Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 269 Silver

The battle has begun.

Guan Haichao put an iron fist on his hand.

in a cold environment.

Watching the tide doesn't seem to feel any discomfort to the surrounding environment at all.

The path of the sickle is strange.

The masked man's move is fatal, and there is no life on the road.

It was just for fun and testing.

"This person is very strong. He must have not used all his strength to chase and kill me before!"

"So, his purpose shouldn't be to hook me up and get rid of it together. It just so happens that Guan Haichao came with us, otherwise something will really happen."

Hua Feiyue looked stern.

It seems to be the case.

Watching the sea tide was just because of a whim and wanted to help Hua Feiyue.

To be reasonable, Guan Haichao wanted to help the sky not fall, just for the safety of doing business in the Western Regions later.

Or to make money in the future.

I just didn't expect such a thing.

Haichao Iron Claw grabbed the handle of the sickle and wanted to pull the two bodies closer.

However, the result is.

The sound of water condensing into ice quickly.

The iron claws holding the sickle were covered with thin ice.

Guan Haichao frowned, but he didn't give up, but pulled back hard, and the two quickly approached.

Let go later.

Because Guan Haichao's body is trained, this bit of cold ice will not harm Guan Haichao.

The strong stay strong.

This is the same truth.

Too close, the distance between the eyes is only two inches.

The two palmed each other.

Except spells.

The masked man's palm strength is very powerful.

At least he did not lose the wind in the palm of Guan Haichao,

The two retreated separately.

Afterwards, Guan Haichao hit the ground with a palm.

There was a crack in the ground.

The surrounding environment has also undergone some changes.

Battle environment, broken!

The momentum is great, but it doesn't do much.

Broken is broken.

It was also during the swing of the sickle that things were repaired.

The magic of magic is that it doesn't need any tangible medium to achieve the desired result.


It can be seen from the outside of the covering mask that the face inside is smiling.


Guan Haichao's internal energy soared, and the breath in his body became stronger by [-]%.

A full [-]% is already equal to the masked man in the environment he adapts to.

Iron Claw also has a corresponding brilliance because of the blessing of Neiyuan.

No, you must take off his mask!

This is what Guan Haichao is thinking at the moment.

this mask.

It's a little familiar, as if I've heard someone describe it somewhere.

Now that he is familiar with him, the person under the mask should have some relationship with him, whether it is in business or in private.

Stomp on the ground with both feet, and watch the tide fly out quickly.

The distance between the two narrowed again.


Someone showed up.

It is also wearing a mask, and this person's aura~ is not from Doujie, but from a weapon repairer.

Then it should be military.

The newly-appeared masked man with a silver mask stabbed out with a long spear, and stabbed Guan Haichao.

Guan Haichao instantly grasped the tip of the gun.

Step back, stand still, and.

The spear was bent, and it was impossible to get a close look at Hai Chao's body.

It's not a long gun, it's not a masked person.

Watching the tide is such an idea.

Because he could see that the masked man with the silver mask was introverted and had his own thoughts.

At least, not wanting to carry out the orders given to him.

"We are not opponents. Withdraw!"

With a flick of the spear, it left Guan Haichao's hand.


With a feint shot, several beams of light appeared to attack the three women.

Even though there may not be much harm, Guan Haichao decided to play this scene together.

One silver and one purple masked men retreated.

Guan Haichao quickly came in front of the three women.

With a wave of the iron claw, the three beams of light were shattered.


Panic, hide, flow?

The inner information of the three optical streams.

Watch the tide and think about it.

To explain myself yes.

I was forced to put on a mask, but I couldn't remove it, so I needed to stay and do things.

That is to say, consciousness is still there.

Then there is the possibility of a transaction, and the commodity to be traded is the true identity of the man in purple and black, to see if it is the existence that he should save.

"The masks of these people come from the magic city." Guan Haiyan said in a timely manner.

"Magic City?" The others looked at Guan Haiyan, how did she know so many things?

Is it a descendant of the blackbird?Hua Feiyue thought so.

It should be like this when she needs hairpins.

He didn't attack Tian Buluo, but Tian Buluo contacted Hua Feiyue.


The target person is Hua Feiyue.

Watch the tide and look at Hua Feiyue.

"The target is me?"

Hua Feiyue is a smart person.

"Tell me about your identity in Doujie." Guan Haichao asked in the same way as Ling Fengyu.

"It seems that if I don't say it, no one will trust me." Hua Feiyue sighed.

Hua Feiyue explained her identity.

Holy saint.


holy religion.

The so-called holy religion is nothing more than a certain image as the point of unity. No matter whether this image really exists or not, it will exist by default.

Therefore, it is not good, it is easy to get into a dead end.

The saint of Xuanmu Shengjiao.

It's okay to say it's a leftover woman.

Because the canon is that saints cannot marry.Well, it’s not enough for the saintess, the rest of Xuanmu Shengjiao only need to do some tasks.

It's just that from this point of view, Chanming Palace is more harsh than this holy religion.

Flowers fly to the moon.

romantic.And the wind and snow.

"Your identity reminds me of someone."

"Oh? Who?"

"It is also the existence of the holy son and holy daughter of the sect, Xingyuehan."

"Xingyuehan, are you saying that the real identity of the purple masked man is Xingyuehan?"

Hua Feiyue said in surprise.

Can you not be surprised?

Xingyuehan, even she was surprised by the existence of a genius, maybe a little worse than the Ling Fengyu I saw before, but the genius who was not so bad was actually controlled.

This guy.

"Xingyuehan? How could it be him?"

Tianbuluo seems to know this person too.

It seems that this person is still very famous in the borderline.

"I have to help him."


As soon as the sky never falls, this remark comes out.

In terms of tone, it doesn't seem like Guan Haichao is helping out of commercial interests, but rather, um~ personal emotions.

There are stories.

There is no direct conflict between Xing Yuehan and Ling Fengyu. Instead, there is an almost-killing conflict with Lou Yueye, and Lou Yueye has no direct business relationship with him, nor is he a potential client, but only has a connection with Yun Haishen.Ming Siyu next to Yun Haishen is a big client.

What choice should I have in the middle?

Guan Haichao thought for a while.

"If possible, I thought, let Xingyuehan owe me a favor."

Are favors useful?

Yes and no.

Because this favor is not as high-promise as Ling Fengyu.

This favor was for Xingyuehan to give Lou Yueye, and then he used Lou Yueye to draw in the relationship with Yun Haishen.

Of course, the relationship between Yun Haishen and Ling Fengyu itself is not bad.

It's just icing on the cake.

Then came into contact with Ming Siyu.

Ming Siyu is a heroine, and Guan Haichao thinks he can make more money from her and the forces behind her.

"I think Xingyuehan will." Tian Buluo gave the answer.

Wishful thinking answer.

Because of Ou Yexing's death.

Although Ou Yexing is not a good person, he is also the vice president of a well-known chamber of commerce in the Southern Region.

This point is in business, if Guan Haichao knows it, he will also consider it.

As for Ling Fengyu.

Gong Mingchan was already waiting there.

The blue and green clothes really made Ling Fengyu feel like a toad.

A brightly colored toad.

Moreover, Chanming Palace has already indicated that this is a toad.

"Please sit down."

Gong Mingchan poured tea for Ling Fengyu himself.

"Doesn't the Palace Master have his own tea pourer?" Ling Fengyu asked with a smile.

Two meanings.

"Yes, but they are all out."

"Palace Master, I don't have a single attendant by my side, so I'm busy doing everything myself."

"Your Excellency speaks from the front, so there is no need to test the Palace Master. What we need is an equal dialogue, isn't it?"

Gong Ming smiled and added water to Ling Fengyu.


Ling Fengyu drank another cup of tea.

To be honest, I was a little thirsty.

Because the body is constantly recovering.

"The Palace Master knows who I am?"

"I didn't know it at the beginning. When you arrived in the Doujie, all the eyeliners were reported to their respective sects. Although I am not in the Toad Palace, basic information and intelligence can still be collected."

"Oh? So, the Palace Master knows Hua Feiyue's identity?"

"Xuanmu Shengjiao." Gongming blurted out.

"Oh, once the word "Sacred Religion" is crowned, it must be the kind of sect that cuts corners."

"If you don't have a deep understanding, don't speculate too much." Gong Mingchan did not agree with Ling Fengyu's point of view.

"That's right, it may be that I have encountered too many things that claim to be holy religion but do evil things, so I have a reaction."

Ling Fengyu also insisted on his point of view.

Well, the two sides haven't talked about the key points yet.

The key point is that.

They are ready to talk about something, not what they are talking about now.

It's uncomfortable, the formulaic language can't get exciting, and it can only be boring without decent contradictions.

"Back to the point."

Finally, Gong Mingchan was a little more impatient than Ling Fengyu.

"This invitation is because I want you to do something for me, because there are some things that I don't want to show up. Oh, I can't do it for nothing. I have a hairpin in my hand, a genuine hairpin."

Gong Mingchan first explained the benefits of the promise.

"I don't seem to be able to refuse your condition." Ling Fengyu smiled.

"It's actually quite simple."

Misty Rain is the Suzerain of Toad Palace, and Ling Fengyu also knew about it at this moment.

Unlike the previous generations, Misty Rain didn't have the kind of behavior of making a big wish and then enjoying it as soon as you get it. On the contrary, except for the missing time, she has been actively looking for it.

Missing?Even when he lost his cultivation and came to the critical point, he was rescued by the young Ling Fengyu and lived together for a while.

No, I took a rest for a while after I came back, and started looking again.

Although it was because of the Great Elder, but formally he was more dedicated than the previous sect masters, and Gong Mingchan also decided to find a chance to go back.

Gong Mingchan still doesn't know the relationship between Yanyu and Ling Fengyu, he only thinks that Ling Fengyu will be an outsider who keeps his promise and needs a hairpin.

"Well, you asked me to come forward and give the hairpin to the suzerain, and then find a chance to go back? Is such an easy thing anyone can do?"

Ling Fengyu said with a smile.

"If it was so easy, I wouldn't be looking for someone who is unfamiliar with the fighting world and is an expert."

Gongming Chan told the truth.

"Well, I like to hear that."

"Toad Palace can be regarded as a big sect, and there will be many people who will take this opportunity to cling to, but at least, according to your performance with Chan Ning and Chan Xin, I can trust you."

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