Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 263 Guan Haiyan

"Mother, you are busy outside every day from morning to night, and you don't have much money. Feng'er is three silvers a day."

"Ling Feng, your mother has been busy for you, shouldn't you hand over part of the money to honor your mother?"

Ling Fengyu said with a smile.

He is an adult, even if he doesn't have much relationship, he should be educated.

If you don’t say that you are beaten by the society, if you give everything to the society, the society will become like that, and it will not be what it used to be.

"Well~" Yue Lingfeng was a little reluctant.

I don't eat candied chestnuts anymore.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally took out three of the four and gave them to the woman.

Although reluctantly, but still did it.

Really did.

Well, Yue Lingfeng can be taught well.

He is a smart and filial child.

"Not bad."

Ling Fengyu secretly praised in his heart.

That night.

Ling Fengyu came to the place where Mo Yuan was flying alone.

These ink kites were resting, and one of them opened its eyes and looked at Ling Fengyu, then fell asleep again.

He even moved his body to let Ling Fengyu out of the way, to give Ling Fengyu the passage to go up.

If Ling Fengyu hadn't known the story here, Ling Fengyu would have thought it was some kind of weird ghost land that needed to be investigated clearly.

A little further up there is a cave.

Is this what Mo Yuan and the others want Ling Fengyu to see?


What a big egg.

Ling Fengyu saw the truth inside the cave.

The giant egg with the color of a duck's egg is quite a bit bigger than Ling Fengyu's.

There are even lines of spells on it.

Is this artificially intervening in the evolution of living beings?

The lair is made of the heads of dead children, and it should have been accumulated since the beginning of the village.

The textures all start with pictographs.

Ling Fengyu simply translated it.

Zun Dingfeng Golden Words Introduce Mountain Spirit Black Feather Breeding Shocking Weilue Monster Race Powerful Queen Yu Wushuang...

To explain it simply, it means that I want to create something that a strong person wants.

Items that fit him, yes, materialized.

The entire Moyuan race here exists for that strong man. I don’t know if there are other Moyuan in other places. Will the entire Moyuan race be wiped out because of this strong man.


Ling Fengyu turned around suddenly.

A fan sword appeared, with the tip pointing forward.

The sword is long, so the heart is long.

It's a masked man.

The masked man looked calm.


tentative inquiry.

Not murderous.

Ling Fengyu also withdrew the sword.




It should be the person who takes care of this dome.

"Ling Fengyu, my name."

"Why did you say your real name?"


real name?

"Why the real name? I don't know that. I only have one name. If I don't introduce myself like this, there is no time to start."

"Yue Lingfeng, Ling Fengyu, it is a kind of fate that you meet here."

In terms of name alone, he has already surpassed Ling Fengyu.

Or Lingfeng, or Yueyu, it's not as if Jiuye burns into the sky and becomes a night of eternal silence.

What do you mean?

It's about surpassing everything and becoming the King of Eternal Night!

But, why did the watchman tell Ling Fengyu this.

how to say.

Except for Hei, Ling Fengyu never saw the appearance of the so-called King Yong Ye from these Mo Yuan.

When hearing the Eternal King for the first time, the figure Ling Fengyu showed in front of his eyes was.

The crows are night, the cloak is eternal black, paleness is everything, standing is perseverance, looking back is kindness.

Yes Yes.

Why, Ling Fengyu thought of himself.

That face was his own face.

Ling Fengyu lost his mind at that moment.

The watchman glanced at Ling Fengyu like this, with a smile on his face.

Everything is being manipulated by big hands, everything, everything.

It's just that everyone thought it was a coincidence. Isn't the whole world formed in the same way?

The watchman thought so.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I've been bothering you here for a long time, so I should leave." Ling Fengyu said with a smile.

"Hold on, Your Excellency."

The watchman stopped Ling Fengyu.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"Have you ever thought that any decision you make in all your actions, every injury, every conversation is already arranged?" the guard said.

"Every decision? Every decision, every behavior, it's really like this. I can't think of any creature other than Heaven's Dao that can do this."

The words say so.

Ling Fengyu actually has no confidence in this point.

"Have you ever thought that your face doesn't belong to you now?"

"Why." Ling Fengyu paused here, "Maybe?"

He thought of Lin Li.

It was really the same face before, even the skills and moves were the same, except for the color.


Laughing, the watcher disappeared behind the egg.

Ling Fengyu also thought about leaving.

In fact, there is one more point.

Mi Lan of the military world.

In the battle with him.

Swords and guns, the way of fighting is similar to myself.

His ink dragon breath.

with myself~

in contrast.

But unity.

So, they will have a fight.

It's just that she doesn't know the story behind Mi Lan, the story of her previous life.


Watching the tide.

It also came near Yuanjuya.

But watching the tide is already on the cliff.

A piece of dead wood.

To be precise, it is lightning strike wood.

Yellow light flickered from time to time like charcoal.

As if someone did it.

I don't know anything about watching the tide.

Perhaps the person who made all of this is gone and dead.

Or, it was abandoned here.

become the dilapidated place it is now.

"Mo Yuan?"

Watch the tides and get to know this bird species.

"I didn't expect that the kite in Yuanjuya here refers to this Moyuan."

Guan Haichao smiled.

"bring it on."

An obviously fierce black kite blew a strong wind and then slowly landed on the ground.

Behind it is the cliff.

self inflicted.

"Looking at your eyes, do you want to fight?" Guan Haichao stretched out his hand to ask for a fight?

There is a question mark here.

At last.

One man, one bird really started fighting.

Guan Haichao is confident in his body.

But Mo Yuan is not someone easy to deal with.

The outer feathers are black blades.

The sharp feathers caused a lot of damage to Guan Haichao's clothes.

For the sake of his clothes, Guan Haichao withdrew a bit, from an aggressive attack to a strategic defense.

Just consume it.

The internal energy in the body has not been used yet, all this is just using physical strength.

Even the physical exertion is very little.

Because it's been on the defensive.

Reasonably speaking, body training may be the hardest, but it may also be the easiest after successful cultivation.

For example, at this time, you can sleep well and wait for the end of the matter.

It can be said that body training and Qi training may indeed be stronger in the same realm, except for sword repair and knife repair.

The reason for the exception is that the hardness of specializations such as sword repair and knife repair is infinitely close to their own swords.

Seeing that her attack had no effect, Mo Yuan changed her routine, raised her head to the sky and screamed, and the blade feathers transformed into inner essence fluttered.

Heaven and earth looked sideways at him.

Unexpectedly, a mere beast also has such a complicated move.

There were too many sharp edges, Guan Haichao had no choice but to take a few steps back.

After a few steps.

With a slight stab of the horse's step, he connected himself with the air of the place, and his figure remained calm in the strong wind.

Neiyuan's blade feathers took shape and kept attacking Guan Haichao.

And watch the tide?

The hand knife is also hard, and he keeps smashing these blade feathers.

None of the blade feathers managed to get close.

This is the strength of watching the tide, if he is serious.

Yes, watching the tide is also playing.

His strength doesn't stop there.

It just doesn't make much sense to show it now.

not to mention.If he showed his full strength, how would his family treat him?

How should my own mother survive in that family?

Watching the tide is cautious on this point.

"If there are any other moves, just come out, I will bear it."

Mo Yuan gave another long cry.

"Little bird, don't bark!" With the order of the silver bell, Mo Yuan stopped moving, and its burst feathers shrank and became docile.

Is it a ~young girl?

Human girl?

Watching the tide converge and become harmless to humans and animals.

If you really want to say that humans and animals are harmless, it is not as good as Ling Fengyu.

Because Ling Fengyu is real, how should I put it.

It's the feeling that you can't see it, you will be confused.

"Girl, who are you?"

The one who can talk to birds and beasts, Guan Haichao has seen half of them, that is Ling Fengyu, and the one in front of him is one.A whole one, not a half anymore.

"Okay. Be good, let the child go to sleep."

Sleep, child, like a mother's call.

Well, ignore the tide.

Mo Yuan fell silent.But still looking at Guan Haichao, as if he regarded Guan Haichao as an enemy.



A stranger can climb such a high cliff so easily, saying that there is no other purpose.

Guan Haichao is very clear about this, so he is very patient at the moment.

Ling Fengyu isn't here?

He is looking around.

To be precise, there were no traces of fighting, but according to Ling Fengyu's character, there should be.

It's a pity that it was wrong, and Ling Fengyu came here instead, probably already exchanging bird language with the little girl.

After all, they share a common language.

"Big brother, you are not from Doujie." After the little girl comforted Mo Yuan, she started talking to Guan Haichao.

"My name is Guan Haichao, little sister, what's your name?" Trying to act like a big brother, age. . .no.


"My name is Guan Haiyan. Why did Big Brother come here?"

"I'm here to find someone. Little sister, have you ever seen someone with an iron folding fan in his hand?"

"Hmm~ Iron folding fan." Guan Haiyan thought about it, "No, I haven't seen anyone except Big Brother for a long time."


Mo Yuan called out at the right time,


Guan Haiyan didn't hear clearly.

Mo Yuan called out again.

"Oh, I see."

"Baby said that there is such a man under the cliff, he can order Baby's race."

Oh, that was Ling Fengyu, he was right.

damn it.Obviously, I chose the following at the beginning, so why did my mind suddenly come up?

"Big brother, let me take you down."

Guan Haiyan stroked Mo Yuan's head.

"This~ is not good."

"It's nothing bad, my sister also wants to see this amazing man who can command my babies."

Yes, I am interested in Ling Fengyu.

Everyone will be interested in Ling Fengyu.

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