Ying Ye yesterday.

"Are you rich?" Ling Fengyu asked suddenly, he had never held a child in his memory, but he was unexpectedly proficient, and the baby slept soundly in Ling Fengyu's arms.

"There is a penny." Mrs. Huang carefully took out the penny from her belt.There are some old pennies, which should be nearly ten years old.And a little reluctant.

"Okay, the transaction is established, and I will help you with one thing." Ling Fengyu snatched the penny from Huang's hand, and carefully placed it in his arms.

Can a penny buy a master's shot?

Don't even think about it.

"I want to see Gu Fu alone!"


Today is noon.

Gu Fu, who was chasing Ling Fengyu, was taken to the creek by Gu Ximing.

There is only one tent made of broad leaves and branches.Outside is a bonfire that has been extinguished and cooled.A few fish heads hadn't been burnt clean and became shriveled.

"Wow~" is the cry of a baby.

It came from the tent next to Gu Fu.

Ling Fengyu had already lost track of him, and he couldn't see the love between men and women who were separated from each other.He still has something to do, find Gu Dong.

He only hoped that he could find Gu Dong and solve the problem in advance before Gu Fu and Huang's family finished making out.

Of course, this is not a matter of trading money or not, but Ling Fengyu is still very interested in this kind of person who works secretly and what he is doing. This is more fun than the innate cultivation instinct to force cultivation .

How refreshing would it be if it was solved quietly and then praised as a mysterious hero?

"My heart rises with the wind, and the fallen leaves are clear without the wind."

This is the lightness exercise learned by Ling Fengyu, referred to as lightness exercise.

In the cave directly below the mountain city, dozens of people were stationed outside the entrance of the cave, except for Gu Dong.

Obviously, Gu Dong is in the cave.

Just, what is he doing in there?

Don't really have any ulterior motives, right?

Sitting cross-legged on the branch of a big tree in the distance, Ling Fengyu whispered to himself.

"Just, how do I get in?"

Luring a snake out of its hole and beating the grass to startle it is definitely not an option, because you will lose the opportunity to obtain useful information, but as time goes by, the opportunity will become more and more remote.


Ling Fengyu didn't think of anything, and suddenly stood up, leaning his body, and put his feet on the tree pole.

blah blah.

Accompanied by the dull sound of tapping the tree trunk, Ling Fengyu leaped out like an arrow leaving the string.

Go straight to the rock above the cave.

When approached, settle down.Only tiny bits of soil fell and fell, and then scattered with the wind, so they didn't attract the attention of those little soldiers.

"Generally these holes have other openings, otherwise the creatures that enter will faint because the turbid air cannot spread in time. But the old boy Gu Dong has been able to enter it for such a long time, the air inside must be circulating." Ling Fengyu explained to himself.

But even if you know the principle, it is very troublesome to find it.

Scratching his head, Ling Fengyu had no choice but to search with a shy face, only hoping that before Jinwu went back to sleep, or that Gu Dong would not leave.

in the afternoon.

Outside the tent, Gu Fu was coaxing the baby in his arms, while Huang sat quietly on the side with a soft smile on his face.

This smile belongs to Gu Fu alone.


The expression on Gu Fu's face is unreadable.

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry for making you suffer."

Gu Fu freed up a hand to hug Huang Yang tenderly.

Three people, a happy family of three.


"Yang'er, I need you to leave for a while, is that okay?"

Soft words speak cold lines.

"What's wrong?"

Huang Yang came out hesitantly from Gu Fu's arms that might no longer be gentle.

"Because I don't want you to be hurt again." Is the expression on Gu Fu's face reluctance? "After yesterday's incident of my absence, I don't want to hurt you because of my temporary departure. This time it has already happened. I'm afraid that next time I leave for a long time, I will never see you mother and child again when I come back."

Gu Fu hugged the doubtful Huang Yang into his arms again.

"But, where should our children and I go? I have been with you since I was ten years old, and I have been with you until now." Huang Yang felt that his life was very confused, and he couldn't find a direction at all.

"Go to my residence before the expedition. It is a secluded place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. I will go there every year to see you and my children." Gu Fu sighed again.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Huang Yang agreed softly.

At this time, Ling Fengyu hurried over, holding some delicious wild fruits in his hand.

"You~ finished talking?"

Not long ago.

Ling Fengyu on the cave coincidentally found the vent in a short while, and also very skillfully, the vent was quite big, and Ling Fengyu could get in by squatting.


"My lord, since that's the case, I wouldn't bother to kill that child." It was Gu Dong's voice.

Wait a long time.

"Understood, I'll go back now, little one, to prevent Gu Fu from becoming suspicious."

After finishing speaking, Ling Fengyu could hear Gu Fu's footsteps from far to near and far.

Obviously left.

After waiting for a while, Ling Fengyu turned his back to the vent and left.

Falling slowly from the protruding stone.

He stood in front of the cave, looking at Gu Dong and the others who were leaving.

He wanted to put a smile on his face, but the stiff face really couldn't make the smile appear.

Turn around and walk slowly into the cave.

Stalactites, stalagmites, and strangely glowing crystals are like a scene of hell.

It's probably in the center.

It can be seen that several stalagmites form railings, and the middle is like a throne.

On the throne hangs a sheet of words combining old and new.

"Nine infants?"

The old and new picture is a fierce beast in ancient legends - Jiuying.

Except for the Nine-Infant Fierce Beast, the descriptions of the surrounding environment are full of strange fires. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the Nine-Infant Stepping Flame Picture.

"Oh huh?"

Ling Fengyu looked at the picture of Jiuying stepping on the flames, and stroked his chin.

"There is a saying in the Huai Shui Sutra: Nine infants are the embodiment of disasters caused by water and fire. It's just that such paintings are enshrined in temples in places where floods are raging. I'm afraid there will be no floods here. It's interesting."

Ling Fengyu approached Jiuying Treading Yantu.

He smelled the smell of cigarettes and alcohol when he was worshipped.It seems that after being worshiped for many years, it will leave a permanent taste on paper.

The taste is mainly from the old residual paintings.

It is the eyes of the dragon head in the middle of the nine dragon heads, which is a small piece of dragon eye size, which is an antique in the true sense.

Leng Fengyu's eyeballs rolled, and the metal folding fan in the depths pushed them away.

The longan paper slowly fell, revealing the new picture inside, the same longan, but the difference is that it lacks the smell of smoke and alcohol.

"Should be able to sell some money, or, from the remaining pictures, maybe we can understand the story behind this torn painting." He said to himself, and hid the longan-sized painting.

"Calculating the time, it's time to visit that happy family of three."

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