Yiyang side.

The three warlords finally formed a so-called indestructible alliance.

Then the place to aim at is the position between the base camps of Yi Yang and Yu Zhongliang.

It can be said that the army is pressing in, the selected position is good, and the number of people selected is good, but the sky will not help.

How can God not help?

If it is critical, because it is stipulated that cultivators cannot intervene in the military operations of ordinary people, this cannot be reflected in the military world.

and so.

Someone can do whatever they want.

Although the Chiyang Army has been hunted down all the time, they are still able to gather such a team of hundreds of people, which shows that there are still some powerful people in it.

So, God will not help.

You know, the Chiyang army is famous for its way of leading, and most of the masters inside are also archers.

So, in battle.

None of the three major warlords had a morale-boosting general who could survive a stick of incense when the war started.

They were all beheaded.

A pack of wolves without a leader is a dog, oh, it was originally a nonsense of a lone wolf.

The surrender of the established system is really like the old saying, that is, 30 pigs, people can't catch them all in three days and three nights.But people can't do it, as long as they order, they tie themselves up.

Moreover, the pigs have to provide pig food all the time. These people can cook for themselves, and even prepare them for the people who take care of them.

People are so mean sometimes.

The result is.

Yiyang's Chiyang army expanded its ranks to a hundred thousand troops without taking any action.

Although they were all on the opposite side before, but now they are pro-military, why do you say that?These people are all paid by the army. If the person who pays them is gone, if they lose their lives, wouldn't they be empty of money?It's better to change someone's life.

The military government in the military world is like this. Except for the most loyal pro-guards, who are loyal?

Very few.

Most of them serve as soldiers and eat food, and eat food as soldiers.

As long as Yiyang and the others have no logistical problems, such a team that only listens to the leaders is fine.

"General, we are approaching the ancient battlefield, and the last city is ahead."

Yi Yang nodded, and said to the people around him, "Bing Ye."

"The end will be here." A young teenager responded.

"Do you see what is hanging on the wall of that city?"

Yi Yang had seen it a long time ago, but it was inconvenient to say.


The running Neiyuan named Bing Ye looked over.

It didn't take long for her face to blush.

"Report to the general. The ass is hanging on the city wall."

"Speak louder." Yi Yang smiled.

"Report to the general, the ass is hanging on the wall."

A piece of white flower.

"Suck~" Yi Yang took a long breath, "Bing Ye, tell me what we should do."

"Forcibly attack or besiege the city." Bing Ye recovered from his shyness, and now he was still in shock, Bing Ye himself was also comforting himself, there will be many such unreasonable things in the future.

"By storming and besieging the city, the result is the occupation of the city. What's the difference?"

Yi Yang is like a teacher.

"Strong attack, reduce the loss of our personnel, and end the battle in the shortest time. The consequence is that the hearts and human resources of the city will be lost. Those hanging on the wall will be attacked by the first wave. Most of them It was forced."

"Well, what about the siege?"

"Waiting for work at ease, and revealing the words through the merchants. For example, our policies, of course, we don't follow the false ones like Mr. Jingqi. Everything we say is true, and we are actually implementing it. Enough gone."

"Do you want to say that even if there is a loss, it is an internal contradiction among them. It has nothing to do with us, and they can still gain a good reputation?"

Yi Yang said with a smile.

"That's what it means."

Bing Ye didn't hide anything either.

"In the current form, which one is beneficial to us?"

"We need fame." Bing Ye said it without thinking.

That is to say, the city is under siege.

"Pass down the order, this battle is under the command of Bing Ye."


In the military account.

"General, why am I in command?"

After Bing Ye took off his heavy armor, he felt like a lean monkey.

"On the one hand, you are a descendant of Chiyang, so it is normal for me to train you. On the other hand, what you said before the battle is a very good idea, but it is very good that you can take into account several interests. You are the proposer and the person who is most familiar with the plan, so it is up to you to execute it."

"I understand."

There is no such thing as a general.

"General, there is a letter."

A messenger handed the letter to the same person and turned to leave.

"Bing Ye, a batch of unimportant baggage is coming, you know what to do."

"I understand."

Two days later.

"Stop, how did you get through there?"

The guards stopped a caravan.

"My lord, they allow caravans. Look, I'm just a spice merchant..." The leader of the caravan took a soldier's hand.

The tarpaulin was opened, barrels of spices.

When the lead handle is let go.The soldier quickly put his hands behind his back, and another soldier approached and took what was in his hand.

"go in."

"Thank you, my lord." The leader quickly thanked and then quickly entered the city.

The caravan belongs to the Chiyang Army, and inside it is really just spices.

Spices are huge profits, and only spices can fool them.

Others who give money will think where so much money comes from.

Throughout the ages, businessmen have always been disseminators of material rather than producers, but they have always been the owners of most wealth.

But it is precisely because of this that it can deceive people.

This is how the siege plan that Bing Ye mentioned started.

Remnant world.

"Aba Aba."


Ling Fengyu was covered in mud and smelled bad all over.

"That's no problem." Mi Lan who spoke was also covered in mud.

"Although it's not that I haven't fought in the mud before, but it seems to be the first time to deliberately get dirty."

Ling Fengyu frowned slightly.

"No way, didn't you say you didn't want to get in? It just so happens that they don't know what they are doing to search for people with mental disorders. Although we don't know why, we just took this opportunity to get in."

Mi Lan explained.

"Mu Qing will help us outside."

Is this reassuring or not reassuring.

As far as Mu Qing's current physical condition after arriving in the residual weapon world, it is good to be able to move.

You can't count on it, you can only count on yourself.

"Stop talking, they're here."

By rolling all over the floor, speaking strange words and other actions, he was successfully deceived, and then he was tied up and thrown into a concentration camp.

It didn't take long for a batch to be sent to the secret realm.

Mountain and Sea Mystery.

I don't know who got the name.

Two huge black hairless dogs were chained to either side of the entrance.

Gouzi mutated from the roe of the three-way fish.

Ling Fengyu looked around with bright eyes.

He was surprised that these two dogs were mutated, but they could still listen to people, and their vitality seemed to be the same.

This is where it gets weird.

What kind of biochemical experiment is this?

Ling Fengyu remembered this.

In the secret realm of mountains and seas.

There is a concentration camp.

It can be seen that all kinds of transformed people and transformed creatures and plants are inside.

The only difference between the transformation of humans and animals is that they have hair, which covers the places that shouldn't be exposed. Of course, some people have enough capital, and the mutation is also strengthened, and the exuberant hair can't cover it at all.

It's just exposed.

Giant, this size is a gorilla-like giant.

Although it was all because of being transformed into this appearance, Ling Fengyu was not going to let it go.

After the matter is over, these mutated creatures will be slaughtered by Ling Fengyu.

The Mountain and Sea Secret Realm also adheres to the consistent style of the residual weapon world, and from time to time, various damaged weapons are rusted or dormant around.


All disabled people were thrown to the ground, and no one cared about them at all.

However, in order not to die, they can be used for experimentation. In the end, they were splashed with water, and it was cold water. In the end, each person was given a piece of yellow mud bun, oh, it was just a bun made out of yellow mud water.

How can a normal person be able to eat this.


Of course, Ling Fengyu and the others don't need to eat it, they just need to pretend to be devouring it, and Mi Lan is even more powerful, she pissed and played with the mud there.

The rest of the people use these two methods, no, there are two more, but they are too disgusting, so I won’t talk about them.

At night.

When Ling Fengyu and Mi Lan didn't notice.

Several people were taken away.

Was fed the roe of three way fish.

Then he broke free for a short time and mutated in front of everyone.

Someone accidentally touches a locust.

After this person mutated, he had the appearance of a locust.

"Hahaha~ It turns out there is such a magical effect."

Someone called out happily.

Damn, why didn't I stop it.

Ling Fengyu regretted it.

Then he looked at the person who shouted, the lines on his body.

Isn't this the Gui family?

Why are there also here?

For some reason, the anger in Ling Fengyu's heart was hard to suppress after rising.

He has been in contact with the Gui family.

Especially the metamorphosis and deformity of the Gui nationality.

Unexpectedly, they have changed from deformed hearts to deformed bodies now.

Finally, finally.

Sword Qi began to gather in Ling Fengyu's hands.

However, Mi Lan approached, smoothed Ling Fengyu's sword energy with her own hands, and told him with her eyes that now was not the time.

There are so many innocent people here, it's not the time to do it.

Although Ling Fengyu could guarantee that there would be no accidents by his side, accidents were sudden.

Fortunately, Mi Lan held Ling Fengyu back.

To be honest, Mi Lan was also angry, but maybe she was less angry than Ling Fengyu, so she was a little more rational.

"Catch those two with good physique."

It was Ling Fengyu and Mi Lan.

"Aba Aba."

Ling Fengyu didn't forget to pretend to be a fool when he was angry.

"Eat it."

"Aba Aba."

Ling Fengyu didn't dare to eat it, so he could only pretend that he didn't understand the words.

"I can't tell you bastards."

So, I wanted to force feed it.

If Ling Fengyu really ate it, it would be fine.

Mi Lan suddenly turned into a dog.

Barking, trying to snatch the caviar.

Seeing this, Ling Fengyu felt that it was not good, and he couldn't let Mi Lan get hurt, so he swallowed it forcefully.


Start tortoise breath.

He fell to the ground in a daze, losing his pulse and all vital signs.

"what happened?"

The members of the Gui clan inspected Ling Fengyu's body, but there was no energy at all, and the dantian was empty.


"Drag it in. I'll open his stomach to see what happened. As for these people, watch them first and don't die."

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