Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 80 Check and Balance

For his own life and freedom, Zhu Pangguo did his best to give Ling Fengyu a straight punch with all his internal energy, no coincidence.

This punch hit Ling Fengyu's chest.

A muffled sound came out.

Nei Yuan entered from the front and came out from the back, and the wind blew behind Ling Fengyu.

Just listen.

"Hey, my hand."

There was no injury deep to the bone, but only the pain of the flesh.Relatively weak pain.

It can only be said that as Lin Shoucheng said, the weakest disciple of the outer sect has not received a good education, and his mind is much weaker than others.

"You are not injured, so don't shout out."

Ling Fengyu slowly held Zhu Pangguo's hand.

He pushed out slowly.

Zhu Pangguo couldn't move by himself, it was all due to Ling Fengyu's strength.

"Feel the trajectory of power running." Ling Fengyu said flatly.

Neiyuan Waifang wrapped Zhu Pangguo's hand.

"Strength is contained in the inside and manifested on the outside. The power is very good. The three-point restraint is the defense and the seven-point hides the front on the outside, and the inside is the back-hand. If you attack, you can't retreat three points." Ling Fengyu guided the bamboo as he spoke. Fatty's actions.

Three, three, seven, seven.What, what, what is that?

"Thirty to seventy percent?"

"Yes, ten points for strength, seven points for offense and three points for defense."

Zhu Pangguo still doesn't understand.

In other words, he can only use the internal energy passively, and just now he punched out of fear, because of fear, he released all the internal energy.Although in Ling Fengyu's opinion, there is not much.

"Okay, let's practice this feeling a few more times."

Ling Fengyu withdrew Neiyuan, took another two steps back, and triggered two organs again.

Two flying arrows flew towards Ling Fengyu.

After Ling Fengyu squatted slightly, he hid.

Zhu Pangguo kept repeating the actions that Ling Fengyu instructed before.

It's just that the more you move, the more weird your movements become, and it's not what it used to be at all.

However, the habit of working out seven times and staying three times has become a muscle memory.It's okay, originally the qualifications in all aspects seem to be bad, and Ling Fengyu almost feels that he has exceeded his limit to be able to make it like this.

"Okay, now hit me again."

Ling Fengyu pointed to his chest, signaling for Zhu Pangguo to hit this position again.

"Oh well."

It may be that the change in the operation of force has led to a breakthrough in the realm, and its own strength is also visible to the naked eye.

Although this punch had seven points of force, it was a bit stronger than the ten points just now.

"Fat man, stop!"

Just at this time Zhu Haiqing arrived.

But the strength was exhausted, and I couldn't come back.

A punch landed on Ling Fengyu's chest.

In order to make Zhu Pangguo more confident, Ling Fengyu retreated a little bit.

"Well, not bad, not bad, you have already made the form of effort into a habit, and you can remember it so quickly, not bad not bad."

"Fatty! Do you know that you are seeking to kill you?" Lin Shoucheng grabbed Zhu Pangguo by the ear and pulled him away.

"I'm sorry." Zhu Haiqing bowed and saluted, "It's because I can't teach well. Zhu Pangguo's qualifications are not high, and his intelligence is not high. He can't understand good words. I hope you don't mind."

The meaning of hearing this is that Ling Fengyu's last words mean that the adults will let Zhu Haiqing himself step down, regardless of the fault of the villain.

"It's okay, I just see him doing his best, even if he is extremely afraid in the face of a strong enemy, he will not shrink back. So I have a little interest, although the qualifications are not good." Well, if you have something, say it, don't hide it. Yes, tell the truth.

Is Zhuhai Qingxin?If you don't believe it, it's because you push yourself and others.

Ling Fengyu explained his purpose.

Zhu Haiqing invited Ling Fengyu to enter.

As for the Fengyu Sect, its strength is still very strong. A single sect is tied with the emperor's Qianzhai Sect.

It can be said that Lin Qing's ability to do so is also related to the acquiescence of the upper level of Fengyuzong.

Therefore, if the wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and everyone is innocent and guilty of the jade.

Qian Zhaizong wanted to split Fengyuzong into two sects.

Maple Feather Sect can't do it, why do you split when you say split.

Why can you give orders?

Everyone is like a mirror.Qian Zhai Zong was coercing the emperor to order the princes, while Feng Yu Zong was aspiring to the top.

Zhu Haiqing is loyal to the emperor, but not to Qian Zhai Zong, otherwise he must have entered Qian Zhai Zong.

However, as a proton, Zhimo boy was taken away by Gan Zhaizong.

What now?

The boy Zhimo closed himself to death at the request of Zhu Haiqing.

At this moment, the two sects are bordering each other for their own interests, and they almost want to go to war.

how to say.

Both sides have the intervention of external forces, and they will feel that they are the final winners.

However, Zhu Haiqing thought that both sides would suffer and be completely controlled by outside forces.

He is trying to mediate, so that the two sides temporarily stop fighting.

But it seems that it is not going to work. The people in the two sects have been given benefits to close their minds, and they don't think about the consequences at all.

Zhu Haiqing sighed slightly, and led Ling Fengyu into his temporary residence.

"It's messy, please bear with me."

Ling Fengyu said it was fine.

After taking a sip of Qiuyue's unique tea, Ling Fengyu thought for a while.

His intuition told him that this place was not written by Han Tianzong.

He thought that the Han Tianzong was still focusing on finding the source of the flames, and judging from the time, it happened to be just a few days before the strength of the Han Tianzong left.

It's more like he suddenly found some backing to be so impulsive.

So what kind of interests will make their eyes so blinded.

Of course, there may be deep grievances, and this is just a pretext.

"Speaking of the essence, Feng Yuzong is unwilling to lose half of what he has obtained through his own hard work because of a word from other sects of similar strength. As for Qian Zhaizong, he is unwilling to be reconciled to his own control power not being able to fully control it. The other sects of the Qian Dynasty, that is, the desire for control and supreme power."

Ling Fengyu said so.

Zhu Haiqing agrees.

This explanation is the most reasonable if there are no other people joining the sect to cause riots.

But in this case it is difficult to balance the two sides.

"What's your opinion?" Zhu Haiqing respected the tea and asked for advice from this unexpected visitor who accidentally broke into the place of war.

Ling Fengyu took a sip from the teacup and said yes.

"I thought of a method, but it should be based on the fact that the strengths of both sides are similar."

"Oh? Talk about it."

"So so, so so."

What Ling Fengyu said is that on the one hand, the two sides retreat the same distance first to avoid direct contact, and then choose a method acceptable to both parties, such as a fight, or negotiation.

All in all, the central idea is to prevent full-scale contact and use high-level mediation to minimize losses, preferably no losses.

Zhu Haiqing sipped his tea slightly, thinking about Ling Fengyu's words.

"Understood." Zhu Haiqing sees off the guests, because he is the only one here who has the ability to do something.

He grinds the ink himself and writes the letter.

Ling Fengyu was about to leave.

Originally, he was walking, but when he saw Lin Shoucheng holding Zhu Pangguo's hand, he rushed to Ling Fengyu.

Then it took off.

But before that, Ling Fengyu condensed his inner essence and left a mark on a stone with his fingertips.

After that, he hurried to leave, panicking.

Tang uninhibited aspect.

Yuan Que came to Tang Buzhi with Yufeng and Huang Liunian in a coma.

Tang Buzhi checked the comatose Huang Liunian.

Realizing that the viscera in Huang Liunian's body were not in place, and his heart even turned over, Tang Buzhi wondered if every time his beating was accompanied by great pain?

"Such a serious injury?" Tang Buzhi couldn't help wondering how Huang Liunian was alive.

"So he can't wake up?"

Although Yuan Que is worse than Tang Buzhi, but in terms of pharmacology, he is not as good as Tang Buzhi.

Insufficiency must be admitted, otherwise it is complacency.

"It should be possible to wake up, but it needs some good medicine to temporarily suppress his injury, even spiritual grass and elixir."

Tang Buzhi is not a real pharmacist after all, he can only see the superficial things.

Yufeng frowned slightly.

"I'm going out."

Yufeng is going to get some herbs.

"You can't go out, weigh the pros and cons, it's best for me to go out."

Yuan Que thought for a while and said.

Yufeng's rationality is still there, and he thinks it's best to do so.

I am on the cusp of the storm, and well, my strength is not enough.

The circle left.

Tang Buzhi asked Yufeng about their situation.

Yufeng also told Tang Buzhi everything.

Tang Buzhi frowned slightly.

The form looked far more troublesome than he thought.

Except for Yuan Que, his subordinates can compete one or two on the current stage. Now it seems that the Huangliu Nian who wakes up counts as half, and if Yufeng's limit breaks through, it also counts as half.

Bai Wuxin is a guy who speaks official language on the surface, but secretly acts against him. He has been monitoring him all the time now.

I am afraid that if Yuan Que goes out, the arrival of Yu Feng and Huang Liu Nian has already reached his ears.


The unintentional personal soldiers hurried into the camp.

Why do you say it is close-fitting?

The reason was that the armor on his body was made of the same material and style as Bai Wuxin's. Of course, there were no two feathers.

"Tang is in charge, Commander Bai has invited some of you to go to tomorrow's dinner together."

to dinner?I'm afraid it's the Hongmen Banquet.

Tang Buzhi thinks he can go, but Yufeng definitely can't, he needs to take care of Huang Liunian.

And saying that they went to a banquet together, I'm afraid it also includes Huang Liunian.

If he didn't go, it would just give Bai Wuxin an excuse.

A reason for arranging Tang Buzhi and others can be disrespect or dishonesty.Anyway, there can be many reasons for the arrangement.

Tang Buzhi glanced at Yufeng.

Yufeng nodded slightly.

"Brother in the army, my brother is not feeling well. I will go to the banquet with Director Tang, and let my brother have a good rest, is that okay?"

"I can't decide this, but my commander is not a narrow-minded person, so he must understand your difficulties. I will go back and report first." The soldier left.

"Do you have a solution?"

Tang Buzhi asked.

"No." Yufeng shook his head.

"But you said yes..."

"When thinking about the future, we must also consider the current situation. The current situation has to go, and we can't give others an excuse. Only after it is resolved can we think about the future."

who said it?

Yufeng himself?


It wasn't Ling Fengyu either, but a person who had passed away.

"That's not a bad sentence."

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