Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 292 The Mocking of Fate

Yang Wencong's explanation immediately reassured Yuan Qi, who was skeptical.Yuan Qi looked at the very simple task in front of him, nodded and finally agreed: "Okay, let's go to the suburbs and see how powerful these three flower picking thieves are~!" After finishing speaking, the two went to The mission entrusting party accepted the mission.Yang Wencong then asked if the task was taken by others.The answer the two received was: "Not yet, I just don't know what will happen later." The two also knew that this task was about time, especially Yang Wencong, a veteran, had to accept this task right away. .The person sitting on the entrusting side smiled and said: "Actually, you don't have to worry, because the traces of these three flower pickers are not so easy to find. And if you encounter them, there is an [-]% probability that you will escape. So this kind of entrustment consumes time. There are countless money and money. Now you can only seek some fortune tellers, try to find those fortune tellers with real skills. Instead of going out to find them prematurely. Before this, many masters went out to find this The three of them basically failed~!" Hearing this, Yang Wencong raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Speaking of which, I still know some people in the Wang family. Leave it to us, you can rest assured~!" After finishing speaking, Yang Wencong brought Yuan Qi, who was at a loss, left the entrusting party together.

Yuan Qi asked curiously: "Brother Cong, do you know anyone who is good at tracking?" Yang Wencong shook his head and said: "Since these three people have failed to track down in the past missions, it is basically ruled out to use this method to find people. It is." Yuan Qi couldn't help being surprised and said: "Are you still planning to use the fortune-telling method mentioned by the old man just now to find someone?" Yang Wencong couldn't help laughing and said: "Why not?" Yuan Qi also No way, it was really like looking for a needle in a haystack, going out to the outskirts of Mengding Mansion to find these three flower pickers who had disappeared.But Yuan Qi still couldn't believe it and said, "Can fortune-telling work? Brother, have you tried it?" Yang Wencong said with a mysterious smile, "I don't know about others, but there is one person I absolutely believe in. Tell me later." You recommend it, this person’s fortune-telling is really effective.” After speaking, Yang Wencong turned left and right, and walked an unknown number of small roads before reaching the door of a small wooden house.Yuan Qi looked at a line of words written on it: "Bao must have a good fortune, no money is not allowed." As soon as he entered the door, Yang Wencong bowed and said hello: "Hello, Mr. Bao." Mr. Bao is a somewhat mean-looking person, There is a short goatee on his face, a pair of sunglasses in his eyes, and there is a little look in his eyes.Yuan Qi didn't dare to be careless, and directly followed Yang Wencong to call for someone.Yang Wencong took Yuan Qi and sat down beside him.After a long time, Bao Bide said, "What do you want to count today?" Yang Wencong handed over three taels of silver honestly and said, "Please also help us calculate the tasks we received recently, the three big flower pickers in the suburbs mentioned in it." , the current positions of these three people." Yuan Qi couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "But we don't know their birthdays~!" Yang Wencong shook his head and said: "The entrusting party has already sent someone to bring it to me, you didn't read it. It's normal if you don't know." Yang Wencong said this, which made Yuan Qi feel at ease.Bao Bide carefully looked at the horoscopes of the three people's birthdays, and then began to use gossip calculations to figure out the specific locations of the three people.After finishing the calculation, Bao Bide couldn't help squinting at Yuan Qi, and said something inexplicable: "Stinky boy, it seems that this time you have a lot of luck~!" After saying this nonsense, Bao Bide Write the address to Yang Wencong, and then the two left here.

Yang Wencong took Yuan Qi all the way to an inn in the suburbs.As soon as the two of them entered, Yang Wencong realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere permeating the inn.It actually made the two feel a little dizzy.Suddenly a black shadow flashed in the inn, Yang Wencong chased it out, and then ordered: "Xiao Qi, you go in and rescue those spoiled girls now. I will chase after the flower pickers~!" After Yang Wencong disappeared in place, Yuan Qi Qi also knew that he was inexperienced now, and there was really no way to track down this cunning flower picker.So without further ado, he went straight to the inn and found the girls who had been taken captive.Then Yuan Qi rescued all those girls from the inn.Just because these girls all fainted, Yuan Qi had no choice but to move them out one by one.Yuan Qi had just moved to the last one, suddenly there was a sudden change, Yuan Qi felt his head heat up, and then his body reacted.Then Yuan Qi rushed towards the girl in a daze... When Yuan Qi woke up, he found that he actually took the girl's body.And the blood red under the girl indicates that the girl is still a virgin.Yuan Qi really wanted to slap himself, but out of a guilty conscience, Yuan Qi put on his clothes, and then barely put on the girl's clothes, and finally Yuan Qi carried the girl on his back and walked out.At this time, the girls outside all stood up, and many people wondered: "Didn't we get caught by the flower pickers? Why is nothing wrong?"

At this time Yuan Qi appeared, and everyone soon had an answer.At this time, the girl who was asked to have her first night by Yuan Qi also woke up leisurely.Yuan Qi asked guiltily, "I don't know the girl's name, Gao?" The girl adjusted her discomfort and said, "My name is Gongsun Hongxiu... I'm from Gao Yin near here." Zhu Zhu felt ashamed and said: "I was really too careless. I should have taken a breath first, and then rescued the girls... Hey, this is a betrayal of my Hua'er~!" At this point, the old man shed tears Tears of repentance.At this time, Sanbao, who was listening to the narration, suddenly remembered his surname—Gongsun, and then remembered that the name of his grandma that he had learned from his biological parents was Gongsun Hongxiu!Thinking of these coincidences, Sanbao couldn't help thinking about it, and comforted himself while thinking: "No, at that time I always asked where my grandma and grandpa were, and she always said that your grandpa is not a thing... often spoils you. The body of a girl with yellow flowers~! Could it be... there is such a coincidence in this world? No...it's impossible, I must be thinking wrong, it's just a coincidence...coincidence, calm down, Wang Sanbao~!" At this time Listening to the old man's narration, the old man said: "Since then, every time I pass by Gaoyin, I will send some silver and food to that Gongsun Hongxiu. Later, Gongsun Hongxiu gave birth to a son... It seems to be named Gongsun Guigui..." Sanbao heard The news changed his face, as if he was struck by five thunders: "No...how can there be such a coincidence in this world? But my real father's name is that~!" Thinking of this, Sanbao asked for confirmation again Said: "Then is there any characteristic on that child?" The old man said helplessly, "It seems that there is a mole on his left shoulder..."

Speaking of this, the old man obviously found that there was something wrong with the three treasures in front of him.Thinking carefully, Sanbao sat up suddenly and said, "Yes, every time my father takes off his clothes, he takes off the right side first and then the left side. When I ask him why, he always says it's because there is a mole on his left shoulder. It will be a little itchy..." Then Sanbao recalled that about 300 miles away from Mengding's mansion, it was Gao Yin that the old man had mentioned!Although the old man was a little puzzled, he suddenly stared at Sanbao's face, and then touched his own.At this time, the two said in unison: "It's you... Are you really my grandson? (Grandpa?)" The old man once again figured out why Wang Fanghua chose this child at that time. The reason is that the two look alike!Sanbao sat down weakly, staring at the old man in front of him.The old man was ecstatic and said: "That's great, God wanted me to miss Xiaohua, but he sent me my own grandson~!" After speaking, the old man inevitably lost control of his emotions, crying and begging Wang Fanghua for forgiveness , while thanking the heavens for their eyes.Sanbao couldn't help but despise the old man and said: "For so many years, you haven't looked for us, and if it wasn't for the old lady, you might not see me now... Hehe, this world is really small, and I actually met that The irresponsible grandpa in the legend... how come you fell off the horse that time and didn't fall to your death?"

The old man couldn't help sobbing: "My dear grandson, since fate has sent you to me, then let you forgive my past~!" Sanbao shook his head firmly and said: "You know how Grandma Wang bought me to the Wang family Is it? But you lost my grandson to a human trafficker in order to enjoy your glory and wealth... No, at least you didn't really care about our family. Whoever wants your dirty money will be your grandson... ...Get the hell out of here~!" After speaking, Sanbao's emotions quickly reached a climax, and he couldn't hold back the surge of emotion in his heart, so he slammed the door and went out.The old man shook his hands tremblingly and said: "What the hell have I done? My grandson doesn't recognize me now... Hey, maybe this is a mockery of fate? Hehehe..." At this moment, Sanbao In addition to hatred, there is also a trace of dislike for Grandma Wang. She is her, an old pervert who thinks he controls his destiny. If it weren't for this woman, his family would be a complete family.Maybe now this old man who was mocked by fate can give me a little warmth at that time...

Sanbao yelled uncontrollably: "Fuck you, God, are you playing with me? Why is it him, why is it her? Why are these two people related to our family? Isn't my life miserable enough? Is it? You heartless shit... ah~!" After a long time, Sanbao looked at the sky blankly and shed the most tears in his life.Sanbao randomly took a handful of weeds, stuck them in the soil, and bowed to him. He bowed to his deceased relatives with great regret in his heart. : "Father, mother, maybe...maybe it won't be long before I will go to the underworld to accompany you...Grandma, I shouldn't have recognized a thief as my father, and I shouldn't have been rescued by this heartless person. Maybe after that time, We can be together forever~!"

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