Big Dipper Xingyao, who hadn't gone far, could only watch helplessly as his parents ran away, unable to help.At this time, the leg of Kill Fushou, who was almost running away, was stopped by Big Dipper Xingyao: "No, don't be impulsive, just wait for me..." Before he finished speaking, Big Dipper Xingyao directly used a kind of mist Covering Lu Fushou's mouth and nose, he directly threw Lu Fushou down and said, "I'm sorry... I know you really want to do it, but facing such a powerful enemy, we choose to tolerate it now instead of being dazed by anger Brain." After speaking, Big Dipper Xingyao directly sealed the action with a spell, and then threw it into the storage space.Big Dipper Xingyao let out a foul breath, then quietly approached an unremarkable soldier, and directly assassinated him.Then, Big Dipper Xingyao directly changed into a soldier's costume and mixed into the crowd.Beidou Xingyao deliberately smeared some blood stains on his face, and also used the transformation technique to change the shape of his face, making himself look like the kind of soldier who survived the catastrophe.The surrounding 'friends' all looked at this humble soldier, because this person was so abrupt that he rushed in without declaring his name.A team leader stopped Beidou Xingyao and said, "What's the matter with you, why did you come in without giving your name?" Beidou Xingyao immediately pretended to be a little dizzy and said: " sir, my head I was kicked by the donkey raised by these two families just now, I guess I still can't tell the difference~!"

The team leader was skeptical, Big Dipper Xingyao had already prepared for this, he asked the team leader to take a look at the back of his head.The squad leader really saw a pustule, not too big or too small, growing on the soldier's head.The team leader immediately believed him and said: "Why are you so careless? You are said to be a pustule from the remnant of Xingtian. When I saw it today, I really lived up to my reputation~!" After finishing speaking, another team leader pulled Big Dipper Yao Aisle: "Come on, come on, don't embarrass me here, come back with me~!" After finishing speaking, he couldn't help saying that he took Beidou Xingyao away.Beidou Xingyao still looked confused: "Who are you, why are you pulling me away?" The team leader's face turned black: "You bastard, you don't even recognize me, hurry up and follow me... Otherwise, your sister will scold me to death~!" After speaking, Big Dipper Xingyao seemed to be enlightened, and suddenly said: "So you are my brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I don't know if I should say a word or not?" The brother-in-law said embarrassingly

: "I think it's better not to talk about it, it's useless to talk about it..." After speaking, amidst the laughter of the crowd, Big Dipper Xingyao was dragged away.

Big Dipper Xingyao looked at the disorganized and disorganized remnants of Xing Tian, ​​and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.In fact, Big Dipper Xingyao was far less calm than he appeared on the surface. Big Dipper Xingyao made a preliminary estimate that among these seemingly inconspicuous remnants of Xingtian, there were about thirty demon kings who were similar to him alone.This is not counting the more top god and devil emperor above, Big Dipper Xingyao suddenly stopped thinking about making breakthroughs. Although the people here are disorderly, there are many powerful people everywhere.With my current ability, I will deal with those inconspicuous captains, such as the 'brother-in-law' around me.Beidou Xingyao looked at the people around him for a week. Although these troops were formed temporarily, many people in high positions inside were vigilant, as if they knew that they and Killing Fushou had slipped through the net.Big Dipper Xingyao was in a daze, when the 'sister' next to him suddenly patted Big Dipper Xingyao and said, "I said Feiyu, why do you look so stupid, going out for a trip is like losing your soul? Did you meet your future wife? ?” Beidou Xingyao shook his head helplessly and said, “No, the main reason is that the donkey’s iron hooves are too strong, and now I’m still slowing down~!” ‘Sister’ said with a forced smile: “Your brother-in-law is too, calling for no reason. You go to support, the result is good, now you have become a fool when you come back from the support, just smirking there..." Beidou Xingyao gave his 'sister' a white look and said: "Sister, how can you say that about your brother?

Didn't I come back safely?Isn't that something to be thankful for?Look at what you said, it seems like I lost my soul~! "'Sister' pouted and said: "Don't be angry at me like your brother-in-law. Your brother-in-law said a long time ago that he would marry me, but now he doesn't even have a basic situation. Why do you think this man is so unreliable?" spectrum? "After saying 'sister', she turned her head and ignored Big Dipper Xingyao.

Beidou Xingyao was also happy to take a leisurely break. Looking at the situation in the nearby camp, it was early summer.The weather was a bit hot, and the older sister next to her was dressed a little thinly, not to mention that Big Dipper Xingyao was also a young boy, so when he glanced at the figure of 'sister', he couldn't help being taken aback.This 'sister' suddenly turned her head away, stared into Beidou Xingyao's eyes and said: "Huacha Feiyu, what are you looking at, you brat... don't you want to take advantage of my sister when you go out?" After finishing speaking, she slapped her. come over.Beidou Xingyao flashed and said: "Sister, don't tell me, your figure is really not good. Although I can't do brother-in-law's work, it doesn't prevent me from admiring my sister's beauty~!" Hearing this sentence,' Sister's face blushed immediately and said: "Stinky boy, go out and learn to be glib, why didn't sister see you bring a daughter-in-law back? Brat, you are so annoying, you are a stinky man like your brother-in-law~!" After finishing speaking, sister 'Looked at' brother with a bit of strange color

’ said: “Why did I just find out now that this donkey has kicked you, a bastard, to be smart? You have learned to praise your sister~!” Beidou Xingyao looked at the face of ‘sister’ helplessly and said: “Although it is so, but It would be great if my sister's face could be fairer and more supple." The 'sister' blushed and kicked Beidou Xingyao and said, "You brat, just praised you a few times, and your tail went up to the sky, really I can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth... I'm the same as your brother-in-law~!"

Big Dipper Xingyao was too lazy to entangle with 'sister', so he said: "Sister, I want some watermelons in the watermelon field over there, you wait for me." After finishing speaking, Big Dipper Xingyao sneaked away.Big Dipper Xingyao clearly saw that in the old watermelon field, many soldiers were stealing melons to eat.So I thought of trying to make these little soldiers feel uncomfortable.Beidou Xingyao first added a little croton-like thing to the watermelon, and then injected it with a small needle.Then he did the same, and gave those watermelons a little 'essence'... In order not to arouse suspicion, Big Dipper Xingyao also specially gave some watermelons to himself.Soon, Big Dipper Xingyao put all the melons and fruits with something.That night, when Big Dipper Xingyao was going to the bathroom, he saw many people defecating near the watermelon patch.It is estimated that these remnants of Xingtian are really going to be miserable.Sure enough, even the army stationed next to him was caught. At this time, Beidou Xingyao was not suspected, but those who had nothing to do were suspected. Many people were arrested by the superiors and began to torture them to extract confessions.Big Dipper Xingyao showed his hand in this way and offended almost everyone nearby. Even so, Big Dipper Xingyao's plan had just started.Big Dipper Xingyao's efforts were not in vain, and soon everyone in the army was ordered not to eat any melons and fruits here, including many fairy peaches and spirit beasts.These troops only eat all the melons, fruits and spirit beasts that have been tested by professionals, and cannot eat them privately.

So Beidou Xingyao began to use his brains, and began to secretly lay hands on those who were doing inspection and quarantine.After more than half a month of tossing like this, all the troops here were tossed to death by Big Dipper Xingyao, and had to face the decision to withdraw.Beidou Xingyao also took the opportunity to escape, and then Beidou Xingyao heard the news of Beidou Xu's death.Beidou Xingyao finally endured it, and started the road of seeking a teacher and learning art together with the already calm Lu Fushou.On this day, in order to avoid being hunted down, the two came all the way to the border of the gods and demons.An old man in rags begged along the street until he appeared in front of the two.Big Dipper Xingyao hesitated for a moment, looked at Kill Fushou next to him, and gave a coin with a relatively large denomination in his hand.Then the two didn't give it in vain, and began to ask the old man about the situation in the nearby cities.The old man took the two of them to buy something to eat, and then suddenly dragged the two of them to a remote corner.Beidou Xingyao's divine sense seemed to sense something serious about the old man, so the two of them followed the old man to an alley.As soon as he entered the alley, the old man's figure suddenly became taller, and his cultivation was so strong that he crushed the two of them.Killing Fushou finally understood why Brother Beidou dragged him in.What's strange is that as soon as the two were pulled in, they found that the path behind them suddenly disappeared.The two were just suspended in mid-air.Big Dipper Xingyao didn't know that he had met a peerless powerhouse. He bowed and said: "Junior Big Dipper Xingyao..." Killing Fushou next to him also bowed and said: "Junior Killing Fushou..." Finally, the two said at the same time: "See you Senior." Three old men appeared in front of Beidou Xingyao, one old man was holding a bottle of Yulu Immortal Water, one old man was holding a cornucopia, and the last old man was holding a small bronze tripod.Big Dipper Xingyao suddenly figured out who the three old men in front of him were, so he said more respectfully: "What this junior sees are the three incarnations of Senior Wanzhan.

?Are the three Taoist Sanqing Taoists? The Taoist in the middle holding the small bronze tripod smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to be too polite, we are here under the order of the master of Wanzhan World, and we are here to teach you two.If you learn the Taoism of the three of us, you will not be in vain in this world~! "After speaking, the Taoist on the left sprinkled the rain and dew fairy water and said: "By the way, your master who killed Fushou is someone else.You can go to them now... I hope you can learn the essence of it, and it is not in vain for your parents to sacrifice for you~! "After talking about Lu Fushou, he flashed into a treasure mountain, and on that treasure mountain sat a gorgeously dressed woman in Hanfu. When the woman saw Lu Fushou, she smiled and said, "Don't come here, little one Fushou.Don't you often make wishes to see me? "

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