Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 300: The Way of Business

"Hey~ What you said is not unreasonable. Let's go around and ask the elders near our masters if this happened."

At this moment, Great Elder Dai Guan is a little anxious.

Gong Mingchan has been practicing.

I don't care about foreign affairs.

Everything is done by him.

But fucked up.

It's good to build prestige.

People backhandedly established an alliance with the descendants of ghosts and phoenixes, and announced it to the world.

Wouldn't it be jumping off the commanding heights of morality by taking another shot?

Then send people to the underworld.

The results of it?

The head was hung on the top of the Demon King City.


Unlucky home.

But in other words, if it wasn't for small gains, he wouldn't be killed by Yue Lingfeng, and he wouldn't be hung on the wall by Ye Bugui.

In the final analysis, it was because of being greedy for petty gain that he caused the disaster of killing people.

face such a person.

Yue Lingfeng was considered gentle.

Although being picked by Ye Bugui has become the achievement of the Demon King.

Now I can't tell what is right and what is wrong.

Good and evil are mixed.


"Big elder."

A female disciple came running.

Well, it is the female disciple handpicked by Dai Guan.

"Look at it."

The female disciple raised her skirt and turned around.

"Xiaoqiao, you've become more beautiful."

Well, all the worrying stuff was snapped into the back of my head.

Tonight, hmm.

The next day.

"Great Elder, guess what makes me beautiful?"

This female disciple named Xiaoqiao said coquettishly.

"Hmm~ Longyan Pill from Fangcao Pavilion?"

Xiao Qiao shook her head.

"Then~ is the Baiji Dan they returned to the family medicine?"

"Not yet, it's Xiaoyao Pill."

"What is Xiaoyao Pill?"

At the moment, Xiaoqiao recounted everything that happened recently.

The Great Elder became concerned about this Xiaoyao Pill.

If the group of women under him can have changes like Xiao Qiao, then won't they have an advantage in future transactions with other sects?

in this way,

"Little Qiao, follow me out of the palace today."

I went to watch the tide.

There is no token.

Not to mention, Xiaoqiao really has a piece, as for how it came about, it's inconvenient to explain clearly.


Just watching the tide sent one away.

"Who is this?"

Guan Haichao looked at the two of them.

"Wu Liang, this is the Great Elder of our Toad Palace. I haven't met the Great Elder yet."

"Young Wu Liang has met the Great Elder."

The demeanor of disdain for junior disciples and respect for superiors is vividly expressed.

When I was a beggar, I saw how those little people who didn't treat him as a human being treated beggars and high-ranking people.

"Good good."

Dai Guan's gaze was never on Guan Haichao, only the bottles and jars on the table.

"Oh, Great Elder, this kind of jade bottle contains Runchang Pill, this kind of jade bottle contains Xiaoyao Pill, here is He Shou Shui Black Hair, and these."

"Does all of this work?"

The great elder played with it.

"I don't dare to exaggerate other things, but Guizong's disciples like Runchang Pill and Xiaoyao Pill very much. There is no need to say too much. For the rest, if the Great Elder wants to know what effects they have, he will naturally explain them all clearly."

Guan Haichao laughed wildly in his heart.

I never thought that I would reach the top level in one step,

"What kind of medicine is this?"

"This is the elixir of strengthening the essence. It is most useful for middle-aged and elderly people, but it is unlikely that the elders will use such a elixir."

"Ah~ yes yes yes yes."

Dai Guan had no choice but to say yes.

This kind of tone is enough, this great elder needs it very much.

"Let's talk about what else."

"Alright, Great Elder, look at that red bottle. The name of this elixir is~"

"Good, good, all good, all good, I'm too lazy to choose. I want them all."

It's good to ask for everything, and it's only twenty gold, which is actually not much for an elder of a sect. In addition, this money is not commonly used in the cultivation world, so it's usually saved if you save it.

Unlike Yi Xue's disciples who are thinking about leaving the sect for the elderly, they are more concerned about the cultivation resources.

In fact, it can be regarded as smart. I am too lazy to choose all of them, and I also include the solid book.


Guan Haichao made a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"It's not that I don't give money, there's nothing to embarrass."

In order to please the Great Elder, Xiaoqiao took out a silver ticket, a silver ticket shared by the fighting world, the military world, and the border.

"No, the way of being an official and the way of being a business must be within the rules. I stipulated that each person can only buy as much of each type and cannot exceed it, and one family cannot dominate~ Great Elder, this is not easy."

If it’s not easy, then don’t do it!

Dai Guan wanted to say this very much, but no.

You still need to have some manners outside.

So, say something nice.

Thinking about how to search for everything.

at this time.

"The way of being an official is for the country and the people. For the country and the people, you can change the rules. The way for business is money. If you have money, you can change the rules?"

It's Chang Mu.

As expected of Chang Mu.

Said such a reasonable thing.

"It turns out that the money is not enough." Xiaoqiao understood the meaning, and then took out another bank note.

"How can I make the beautiful woman in the city pay for it. Let me do it."

Chang Mu took out a bank note, which was obviously of a large denomination.

Enough to buy a nice lot.

Why did Chang Mu take out so much money all of a sudden?


Guan Haichao took the money tactfully, then put all the pills in a brocade box and handed them to the elder respectfully.

"Thank you, Brother Chang Mu."

Petite and slightly saluted.

The Great Elder wants to go back and try that Guben Dan.

Xiao Qiao said goodbye tactfully.

"Do you want to enter Toad Palace?"

Chang Mu asked to watch the tide.


"Follow me and don't talk."

Oh open?

What does Chang Mu want to do?

Then worship the mountain gate.

"Master, please spread the word that disciples of the Jail Sect often worship the mountain gate."

"Okay, but what happened to Wu Liang?"

"Oh, this matter has something to do with Wu Liang and needs his help, so I brought it here together."

"Well, I will report it together, please wait a moment."

One is you wait, the other is to wait for a while, alas~


Along the way, Chang Mu explained.

Said, Guan Haichao, we want to form an alliance with you, so helping you here is a gesture of goodwill.

Oh~ By the way, who is Changmu and Zhang Tieling?Yes, Qiutu.

The union of the two of them.

The alliance between these two is fun.

Close to the sect but independent.

Align with it for some benefits.

Guan Haichao thought so.

"Well, yes."

"It's too decisive, I don't think it's credible."

"My consideration is that you, who are related to the human alliance, form an alliance with us who have descendants of ghosts and phoenixes. Maybe it will cause a different storm."

It is true that the alliance was formed out of this consideration.


Alliance formed.

People with a discerning eye can quickly see that Guan Haichao wants to enter the interior of Chanming Palace, and Chang Mu also follows the trend.

Shun Shui Ren Qing is a good way to express goodwill without harming one's own interests.

No return at night.

So many days have passed since the empty city plan, and it should be fruitful.

Yes, there are so many heads hanging on the city wall.

Ye Bugui aimed at Chanming Palace and killed him.

Basically just ask.

Then let go of those from other sects, who specifically killed Chanming Palace.

No, other sects, such as Zhang Tieling and Xuanmu Shengjiao, have also been killed. Yes, the current Human Alliance has also been killed.

They dance the most.

Human Alliance, hum!

Bullying the weak and fearing the hard is selfish.

It's finally out.

Getting ready to visit someone.

But when he saw someone following him, he changed his direction.

Go to Demon Lord City.

Ling Fengyu's Demon Lord City.

"The Demon King Ye Bugui visits the Demon Lord Ling Fengyu."

The sound is very loud.

"Ling Fengyu is not here, Your Excellency will visit next time."

Misty rain drifted down.

It's beautiful, it's beautiful.

Well, mature beauty.

This kind of beauty is coveted by many men who know how to taste.


Ye Bugui smiled lightly.

"Then you are a weak woman, can you do it?"

Half-joking tone.

"As your Excellency, I'm afraid you don't disdain this method."

Well, although nothing was said, everything was said.

no force~

"My identity has disappeared after I took over the ring of the devil king, and now I live with the devil."

What do you want to do at night?

"Did you just discard your identity as a demon slayer?"

It's Milan.

The hand-operated paper fan came slowly.

Hmm, the same taste as Ling Fengyu.

"Slaughtering the demon, where is the demon being slaughtered?"

The inner demon is also a demon.


The Diming sword came out, pointing directly at Mi Lan.

Mi Lan's fan opened to block the Earth Sword.

Neither side showed their real strength.

Mi Lan moved her hand, fanned it, and the Diming Sword left.

The fan is retracted, the gun is released, and the silver light faces the gray shadow.

Although one inch is longer and one inch is stronger, it seems that Mi Lan can't display any strength, and she always feels that Zhi Zhan Zhishang is sleeping.

It's the feeling that I'm tired and move on my own.

so.On this point, the Earth Sword is still strong.

At least they are serious about their work.

However, then again, it's not a life-and-death battle, it's almost over.

"Grey streamer."

Ye Bugui raised his hand, and the gray Nether Qi played a spell.

"The silver dragon sings to the heavens."

A silver dragon spun out from Zhizhanzhishang, facing the spell that never returns at night.

Neither side took even a step back.

The forces collided, and then the ground cracked.

Dust rises.

A round of fighting is over.

Why not take a breather.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are evenly matched.

"Your strength is inferior to mine. I really want to risk my injury and take off the magic ring in your hand. Sure enough, the devil's ring is the weakest. If the devil doesn't come out, just wait to die."

Mi Lan's remark was to attract the attention of other people in order to center most of the actions on the weakest Demon King, so that other Lord of the Rings holders would be free and reveal more information.

The most important thing is the female devil emperor.

That incident will always be a pain in Mi Lan's heart, those people don't deserve to die, the Gui clan must die, and the controllers behind must also die.


He will not be merciful like Ling Fengyu.

"Good idea, but I don't think you are my opponent!"

Resurrected from the ashes, unlike in the past, crying ghosts and howling wolves.

It is resentment, but this resentment has no target to attack, so it does nothing, waiting for the order to stay out of the night.

It can be said that if it was not for staying out at night, these grievances would attack everywhere aimlessly.

This is no longer the method of the Demon King, nor is it the method of Ye Bugui itself, but the characteristic of the Earth Sword.

After using it, it shows that Ye Bugui wants more than just the Lord of the Rings.

Show a different kind of greed.

Some people are vigilant, and they are not ordinary people who do not return at night.

Mi Lan frowned.

He still doesn't know Yebugui's identity, this face is unfamiliar.

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