"Senior. I'm back."

Yan Miao stood in front of Qin Zhengming.

"How, the method of emptying the puppet I taught you is easy to use."

Qin Zheng said.

Yan Miao understood what it meant.

"It's very useful. If it wasn't for Senior, Yan Miao would not have known that the Du Xiao Sword has such an effect."

Yan Miao also told Qin Zhengming how to eliminate the puppet.

"Not bad, not bad, as expected of the person Ling Fengyu likes."

Qin Zhengming praised it.

To be reasonable, Yan Miao knew her birth.

I am just a street slut with a little ability, and Ling Fengyu is with me because I don't want myself to harm others.

What is Ling Fengyu fancy.

Ling Fengyu didn't have such an idea.

Yan Miao understood very well.

The important thing is said twice.

Self-knowledge is needed.

Seeing that Yan Miao didn't talk much.

Qin Zhengming then said: "I have a task for you, you go to learn the knowledge of auctions, I heard that Ling Fengyu's worth is all with you, but you can't use that money, you can use it. Of course, If it was a necessity for your previous mission, you should spend the money or spend it."

So, what exactly is it?

Yan Miao kept silent, how did we know.

However, Qin Zhengming seemed to know.

"Did the senior apply You Xuan's model to train the junior?" Yan Miao asked.

It must be,

Qin Zhengming just nodded.

Not much to say.

Also, Yan Miao and You Xuan are similar to some extent.

The difference is that Youxuan has much more knowledge reserves than Yanmiao, and he will learn actively, while Yanmiao accepts many situations passively.

Therefore, the guidance and teaching of the elders are more needed.

"The junior has left."

Chan Nie is now the guard beside Qin Zhengming.

Watch this scene.

I always feel that Yan Miao is very powerful, not greedy for power, not greedy for money, and needs these only to serve her own purposes.

Such a dedicated person.

Why don't you like studying?

Good question.

It's like saying, look at the last bad thing he did, his nature was exposed, and look at the last good thing this person did, his heart is actually not bad.

Such an illogical but easily accepted question.

"Toad Nirvana."

Qin Zhengming said something.

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Go and give this letter to the high-level people who can hold power, remember, and come back with the answer."

"no problem."

"By the way, call Luo Ye."


Channie waved her hand.

"This guy is an existence that can be controlled and used by me."

Well, Qin Zhengming has such a plan.

Take control of people's hearts.

for your own use.

Ruo Ye came.

"This letter is for you elders."

"Well, Luo Ye is going to deliver the letter now."

"Also, tell Yan Miao that you should bring those two girls with you. Go and bring those two girls back first. This is a battle between us old guys. They should not interfere when they are young."

"Oh, I see."

However, the meaning of Luo Ye's message to Yan Miao changed.

Say something that needs their assistance.

Qin Zhengming also took this into consideration, so it actually had no effect.

Yan Miao will have her own opinion.

Ling Fengyu also infected him.

"Earth Old Demon, Desolate Demon, Emperor Arrow, Sea Beast Clan, Ability God Sealing Demon, since you want to write, don't worry that someone will stop you."

Qin Zhengming said something to himself.

simply speaking.

The main purpose is to re-seal the old devil instead of killing it.

However, the seal will always be lifted one day, just like now, since it has the ability, why not solve it directly?

I'm afraid there is no conspiracy.

Therefore, this is what I want to hinder.

Instead of asking Yan Miao to really collect the sealed things according to the instructions and then seal them.

And it was Ling Fengyu's money.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page)

If Ling Fengyu found out, Yan Miao would not be able to take care of himself for a few years without cutting Yan Miao.

Qin Zhengming was also thinking about Yan Miao.

After all, he was someone Ling Fengyu valued.

I can't just give up like this.

Ability God, what kind of god is it?

What species is it?

magic island.

The youth of the Mozu returned injured.

See the old devil personally.

"You took a wrong step."

The old devil in the light ball said something.

"The subordinates don't understand."

"Your injury is not fatal, and you can recover by yourself with a little more time. As the last demons there, you are the de facto occupation there, and it is useless to have the Abyss Lord."

"This~ this subordinate didn't think of it."

Said the demon youth.

"However. I have come back. I will make another plan."

Saying that, a beam of light flew out from the light sphere and hit the young man.

The serious injury of the young man was healed at once.

"To make more magic soldiers."

The old devil gave the order.

"This subordinate will finish it."

Soldiers have gone.

As expected of a puppet.

As long as the core is not damaged, it can be repaired infinitely.

For Old Demon Earth, this demon youth is nothing more than a handy item.

Emotions can heal him by the amount of ten fingers at most, and if he is injured again, he will give up.

"Oh, isn't this the first genius under our king? You must have been scolded by the king for walking in such a desolate way. You are so careless in doing things, and you don't even use your brain."

The witch appeared.

She was created second.

So there is some status too.

Unlike this demon youth.

was created by the seventh.

The last one made.

It's justifiable not to be taken seriously.

What is really important is that it is impossible to go out to work alone. It has long been hidden and adapted to practice.

This witch is also an exception, and she is not practicing?

"The king didn't give me the brain, I just need to carry out the king's order."


It doesn't look like a brainless appearance, and has the ability to think of its own.

not so stupid

Just be wise and protect yourself.

"Don't go!"

See young people ignore themselves.

His complexion changed, and his demonic aura was rampant, forcing the young man to turn around.

"look at me."

The witch looked at the young man with dark eyes.

The demon youth raised his eyes.

look at each other.

No sense.

No fear at all.

"Where are your feelings?"

"Qiqing, you have two kinds of emotions, and you have taken away my emotions."

The demon youth arrived calmly.

Does he really have no emotions?


Mingzhe just protects himself.

Said it twice.

"You said that I plundered the essence of others casually?"

The witch said lightly.

"Don't dare to question a demon who is older than me."


The witch turned around.

"One demon died. I ate [-]% of it, and there is [-]% left. Go and eat it."

"How old are you?"

"Old fifth."

"You killed it."

"His own strength is ridiculous and he came to challenge me. It would be good to leave him a whole body."

The demon youth left without saying a word.

The witch was disappointed.

Go see the old devil.

"Wang, I killed the fifth child."

"It's okay, the loser is not eligible for me to be reborn."

Old Demon Earth didn't care.

"However, you ate too much."

Old Demon Earth made a reminder.

"The subordinates understand that gluttony is easy to be targeted."

"No, it is easy to affect your own practice direction, and miscellaneous and unspecialized are easy to be unstable."

"The subordinate understands the truth of this."

Really worried about this?

I don't know what the old devil thinks.

He is also a ruthless person.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page)

He is mean and ungrateful, and doesn't care about the things he created at all.

"For example, your boss, who learned so much at the beginning, ended up in the current situation. He had to rely on my pregnancy to barely survive. You are the second one. I don't want to see you become like this."

"Yes~ This subordinate is retiring."

"Well, let's practice hard. You are not the seventh child. He is not important. You are important. It is best to be alive. My bottom line is that at least one is alive. You, understand what I mean."

The witch left respectfully.

What does the old devil mean.

It means that he will protect these six externally, but internal wars are like eating chickens, as long as one of them survives.

Not difficult to understand.

It's been a long time since I saw God displeased.

where is he?

In Doujie,

In the realm of the Spirit Race.

in ~


Doing his ordinary things.

"The official is so skillful. Last night, the concubine's body was so fragrant."

This sound is a bit disgusting.

There is a feeling of vomiting.

Well, men who come here love this tune.

"It's been one night, and your request has been met, then you should also meet my request."

"Everything is already there, go get it yourself."

The bong is lit, and the smoke is like a fairy rhyme.

God was displeased and got up and put on his clothes.

"When is your next visit?"

The Spirit Race woman asked.

"The next time I need it."

God is not happy, the younger you are, the more you attract women's attention.

So handsome, Yi Yang, Yan Miao and others can't compare, let alone Ling Fengyu and others.

"What kind of needs."

God was displeased with not tidying up his clothes.

Instead, he turned and approached her on the bed.

One finger lifts its cheek.

All four look at each other.

"It can be used for your needs."

Wow~ This voice is so captivating.

The Spirit Race woman's whole body softened.

He arrived at the appointed place.

Stuff is already there.

He picks up.

Check it out.

After all, it is a transaction, there is no trust at all.

Inspection is a must.


Put it away and go directly to Demon King City.

But he quickly changed direction and went to Dan Xiangming.

Meet Dian Xiangming.

Said to Dan Xiangming: "Want to live or die."


The magic blade of Motian Rebellious Feather touched the neck of God's displeasure.

God didn't show displeasure at all.


Dan Xiangming gave him a look.

Close the knife.

"Ability God Fengmolu, Ability God, me."

God displeased and pointed to himself.


Zhan Huangming is unbelievably authentic,

"It could be me."

Zhan Huangming: "No, it can't be you."

God was displeased: "Why can't it be me?"

Zhan Huangming: "You have no strength."

God is displeased: "Restraint, never talk about strength, just like Youlongjian can seal the monster sea, but it can't kill it even if it is really killed, because there is no cooperation of Ziguang Jiange, do you understand what I mean?"

"You want to betray your class?"

Dian Xiangming asked.

"Sealing demons is the bottom line, where is the betrayal?"

Oh ~

Finally understood.

It means that he has the ability to kill Dian Xiangming, but he can choose to act according to the bottom line and seal it like in the past.

"Ha ha."

Dian Xiangming sneered twice.

"Can I trust you?"

"You can trust me, but you can't trust me either. This condition is for you, not for the one above you and his accomplices."

Saying that, he glanced at Dian Xiangming's chest with displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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