"Jingyu City, Jingyu City. A name that makes people feel uncomfortable."

Ling Fengyu recalled the large map of the third-tier land boundary that he saw in Qingfeng's camp.He also asked why this city in the demon world was marked with a red star.

I heard from Qingfeng that Jingyu City originally belonged to the territory of the human race.


It has long been occupied by the demon clan.

Not sure why.

Of course, it must not be because of the weirdness of Muzhou in the world of hunters.

After all, Muzhou is also for the human race. I'm afraid it's not for the human race. There is a high probability that it can't beat the monster race and is occupied.

And Jingyu City is nearby.

So did you choose this place so that I would not go deeper into the Yaozu?

First of all, it doesn't matter so much, as long as we can see each other once.

Intuition told Ling Fengyu that the Sky Demon King would be an acquaintance.

As for what kind of acquaintance they are, we have to meet them to know.

Ling Fengyu lay on down feather's bed, closed his eyes and rested slightly.

No, it's better to hurry up and take a good rest, otherwise, after meeting the Sky Demon King, you won't have time to rest so peacefully.

Get some sleep.

But, can you really sleep peacefully?


There are many things on my mind.

It is impossible to sleep peacefully and rest.

At most, barely sleep.

So for Ling Fengyu, sleeping is almost becoming a luxury.

It is precisely because of this that fishing has become his best way to rest, and it is the most relaxing time to wait for the fish.

I stayed in the room like this for three days, during which time I went to eat, among other things, the wine in the demon world has a special flavor, the wine in the demon world is meat wine, and the wine brewed from the corpses of various animals is quite delicious, Ling Fengyu Accidentally drank too much, he didn't run Zhou Tian to digest the drunkenness, but used it to sleep.

So it was barely enough to rest.

Then he went to Jingyu City.

Jingyu City, haha, Jingyu City.

Jingnan Huanyu can be said to be one of the most important cities for the human race.

It was taken away like this for hundreds of years.

But looking back, under the Buddha's raccoon shrine, there is a sacred drum.

But the characters who experience it are different.

The battle of the Heavenly Demon King is actually quite sufficient.

Receive Ling Fengyu with the highest etiquette in the demon world.

Birds sing lightly to attract, soft cats are clingy because they are pure, and they are charming~ um~ Well, to put it more simply, it is kitsch. I have always wanted to rub Ling Fengyu's body with my body, and I want Ling Fengyu to also exude a seductive smell. Not to mention, the seductive smell is fragrant and soft, a bit like the feeling of white-haired animals lying in your arms in spring and letting you move.

But if you are not firm in your mind, you will get lost in it.

Ling Fengyu only felt disgusted by this.

"Such a high level of etiquette is unacceptable to me, a person in the world. Heavenly Demon King, come out and have a look. The beautiful mountains and rivers are worthy of a reward."

The sound is very loud.

"If you don't come out, can you reasonably doubt your Yaozu's way of hospitality, and don't treat guests as guests?"

Ling Fengyu just didn't want to trouble her.

If you go in by yourself, you can only let the monster race advertise how you are inside~

Well, I understand everything.

It's all dirty tricks.

"I'll wait here."

Ling Fengyu sat in front of the city gate.


The scene looked awkward.

As long as you don't feel embarrassed, it will only be other people who are embarrassed.

Yaozu didn't know what to do.

On the contrary, there are shrewd demon clansmen who report the situation to the Heavenly Demon King.

Tian Shi walked up to the top of the wall, looked at Ling Fengyu who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, and didn't know what to do.

After all, Ling Fengyu's behavior seemed to be probing or refusing.

"My lord, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"Tell me."

"The complexity of the human race is not comparable to that of the monster race. There are those who like to be beautiful and lustful, and some who are pure-hearted and ascetic. Most of the cultivators in the human race are pure-hearted and lonely. Even if they have desires, they will suppress them for their own cultivation, at least on the surface. You don't like the way things are now."

"Oh? Then tell me, is Ling Fengyu real or suppressed?"

"In my subordinate's humble opinion, it's true. According to the information, I analyzed what Ling Fengyu did in the first, second and third tier boundaries."

"True knowledge comes from practice, you go down and get ready, I will meet him."

"This subordinate will do it."

Tianshi goes down.

Slowly approaching Ling Fengyu.

Ling Fengyu opened his eyes without being dazed, and said: "At that time, it seemed that you were not a human race, and now you have reached the high position of the demon king of the demon clan, you are amazing, Mei Xiangyuan, oh, now you should be called the demon king of the sky. .”

Did Ling Fengyu see it long ago?

Ling Fengyu is not so powerful yet.

Just to take control.

Tianshi was stunned.

She didn't expect Ling Fengyu to say this when they met.

Could it be that Mei Xiangyuan already knew about the change of Yaozu?

"Let's go, you are the Sky Demon King now, you have to think about your own race, don't think that you used to be human, just think about giving benefits to me who is also human."


Send yourself to the highest peak.

Pulled the initiative of mediation to a high level.As expected of Ling Fengyu.

But it is.

The opposite is a demon, not a human, so there is no need to treat him as a fellow.

You only need to take into account your own and racial interests.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be rape?

In the same way, saying this is to prevent others from guessing that Ling Fengyu and the Yaozu will have common interests and cooperate.

No, Ling Fengyu is afraid that others will think that he has an affair with the Yaozu?

not afraid.

But I don't want to be in trouble, if there is trouble, I will only do more things.

This is what Ling Fengyu is afraid of.

So it's better to get things right at the beginning.

A wilderness.

around the border.

Each has a demon race and a human race.

The eyeliner is complicated, and the words spoken here will be passed on to the two tribes.

It can be said that since Ling Fengyu uttered the first sentence, the Sky Demon King is already at a disadvantage, and it depends on how the Sky Demon King can recover in the future.

"Master Sky Demon King, please sit down."

With a sweep of the dust whisk, the dust all recedes together.

The white stone is the seat, and there is no tea Zhongxin.

"Aren't you curious why I have the face of Mei Xiangyuan?" Tian Shi calmed down his emotions, and then said with a smile.

"All living beings have similarities and differences, likes and dislikes, just like on the same tree, it is impossible to have two identical leaves or two completely different leaves. Oh, to put it in a more general way, no matter how you Like Mei Xiangyuan, you are not her either."

He said it with a grimace.

The foreword does not match the afterword.

The purpose is to deceive the Sky Demon King.

"Sky Demon King, you haven't said your name yet?"

"My king Tianshi." The Sky Demon King subconsciously said his name.

"Heavenly Demon King Tianshi, Earth Demon King Dijiu. You guys."

Ling Fengyu started to make tea.

The sound is very loud.

Everyone can hear it.

"Thinking about it, you are destined to be on the throne of the Heavenly Demon King."

"Where is fate, everything is won by myself over the years."

"Including this skin?"

After Ling Fengyu finished speaking, his eyes also changed.

Severe and fierce, not like a human but like a hunting beast in the dark.

The tiger roars and the dragon sings quietly.

"In the twin towers, this woman has already become a demon clan. What happens now is none of your business?"

"Since I have become a demon clan, I really shouldn't care about it, but."

Ling Fengyu drank the hot tea in the cup, and continued, "Mei Xiangyuan didn't take the initiative, so who changed it and what changed it. Pull the creature who caused this thing out of Lingchi, so as to make an example."

Isn't Ling Fengyu worried about Mei Xiangyuan?

How could you not be worried.

But there is no rush.

The reality is already like this.

We can only find remedies, not cursing in a hurry.

"The means are cruel."

"When faced with a mortal man, means are only a way of showing consequences to others."

Of course, there is also the fastest death is the last word of conscience in the executioner's heart.

No, off topic.

"Make a deal with the Sky Demon King."

"what's up?"

"Hand over the mastermind who caused this incident, and I owe you a favor."

No mention of Mei Xiangyuan itself.

"You, don't you care about Mei Xiangyuan?"

The Sky Demon King said suspiciously.

The more you mention it, the more it proves that it matters to you.

"I care, so we need to find out the mastermind and then Ling Chi."

There seems to be nothing wrong with the answer.

Even favors are owed.

"Huh~" Tianshi let out a long breath.

She knew she was at a disadvantage.

But couldn't find the right words to untie it.

It's normal for someone called Ling Fengyu.

Most people would wonder if Mei Xiangyuan was dead, but practitioners would wonder if she had lost her body.

Anyway, people are gone.

"What if I said that Mei Xiangyuan is still alive?"

Okay, let's talk about it first.

The so-called death trap is gone.

At least half off.

"Alive, or half dead, or after satisfying you after the transaction, will you kill him and give me a dying corpse?"

Say everything possible to minimize the cost.

"Live, live well."

"If you don't pull it out and take a look, I won't believe it."

Wait, how can I get it out?

If it came out, how did it come out?

In a dead zone.


"I'll follow you to her."

The two words there are very heavy.

That means finding a private place to talk.

Every step was led by Ling Fengyu.

Just horrible.

There was a sense of fear in Tian Shi's heart, a sense of fear from the stare of a hunter in the dark.

Even if he escapes and still doesn't move, it's already in his pocket.

Very ~

Failed myself.

Tianshi knew that he had failed.

Unexpectedly, Ling Fengyu was so calm.

There is no way to do it myself.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

After weighing.

Tianshi is going to take Ling Fengyu to a place that is rarely visited by people, so as to have an in-depth understanding with him.

The death trap has not completely failed, as long as he is lured into that place by himself.

"Let's lead the way."

Ling Fengyu poured the remaining tea on the ground and took back the tea set.

What a poor quality tea, but it also has an elegant name.

"Do you know? Lord Sky Demon King, this lowest grade of tea has an elegant name - Gao Mo."

Poor item, elegant name.

This seems to be talking about who.

means something.

Are you talking about the Sky Demon King?


should be.



What Ling Fengyu looked at when he spoke was not the Sky Demon King.

Are there other creatures here?

Of course there is.

It was Ye Xuanwen.

The old guy is here.

Is this spying on yourself?

Ling Fengyu thinks it is very possible, after all, she~

The corner of his mouth sneered, not pretending, Tianshi looked at Ling Fengyu's face, especially the corner of his mouth~

Ling Fengyu.

He wants to kill!

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