Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know it at this time, but the nearby regular Red Scarf Army who received the tip captured the county.Zhu Yuanzhang traveled all the way south and came to Chuzhou, which is located next to Xinyang. At this time, Guo Zixing had initially completed the reorganization of his army, and it was the time when Guo Zixing was employing people.So Zhu Yuanzhang took the position of Pegasus Meteor, mainly to cooperate with Peng Yingyu's secret intelligence line who was still in Daofo Temple, so Zhu Yuanzhang could be considered as a spy in charge of intelligence temporarily.Zhu Yuanzhang followed the dilapidated steps of the Taoist Temple all the way to Peng Yingyu's position.At this time, Peng Yingyu pretended to be the host here, and was responsible for scouting information everywhere, and went through the Taofo Temple to operate nearby casinos and brothels, seeking huge profits from them.Zhu Yuanzhang's toes became red and swollen when he walked, so he stopped and began to rest.Suddenly a monk in tattered cassock staggered down.Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the man, and the monk came to Zhu Yuanzhang cursing and said:

: "Damn the host, I actually met this guy who was picking prostitutes. I don't know where the resources are, but they all look good... One of them is quite to my liking, but this bastard can't even touch her hands." Don’t let me touch it, and said that there will be a chance in the future, and I will introduce one to Lao Tzu after this period of time.”

Zhu Yuanzhang really suspected that he had heard it wrong. Isn't this the place to collect intelligence?How can there be prostitutes in and out?By the way, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly thought of something and said: "So that's the case. Collecting information doesn't have to be done through very accurate channels... These three religions and nine streams are also a good choice, so I said why Monk Peng actually involved opening a brothel What a shameless thing~!" After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang was about to ask the monk in front of him, but in the blink of an eye, the monk in front of him disappeared, and only Zhu Yuanzhang was left wandering around.Zhu Yuanzhang secretly said vigilantly: "Strange, could it be that what I saw just now was a ghost?" After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang walked towards the Taoist Temple with all his strength.Finally, Zhu Yuanzhang came to the end alone.A dilapidated temple appeared in front of my eyes: "Daofo Temple." I don't know if this plaque has been in disrepair for a long time, but most of it is rotten, leaving only a lonely temple word messy in the wind.Zhu Yuanzhang immediately raised his voice and said, "Is there anyone here? I'm the new recruit spy Zhu Yuanzhang who came here to report..." Zhu Yuanzhang shouted many times in a row, and finally a man with a pockmarked face appeared and said: " This is not a place for people to stay, if you don’t have the recommendation of the ghost king, don’t come to this ghost place~!” Zhu Yuanzhang resisted the discomfort, made a gesture to the person, then tapped his head five times and said: "The Taoist Temple has a long flow of water, and the Great Ming God shines on the world~!" The man said without expression: "Okay, come in, welcome to the Taoist Information Office~!" After speaking, the man lifted his mask. The monk who shouted for a woman.Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help commenting: "I don't know if I'm hosting now... Oh, no, is Peng Yingyu here?"

The man grinned and said, "I'll go in and report now. It's been a long time since I've met any young lads here. They're all philistine, middle-aged and old people... They all come here to eat and die~! Hmph, wait a minute." Anyone who is lazy will be punished to go for alms~!" After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang's scalp became numb, because dozens of pairs of eyes appeared densely in this ruined temple, and these eyes stared at the newcomer Zhu Yuanzhang in unison.The man turned his head to look at Zhu Yuanzhang's bushy hair and said, "Young man, do you want me to help you voluntarily?" Zhu Yuanzhang sighed and said, "It's okay. The visitor was relieved, and picked up the razor beside him. Zhu Yuanzhang had his head shaved for the first time.The man couldn't help grinning and said, "Don't worry, you will really look like a monk in a few months, and you will naturally grow another beautiful hair... Hehehe~!" After speaking, he skillfully shaved Zhu Yuanzhang's hair Light.After the man finished shaving, he said, "You are still not vigilant enough. What if I cut your neck with a razor?" After speaking, the man laughed.After a while, the man invited out the abbot—Peng Yingyu.Peng Yingyu looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, who was already bald, and couldn't help but smiled with satisfaction: "This is our deputy director of intelligence—Bai Haonan, nicknamed—Cobra."

The man looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's immature face and said helplessly: "That's right, do you think I'm vicious when you hear this nickname?" One person came out and said, "That's right, he doesn't look vicious when he looks like that. Don't look at us with such a face, but we are not much older than you. This guy is only 19 years old this year." Bai Haonan looked Looking at the man, he couldn't help but sneered.

: "No, don't forget that someone is only a few months old~! Isn't that right, Don Wangshan?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but think when he heard this sentence: "Why are they all older than me?" Zhu Yuanzhang didn't go anywhere else. Thinking about the place, Peng Yingyu said: "Enough, now is not the time to be bigger than anyone else, you should start gathering people to listen to my experience sharing meeting now. No one is allowed to fall asleep while listening, or that person will go out and go around 'Go for alms'!" After speaking, many people complained secretly, because they have long been bored with this kind of listening, and who would have thought that they would be put together by Monk Peng again today.But Zhu Yuanzhang was very curious, because it was the first time he heard it, and Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he should not be so miserable as to "beg for alms".

So everyone started the experience exchange meeting in the inner hall.Monk Peng spoke first: "The theme of our issue this time is how to refine the intelligence work. First of all, we have to..." At the beginning, it was a bit interesting to explore knowledge, but after hearing it, Zhu Yuanzhang found that he was like listening to a scripture , Unknowingly fell asleep.Peng Yingyu didn't even look at it, and first sent out the young people, including Tang Wangshan and Bai Haonan.Finally, Zhu Yuanzhang followed the two down the mountain in a daze. Under the setting sun, the three of them went down the mountain together with several religious documents that were secretly disseminated and some demagogic leaflets that were distributed.Tang Wangshan seemed to be a little gloating. Looking at Bai Haonan, who was lacking energy, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who was downcast, he couldn't help but calmly began to criticize the two: "It seems that people like you are destined to be unable to do great things, otherwise why do you listen to them every now and then?" Dozed off?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help retorting: "What about you? Are you the same as us?" After Zhu Yuanzhang said this, Bai Haonan immediately counterattacked: "It's better than some people watching in the middle of the night who don't know shame Little man's book... Hehehe, it's really funny, some people only have so much a month's salary, and they dare to spend so much, and I don't know how some people will marry a wife in the future?"

Tang Wangshan said with a black face when he heard the words: "Don't worry about it, you are nagging like my elders all day long, and I don't know which of us will die outside first~!" Bai Haonan couldn't help provocatively: "You think you are old? You are younger than me, so you can die more slowly? With your attitude of fighting to death, sooner or later the fate will be full of grass on the grave~!" Tang Wangshan couldn't help but stubbornly said: "It's better than some people crying for their parents every now and then. Strong~!" Bai Haonan couldn't help saying excitedly: "

What do you know, I am just sad because of the death of my comrade-in-arms. "Don Wang Shan couldn't help dismantling the stage and said: "Ordinary comrades in arms, I think it's Fa Xiao, right? "Bai Haonan pushed away Zhu Yuanzhang who was in the middle and said: "What did you say, say it again~! "Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to persuade: "Since we are together now, let's be brothers and companions. If it doesn't work, don't be enemies~!" "Bai Haonan pointed to Tang Wangshan and said, "Cut...just him?"Not worthy~!Hmph..." After finishing speaking, the two turned their heads away and ignored each other. So they were speechless along the way, and finally Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said: "Which one of you has water on you?I'm out of water, can I borrow some? "

Almost at the same time, Tang Wangshan and Bai Haonan said: "I have..." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Tang Wangshan on the left and Bai Haonan on the right, not knowing how to choose.Tang Wangshan couldn't help snorting, handed his water bag to Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Don't drink from him, he forgot to fetch water just now. I should ask him to fetch some~!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Bai Haonan while hesitating, Bai Haonan Turning his head away and ignoring don Wang Shan, he said, "That's right... I also think this guy is annoying sometimes." Zhu Yuanzhang took it casually, took a sip and said, "How should we go this way, I'm still a newcomer... ...Please don’t make noise, take me with you~!” Don Wangshan snorted, and couldn’t help but enthusiastically said, “There is a free water well three miles north from here, which I discovered by accident. If you dare to fight, I'm afraid you will be driven away~!" Bai Haonan also opened his mouth and said positively: "I also know a place where there is water, but it's a bit eerie, if you're timid, you'd better not go there~ !" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, and decided: "Then let's go to Brother Wangshan. If we often haunt those gloomy places, we might accidentally get dirty things." Don Wangshan couldn't help showing off after finishing speaking. : "You see, I'm thoughtful, right? Unlike someone who knows how to drill into those places where no one is around all day long... I don't know where the bastard came from~!" Bai Haonan sneered: "I don't like A certain person knows how to count his meager assets all day long, and he keeps talking about buying a house that no one wants... or someone who has died, I really don't know whose heart is unhealthy~!" Tang Wangshan couldn't help but contemptuously said: "It's better than some people who only know to believe in ghosts and gods, and often worship ghosts and gods in the middle of the night, what a stinky and shameless god~!" Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned, looked at the dark-faced Bai Haonan and said: " Do you really believe in religion? Brother Haonan?" Bai Haonan couldn't help but said angrily: "It's better than some people who only know how to enjoy women's sex all day long, and go to those shady places to get drunk~!"

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