Speaking of which, Ling Fengyu didn't seem to have seen Lan Qiuqiu on the boat.

That's right, unless Ling Fengyu's character is very quiet and thoughtful, I'm afraid he didn't recognize all the people on board at all.

Now ask Ling Fengyu the names of the vice presidents of these chambers of commerce, and Ling Fengyu will say that the sky never falls, Ou Yexing, and Hua Feiyue. If you want to ask them their previous titles?I'm afraid I have forgotten it too.

This guy can't remember so clearly.

So it is not clear why Lan Qiuqiu is on the boat.

Now that there is only Lan Qiuqiu on board, how will things develop?

Ling Fengyu continued to search for the breath left by the magic grape stone.

Lost track on a cliff.

How should I put it, it's not that losing track on the top is interpreted as jumping down, but that Ling Fengyu disappeared after climbing up.

No, why do you have to lure Ling Fengyu to climb this section?

Ling Fengyu was very puzzled.

"Help me~"

Someone is crying for help.

Ling Fengyu flew out a few steps, and saw.

A woman held a pair of twins in her hands and kept backing away.

Isn't this familiar scene a replica of the mountain city?

In order to interrupt the repetition.

Ling Fengyu quickly stepped out.

First of all, whether it is the woman's problem or the pursuer's problem.

Just stop and figure out the situation first.

Anyway, Ling Fengyu is not a person who can't distinguish between black and white.

"Everyone, I would like to know first how your horses got here through the lush forest mixed with shrubs."

The question Ling Fengyu asked was really true.

"Don't mind your own business!"

The team leader squeezed the formula with his hands, shook his head and muttered words.

No, do you need to shake your head to cast the spell?

This touches the blind spot of Ling Fengyu's knowledge.

A small magic circle appeared, with sword-like patterns on it.

A generally circular magic circle appeared, shooting out several sword blades.

Well, the target is still a common weakness of human beings.

The eyes and throat are blocked.

Really are.

It used to be fine, but now it's a problem.

Isn't this ruining the popularity of passers-by?

Ling Fengyu was standing there.

The hardware of the body doesn't even use internal elements to support it.

I saw Ling Fengyu standing there smiling.

Several sword blades hit Ling Fengyu's body.

Ding ding ding.

After a few crisp sounds.

Turned into brilliance and disappeared.

Really, hide it if you don’t have the strength, don’t spread it everywhere.

"No energy, no energy at all, did you not eat, or were you taken two cloves of garlic?"

Swear without swear words.

What are two cloves of garlic?

It is something that the servants in the harem have to dismantle.

What two cloves of garlic?Is it because you are not full and eat garlic as a meal?

Look at their eyes, well, I don't understand what Ling Fengyu said.

"Are you all only bullying weak women?"

Ling Fengyu smiled.

"Could it be possible to still bully you, a strong man we can't beat?"

That's what the leader said after seeing what Ling Fengyu could do.

It seems that there is no problem.

Indeed, there is no such strength to bully the strong.

"Brothers, bullshit."

Turn the horse around and ride away.

No, there is a problem inside.


Seeing Ling Fengyu turn around, the woman knelt down directly.

Rabbits are actively moving around in the half-hidden place.

Is this the charm of mature women?

Stimulated, the dragon and phoenix twins cried loudly.

"Oh, baby, don't cry."

The woman started coaxing the child.

Mother's strength.

This woman has merit, but no strength.yes?

How is this going?

"Well, stand up first, I hate people kneeling down for no reason." Ling Fengyu helped the woman up.

After the woman comforted her child.

Ling Fengyu asked, "What's Miss's name?"

"My concubine's name is Chan Xin."

Finding a small shop, Ling Fengyu ordered a few soft dishes.

Chan Xin ate quickly regardless of etiquette.

Then I was full, and then I talked about the story that happened to me.

Chan Xin is the concubine of a certain elder of a nearby family, you heard me right, it is a concubine, and this child is born to her and the elder.

And her original self-cultivation was very good.

It's just that the elder got wind of it right away.

on her.

Well, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and there were no eggs in the nest.

It can be said that Chan Xin was deceived.

It is said that if you lose your cultivation base, you can live.

As a result, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and did not persist for a day.


Sure enough, no matter which world it is, there are those who turn their faces and deny people and do not obey the rules.

"What's on your mind right now?"

"I just want to raise these two children."

Maternal love caresses the heads of the two children.

Ling Fengyu felt it was impossible.

Because they left because of Ling Fengyu, not because they gave up chasing Chan Xin.

So, to be honest, Ling Fengyu was still a little worried.

Mainly worrying about the two children.

"Do you feel there is a safe place to raise your child in peace?"

Ling Fengyu wanted to see if Chan Xin really understood the essence of the matter.

"Stay away from the rivers and lakes and live in seclusion in the world."

Hey ~

If you look ordinary, Ling Fengyu still believes in this sentence. How can it be possible with such a lovely appearance?

It's so simple,

Ling Fengyu didn't even know how to remind him.

There is a method that Ling Fengyu has never dared to use.

That is to accept Chan Xin with a reasonable reason, but once this opening is opened, Ling Fengyu will definitely not be able to stop himself, and all kinds of orphans and widows will come to him.

And I will definitely leave. Once I leave, what will these people do?

If it is critical, the owner of Yunhaishen can help.


Ling Fengyu sighed.

Some people are too simple,

Not right either.

How did I stay there?

because of being attracted.

and then?

Just came across this.

This is the way of thinking.

So, this thing was arranged.

Only those who are familiar with Ling Fengyu know that Ling Fengyu will definitely make a move at that time.

and so.

Ling Fengyu suddenly laughed.

Seeing the inexplicable smile on the corner of Ling Fengyu's mouth, Chan was puzzled.

"Why is your benefactor laughing?"

"Oh, it's nothing. It just occurred to me that I have a property not far away, and I haven't lived in it all the time. You can live there for the time being, as long as you remember to clean it up for me."

Ling Fengyu said with a smile.


Where did you live?

"Today, you just find a post station to stay first, and I will pick you up tomorrow."

Ling Fengyu was testing.

He thinks that the expression on his face is well controlled.

That night.

Ling Fengyu came to the cliff alone and waited for a while.

Then I went to the post station, held my breath and listened quietly outside the window.

"Elder Chan Ning, I~" was Chan Xin's voice.

"Since you concealed your marriage, you have betrayed the sect." The voice was that woman.

Ling Fengyu nodded slightly, it seemed that this person was Chan Ning.

It's still an elder position, it looks very young, but it's an elder position, it's a character.

"But if it is reported, the elder will definitely not agree to this marriage, and the suzerain will not be there at that time..."

Chan Xin's voice became lower and lower, and the child also started to fuss.

This makes sense.

Anyway, they all leave the sect, there is no difference between betrayal and leaving after suing.

Oh, the only difference is whether you recognize this person is from this sect or not.

It doesn't do much either.

Ling Fengyu listened quietly outside.

"Elder, is it true that after the test of Ling Fengyu that you said is over, the three of us, mother and daughter, can really retire and live in peace?" There was hope in the tone.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Ling Fengyu's mouth.

"It depends on Ling Fengyu's decision. It depends on how Ling Fengyu treats you. His attitude is my action."

"Ling Fengyu said that he has real estate here and can lend it to me temporarily, but what the elder said, Ling Fengyu is not from Doujie."

"He said that if there is one, there is one! Even if there is no one now, one can be created tomorrow."

Chan Ning is too domineering.

What Chan Ning meant was that as long as Ling Fengyu said it, she would be able to conjure one immediately.

It's amazing.

Misty Rain, are you the suzerain they say?

Does Niao Yan count as a disciple of your sect?

The exiled suzerain has accepted a disciple with good qualifications, so he will come to him and tell him that I am the most orthodox heir of the sect?

What kind of change is this?

Well~ This is also thinking about it. You Yan doesn't like to be bound, and you definitely don't like being the suzerain.

After Channing left, Ling Fengyu knocked on the door of Chanxin's room.

"Who is it?!" Chan Xin here was still very vigilant.

"it's me."

Ling Fengyu said softly.

There are children in it.

"Ah, please come in."

Ling Fengyu entered, then turned around.

Chan Xin is breastfeeding.

"Well, Chan Xin, I just went to see the house, and I can still live in it. I will take you there tomorrow."

Turn around and leave.

Also close the door with the breeze.

It's a strange man who doesn't even look at what he is proud of. Chan Xin has also done the best for the sake of the child.

How should I put it, a normal person would avoid it, right?

It's not an intimate relationship.

It can only be said that Ling Fengyu doesn't like such a humble woman.

The next day.

Ling Fengyu really took out a land deed.

who gave it?

Channing gave it.

And it is also an old house, nothing has been cleaned.

It was exactly the same as Ling Fengyu described.

Really great.

Is this Chan Ning really doing it for Misty Rain?

On this matter, Ling Fengyu did not dare to guarantee it.


Specified with presbyopia.

That was what Misty Rain said, something that could never be given.

Although Ling Fengyu gave it.

"Here it is, I'll go, ahem~"

With just a light touch, the door fell in the direction of force. Ling Fengyu sucked in a mouthful of dust and coughed violently.


Did no one clean it?

For the health of the two children.Ling Fengyu decided to clean up by herself.

Sweep your legs!

A breeze, a gust of wind, gathers the dust together.

Gather a talisman to wrap the dust, and then throw it out the window.

Really, why do you do these things?

While doing it, I complained.

At last.

Open and bright.

"You can stay here temporarily, someone will send food regularly."

This sentence speaks loudly.

It is for others to hear.

Say it to Chan Ning.

Since Chan Ning said it.

Whatever Ling Fengyu himself said, it was what he said.

Then Ling Fengyu said that she will take care of them these years, so that the children can grow up healthily, and it can be carried out forever.

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