And don't care why two copper coins were robbed.

At least, Tianjiying has been doing things with heart, isn't it?

And what about the mastermind in the dark?What will be the expression on the face after hearing the two copper coins?

How should he mess with the people?

Say this thing is fake?But Yufeng flew past his eyes under the watchful eyes of everyone, with extremely serious injuries.

It was said that the injury was intentional, and the people who came out of Tianhuai Tower clearly said that they saw the assassin of Shenji Pavilion stabbing Ling Fengyu in the left chest, although Mo Tianfeng would just treat him later.

Unless they are fanatics, or those who take money to do things, ordinary people may not be able to be bewitched by this secret mastermind.

This is Ling Fengyu's solution for himself.

Shiraki Ryo also made trouble.

He asked the people in Shenji Pavilion to say that Yufeng is a double-faced person with two names, one named Bai Yufeng and the other named Mo Yufeng. Based on the double information, he killed the third senior who was adulterous and insulted... This was originally a matter of being expelled by both parties at the same time, but after the robbery and serious injury to Mo Tianfeng, the tune changed.

In fact, this also explained why Mo Tianfeng would transfer his inner yuan to Yufeng after he was injured.

It also made the secret mastermind even more confused about what kind of person Yufeng was.

Thus revealing more horse feet.

"Huh~ Liao'er."

At the Shenji Department of Yiwei City, where the superior should be, there is another person standing at this moment.

"Brother, are you finally willing to face me directly?" Bai Mulio dismissed the masked man in black around him, then took off his mask, with a smile on his face, a smile out of politeness.

"What you did in Acropolis is too much!"

The tone was a little heavy, similar to Bai Muliao's voice, and a similar figure was projected behind the scenes, as if to verify his relationship with Bai Muliao from the side.

"I'm sorry, brother, I really didn't do this, nor did the people in the dynasty do it, but those people in the dynasty may use this opportunity to enter our dynasty, this is what you should worry about Yes, the superior and the displeased gods both have their own affairs, and I have to pay more attention to this matter, only you who have been at ease all the time can have time to do these things."

"Where's the Tianji camp?"

"Tianjiying? Hahaha, how could these people who only work for the dynasty under Tang Buzhi's leadership come up with such an elaborate plan?"

Is it a mockery?

No, it just means that Tianjiying's loyalty will not cause trouble.

"Huh~ You are my younger brother, I believe in you."

That humane.

"You better trust me, or your guy~"

"Okay! I know you have been hiding it for me, and I am very grateful to you for this."

"Go, my elder brother." It was like an order to evict a guest.

The people behind the curtain leave.

"Leave the matter of Yufeng to Tianjiying, Bai Shuling, tell your brothers to pay attention to the flow of non-members."

Bai Zhuoke put on a mask and called out one person, Bai Shuling who had no mask.

"Understood, what should we do about the person who assassinated Yufeng?"

"Let's leave it to the Tianji Camp for the time being. This time, our Shenji Pavilion has fallen behind. But you should pay attention, if the Tianji Camp finds out that it is really a traitor from our Shenji Pavilion, we will remove it secretly." Bai Mulio continued.

He blurted out, as if he had planned it long ago.


Bai Shuling leaves.

"Huh~" Bai Mulian let out a long breath, "Not only the Qian Dynasty, but even the place we have protected so well has been cut open. Nine infants stepping on the flame map, you make our life so difficult."

Nine infants stepping on the flame map.

They also know.

By the way, what happened to the Nine Babies Stepping on Flames of the Kun Dynasty?

Yunhai Tower.

"I seem to be getting better."

The sparrow moves its body.

feel good about yourself.

"Okay, let's drink this bowl of old ginseng chicken soup first."

While looking at the letter, Yun Haishen pushed the already cold ginseng chicken soup closer to the sparrow with his sword fingers.

"No, this chicken soup is too bland." The ghost bird's voice was naturally a little loud, but it was too pretentious here.

Yun Haishen was so dizzy that his skin got goosebumps.

"Tsk tsk tsk, we are all acquaintances. Don't act like this." Roll up the letter.

A crow flies down.

The sea of ​​clouds stroked the crow's chest deeply.Then I took out the paper ball from inside.

turn on.

"One Guard City, number four is in danger, please support." It was Ling Fengyu who sent it.

"What happened?"

Sparrow wanted to see what was written.

As for crows, apart from Ling Fengyu, there are really few such usages.

The sea of ​​clouds holds it deeply.

"Huh~" He slightly closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

Immediately, Yun Haishen opened his eyes and said, "Some troubles happened. But leave it to No. [-]."

"No. [-]? You mean that woman? I really don't think so."

"You say she can't do it without knowing anything. You're really good at it." Yun Hai laughed deeply.

"Didn't you tell me something?"

"Okay, okay. Didn't you say that you feel okay again, okay, after drinking the soup, I'll do something for you."

The sea of ​​clouds looked deeply at the sky.

Frowning slightly.

Number Four was sent by him to find something, and had sent him a message that he had found it.And now something like this happened again.

What's going on?

If Ling Fengyu wants to make number four do something, then maybe something happened to Ling Fengyu?

What should I do?

Ling Fengyu.what are you doing

Me, I'm almost ready.Just waiting for you to help me.

However, Yun Haishen felt that Ling Fengyu would not help him sincerely, after all, he had killed too many people.And Ling Fengyu didn't want to see too many people die.

He has been persuading himself.

"Okay, I've finished drinking and no meat. Tell me, what can I do?"

"Give this letter to Zhu Haiqing, and then~ then go to Wangcheng, someone will come to meet you."

is it?

Ghost Sparrow was a little unbelievable.

But, now I want to move my body again.

It's good to go there.

"Wait a moment."

The sea of ​​clouds called to stop the sparrow.

He took out a mask from nowhere.

"Your face is too charming, it's better to show less." Handed the mask to Ghost.

"Are all you men so selfish?"

Ghost Sparrow said so, but still took the mask and put it on his face.

"Well, treat yourself with others. If I go out, I will also wear a bamboo hat or a mask. After all, my face is here."

"So narcissistic. Go."

Sparrow left.

Yun Haishen changed the debauched narcissism on his face, and became deep, he was thinking about changing the situation.

"Ming Siyu."

Yun Haishen called out slightly.

"I'm here."

It's the maid's name.

"Write a letter to ask No. [-], the second defender of the city, to meet No. [-]." Yun Haishen said.

"Okay, there is one more thing. Nong Chaosheng wrote to you. He seems to want to get in touch with you. He probably wants to make a deal with you."

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