They are all related by blood.

A corrupt family, collapse is near, just needs a little help.

"Let's go, go back to your Tong's house." Xingyuehan said so.

Back to Huanmei's house?There is really something to say here.

The sea of ​​clouds pursued deeply.

He couldn't find the exact line.

Therefore, only Mo Rufang followed.

Maybe it was Mo Rufang's advanced strength that stopped the snake and some weird people outside a cemetery.

The decorations on these people are made of Gu insect-like metal.

Blindfolded, even blindfolded, I really don't know how they see things, or maybe they don't need eyes.

A line of fire was struck with the sword, and the line of fire struck the thin snake delicately.

After the thin snake neighed, it swam into the grass and disappeared.

Tong Ming, who had lost his support, fell, and Mo Rufang stepped forward to hug him.

This step forward also happened to enter the encirclement.

It was a group of people who were standing still. Mo Rufang subconsciously thought it was a corpse, so she rushed in without paying attention. After Mo Rufang hugged Tongming, they moved.

The movements of these people are very strange, and their limbs are rattling, like zombies that have just been unearthed.

Mo Rufang held the sword in one hand and embraced Tong Ming with the other.

Whose territory is this?

Mo Rufang didn't know.

But the movements of these people seem to match so well with the environment they are in.

"Tong Ming, Tong Ming."

There was no response, and Mo Rufang took the time to bow her head.

It was found that Tong Ming was unconscious.

Because of the slightest hesitation, these people got a chance, and their withered hands were like sharp and poisonous ghost claws, hitting and attacking Mo Rufang.

In order to protect Tongming, Mo Rufang could only dodge for a while.

But no matter how powerful a strong man is, his strength will be greatly reduced if he can only dodge, not to mention Mo Rufang himself is injured.

Is it true that every strong man will be born with a long-term wound?

No one knows why, but I always feel that the strong with injuries has a story and can develop.

Mo Rufang's exercises are full of explosive power and not very durable.

And this moment is where staying power is needed.

Mo Rufang only hoped that Yun Haishen would come soon.

It was almost night now.

At night, Mo Rufang's skills will be suppressed by the surrounding environment, and it will be even more difficult at that time.

"The sea of ​​clouds is deep, come quickly."

"Yu Lingfeng of Kyushu on the cloud!"

It is the power of the bright moon on the sea!

Mo Rufang forcibly knocked one person into the air, and got a little breathing space to look in the direction of the sound.

It's the sea of ​​clouds!

It's just that Yun Haishen's body was soaked in sweat.

This is the external reaction of the massive release of internal elements.

Kyushu on the cloud.

The cloud is the depth of the sea of ​​clouds.

Under the blessing of Yunhaishen's power, it looked even brighter.

He is Murufang's sun.

It's just that these people are different, the combination of the rags on their bodies and the flesh is like steel and iron.

Under the blessing of Neiyuan, the Moon Shadow Sword is indeed extremely sharp, but each time it only breaks a small hole.

"It can't go on like this." Yun Hai was deeply determined, and all his internal energy was converted into murderous aura.

It was agreed to use the bright moon on the sea to replace the murderous aura, but now it seems that the murderous aura is much more useful than the sea moon.

Bite the vein door, and the blood full of vitality sprayed out.

The moon shadow sword in the right hand and the blood sword in the left hand.

"Reverse Killing Without Regrets!"

Killing under the moon.

Mo Rufang saw the right opportunity and released the flames.


Mo Rufang took the lead in highlighting the encirclement.

Immediately, Yun Haishen made a false move.

Also left here.

These weird people are near the cemetery, and they should not be able to walk a certain distance from the cemetery, so Mo Rufang asked Yun Haishen to follow her, and she was confident that she could get rid of it.

Now that I can't go back to the village, if I'm not afraid of [-], I'm afraid that if some force majeure monsters are attracted to the village, I'm afraid that the village will be destroyed.

One day passed.

Yun Haishen and others found a place with sunshine.

Randomly cut down two trees to make a simple resting place.

Why did Yun Haishen feel like he was trying to survive in the wilderness?

"Tongming, I'm sorry, this time it's because of me." Yun Haishen apologized sincerely.

He always thought it was his fault, because of Yan Miao's joint responsibility.

"It's okay. I'm already dead. If it wasn't for my brother and sister, I would have died a long time ago."

"This is the fate between us." Mo Rufang looked for something to eat.She and Yun Haishen can go without food for a few days and nights, but Tong Ming can't do it, not to mention, Tong Ming is half an ordinary person.

No, not now.

From now on, Tong Ming has a pair of clear blue eyes like clear crystals.

Mo Rufang took a deep look at Yunhai.


"Tong Ming, your eyes are very beautiful now." Yun Hai said with a deep smile.


Tong Ming didn't understand.

She approached the creek slowly.

The flowing stream cannot make a person's face in it complete.

But the clear eyes are agile, and the rippling water can't hide them.

"Is this my eye?"

Tong Ming rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Yes, this is your unique beauty." Yun Haishen sometimes said good things.

"Speaking like this, why does it feel like you are seducing a little girl, let's say it first, Teng Ming hasn't got the red pill yet."

The implication is that the sea of ​​clouds is deep and you are committing a crime.

"This~ haven't I praised you like this before?" Yun Hai thought deeply, "Oh~ it seems that I haven't, I remember that I have praised women who surpassed strangers..."

Well, the implication here is that you're just a stranger right now.

Sometimes I really feel that Yun Haishen has a character of vindictiveness.

"Let's not talk about that. Tong Ming, how do you feel now?"

Not long after Tong Ming woke up from the coma, his eyes became what they are now.

Call ~

After hearing Tong Ming express his physical feelings, Yun Haishen was slightly relieved.

This was the first time his own blood was used like this.I knew my bloodline before, besides the obvious identity of the Xihai royal family bequeath, there is another one.

That's where his magical blood comes from.

He didn't dare to say that he would accept the ghost sparrow's offer to be sworn brothers because the hairpin, the crocodile baby, did not know the names of these creatures before, but when he was young, he knew something similar, and his mother said it was They are of the same line.

Everything at present has an invisible but real lead, the hairpin that Guique lost, well, although Ling Fengyu got it from Lou Yueye later.

However, I may not know about the relationship between myself and the hairpin.

Yun Haishen thought of going elsewhere.

"Hiss~ why hit me~" Yun Hai stroked his head deeply.

Because Mo Rufang couldn't help getting angry seeing Yun Haishen looking at Tongming, she injected her inner essence into her knuckles, and gave Yun Haishen a huge chestnut.

"Because you have been staring at a little girl, I suspect that you are perverted."

The relationship between the two is somewhat closer.

"No, I was thinking about something."

"Shut up, pervert, don't talk to me."

Mo Rufang's behavior and words are also very different from the past.

Some~ spoiled and jealous?

As for Ling Fengyu.

Lin Li's matter is temporarily over.

Because of Ling Ziying's relationship.

Regarding Fenglaishan's past, she refused to say anything about it.

Even if it was hoisted up by Ling Fengyu, it was dangling in mid-air.

That's right, although Ling Ziying looks a little crazy, she is still very firm in her heart.

Maybe the relationship with Ling Fengyu is also very good, otherwise he wouldn't boss around Lin Li, who looks the same as Ling Fengyu in the scene, and would hide behind him whenever he was in trouble.

"Huh!" Ling Fengyu put down Ling Ziying, "You don't want to say anything."

"This matter cannot be said at all."

Ling Ziying moved her body.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have told you what happened before, you still tied me up, really." Ling Ziying rolled her eyes.

"Then I really want to thank you."

Lin Li left a long time ago, he thought the couple were playing some magical game.

Made a meal for Ling Ziying.

This is an apology.

That's how harmonious the two are.

Maybe they are too familiar with each other, which is not right. If they are really familiar, how could Ling Ziying not recognize Ling Fengyu and mistook Lin Li for Ling Fengyu? The voices are obviously different, and there is no iconic Ling Fengyu in his hands or behind him.

So, wait until Ling Ziying has a feast.

"Ling Ziying, do you know what mistake you made?"

"What's wrong, I never miss it."

Well, that's a bit thick-skinned.

"Can't you use your brain more? Thanks to the fact that you met Lin Li this time, he didn't understand anything, and he didn't have any malicious intentions. He even had absolute patience with your savagery. Where's the bad guy? I don't want to lose you. You..."

Ling Fengyu educated Ling Ziying for a long time.

I was thirsty until the end.

But the smile on Ling Ziying's face became wider and wider.

"You can still laugh. You~" Ling Fengyu became more and more angry as he spoke, and he didn't get angry at all.

"Because of you, I am not afraid of death. Just like when you were injured, it was just a small wound, and your master almost wiped out the whole family. And if I was injured or died, you would do the same."

"You don't cherish your own life, you are cowardly, and it is not advisable."

"Okay, okay, don't treat me like your master, I don't know how long I can live, as long as you care about me."

The angry Ling Fengyu didn't know what to say.

"Alas~" Ling Fengyu often sighed.

This girl is so stupid.

Fenglaishan has only her blood, and he has no chance to help her.

"Ling Fengyu, I know you want to help me, but my father said, if you don't find the sword in the end, then let Fenglaishan's bloodline be cut off. If you don't stop, you will suffer from it instead."

Ling Ziying said so in her heart.

At the beginning, we met by chance, we became acquainted because of the same surname, we got closer because of injury, and we couldn't communicate directly because of machismo.

"Here, for you, to calm you down."

Ling Ziying took out an object from her arms.

It's a sword grid, a somewhat generous sword grid.

This is what Ling Ziying carries with her.

"What is this for me? No, it's poisonous, it's a drug. Ling Ziying, what do you want?"

Intense drug, even Ling Fengyu's cultivation level is high, he can't resist this kind of confusion and dizziness from the heart, he staggered and fell into Ling Ziying's arms.

Breathing is very smooth, no extra fluctuations can be felt.

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