qian said Yuan then asked: "How many of them are a little bit damaged?" Bai Haonan replied: "There are probably close to four thousand. The rest are weapons that have been well maintained for a long time." After Bai Haonan answered this way, he still endured He couldn't help saying: "Captain Qian, we still overheard a piece of news that our army's confidant is a serious problem—Cao Zongyue has disappeared." Qian Daoyuan couldn't help listening carefully: "Is that so? , when did it happen?" Bai Haonan replied, "It probably happened the day before yesterday.

"Qian Daoyuan couldn't help but said helplessly: "Although this is the case, we can't relax now. If the current situation is false news deliberately released by the enemy.If we believe it easily, we are so wrong~! "Bai Haonan took it seriously, Tang Wangshan also nodded and said: "That's right, this might be a trap. "

Bai Haonan and don Wangshan slowly waited for the return of the others.The remaining two people also returned here not long after.The two reported the situation to Qian Daoyuan, and said the same thing.Qian Daoyuan frowned, thinking whether to knock out a soldier or two, and pressed him to find out what was going on.Suddenly a white dove flew over, Qian Daoyuan quickly buried himself and let the dove come into his hands.The pigeon cooed and ate some of the feed in Qian Daoyuan's hand, and then Qian Daoyuan casually opened the letters beside the bucket of white pigeon legs.Qian Daoyuan opened it and said, "Great, it seems that the news you have received is true. Our army will surely win this time~! The latest news is that Zhu Yuanzhang, the Pegasus Meteor in the west, is marching. Assassinated Cao Zongyue, the great enemy of our army, to death. Our army has encountered a great thing this time, and with such a good opportunity, our army will definitely be able to win this battle in Chuzhou~!" After finishing speaking, Qian Daoyuan said Unknowingly, the voice grew louder.At this moment, an arrow suddenly shot from the grass next to Qian Daoyuan, almost hitting Qian Daoyuan's feet!

Fortunately, Qian Daoyuan was still a little vigilant, so he quickly put his body on his back and led everyone away.Before leaving, Bai Haonan suddenly had a premonition and said, "I mean Captain Qian, or else we'll just burn their granary down without stopping? How much can be burnt counts~!" Qian Daoyuan just thought Objecting, the three young men next to him couldn't help being excited, and don Wangshan also echoed: "I think the sooner this matter is done, the better, otherwise we will be too late when those people react~!" Qian Daoyuan couldn't help but helplessly said : "No way, we have been exposed now. If you are in danger, I will be responsible~!" Seeing that Bai Haonan's decision was rejected, Tang Wangshan was just about to say something, when the remaining two people also expressed their support Bai Haonan said: "I'm talking about Captain Qian, why are you cowardly when it's time to do it? If we are cowardly this time, then what kind of men are we?" The other also agreed: "Since the news we got is true, then It is necessary to shake the enemy's morale, and finally make the enemy's morale completely out of control~!" Qian Daoyuan couldn't help sighing and said, "Then what should we do just now?" Bai Haonan talked eloquently: "Captain Qian, Have you forgotten that the enemy just fired an arrow, not a row of arrows. Then this shows that the enemy is not sure if it is a person or something else. Why are you so careful, old man~!" Tang Wangshan immediately agreed: "That's right, Bai Haonan's analysis is right~!" After speaking, the other two also agreed.Qian Daoyuan waved his hand involuntarily and said: "Okay, you can go, but you must use the bundle of arrows behind me. Let me declare first, I only allow you to use ten arrows. Otherwise, it will not be enough, don't Blame me~!"

Bai Haonan immediately agreed, and everyone walked around to a small granary not far from the enemy.Bai Haonan lit one of the bows and arrows casually, then Captain Qian handed over the longbow, Bai Haonan pulled it hard and let it go, the arrow hit the straw part of the enemy's small granary.Then Bai Haonan kept shooting arrows in his hand.In a moment, the fire filled the air.The five of them left the place quickly with a bit of excitement and excitement.Bai Haonan took the lead and led everyone out of here.At this moment, a group of people suddenly ran towards this side. They were well-equipped and numerous in number.Bai Haonan and the other five took advantage of the terrain to quickly throw off the pursuers one by one.After finally escaping more than ten miles away, most of the team that originally chased and killed Bai Haonan and the other five people disappeared, leaving only a few dozens of people.The captain rushed over suddenly and said, "This is not the way to go now. Let's split up. You and Don Wang-shan will be in a team, I will be in a team with myself, and the two of them will be in a team. I just recognized it. The person who took the lead in chasing us is Cao Zong. Yue’s grandson——Cao Mingcheng, according to my judgment, his main target is you. If you run far away and still cannot escape, then fire fireworks for help. There will naturally be people to meet you, okay, my words That's all, I hope this time separating and escaping can help you... goodbye~!"

After speaking, the five people separated into three directions and fled. The dozens of people who were chasing behind all looked at the shrewd and capable Cao Mingcheng.Cao Mingcheng looked at the direction in which the five people were fleeing, pointed to three of the dozen or so people and said, "The three of you go after that person, the two of you go after two, and the rest follow me~! Get the culprit this time The culprit, that is, those two people catch up, and it is best to capture them alive." Bai Haonan followed Don Wang Mountain who was familiar with the terrain all the way to the back of a mountain depression.At this time, the seven people who were chasing had begun to lose their way.Bai Haonan saw one of them in a daze, as if he couldn't figure out the specific direction.Bai Haonan looked a little moved, looked at Tang Wangshan next to him and said, "Old Tang, why don't we kill this man? Now there is no one around him~!" Tang Wangshan looked in the direction Bai Haonan pointed, and couldn't help but feel a little bit concerned. move.Just when the two were approaching, suddenly there was a short neighing sound from the side: "Hoo~!" The mature Tang Wangshan felt that something was wrong, so he pulled Bai Haonan away and said, "No, this might be a trap~! Come with me Let's go..." After finishing speaking, the two of them faintly felt the sound of horseshoes coming!

Bai Haonan chose to leave directly without hesitation, and left the place quickly.Just as Bai Haonan was walking away, Cao Mingcheng, who was hiding beside this person, appeared and said, "Yes, these two people are indeed the ruthless people who lead crimes against the wind~! So cautious, it seems that we have to play with them." Playing... Come here." After speaking, Bai Haonan was not surprised to find the people lurking nearby, and those people approached this way.Looking at the disguises of those seven people, Bai Haonan, who escaped unharmed, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and said with some lingering fear: "It's really dangerous, if you weren't vigilant enough, we would have ended up long ago."

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