Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 254 Homecoming

"It's not me." Ling Fengyu smiled, "Ask you first, do you know that that person could kill you completely at that time, but chose to seal you?"

The world did not speak.

He just looked at Ling Fengyu.

"You're very smart." After a long silence, Ji Shi finally spoke, "The reason why I was sealed was that I basically didn't kill anyone, so he kept his hand in the end."

"Him? Don't you know his name?"

"I don't know, because in a flash of surprise, apart from this fan, there is only a world-famous spear. I didn't even see his face clearly before he was sealed. The last sentence he gave me was: How do you kill someone?" , there is no smell of killing, so you are not in danger of death, but I still seal you up."

Didn't kill many people, how is this not so defined, whether it didn't kill people, or killed thousands of people, or tens of thousands of people.

Then put down the butcher knife and never do it again, just not killing people much.

One thing to say, this is not good.

"Kill one person and slaughter ten demons. I don't know how many demons I killed, so I don't know how many people I killed. And he said that I didn't kill many people, and I can't understand it myself."


The murderer himself knew how many crimes he had committed, but when others said that he hadn't committed many crimes, why did he feel something was wrong? I'm afraid he didn't understand.

"I give you two ways, one is to die completely, and the second is to enter the Zhizhan Zhishen and be temporarily sealed by me."

Ling Fengyu said seriously.

The serious eyes are terrifying.

In the past, I felt that Ling Fengyu could really do what he said.

Even if you don't have the ability, you will try your best. Even if you die, if the death of Zhizhan is not in his hands, the world will not be scruples, but it is in the hands of the person in front of you. And, the key is this. And, Bai Ye Zhou Xie, his own leader, this good brother who was a close friend, gave him his strength, without reservation, without control, to Ling Fengyu, to this.

"Aren't you afraid of my backlash?"

The smile on the bewitching face is also seductive.

Ling Fengyu didn't want to admit that the creature in front of him was a human being, but he was a human being, a person who used the power of demons.

But he is human.

The contradiction is very prominent.

"I am ready to kill all the existences I imprisoned."


Then it shows that it's not just the evil of the world and the evil of the day and night.


Later generations began to be interested in Ling Fengyu.

Here is something to say, many people are interested in Ling Fengyu.

Especially Ling Fengyu's past.

Ling Fengyu has lived for so long.

After doing so many things, it is very possible to leave behind some legends.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"The hairpin, and the ring are here for you."

hairpin? !

As for the ring, Ling Fengyu ignored it.

Agitated, Ling Fengyu lost contact with this space.

at this time.

The entire world of remnants began to shake.

what happened?

What is the source of the vibration?

Ling Fengyu's lowered hand tightened.

Raise your hand.

A hairpin in the left hand and a ring in the right hand.


The characters on it are still pictographic characters, and you can know what it is written with a little recognition.

"The devil?!"

Mi Lan woke up from her trance.

"Knowledge like you, know the Demon King?"

"Yes, the Ten Commandments of the Demon City, the Demon Emperor, Demon Venerable and Demon Lord~ There are five in total, and each holds a pair of rings with absolute authority. I think the ring on your hand is one of the Demon Lord's rings."

"So, so to speak, is it a good thing?"

"Those who know its value naturally know how useful it can be."

Mi Lan's words were reversed.

"Give it to you."

Ling Fengyu inspected it and found that it was just an ordinary ring, which has no magical effect except that it is difficult to destroy. However, Ling Fengyu felt that it was made so hard and had no practical value. It might be a symbol of absolute power.

If a right is materialized instead of humanized, then what is passed on is not a lineage for all generations, but the ability to get it.

"No, don't you want it?" Because the two are similar, they don't want it.

"It's just a reasonable distribution of benefits. This hairpin is useful to me, so I want it. Isn't it reasonable to give the other one to you, who is in the same industry?"

Ling Fengyu said with a smile.


The ground shook again.

Accompanied by the familiar roar.

Ling Fengyu's face changed slightly, could it be that the scaled beast was not dead at that time, and was coming to seek revenge on him?

"Mi Lan, now there is no life in your body, you can do your best, hurry back to the military world, I'm afraid something has crawled up the coast."

After speaking, without explaining the reason, Ling Fengyu ran towards the source of the sound.

Soldiers have a problem?

No, Ling Fengyu went only after hearing that roar.

I want to distract myself!

So, there is danger!

But Mi Lan was not in a hurry.

The body is indeed gone, then.

Mi Lan lightly tapped her acupoints.

The powerful breath turned into a violent wind, destroying everything around.

Mi Lan's strength is rising rapidly, she has surpassed Yi Yanyan by an unknown amount.

Can such a powerful power be possessed by an ordinary person with a hippie smile?

The huge power gradually converges.

Mi Lan opened her eyes.

Show it to the world.

What does it mean to have a towering head and a god in the eyes.

Mo Yanjian also released its own power restriction, turning into a black scabbard and a silver sword body.

"Mo Yanjian, following me during this time has made you suffer."

Mi Lan caressed the blade lightly, and after receiving Mo Yanjian's response, she carried Mo Yanjian on her back.

I looked for a direction.

Ling Fengyu went there.

At the same time, Ling Fengyu.

Already wrestled with the scale beast.

The scale beast with the color of bronze rust, except for the color, is no different from the one that appeared in the border.

In terms of strength, this scaled beast can't speak human language yet, and its physical strength is much stronger than that of the red one.

In this regard, Ling Fengyu is still very experienced.

Ask if you don't understand.

Where did Ling Fengyu get his experience from?

The experience is that he is also mainly for body training, exchanging injuries for injuries.

Good guy, aren't you afraid of hurting one thousand enemies and eight hundred?

That's not right, this can solve the problem, it would be bad if you hurt the enemy eight hundred and yourself one thousand.

But Ling Fengyu wouldn't think too much.

At this moment, it is enough to fight in the enchantment.

Just fight and win at the end of the fight.

In the battle roar and the roar of the scaled beast.

Fighting is always the most direct expression.

Ling Fengyu was reluctant to use the fan sword, so he used Zhizhan Zhishang, and because of Zhizhan Zhishang, Ling Fengyu had been using the power of Bai Ye Day Xie indirectly.

Bai Ye and Day Xie said it was evil, but it seemed quite upright.

At this moment, Mi Lan also came.

He rested his hand on the enchantment, frowned, and the enchantment was broken.

Then the whole person enters.

"What are you doing here?"

While Ling Fengyu was distracted, he was hit and hit the barrier with his back.

"Ahem. Damn it!"

Ling Fengyu wanted to temporarily release the seal of his cultivation.

"Let me come this time."

But see.

With a move by Mi Lan, Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang actually fell into his hands.

Black and white on the same stage, compatible and inclusive.

It is obviously not Mi Lan's artifact, but it seems so suitable at this moment.

Ling Fengyu didn't break the seal either.

At this moment, here, he watched the chain disappear piece by piece, and watched the waves keep coming up to bring what was in the sea and take away what was on the ground.

The exchange of matter is often accompanied by vigorous movement.

Ling Fengyu realized this at this moment.

Then his gaze turned to the place where the battle took place.

Mi Lan looked so mighty after solving the problem of the world, she didn't seem to have the aura that a weapon repairer should have, her own strength was already superior to swords and spears.

This is a war without suspense, if there is no external force involved.

Therefore, it is generally impossible to say such things without the appearance of external forces.

Another huge figure sprang out from the sea.

Jiao beast.

Huge dragon beasts are no less powerful than scaled beasts, at least because of their size.

Ling Fengyu sighed helplessly, kicked on the ground and rushed towards the dragon beast.

Both beasts are long worms.

Bows and the like are hardly useful.

After thinking about it carefully, Ling Fengyu still used the fan sword.

Also comfort myself.

This fan hasn't reached the point of being worn out by myself.

So he faced the dragon beast with his fan sword.

Mi Lan's right hand is Zhizhan Zhishang, and her left hand is Mo Yanjian. Looking at it at this moment, it seems to be the scene Ling Fengyu saw from the sword mark.

It's a pity that the face doesn't look like it.

And the sword is different.

"Mo Yan Baishou will never leave home!"

Mi Lan rushed to attack, ready to break through the scaled beast's defense first.

Seeing Mi Lan's actions like this, Ling Fengyu had no choice but to follow.

"The wind and rain are destroyed!"

Wipe the fan sword, the wind blows, the clouds gather and the rain flourishes.

After each other.

Indelible scars were left on the scale beasts and flood beasts.

at this time.

"Ling Fengyu, take out the beacon!"

"it is good!"

Although he didn't understand what Mi Lan meant, Ling Fengyu took it out anyway.

Mi Lan carried the Zhizhan Zhizhan as an arrow on the guide of the beacon fire.

Then an arrow shot out.

The arrows flew towards the two wounded beasts that had entered a state of stagnation.

This is the explosion damage.

This kind of injury is really uncomfortable, the surrounding air was sucked away in an instant, Ling Fengyu took a breath without paying attention, and almost didn't recover.

Good guy, Ling Fengyu didn't know that Mi Lan could do such a thing.

With Mi Lan's move, Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang returned to Ling Feng Yu's hands.

Ling Fengyu didn't watch Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang anymore.

Instead, after putting away the beacon fire, he said to Mi Lan: "You are very powerful, it seems that I am worse than you by more than a little."

Smiling, it can be seen that Ling Fengyu is not jealous at all.

"You are not bad, but you are locked by your own chains."

"You discovered all of this."

Ling Fengyu didn't argue either.

"You are your own chains, but I am truly in chains." Mi Lan stopped laughing, and at this moment he was serious.

It involves your own cultivation, and if you don't take it seriously, something will happen.

"A shackle is a chain given to you by something else, which can be easily unlocked as long as you find the key."

"Do you want to hit it with a hammer if it's not good enough?" Mi Lan asked with a smile.

"That's what it means, spears are fine too." Ling Fengyu said casually.

Is this an exchange of experience?

at this time.The shaking stopped.

Ling Fengyu felt relieved and was ready to leave.

All of a sudden!

The chain changes.

The separated part was immediately wrapped around Ling Fengyu's ankle, the familiar earth energy came from the place where the chain touched the body, it was critical earth energy!

The chain pulled Ling Fengyu.

It turned out that this was the way home.

With a trembling of Ling Fengyu's hand, he knocked Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang flying away, and Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang fell into Mi Lan's arms.

"Mi Lan! I'm going home now, take Zhizhan Zhishang, and more!" Before he could finish speaking, Ling Fengyu was dragged into the sea.

In fact, Ling Fengyu still wanted to give him the lead of Fenghuo, but it was too late.

Only one person was left there to be deserted.

what the hell.

"The chain of the military world has been activated, and then there is the fighting world. I think you should have arranged a plan for Ling Fengyu to consciously go to the fighting world. Now everything in the military world has been arranged by me. Everything is waiting Let's talk about the merger of land boundaries, let's continue to develop." Ye Xuan heard that the ball of light green air in her hand dissipated.

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