Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 370 Wan Liushu

Ling Fengyu was just waiting for Zhou Xue to communicate with him.

It's a pity.

Three days later.

Zhou Xue did not pay a visit.

Instead, Ling Fengyu felt that he had waited too long, so he went to Wanyao Tower by himself.

Zhou Xue was not found, but other shopping guides saw Ling Fengyu coming, so they quickly put down their work and ran over, just like that kind of flattery.

It seemed that they could be promoted if they made Ling Fengyu's order.

So, what about Zhou Xue?Shouldn't he be killed?


"Ha ha."

Ling Fengyu sneered.

"I'm here to deliver medicine today, and it's going to be handed over to your landlord. Isn't it too much for you to stop me like this? Are you afraid that the landlord will blame you afterwards?"

Cough, cough, cough~

A series of coughing gave these monsters time to calm down and think.

"Why, why don't you get out of the way?"

Ling Fengyu continued.

"You idiots, get out of the way!"

A higher level of leadership emerged.

Drink all the monsters directly.

"Senior, please~"


Okay, let's call you senior.

Anyway, I have no feelings for you.

Whether it is life or death depends on the attitude of your landlord.

Ling Fengyu reached the highest point.

No one, overlooking the triangular polder alone.

a moment.

Ling Fengyu had seen enough.

Place the jade bottle on the table.

Then get up and prepare to leave.

"Senior, be slow."

A waiter hands over a letter.

"Meiling Auction House~"

"Yes, this is a letter from the landlord, please read it carefully, senior."

Meiling Auction House.

Is this Wanyao building their family's property?

"The dryness of the sky needs dense clouds, the barren land needs rain, the dry river needs storms, and the human heart needs baptism."

Baptize the heart?

Does that mean he doesn't like Triangle Fairy either?

Speaking of which, I have some conflicts with Meiling Auction House.

I don't know if the landlord knows the details.

The second page of the letter.

Also a poem.

simple thing.

"The former doctor is kind, and the ghost queen destroys human relations."

Is it saying that there is no such kindness after curing ghosts, isn't it that way of treating people as the main job?

"Gui destroys conscience, destroys conscience."

There is also a part of the Gui family?

"The master said that Zhou Xue has been transferred back to the demon world by the demon clan because of the accumulated achievements, so you don't need to worry. The master hopes that you can help him refine another elixir."

"Really? Cough cough cough,"

"Yes, what the master means is that senior Guan is not interested in money and the like, but as an alchemist, he must be interested in rare materials. The master has the ancestral bone of the stepping beast in his hand. Steppers are attractive, and they can also refine rare pills."

"The ancestral bone of the stepping beast. Cough cough cough."

I have been coughing for a long time.

This is giving yourself time to think.

"I agree. If it is a elixir that I can refine, I will agree."

"Then please come with me."

The waiter led the way, and Ling Fengyu followed slowly with his stooped steps.

Into the back room.


The waiter saluted and left, leaving Ling Fengyu alone again,

Meiling Auction House.

Meiling Auction House.

Does Meiling and Zhangtieling in Zhangtieling have the same ingredients?

No matter how.

Let's get to know each other first.

"Old Huo?"

The landlord appears.

Ling Fengyu's pupils shrank.

How could it be this person?


The existence of killing his friend.No, he is from Meiling Auction House?

However, it's all old things, and there is hatred, but it can be suppressed.

After all, it was his friend who challenged him, not the one who was killed.

There is hatred but not to the extent of killing his whole family.

At most, it is to the extent that he can be defeated head-on after he grows up.

By the way, his name seems to be ~

"Are you the landlord of the Wanyao Building?"

"No, I'm Wan Liushu, the owner of Wanyao Building. Isn't it strange, Senior Huo, that a single human race can control the entire Wanyao Building, and there are all demons inside?"

Wan Liushu still respects Ling Fengyu very much.

It's respect for Huo Lao's identity.

After all, alchemists,

"I also have the identity of an alchemist."

A ray of light suddenly appeared in Wan Liushu's eyes.

Bad, if it is an alchemist, it is very likely that he has already discovered that he is not an alchemist. After all, this elixir is not refined by himself, it is a different fire, and the world Mo Lianhuo helped refine it.

"But my branch of an alchemist is not tolerated by heaven and earth."

Wan Liushu paused here.

"A demon refiner. An existence that assists the demon clan to devour the refined blood of the same clan."

Devour the same race?

Isn't that the same behavior as the Gui clan?

That's why it is said that it will be an existence that cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth.

"I became a demon master after I arrived in the military world."

Wan Liushu didn't care whether Ling Fengyu wanted to hear it or not, so he just told the story of his past here.

At that time, in front of Ling Fengyu's face, he completely killed Ling Fengyu's friend who was challenging him. Although Ling Fengyu silently picked up the corpse, turned around and left.

But Wan Liushu felt that he would definitely be targeted by Ling Fengyu in the end, so he applied for transfer from the post.

It just so happened that the former owner of the Wanyao Building lost his roots because he was too busy charging the cauldron, and was informed by the higher-ups that he canceled his position, so Wan Liushu was asked to take this position.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether there is a landlord in Wanyao Building. The problem is that since you are a landlord, you naturally need some rules.

Naturally, negative effects will be punished.

Wan Liushu was mentioned many times because of the former landlord.

So after arriving in the military world, only after the "enthronement" ceremony was performed in the Wanyao Building, I went to explore everywhere.

Especially in the demon world, I met a lot of female beauties.

In order to get the corresponding happiness from them, he practiced the skills of refining demon masters that he obtained by accident.

Improve bloodlines and the like for them.


Then I saw love and hate, and then I began to think about the rationality of the demon refiner.

Now there is basically no contact with his confidante.

However, it had nothing to do with the pill he wanted Ling Fengyu to refine.

Just added a setting.

"Oh, I'm sorry, some words are too much, you are tired of the old man."

"Haha, cough cough amount~ It's okay, if you say something depressed, it will make you feel better."

"What the senior said is."

"Okay, let's talk about it, is there anything I need to refine?"

"Oh, Dan Fang is here."

After reading Danfang.

can't read.

What kind of ghost pill is this.

Only Danfang has no refining method, and there is no way to imitate a cat or a tiger.

"Tsk, it's a little difficult."

Ling Fengyu frowned.

"I know it's difficult, but I want to catch a glimmer of hope."


Ling Fengyu thought about it.

"It turns out that seniors don't have such abilities?"


"The former ghost doctor didn't have the ability, even the old senior?"

"After the ghost doctor?"

Ling Fengyu asked suspiciously.

Does a ghost doctor also have the ability to make alchemy?

"A strange woman who came here to find precious materials."

Also explained it.

"Master, are you saying that she knows how to refine the law?"

Wan Liushu nodded.

"With her assistance, maybe I have a [-]% chance of refining the elixir."



Just want to find the ghost doctor.

Sixty percent?

In other words, refining twice will be completely successful, no matter how unlucky it is, it will succeed the third time!


for sure!

Wan Liushu became excited.

However, when I think of the ghost doctor~

Another frown.

"What's wrong?"

"Because the ghost doctor learned from me that Mei Xiangyuan was parasitized by a demon clan to become the queen of the sky demon, she hurried to the demon world. Since then, her life and death have been unknown."

No, wasn't the Sky Demon King killed by me?And haven't heard of it.

what happened?


Ling Fengyu was confused for a moment.

Cough cough cough ~ This time I really coughed.

Ling Fengyu coughed.

"Senior, don't worry, next~"

"Can you find it?"

"This ~ give time in the next month."

"One month?"

"Yes, at most a month."

"Okay, tell me where Zhou Xue is, and I will stay with her for a month."

"I will write a letter to the relevant department and introduce you to the department where Zhou Xue is currently."

"Forget it, no need, call Zhou Xue to serve me, I will practice nearby for a month, after you find the ghost doctor, cough cough cough~"

"This~ can."

Ling Fengyu left.

and then.

However, Ling Fengyu refined the elixir and got the materials he wanted, but he didn't pay for it.

Both he and Wan Liushu have forgotten about it...

As for the people under him, because they thought they had some kind of agreement after talking with the landlord, they have already obtained their own benefits, Wan Jin?That's already trivial.

Ling Fengyu slowly returned to the nearby residence.

More and more people came to beg for pills.

It's nothing more than taking too many drugs, and life will be gone immediately. If you want to live, you will find an antidote that doesn't exist.

Still want Ling Fengyu to refine it?

Three do not practice

[-]. The antidote to happiness is not refined

[-]. The poison of seeking wealth and killing life is not refined

[-]. Do not refine the elixir that is not for your own use

Entering, Ling Fengyu wrote his request on a wooden board, and then forced it into the door,

This is an attitude, even if it will reveal your identity, you must have a correct attitude.

Wan Liushu is currently busy looking for the ghost doctor.

He only regrets why he didn't stop her then?

On the one hand, it is useful to me, on the other hand, the Sky Demon King, the ghost doctor is not Ling Fengyu, how can he have the strength to face it?

Either way it's your own fault.

at this time.

A ghostly saber aura sliced ​​across the pillars and hit Wan Liushu.

Wan Liushu was startled.Draw the sword to resist.

Fortunately, this is not a must-kill sword energy.

But after some resistance, the highest point of Wanyao Building was shattered.

Suffice it to say, nothing is left intact.

All broken.


This is what the guards do.

Ling Fengyu knew who it was, so he stayed peacefully in his small room and recuperated.

who is it?

Of course it is Jun Wuming.

I don't know why Jun Wuming would look for Wan Liushu.

Wan Liushu seems to be a pure human race.

However, no matter what, if Jun Wuming acts extreme, Ling Fengyu will stop it, but not right now.


Wan Liushu raised his hand to signal the guards to step back, and he stood at the front.

"You have no name."

"Jun Wuming? It turns out that you are the Lord Yaojian Wushang who the head of the Yaozu clan cares about." Wan Liushu's information is still very accurate.

"No, I'm not Lord Wushang." Jun Wuming explained again.

"Whether you are or not, you want to kill me?"

Wan Liu Shu Liu raised his sword and pointed at Jun Wuming.

"Kill without killing!"

Killing without killing?

Do not understand.

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