"Is that so? I can't control this matter. Dharma Sword Snow Mountain didn't give me such rights."

"It's nothing, we Ziguang Jiange will deal with this matter internally. As for that matter. Gu Jianzhu, how about you ask?"

"I dressed like this to attract him, although his appearance in Jiange was unexpected to me."

Want to get it, from the starting point, Gu Yuehong has already used her own excellent resources to attract Ling Fengyu.

If there is no purpose, it is impossible.

It can only be said that they came here specifically to seduce Ling Fengyu.

Jiange has a plan for Ling Fengyu.

So, in fact, when Ling Fengyu heard similar words, he had corresponding precautions.

However, Ling Fengyu also had another idea, saying these words was revenge for what he said when they met for the first time.

Especially when I say that I appreciate his body, I take advantage of the situation and say it to resonate with myself.

Of course, this was an idea of ​​Ling Fengyu's.

The two ideas need to be verified later.

"How about looking for Ling Fengyu together, the elders? If you don't do anything, I'm afraid all of you disciples of Huan Jianmai will be seduced by Ling Fengyu."

Gu Yuehong continued.


"Don't you know if you go and see?"

Gu Yuehong said with a smile.

It's just that the sun is setting.

The two saw a different scene.

Sheng Shiwanyue and Ling Fengyu were chatting and laughing, and their faces were flushed, feeling like a girl who had first love in adolescence.


"Willing Moon." Gu Yuehong felt a little uncomfortable, why Shengshi Canyue didn't have such an expression in the snow mountain, what kind of charm does this Ling Fengyu have, so that Shengshi Canyue can behave like this?

"Master, Master."

Sheng Shiwanyue didn't notice that the two were getting close.

She quickly got up and saluted her master.

"Seeing you so happy, what are you talking about with Mr. Ling?"

"Master, several disciples of Ziguang's Huanjian Meridian asked the young master about cultivation, and they talked about the sword and scabbard, uh~"

"I've said it several times, we are of the same generation, so just call me by my name."

Ling Fengyu interrupted Sheng Shiwanyue's words.

"Mr. Ling is a big deal for young and old."

Gu Yuehong spoke with a deep meaning.

A crow happened to land.

After listening to the words of the crow.

Ling Fengyu frowned.

Why did You Xuan have a problem again.

On the other side of the sea of ​​clouds, everything is as usual.

"What? Is there something important?"

"Well, it's a big matter, do the sword master and the elder have something to ask me? If it's about that, I can only answer it, it's for Jiuying, and I won't say anything about the rest."

Ling Fengyu predicted the predictions of others.

"Is it because of the matter of Fengjianlou?"

What, who told you that I have been to Fengjian Tower?

I am afraid few people know about this matter.

There was murderous look in Ling Fengyu's eyes.

The murderous aura meant that Ling Fengyu didn't know that Ling Fengyu had gone to seal the sword building, and that it had been publicized, and it also showed that the elder Taishang's speculation was wrong.

Explanation, asking for Broken Sword Ziyang is not due to this aspect, I am afraid, it really is~

At this moment, Gu Yuehong thought a lot.

Soon, Ling Fengyu's killing intent was concealed.

"I don't know what the words of the Supreme Elder mean. I am here to break the sword. Someone asked me to help. What's more, it will still be handed over to you people in the Purple Light Sword Pavilion in the end."

Although the smile on Ling Fengyu's face was kind, it lacked the warmth of the past and was a bit colder.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page)



"Elder." Gu Yuehong signaled the Supreme Elder not to talk, and turned to Ling Fengyu, "I don't know what the sword master can seal or not. This sword master knows that you need to break the sword, and the Supreme Elder I don’t want to hand it over right now, that’s it. Don’t you have something urgent? Please deal with it first, the matter of breaking the sword cannot be rushed.”

"Ha! The beauties have already opened their mouths. There is no reason not to follow. Next time, it will take more than half a month. I hope that the broken sword will appear in my hand at that time."

After Ling Fengyu snorted coldly, he turned and left.


"Master Gu Jian."

"Elder Supreme, don't need to say too much. Don't you all know what kind of person Ling Fengyu is? What's more, we need him as a friend instead of an enemy. Isn't it?"

No matter how you look at it, it's all about the Supreme Elder's problem, Ling Fengyu handed him the sword, and then what?Now I have lost the trace, otherwise there would be half a month's deadline to prevaricate, otherwise I would show it to Ling Fengyu, say it would be of great use, and then say that you will come to pick it up in half a month, Ling Fengyu is not an unreasonable person, how could he not promise?

Also, Gu Yuehong even felt that Ling Fengyu came here because he wanted to know if the broken sword was still there.

Sincerely so.

When Ling Fengyu told Yi Yang and the others about this matter.

Yi Yang had such an intuitive idea.

It happened to let Ling Fengyu add this matter through the layout.

did it together.

Just right.

"It seems that it is really not in his hands, so, who did it?"

Ling Fengyu asked himself in his heart.

Huan Jianmai.

On the table of the Phantom Sword Master, the broken Ziyang Sword was lying there quietly.

"Although it is the sword of inheritance, although it is a dead sword, your heart still hurts at the moment it is broken."

The Phantom Sword Master murmured.

"But you are also amazing, Feng Jianlou, why can you, a non-staff sword master, know such information? Mr. Xiao Xiao from the Dark Xiao Villa is a good friend of you. He did this to deal with the aftermath of you. He turned out to be looking for Ling Fengyu , it seems that the plan will be implemented ahead of schedule, and Yuan Liqiu is under the control of Tan Yuan and Ruo Guyi, who should I ask to do this for me?"

Find someone to do things with.

It depends on who is willing to take the benefits of black.

Black, hey, black.

The sea of ​​clouds is deep there.

"Fengjianlou? What are you doing there?"

Yun Haishen questioned what Jian Kuang said.

"Yes, Feng Jianlou. I conveyed Qin Zhengming's words that the original master's Moon Shadow Sword was not for the master's use. It will not affect the master if it is used on weekdays. But the master changed the skill and the Moon Shadow Sword Contact, then, the characteristics of the Moon Shadow Sword must be taken into consideration, what Qin Zhengming means is, go to the Sealing Sword Building to seal the Moon Shadow Sword, use your own blood to nourish the Moon Shadow Sword, and become your own sword."

The sword madness continued.

"In this way, can Qin Zhengming get a lot of benefits from it?"

Yunhai smiled deeply.

"That's natural. It's just that people like me don't have access to that kind of high-level interests. So I can't explain it."

Jian Kuang is humble, he was defeated by Yi Yang before.

"No problem, a win-win situation. As a person of the same dynasty, I'm still happy to see it. It's just that this Fengjian Tower, the host has only heard about it, and has never seen it. This host needs to first understand what Fengjian Tower is."

"Qin Zhengming knew the host's question. He said that if Ling Fengyu hadn't told you, you could go to Shili Street Pavilion to find him and ask him in person."

Shilijie Pavilion is still far away from Yun Haishen who wants to pretend to be in a wheelchair.

"It's clear that he wants me to call Ling Fengyu back."

Yunhai smiled deeply.

"You don't need to tell me the host's motives, I'm just a messenger."

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page)

Jian Kuang counted the days and it was time to go back.

Well, go back.

Go back and return to life.

All the explanations in the kit have been explained, and it has been solved perfectly.

"Hold on, Your Excellency."

"What else is the landlord doing?"

"Qin Zhengming was also born in our dynasty, so naturally we want to bring him some special products to express his homesickness."

"Of course you can."

"Come here, a box of salty and sweet Guitang Cake, go down and prepare."


"Guitang Cake?" Jian Kuang asked.

"One more person, go prepare two more boxes." Yun Haishen greeted again.



Dynasty outside.

"Hold on, Your Excellency."

Yuan Liqiu and others stopped Jian Kuang.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Excellency stole into my Huan sword vein and injured my junior brother, I'm afraid~ there is no way to justify it."

Yuan Liqiu's long sword was drawn out of the sword bag.

"Hahaha~ Weak. That's why I got hurt."

Jian Kuang felt that if he wanted to fight, he could fight.

The epee started.

"You guys love to fight more than our soldiers?"

Ji Ruming asked.

"A master's trick, just pay attention to it, just understand it."

Ruo Guyi replied in this way.

Once seeing Yuan Liqiu using the move of Huan Jianmai Huanxiu, everything will be new and everything will be cleansed.

Lightly touching the epee without sticking to it, close to the body but not close to the body, indistinct, like an illusory cloud.

This method is the greatest restraint on the heavy sword.

But Jian Kuang was unmoved, and he was unwilling to fight head-on, so he also saved some energy to prolong the fighting time by making side attacks.

The confrontation between phantom and heavy.

It always feels like a woodpecker is knocking on a big tree.

The kind that keeps changing positions.

"It's so difficult to wash the style of study!"

Yuan Liqiu Ji moved his hands, condensed the clouds and mist on the sword body, and then split into several cloud and mist swords.

The sword array appeared.

Jian Kuang waited indifferently.

"The sound of the raging waves suppressing the wind."

Unprovoked restraint is the most dignified.

Here, Jian Kuang underestimated the enemy.

Of course, Yuan Liqiu also hid it well.

The long sword broke through the sword madman's defense and injured the sword madman.

In a blind spot that no one could see, Yuan Liqiu poured a black energy into it.

"You hurt Xiao Mie, and I hurt you too. Come to me for revenge."

How nice it sounds on the surface, but in fact.

Something happened secretly.

"Not far away, just to hurt me?"

Jian Kuang looked at his wound and smiled.

"Otherwise, I will kill you? It's just revenge, there is no need for too many conflicts."

Yuan Liqiu said with a smile.

Ruoguyi and Tanyuan recalled Yuanliqiu in the past.

How innocent and lovely that is.

Where is it like now, so old-fashioned and full of threats.

"Junior brother Xiaoqiu is right, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We don't have the right to make decisions about the matter of stealing into Huan Jianmai's sword mound, so we won't speak out." Ruogu said.

"It's fair, but my Guitang Cake is rotten!"

Jian Kuang picked up the pastry box, the inside was probably already in bad shape.


"We can't control this matter."

"Then I will keep it in mind." Jian Kuang wiped away the blood on his shoulder.

He didn't feel at all that he had been tricked.

(End of this chapter)

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