"Senior." Mo Xiao came out of retreat.

Coincidentally, Mo Tianfeng was observing the situation outside.

"Ah, it worked?" Mo Tianfeng asked.This kind of knowingly asking is also a way of saying hello.

"Yes, it succeeded. I will go back to Wangcheng immediately to prepare for the examination of D-level execution."

"No need, your accumulated performance is enough for you to be promoted to D level." Mo Tianfeng took out a new cover.

Mo Xiao handed over the old seal to Mo Tianfeng.

Mo Tianfeng handed over the task of being an official to Mo Xiao.

After all, Ling Fengyu's strength is not what the current Mo Xiao can do.

Mo Tianfeng went to find Ling Fengyu.

"I found something that might be useful. It's information from Shenji Pavilion."

Mo Tianfeng handed a brand new thread-bound book to Ling Fengyu in the bamboo kiosk.

That's right, this kiosk also rose from the ground.

"Nine Babies Stepping on the Flame Map~The Beacon Flame's Guide, the Scroll of Life and Death, Two Eyes of Different People~"

"These are things that may be useful, so I wrote them together, mainly the following things."

"Nine infants stepping on flames, I don't know who painted it."

The first incarnation was on the verge of the first total war.

In other words, there was no concept of dynasty or power at the time when it was critically scattered.Just because of the appearance of this picture, the dispute began.

Various human forces have obtained part of it.

The same parts are combined to form the embryonic form of the current dynasty, a total of eight parts, which is the range of the eight dynasties known today. Of course, the ups and downs of each dynasty are still ups and downs.

Because the Xihai Dynasty occupied the scope of the two dynasties, it was not long before they were defeated and re-established by the people of the current Qiankun two dynasties.


Not only did the Qiankun Longchao last only one year, but it seemed that it split apart without any battle.

Qian and Kun, dry, trees, Kun, ink white.

"It turns out that this is the recorded history." This was said in a strange way.

"That's right, this is what we know. It's a fully recorded history. If someone hasn't recorded it, future generations like us won't know it."

Mo Tianfeng didn't shy away either.

The past is the past, and without the records of seeing is believing, there is no possibility of fully believing.

"I always feel that something big is going to happen." Ling Fengyu said to himself.

"No matter what the big thing is, Liao'er is going to become a dynasty, and I hope you can go too."

Mo Tianfeng made arrangements.

Bai Mulio went to Qian Dynasty.

Must be the one being targeted, and not being able to accomplish much.

Although Ling Fengyu has nothing to do with Guique, that is, with the royal family of the Qian Dynasty.But in terms of action, he is still much more free than Bai Muliu.

"Okay, it's not my superior who directly assigned me the task." Ling Fengyu was expressionless, but Mo Tianfeng could hear the joke from his tone.

Ling Fengyu tapped the ground lightly.

"The people below have been retreating, and they have sucked out the spiritual energy around them once. They are good talents, but I don't know if they are Yufeng."

Good guy, that's the reason why Ling Fengyu stopped here.

Mo Tianfeng felt as if he had missed a move.

He didn't think much of this step.

"It's Yufeng." Mo Tianfeng had no choice but to admit it face to face.

"Really? You also have Xiao Jiujiu in your heart."

"Yeah, things are getting too weird to be overly hands-on."


The Kun Dynasty spent a lot of time on this morning.

Returning to Tianji Camp with no regrets, the whole person was lying on the table, the body was steaming, it looked like a fight.

"What's wrong?" Tang Buzhi entered the tent and saw that he was lying on his stomach and couldn't move. He never regretted it.

Never regret explaining it.

The Shenji Pavilion is so powerful that it has found a nominal candidate to participate in the early court.It's called God Absolutely Regret.After knowing this name and never regretting becoming the first-class executive who followed Tang Buzhi, he was not happy to get it.

What do you say this is.

Then you will never regret anything.It is obviously right to insert a few sentences, and the emperor is happy to see their conflicts.

Noisily presenting all the information to the emperor, the two people who approached were competing for inner yuan.

The blue ray of never regretting and the red ray of never regretting shine on the ground.

The emperor sat quietly, accompanied by his ministers.After the two of them, I can't beat you, you can't beat me, and the internal energy is exhausted, then we can say retreat.

I never regret that it is perseverance after all, but I didn't show it at all on the road, and only lay down sweating and weak in the tent.

"Is God displeased with a child?"

Tang Buzhi gave his inner yuan to Never Regret to help him recover.

"I don't regret it, I'm going to the Qian Dynasty. You can take care of the Tianji camp. If the king gives you a task, wait for me to come back if you can't complete it." Tang Buzhi ordered.

"Okay, Boss, you have a lot of things to do, so leave the operation of the Tianji Battalion to me for the time being, but today, I have to take a leave of absence~"

Before he finished speaking, he never regretted lying on the desk and fell asleep.

"I lighted the requiem incense just now, go to sleep, tomorrow is another day of spirituality."

Tang Buzhi found an animal skin and put it on for Buhui.

Divine Machine Pavilion.

"Unfortunately, don't force yourself when you return to Shenji Pavilion, there are no outsiders."

After hearing God's displeased order, Shen Jue regretted that his body began to sweat like never regretting it.

"You did a good job, so you are qualified to do the next task."

God was displeased and handed over a task list that had already been written to Shen Juehui.

It includes the operation of Shenji Pavilion, loyalty to the king, external responsibilities, training of assassins, and the unique configuration of the three-day dead soul pill for loyal assassins.

"Okay, I will concentrate on this." Shen Juehui stood up and said.

Shen was displeased and stepped back from his seat, Shen Jue regretted walking over and sat down.

"I'm going to retreat, don't disturb me for two months."

God was displeased and left.

Two days later.

"Ling Fengyu, let me introduce you, Tang Buzhi, the commander of Tianji Battalion is also in charge. We call him the boss."

Mo Tianfeng introduced Tang Buzhi who hurried to Yiwei City.

"Hey~ Boss Tang? I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

Ling Fengyu saluted.

"Where is it?" Tang Buzhi replied.

This trip was justified on the basis of normal diplomatic relations.

However, one is the boss of Tianji Battalion, the other is a high-level executive of Shenji Pavilion, and an elite first-level executive, no matter how you look at it, it looks like they are going to cause trouble.

Fortunately, Ling Fengyu has his own ideas.

He won't be pulled off like a tiger.

With a crow passing by, Ling Fengyu grabbed it casually, then stroked his chest, pretending to take out a note.

"Sorry, I need to rush back first. I think with everyone's cultivation base and speed, if there are no obstacles, it will only take two months to reach the king's city, and I will hurry up, after all, the speed of intensive training. I will work on it." The royal city is waiting for you."

Ling Fengyu left.

"He's not one of us, he has his own ideas." Mo Tianfeng shrugged.

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