Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 176 Familiar People

Lao Anfu recalled the passage of this period of time, and he couldn't help worrying about the far-away farming force.Lao Anfu then finished his own grilled scallops, followed by some grilled crabs.Then Lao Anfu casually took out the small pot he was carrying, spooned a pot of water into the sea water, and started to boil it.Then Lao Anfu tore a piece of cloth casually, covered the small pot, and then cooked it according to the law.Distilling a pot of seawater with steam turns the seawater into a little bit of fresh water through distillation.Lao Anfu wrung out the fresh water directly with a cloth, then poured out the remaining sea water, poured the water into the pot again, and heated it for a while.Finally boil the water and start drinking it after it cools down.Speaking of this, Nong Lipin directly passed the words to Lao Anfu next to him and said: "You should say the best about your experience at that time. Otherwise, you should say that I made it up~!" Lao Anfu actually doesn't like to talk to people. Bringing up that period of the past, but under the urging of the original best friend, Jiang Anfu compromised.Tell me what happened to you at that time.Bai Yiyang and the others immediately listened attentively. Gu Anfu took an awkward look at Bai Yiyang and Guo Fenqi, and then said, "Actually, I was separated from Nongli at that time..."

Lao Anfu actually met his opponent at that time, because this team is a master of tracking.Among them, the trio headed by the captain are really masters in the tracking world.Lao Anfu ran for a while, found a random grass and rolled down.Lao Anfu thought that he did it without anyone noticing, but who knew that the captain found Lao Anfu just by the direction of his footprints and the degree of subsidence of the grass.Lao Anfu finally came to a pile of weeds. Who knew that the captain could tell at a glance that a person had just entered the pair of grass just now, because there was a gap the size of a human being there.Lao Anfu was frightened out of his wits, and hurriedly changed the place. Just as Lao Anfu was about to climb up a branch, a flying eagle suddenly flashed past Lao Anfu. Lao Anfu recognized the origin of the flying eagle at a glance. Could it be the captain the flying eagle?Lao Anfu was so frightened that he scrambled out of the forest.Then Lao Anfu came to the bushes next to the forest and saw several wild boars and a pack of more than a dozen gray wolves.At this time, there are chasing soldiers behind, and wolves in front.Just when he was in a dilemma, Lao Anfu remembered the trick that his master taught him that day: "Stir up the hatred among those animals, so that you can survive that disaster safely." So Lao Anfu immediately ran to the wild boars, Then he touched the back of a little wild boar, then threw the little wild boar towards the wolves, and then dodged aside.Sure enough, there was a commotion among the wolves, and then the angry wild boars confronted the wolves, and then the two groups started fighting. Lao Anfu actually exhausted all his remaining strength, so he could only lie on the ground, gasping for breath.All of Lao Anfu's actions naturally did not escape the sight of the captain. While the captain was sneering, another group of people approached.Lao Anfu was completely desperate, because this place is actually close to the edge of a cliff, there is really no way to go to heaven, and no way to go down to earth.

And Lao Anfu soon happened the plot of the previous chapter, so Lao Anfu drank the fresh water, took a rest, and advanced towards the depths of the coast.From time to time, Lao Anfu would take out a dagger to stab nearby small animals, or set simple traps to hunt some pheasants and voles.Time quickly passed while walking in prison and Anfu.Every time Lao Anfu encountered those huge beasts, Lao Anfu basically relied on the reactions of those nearby beasts to escape.Finally, after more than three months, Lao Anfu returned to the original cliff.At this time, those who followed him had basically disappeared, and some people would pass by from time to time.Lao Anfu hid there and could see clearly that most of these people passed through the forest here when the group of people left.It's just that it's not because they don't give up on Lao Anfu's pursuit, but because they completely think that Lao Anfu is dead.After more than three months of baptism, Lao Anfu's character was completely blackened, because he wanted to take revenge on these people.Lao Anfu ambushed a group of people nearby, relying on his stamina and speed.Lao Anfu began to choose an ambush target, and a group of poorly guarded enemies approached every day.Lao Anfu curled up on the tree first, and then took advantage of the moment when the group of people passed under the tree for the last time, one of them died.It landed on this person's horse, and then killed this person with lightning speed.Then Lao Anfu was like a poisonous scorpion hiding in the dark, harvesting the people next to him one after another.It wasn't until one of them looked back at his partner that he realized that he and the five people in front were the only ones around.But Lao Anfu didn't do anything, took advantage of the enemy's reaction, and harvested everyone's heads again.After killing people, Lao Anfu sat on the ground out of breath, and tied a good horse by the side of the road with a rope.Of the remaining horses, only one good horse was left behind, and all the others were driven away.

In this way, he kept Anfu fast, followed the map in his mind, and went all the way back to the original place where the Ming army was stationed.Fortunately, because of the war, this Ming army is still there, otherwise Lao Anfu might have to set off again to find the team.Lao Anfu finally finished telling his story at this time, and everyone looked at the last person—Fang Yuke.While eating and drinking, Fang Yuke talked about his experience as a presidential soldier: "That year, when Fujian was in turmoil, I followed my elder brother and signed up to join the army..." It was a night 20 years ago. Fang Yuke was originally a Businessman learning arithmetic at a small cost.That night, the robbers caught him and wanted to kill him for money. Fang Yuke couldn't help crying with snot and tears: "Brother, I really can't afford so much money, why don't you kill him first?" Can I do it?" The robber pointed helplessly at the goods behind Fang Yuke and said, "You said you are a small business, so why do you have so many goods behind you?" Fang Yuke said lazily, "I borrowed all the goods behind." The assets of those big bosses and big landlords. I borrowed them, and if those people know that I have borrowed and won’t return them, they will definitely send a large number of people to encircle you~!" After speaking, Fang Yuke said a name that made the robbers terrified: "These Most of the goods belong to Zhong Yuxi, if you let his elder brother Zhong Hanliang know, you will know the consequences~!" The bandit leader hesitated, but the second leader did not believe in evil: "The owner, if it is really Zhong Yuxi's goods, we will I admit it, but why are there only some old, weak and remnant soldiers guarding the goods that belong to the brother of Zhong Hanliang, the first general of Chen Han? Is there something tricky in this?" After speaking, the second master looked at Fang Yuke and said: "If it is really his , Then why didn't this kid say it earlier, but why did he say it at this time... In my opinion, why don't we divide this batch of goods, as long as this kid is killed, it will be regarded as Zhong Yuxi's, and no one will know. dont you agree?"

After finishing speaking, the second master showed a sinister smile and said: "You are very good at coaxing people with your little mouth. If it weren't for Zhong Hanliang, I would not be willing to kill you~!" : "Master, please forgive me...the things here really cannot be moved, how about this, I will open the box for you and count how many ingots of official silver from Chen Han's family, and gold bars are in it. All of them are printed with Chen Handu created four characters~!" The head of the family was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately asked someone to open the box to inspect the goods.Fang Yuke clasped his hands together secretly and said: "Bodhisattva, bless you, if the villain can get out alive, I will burn incense and worship Buddha for you~!" After speaking, the master opened the box, and there was indeed a batch of shiny silver taels in the box.The man picked up a piece of silver casually, and then turned over the bottom. Sure enough, the words Chen Handu made were printed on it.The Erdangjia couldn't help but feel a little weak when he saw it: "These are really official bank... It's over, if Chen Han finds out, wouldn't we be in disaster?" Then those people pried open the box again and found There are really golden gold bars inside, but they are also gold bars, and there are really four big characters engraved on the bottom: "Made by Chen Han~!" The second master hurriedly treated Fang Yuke as a guest: "Oh... look at this place You are small, there are a lot of people, and there is nothing to honor you... Can you say something nice for us in front of the military master? Spare the lives of our group of people..."

Fang Yuke wiped his sweat and said, "So, we can... can we go first?" The third master couldn't help pointing to the words on it and said: "Boss, we don't have to be afraid, can't these things be worn off with things? ? As long as these words are erased, who the hell cares if he is an official banker~!" The second head couldn't help but said with a bit of heartache: "I said, third, are you stupid? Such a big one grows in vain... We Now Chen Han is notorious for asking for money, these official bankers must have been recorded, otherwise how do you think this kid dares to be so arrogant here?" After speaking, the second leader apologized with a smile on his face: "It might be rude for me to say that, don't take offense~!" Fang Yuke said helplessly while wiping his sweat, "It's okay, as long as you let us go back." If you don't stop, it's better..." After speaking, he made a murderous gesture.Fang Yuke coughed dryly and said: "Don't worry, since you didn't take away a piece of official silver and gold bars, I won't embarrass you because of this~!" Fang Yuke wiped his sweat and prayed in his heart: " I hope that this kind of casually printed product will not go wrong at this time...don't do it~!" Thinking of this, Fang Yuke became even more nervous.The sweat all over the body began to flow non-stop.Erdangjia was moved in his heart and said: "Just follow the idea of ​​the big master. We will release this team now, and then we will directly abandon the village and leave... Doing this will not only prevent the enemy from retaliating, but also be safe~! You see so The master?" The master looked familiar at Fang Yuke, grabbed Fang Yuke and said, "Wait a minute, why do I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

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