Yi Yang went back to the tiger mother.

Give the turning fruit to the tiger mother.

The tiger mother said: "I also have intentions to go to the village of monsters, so you can choose another benefit."

"It's a good thing, because I didn't meet any danger."

"Oh? Maybe tell me what you met?"

No danger?

This really interested the tiger mother.

"Because there are no rare treasures or mineral deposits in it, and some are just spirit-turning fruits that cannot be controlled in quantity. Maybe our human race set up a forbidden area to prevent people from accidentally eating the magic-turning fruit. Speaking of which, there are also other races inside. , if it wasn't for this person's help, I don't think I would have found the fruit of turning the soul."

It seems reasonable.

But it is actually full of loopholes.

The point is, the tiger mother believed Yi Yang's nonsense.

Hmm~ Maybe it's because she hasn't been in that forbidden place.

"Maybe it's because you're human, so you're not such a serious threat."

The tiger mother sighed slightly.

"Oh? What does the tiger mother mean?"

"A few years ago."

Didn't the tiger mother adopt a lot of abandoned babies and orphans, and one of them was a human child with [-]% of the blood of the monster race.

He thinks that he has grown up and wants to help the tiger mother find the soul-changing fruit. He also heard about this forbidden place from the realm of the human race.

As a result, he escaped in a panic within three days after entering. The inside was too scary, and the plants inside were all alive, and so on.

Anyway, even if knives and axes can't be used, there is no problem with ordinary flames.

So he was very scared, and after breaking a hand, he escaped.

The moment he stepped out, a voice came into his head, bastard, what are you doing here without a human being?

The fate is so.

Yi Yang probably understood why the spirit child was only threatening him.

Instead of attacking yourself.

There is such a reason.

So, why didn't the human race go in?

Is it really because there is nothing good in it?

Yi Yang thought about it.

"This is also~"

Yi Yang didn't know what to say.

"Yes." The tiger mother was a little helpless.

"That's why it took such a long time to choose the right human being. You are my choice. It should be said that I couldn't afford to wait, so I found you."

"Well, that's nothing."

It seems that my own words are unintentionally in line with the psychological expectations of the tiger mother, so it is easy to believe.

It's just a weakness of nature. If it is identified before, even if it is false, similar related topics told to him by later generations will also bring in what he thought before.

So, it's easy to go wrong.

Yi Yang had no idea.

He just wanted to talk to Ling Fengyu now, explaining his current situation and his views on this matter.

It just seemed that the tiger mother still needed his help.

"Yi Yang can help me with one more thing. I want to refine and transform the spiritual fruit now. Can you help me protect the law?" The tiger mother is obviously at the last juncture.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

Yi Yang got up and prepared to leave.

"No, you are here, because I need your Yang Qi."


"Oh, don't get me wrong, it's not the yang qi you think, but your kung fu technique. The arrows you shoot have an extremely yang smell. If I fail to transform, the resulting force will inevitably form a poisonous mist. I need your assistance to burn the poisonous mist clean."

"If so, why must it be here?"

"Minimize the danger to a minimum."

"Then~ listen to you?"

Yi Yang sat in peace, Hu Renhuchen waited outside.

The tiger mother began to absorb the spiritual fruit.

During the period, the pain was evident from the furrowed brows and the dripping cold sweat.

Yi Yang meditates, in addition to sensing everything around him, he also needs to distinguish the sound of the three chains in his body colliding with each other.

Good guy.

The voice inside the body is stronger and louder than the outside.

The spirit fruit is completely withered.

The tiger mother felt better now.

Yi Yang was alert at the same time.

He heard discordant voices in the distance, and what he most hoped was not coming towards him.


When the tiger mother reaches the extreme.

Hu Renhu Chen was knocked into the air.

They were seriously injured and vomited blood when they were still injured.

Ok?What race are these creatures?

Are they all mixed race?

No, they are all bastards!

"Hu Ren Hu Chen, hold the last position, I will deal with these people!"

"Jie Jie Jie, how can you resist our thousands of troops?"

"You are called Qianjun, and the one on the left is called Wanma?"

Yi Yang actually made a joke.


They set to work.

Yi Yang stepped out of the mountains and rivers in one step.

In an instant, the ground was shocked, forming a gully visible to the naked eye between the enemy and ourselves.

Why does this person have such strength in such a low realm?

So strong!

The Chiyang Bow appeared in his hand, and Yi Yang had already placed nine arrows transformed from inner essence on the bow.

Murderous intent is also brewing.

"One step further is the separation of human soul!"

Yi Yang is worthy of being a person who fights on the battlefield, but at this moment he is showing a tangible murderous aura.

The invading enemy never thought that this human being would be so strong.

Regardless of others, Yi Yang shot the arrow first, forming a scorching sea of ​​flames on the opposite side of the ravine.

There are also masters among the invading enemies.

With the wind of the palm, the flame was separated into a hole.

Step out and fly to the front of Yi Yang.

But the rest of them couldn't make a move from behind in the flames.

It was too close, and the Chiyang Bow was being used as a double blade.

Yi Yang is because his Chiyang Bow is similar to the Scorching Sun Bow, and has the ability to fight in close quarters, instead of being like a beacon that only has the ability to shoot arrows.

Facing palms first, Yi Yang only felt that the sharp Nei Yuan on the opposite side had been drilling into his body, but Yi Yang's own strength should not be underestimated.All the sharpness of Haona's opponent, Neiyuan, quietly disappeared in his body, just like being crushed by a stone mill.

Impressively raised his strength, the huge inner yuan wrapped the strength of the fist and knocked the person flying.

Then came another arrow.

The man fled without injury.

But it was too late, Yi Yang was already ready for the next move.

Mo Lian's arrow was taken out, an ordinary arrow, brilliant not because of its appearance.

When an arrow is shot, there is no attachment of any internal power, no sound, no attributes.

The arrow hit the heart.

But the arrow body was constantly trembling, and the trembling force completely shattered the heart.

This person lost his heart before he could take out the arrow, and was gradually dying.

The wall of flames disappeared, and several people crossed the ravine, ready to directly attack the helpless tiger mother.

It's a pity.

Yi Yang will never let them succeed!

The king of the earth shoots an arrow out and shoots inside, and a majestic mud wall stands in his way.

The rest of the arrows were all mounted on the Chiyang Bow.

Shoot it all out, and take it all back.At the moment of retraction, all those who step over the ravine are dead.

Overwhelmed by absolute strength, at this moment, Yi Yang is the God of War.

Absolute god of war.

The local strongest has not yet made a move.

Yi Yang is also preserving his strength, and both sides seem to be waiting for something.


The tiger mother's voice was full of disbelief and anger.


Hu Ren Hu Chen is a traitor!

Yi Yang turned around and was about to rescue him.

At this time, the real masters of the enemy are also dispatched.

The speed is staggering.

Yi Yang turned around and didn't have time to respond, he hastily faced palms and lost the wind.

Neiyuan clamored and was forced to retreat.

Hit into the mud wall of his own making.

Almost vomited blood.

But at this time, because he couldn't control it, the trick that Ling Fengyu kept in his body had actually worked.

I saw Ling Fengyu's inner essence protruding through the body to form a transparent light and shadow, only to strike out another sword, this sword contained extreme power, it knocked the strange master into the air, and even killed nearly half of them. enemy.

Yi Yang didn't care about this, he immediately melted away the mud wall and used the Earth King Arrow to create a stronger mud wall to resist the attack temporarily.

It can be seen that there is already a hole in the chest of the tiger mother.

The power of the turning fruit has turned into poison and is eroding the tiger mother's body.


For the betrayal of his relatives, Yi Yang felt angry, and two rockets shot out, hitting the powerful parts of Hu Ren Hu Chen respectively.

Appears to be incapacitated.


Yi Yang ignored the difference between men and women, after sealing the tiger mother's acupuncture points, he carried the tiger mother on his back and evacuated far away.

Could it be, could it be that the same thing happened behind my back?

Yi Yang had other ideas.

An emotion called sadness welled up in my heart.

He cried.

Tears continued to flow, and some fell on the face of the tiger mother.

"Are you crying for me?"

Yi Yang didn't answer.

"What is there to cry about for someone you meet by chance?"

Yi Yang still didn't answer.

"I was also surprised at the sudden betrayal, but now I'm relieved. There is no resentment."

"Okay, stop talking, I will take you away, take you to a safe place, heal you, give you the best treatment, I don't want to experience the same thing again."

Yi Yang suddenly roared loudly.

The tiger mother was surprised and remained silent.


"Is it so sad because it's similar?"

"Back then, I carried someone behind my back like this. In the end, in order to keep me alive, I endured the final attack myself."

Yi Yang said no more.

"Stop talking, stabilize your vitality, I don't want to have too many words on this matter."

It was all quiet, only running in a hurry in the grove.

The blood has been flowing, and the heart is gradually getting colder.

Life keeps passing, and death is imminent.

no solution anymore.

"Yi Yang, we are destined, I will teach you a trick, but this trick may be a bit vicious, so you can't use it unless it is a critical time."

"Ling Fengyu, we have to part ways temporarily, what are you trying to teach me?"

"It's a move similar to forcing people into slaves. I learned it to prevent people from dying because of me. I also hope that after I hand it over to you, you will use it in the same way."

"Slave? This is really an evil move."

"The move has no name, if you use it rightly, if you use it evilly, you will be evil. Listen carefully, it is like this."

Yi Yang decided to use this trick on the tiger mother.

So he put down the tiger mother, turned around and put his palms on the back of the tiger mother.

"Tiger mother, I'm sorry, you will be my slave from now on!"

The tiger mother has not yet understood Yi Yang's words.

The huge impact of internal energy caused the already very weak tiger mother to fall into a real coma.

The tiger mother didn't know that after a few days, she finally woke up, and all the ailments of the past were wiped out, and she also transformed into a transformed human figure. What clothes are she wearing?

Is this the smell of Yi Yang?

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