Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 322: Ask Again

Yi Yang practiced.

A lotus flower came to mind.

Who is this?

"Just like asking Ling Fengyu, I also ask you a few questions."

"Ask Ling Fengyu?"

"Yes, I was questioned in Haori Linglong."

"Okay, let's ask."

"First question."

"Just ask."

"who are you?"

"who am I?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am me, a mixture of physical nature, personality, memory, strength and relationship."

"Second question. What's the difference between killing and redemption?"

"Killing is a calamity, but redemption is kindness without reason."

"What's the point of unwarranted kindness?"

"Repairing and improving after killing is redemption, and redemption that has nothing to do with people is entanglement or unwarranted, or attacking the language of the hidden enemy."

"The third question."

"What is the difference between a sword and an arrow?"

"There is no difference in essence, it's just killing."

"Except for the essence?"

"There is a difference in how you use it."

"Isn't the method of use the essence?"

"The essence of things is the final result, this is my understanding."

"Okay, the fourth question, would you sacrifice yourself because of someone?"

"It's okay to sacrifice for the people I love while loving me, but not for the group of people who ask me to sacrifice for the so-called sake of the world."

"That's the difference between you and Ling Fengyu."

"Why would he sacrifice himself for the latter?"

"No, but he will sacrifice himself for ordinary people and irrelevant people, although he himself does not realize it."

"This is the standard of a saint."

"No, a person's standard."

"Understood, is there any more questions?"

"Question five, what are chains?"

"The chain is the middle thing that connects the two ends of the object, it is the involvement that traps the footsteps, and it is the force when it is swung."

After finishing speaking, Yi Yang's eyes lit up.

He understood what the lotus wanted to say.

Connection, yes, in addition to binding and linking.

Then you are very talented.

"However, your aptitude is not bad, and you can speak and understand a sentence by yourself. You are indeed the person Ling Fengyu wants to cultivate."

"Why did he train me?"

"Because you have good aptitude, and you won't harm others."

"Does it mean that as long as there are no dangerous people, he will give pointers?"

"It depends on your mood, but you don't look at your mood, because you have three chains in your body. I don't think he knows the magical function of the chains in your body."

"You know?"

"I don't know, but I can see that the Emperor Ren's chain of disillusionment is the chain of human beings. I only hope to give it to Ling Fengyu after it is uncovered."


"Give you a chance."

The lotus flower dropped three petals, Yi Yang reached out to catch them, and they turned into three arrows.

"This is a pure arrow, without any incidental effects, it can be used normally."

Yi Yang woke up.

Holding three arrows.

He was thoughtful.

He knows the difference between himself and Ling Fengyu.

But the difference is so big, he didn't expect it.

One's own power is always there, and the chains have never been bound, but connected. Heaven, earth and people each have their own places to connect.As for the rest.

we'll talk about it then.

Lotus gave him a mission.

That is to add foundation to itself.

Go find the demon king, the demon king will naturally tell him what he has.

Flower God Festival, is this lotus?

Yi Yang is not sure.


There is a problem with the Flower God Festival.

It couldn't be that the blue spirit spider was the only problem.

Although the spirit-absorbing monster seemed to be solved, it was definitely not the only one.

Chang Geng, there is a problem.

Especially Ling Fengyu glanced at Chang Geng's hand from time to time, and mentioned the backstab.

In fact, Yi Yang has reason to believe that the person who stabbed and killed seven times in the back was Chang Geng.

And the essence was absorbed by Chang Geng.

Because Chang Geng was his elder brother, he naturally trusted him from the beginning.

Just in time, I was going to find the Demon King, and communicate with Chang Geng by the way.

It's not a serious matter at the moment, so it's natural to sneak in.

Really are.

Like an assassin, but also like a hunter, more like a silent snake.

As for Ling Fengyu.

Since setting up the formation.

He began to look for the mother spirit.

Although I doubt what the man in the mirror said, but, I still plan to search in that direction.

Just arrived in a city.

Two mummified corpses were hung on the top of the city.

What punishment is this?

Ask passers-by.

Keep silent.

get inside.

Prosperity is no different.

Facing such a scene, Ling Fengyu felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Just, what's inside the boom?

I found a small shop, with a pot of tea, a plate of cakes, three sides, and sat for an afternoon.

Listen to various news.

Just again.

"Everyone, don't talk about business."

Xiao Er reminded me from time to time.

So, Ling Fengyu couldn't hear anything useful.

"Xiaoer, come here." Ling Fengyu waved.

"Come on. What else do you need, sir?"

"Is there any wine?"

"Guest officer, there is still a moment before the time for dinner, please wait a moment, I can serve you wine in a moment."

"This." Ling Fengyu took out a piece of silver, "Prepare the wine and meat for me."

"Okay, sir, please wait at ease."

"Little Er, Xiao Er!"

When one person enters, he yells.

"What do you need, sir?"

"A catty of wine. Hurry up and fill it up."

He took out the jug.

Ling Fengyu went over, this person was slovenly, a little sloppy, but most of them were normal.

"Guest officer, there is still a moment, please wait a moment."

"What the hell." He kicked Xiao Er over, "Either break your bones, or drink me."

"Guest officer, break my bones, I don't want to die yet." Xiao Er wailed loudly.

Everyone looked sideways at the slovenly man.


The point of contradiction seems to be a bit of a problem.

The man was about to punch Xiao Er with a punch.

Ling Fengyu stopped it.

The man's waving fist was stopped by Ling Fengyu with a fan.

"Your Excellency is reckless. Each store has its own rules. If this one doesn't work, you can change to another one. What's more, wouldn't it be over after a few words?"

Ling Fengyu slightly forcefully took the person's fist away and retracted it.

"Hmph! Every store is the same! When it comes to keeping the rules, it's clearly a sentence from the city lord—wine is better served with food, and the subordinates stipulate that they can only drink, sell and buy wine during meals."

he said.

"The ones hanging outside the city are just because the little girl and the drinker who were a little bit ahead of time were convicted. They were exposed to the scorching sun for two days and baked in the fire for two nights. In the end, they hung on the top of the city without human form. What else do you say?" To serve as an example to others."

After hearing this, the diners threw money on the table and left, and Xiaoer also hurried to the back kitchen to close the door.


What is this?

This this.

Ling Fengyu really didn't know what to say.

"Grab it!"

Where did the troops come from?

Ling Fengyu retracted the folding fan.

Let go.


What crime?

Disobey discipline.


Is it written in the law?

Ling Fengyu asked with a smile.

The answer given to him was that the words of the city lord are the rules.

Well, isn't this flattery?

And because Ling Fengyu asked too much, he was counted as an extra charge and contradicted the law enforcement officers.

Really, Ling Fengyu was already angry.

Vitex pulled away, then baked in a raging fire, and finally hung dead on the city wall.

"You guys are busy. Let's do it now. I'll be busy with other things after I deal with it. As for the guy next to me, he won't talk back as easily as I do. Just let him see it and regret it, right?"

Ling Fengyu's smile was darker.

"You still dare to talk back, come here, give him a hundred and eighty lashes first."


Ling Fengyu took off his clothes.

Expose the flesh-colored torso.

Lie down on the ground.

"bring it on."

The fine iron thorns are drawn on the body.

There is no trace at all.

But Ling Fengyu was still screaming, oh, it hurts, it hurts so much.

Scream nauseously.

Can't see the effect.

It was branded red again.

The brand was imprinted on Ling Fengyu's body, but there was still no sign at all.


Named three exposures in a row, it can be seen that he was out of breath.

Ling Fengyu was roasted by the raging fire first.

Then he was hung upside down.

Another person was released.

Because Ling Fengyu is too weird.

No, are there practitioners?How could he still treat Ling Fengyu like this?Aren't you afraid of Ling Fengyu's troubles?

On the third day, Ling Fengyu was still fine, not to mention shriveled, not even her hair was hurt.

This place has become a scenic spot.


Ling Fengyu burst open the chain and fell to the ground.

Grabbing the jungle knife from one person, he went all the way to the official gate.

If someone stopped him, he would slap him with a knife, knock him out and throw him into the nearest store.

When they mobilized the army, they were also beaten unconscious by Ling Fengyu.

"You, you. You want to rebel?"

"No, I'm not even a member of your world, how can I call it a rebellion?"

Ling Fengyu just removed his limbs.

Then he said loudly: "Punishment does not punish the public."

Some people are quick-witted.

After yelling, he rushed to the officer.

It seems that the grudge has been accumulated for a long time.


The mayor appears.

Ling Fengyu stopped him.

"Can't you hear the demands of your citizens? Tyranny is fiercer than a tiger. As the owner of the city, don't you know this?"

Ling Fengyu smiled.

"My city is naturally up to me!"

Hit Ling Fengyu with a palm.

stupid guy.

Ling Fengyu didn't even move, the city lord's palm hit the left chest, and the qi entered, and it was obvious that it was heartbreaking qi, that is to say, he wanted Ling Fengyu to die.

But what to say?

Ling Fengyu wouldn't fall for it so easily.

Neiyuan formed a suction force that sucked the city lord's hand.

That's what qi refiners use.

properties similar to black holes.

It has to be said that Ling Fengyu played this game very vigorously.

He was almost out of play.

It's still fine to suck with one hand.


Ling Fengyu blocked his mouth with practical actions, but Nei Yuan was the opposite, and the man was quickly knocked into the air.

Ling Fengyu caught up and tapped several acupuncture points.

This moment is mortal.


Ling Fengyu said another word.

The crowd fought again.

It is true that a dignified cultivator was beaten to death by a group of mortals.

Things are over.

People knelt down to worship Ling Fengyu.

But Ling Fengyu said: "You don't need to kneel to me, I'm not your parent."

"You are our reborn parent!"

It seems that there is no way to refute them with words.

Ling Fengyu didn't know how to play anymore.

what the hell.

"Get up, he won't accept your kneeling."

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