this sword~

Yun Haishen approached slowly, stepped over the rotting corpses, and lightly touched the blade of the sword.The icy coolness was transmitted from the sword to Yun Haishen's fingertips, this kind of coolness was full of strong murderous aura.

"Yuehei thorn shadow." The four consecutive characters on the sword are like this, magnificent and concise.

"Slender, tough and very sharp, this sword is very easy to use for people who are good at speed as the basis of their cultivation, um, but it also inserts the hilt into it with a kind of ingenious force, an exquisite skill." Yun Hai Talking to himself deeply.

The more he looked at it, the more he realized how advanced the person who put the sword here was.He gasped. At his peak, he was not the enemy of his three strokes. He even felt that he inserted the sword at will, without using much cultivation at all!

Really~ there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky.

Yunhai sighed deeply.

He wanted to pull out the sword, but it was~

When the sea of ​​clouds is deep and a little hard.

Sharp sword energy shot out from the sword body.

Although Yun Haishen was well prepared, he was cut a few times when he retreated.

The rotting corpse was also destroyed by the invisible sword energy, turning into several pieces of rotten flesh.

It was really sharp sword energy, and Yun Haishen was once again amazed by the sword.

The sword exists because of the existence of people, and it is a dead thing if no one uses it, but at the moment when no one is using it, the sword energy is spontaneously stimulated, and the endless sword energy does not seem like something a dead thing should have.

Ling Fengyu at this time.

He received a message from Ming Siyu.

It says that the sea of ​​clouds goes deep to the source of the inner sea to find out why the water burst out in advance.

"Okay, I originally wanted to go. Since you have gone, I don't have to go." Ling Fengyu said casually.

At least, as a person he is familiar with, Ling Fengyu feels that Yun Haishen is trustworthy.

But, Lou Yueye~ Why did this strange woman ask me to meet?

In other words, why did Lou Yueye come to Wangcheng?

Two days later.

That night.

Ling Fengyu went to Tingxinglou for a banquet at the invitation of Lou Yueye.

The number of people is very small, no more than hand, to be precise, just Ling Fengyu, Guique, and Yanmiao.

Yan Miao is attached, and Yan Miao is attached to inviting ghost sparrows.

"Ling Fengyu, as Yun Haishen's elder brother, I offer you a toast."

Lou Yueye smiled and lifted up the very small wine glass. In Ling Fengyu's opinion, such a small wine glass is for smelling the wine.

"What brother, he didn't hit me at the time, so he just admitted it reluctantly." Ling Fengyu still accepted Lou Yueye's toast.

"Reluctantly? Why do I feel that he is full of respect for you?" Lou Yueye continued to smile.

"That's, you don't know, when the little sea cucumber stabbed people in the back, he was slapped and shot into the inner lake in the backyard of Yunhai Tower with a slap." Ghost Sparrow said.

"Really? Haishen really didn't tell me these things." Lou Yueye continued to squint his wine.

From what I said, it seemed that Yun Haishen and Lou Yueye were very close.

Ling Fengyu complained in his heart.

They talked about Zhu Haiqing, because of Zhu Haiqing's original identity, the senior officials of the Qian Dynasty did not believe that Lin Qing's rebellion was caused by him. It was early, so Zhu Haiqing did not receive any relegation punishment. On the contrary, the opinion given by the senior management was that Zhu Haiqing stopped Lin Qing outside Tianwei City. He was arranged to go to the sect owned by the Lin family to practice.

"I didn't expect him to enter Lihuo Realm. Liufeng, Shangshui, Lihuo, I'm afraid no one watched how he walked up step by step."

Ling Fengyu said so.

"Yes, those who can enter the Lihuo state in the mortal world are all experts in cultivation, and it is not without reason that they are arranged to practice."

When saying this, Lou Yueye couldn't help looking at Ling Fengyu.

Even the golden light in Ling Fengyu's eyes is restrained, and he can't see through his cultivation at all.

And Lou Yueye's most intuitive feeling about Ling Fengyu's combat strength is that he alone blocked the attacks of many disciples of Fengyu Sect, and he was already a good hand who intercepted a thief who stole the hairpin according to intelligence.

"It's useless to look at me like this. I have been practicing in seclusion before and have not entered the world, so I can't be compared with this kind of genius who has cultivated to Lihuo in the mortal world." Ling Fengyu said casually.

"No, I look at you like this, just want to see what kind of cultivation you are. Lihuo? Or a higher realm."

"Does such a thing as realm really exist?"

Ling Fengyu said suddenly.

All of a sudden, he asked everyone present.

not understand?This kind of ignorance is not because Ling Fengyu didn't make it clear, but because the classification of realms is the only criterion they have engraved deep in their hearts.

"Let's not talk about that." Ling Fengyu changed the subject.

"The relationship between you and Haishen seems a little unclear."

Ling Fengyu asked tentatively.

"Really?" Lou Yueye looked extremely calm.

"Yeah, it feels like how Ming Siyu treated him."

Ming Siyu~

Lou Yueye paused, Ling Fengyu's words were no longer a test, but a reminder to her.

"Of course, this is also the result of Hai Shen's thick skin." After getting the answer he wanted, Ling Fengyu used words to make them feel that they were wrong.

Obviously, Lou Yueye thought so.

Well, Ling Fengyu guessed wrong.

"Indeed, Haishen is really timid sometimes."

"Is there? I don't think he was too timid." Ghost Sparrow interjected.

Everyone's understanding of other people is different, and it is impossible to describe exactly the same.

Yan Miao shook her head helplessly.

At midnight, Ling Fengyu and the others left, and Lou Yueye drank lightly alone, with the taste of conflict remaining in his mouth.

"Wine always has a bitterness, that irreconcilable bitterness."

Just a word.

"Where did he go after all, the Shashajue, can just unconscious exercises really guide a person's fate?"

she continued.

"It can't be guided, but the person who created this exercise can."

A person with slender double swords on his back unexpectedly appeared here.

What a great speed!

"It's you, can you make some noise next time, I'm not deep enough to hear your footsteps."

Lou Yueye didn't say his name, so we still don't know his name.

"You still don't drink?" Lou Yueye slowly placed the hip flask on the railing.

"For me, wine is the condiment of cooking, not the bitter and sour taste in leisure time."

"Did you come to give me the exercises behind the bright moon in the sea?"

"A bright moon rises above the sea~ I did write another third, which is not complete yet, let alone less than one-tenth of Yunhaishen."

One-tenth of half, how advanced is the whole exercise?

The bright moon is born on the sea~

"What about you? Do Xingyue's exercises feel that something is missing?" the man asked.

"Yes, I know what is missing. The exercises I created have to go on. Even if I fail, I will leave some experience and lessons for future generations."

"indeed so."

"Teach you a little."


"The Essence of a Star."

"Is it the essence of a star?"

Lou Yueye fell into deep thought.

"Let's not talk about that. I hid a sword in one place. Whether you use it for yourself or for Ling Fengyu depends on your improvement and understanding of your own skills after you get it."

After speaking, he left like the wind.

Said it was like the wind, if it was seen by ordinary people, wouldn't it be a ghost?Black clothes might even be called ghosts.

He also blames himself, who has nothing to do to float around like this.

"Sword? Ling Fengyu? What's the relationship between this person and Ling Fengyu?"

In the past, he suddenly appeared and joked about his fatal weakness to his vigilant self, but it didn't do any good, and then disappeared suddenly.

Several times, the handsome man gave himself an inexplicable favor, good-hearted and good-looking, but sometimes he was so cruel, because it was the kind of accident after a small girl was accidentally killed by a cottage, but he slaughtered the whole family overnight. In the cottage, the owl lost his head and no one survived.

From what angle does he stand to treat everything in the world?I don't know, maybe I am afraid of him by carefully reducing the damage to the living beings.

"Cruel and kind, contradictory? Not contradictory, because they are not treating the same group of people."

Lou Yueye smiled slightly.

Anyway, just treat him as the most familiar stranger.

"No, don't come here~"

"You are investigating him."

Obviously it didn't take long, but that person appeared far away from Wangcheng.

"No, I didn't, we just~"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the man raised his hand, and some scrolls fell from the hand of the hunted person, on which was a portrait of Ling Fengyu, the one he had when he was young.

Exposed, dying, these people are planning to fight to the death!

But can they make a move?


The man just stood there, moving his sword finger slightly, and the black and white picture became a freeze frame.

The owl's head is the lightest, close to Ling Chi's piece of meat.

It's so cruel that most people really can't see it.

In the end, apart from the complete head, if it is complete, it will be a skeleton with blood.

The unprovoked wind blows up the strange Lihuo, the colorless flame looks like water, and everything returns to calm, silence, and silent fear.

"Just left for a while, and sent another group of bounty hunters to die. Do you really care about Ling Fengyu so much?" He suddenly smiled, "If you really care so much, how did Fengyu pick up Ling Fengyu more than me when she was a baby? The umbilical cord is still there!"

After laughing, there is anger, the anger of a young creature being intentionally abandoned!

This kind of anger destroyed the remaining flames, and the flames were extinguished ahead of time, but the corpses were also gone, turning them into nourishing nutrients for the coming year.

"Ling Fengyu is mine! Not yours! Hmph!" He turned and left, taking the supreme wind with him.

The strong have always existed, but they are hidden from the world and cannot see the real thing.

He is a strong man, a different kind of strong man, a kind of unpredictable strong man.

"Why does it feel like Master has been to Wangcheng?" Ling Fengyu looked in the direction of Tingxing Tower not long ago.

"Your master?" Ghost Sparrow asked.

"Yes, my master, my aptitude is not good, how could I cultivate so fast without my master's guidance?" Ling Fengyu replied.

"Is your master strong?"

"Strong! I can't tell how strong I am, I can't even see my face when I look up." Ling Fengyu praised his master so much.

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