Ling Fengyu lost blood again, and not long after, her lips turned pale again.

"Ling Fengyu, did you add blood essence to your blood?"

Mu Qing stood up, grabbed Ling Fengyu's wrist, and forgot what he wanted to say.

"The qi and blood are vain, how much essence and blood have you spent?"

Mu Qing frowned puzzled.

"It has nothing to do with this matter. The blood essence has long been lost, but because it is the release of skills, it is difficult to replenish it. This time I did not use blood essence. This time it has not reached the point where I can use blood essence, but it is also There was blood loss, so it was just a reaction."

Ling Fengyu didn't know it at first, but after a few times of practice, he finally found out after repeated attempts. He couldn't replenish it through ordinary methods, but fortunately, he could still behave normally without losing blood.

Once the blood is lost, the real situation is revealed.

"Well, I thought how much essence and blood you used in these."

"Don't worry, the ghost doctor didn't say that he needed blood essence, so I didn't dare to join, just for fear of accidents, right?"

But, is Ling Fengyu's blood really useful?

After treating ghosts, no one was allowed to watch how she treated Su Fufang. Just from this point of view, there was something strange in it.

It's just that I don't know what is strange.

"Ling Fengyu, follow me back to Luanyi Palace."

There is a pause here, it is better to explain the reason,

"Let me see if my secret method can help you restore your essence and blood."

"Well, that's fine, just right, I really want to go to the Remnant Weapon Realm, let's go with you."

Ling Fengyu smiled slightly.

at this time!

Another flying letter.

"With the memory of stopping the war, go to the Valley of the World."

short words.

"The world~"

Ling Fengyu thought it was funny and smiled.

"The world!" Mu Qing knew, wasn't this the problem that Mi Lan and Yan Yanyan wanted to solve?

Why did you find Ling Fengyu?Also specifically asked to bring the War of Stopping?

This is a problem point.

Ling Fengyu knew that there were white nights and day evils in Zhizhan Zhishang, and the evil of the world was closely related to it. The call at that time probably attracted the attention of the world, so it was not surprising that there was such a scene matter.


Why is it this time, when he was about to go to the residual weapon world, he should have taken action in the first place.

Ling Fengyu was puzzled, at least for now.

"Ling Shi, Ling Fengyu, if possible, don't go."

Mu Qing reminded me.

"Don't go? If you don't go, I'm afraid there will be no more Yan Yanyan." As he spoke, a strange flame ignited the letter.

This is not Ling Fengyu's flame, but Yi Yanyan's power.

Does Ling Fengyu know Yi Yanyan?

do not know.

However, with his name on it, and the strange flame that ignited the letter, he was determined to be a good person. As long as he is not a villain, he is worth saving.

"Yi Yanyan? Damn, something went wrong."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

Ling Fengyu asked.

Mu Qing looked at Bai Zi.

Baizi tactfully took Bai Ye away.

Afterwards, Mu Qing spoke with emotion and softly.

He explained what Mi Lan and Yan Yanyan were doing.

The general explanation is that Mi Lan and Yan Yan met Xing Shi in a secret place in the World of Incomplete Weapons, and Xing Shi wanted to break out of the seal, but was sealed again by Mi Lan and Xing Yanyan's unexpected double move. theoretically sealed.

As long as the power is almost worn out, Mi Lan or Yi Yanyan will sacrifice one of them to seal it, and when the seal is loosened next time, the power will be greatly weakened again, and the end result is that it can be destroyed by ordinary people. To eliminate.

However, something is wrong at this moment, even Shigu has come out, and Yan Yanyan may not be able to support it.

"That's why I'm going to go, no matter it's true or not, I have to find out."

Whether it's really a saboteur, or using the name of a saboteur to make trouble, you can only find out after a thorough inspection.

No matter the former or the latter, it is certain that something happened to Yi Yanyan.

Yan Yanyan is the key point of the seal's destruction.

Nothing can happen now.

It is best to go by yourself.

Another few flying letters.

"It's from the Heavenly Demon Twins." What Yi Yang received was about the Heavenly Demon Twins.

Ling Fengyu received another letter.

"Ye Feitian, led by the beacon fire."

"First order, from three warlord groups." This is the letter in Mu Qing's hand.

Good guy, just let the three of them go to three different places.

diversion strategy.

If it was done by the same person, I am afraid that everyone is in big trouble.

"This kind of thing. It looks like a conspiracy to separate us."

Ling Fengyu tapped the letter and lit it, this time it was Ling Fengyu's own flame.

The flame quickly burns everything clean.

"I am the underworld, the guide of the beacon fire, and the guide of the beacon fire seems to have some connection with the underworld."

"The Heavenly Demon Twins have returned to Luoyang Valley, in the twin towers."

"Yu Zhongliang defected to the Banner Army and formed an alliance with the Three Great Jade Generals. He was considered a traitor by the Banner Army and was mixed between the Banner Army and the Chiyang Army. The three warlord organizations joined forces to attack them."

"The two of you can go together." Ling Fengyu smiled, lamenting that he was alone again.


"It's nothing, let's divide the troops into two groups now."

Ling Fengyu left gracefully.

Be lonely if you are alone, at least acting alone reduces casualties.

There may be casualties of personnel.

to the next stage.

Ling Fengyu took out the hairpin and took a look.

The process of going home is near.

"After treating ghosts, why did you give me this thing?"

Is this hairpin given by the ghost doctor?


When did you give it?

Why did hairpins appear here?

Why did I drift to the military world, and the remnants of the score in my dream would guide me to the Star Luozong to make up for the imperfect endgame.

Everything is connected by who.

The fan in his hand is one of the big evidences.

Long Yi.

Will I be their descendant?

Along the way, Ling Fengyu cried and laughed.

It feels like I can't control my emotions, which shouldn't happen to Ling Fengyu.

But it just appeared, and some bystanders saw Ling Fengyu's appearance and thought he was insane, so they all stayed away.

Indeed, Ling Fengyu himself also felt that it was not normal.

The so-called Kashiya.

Boundary markers are new, people are new, and things are new, but the dilapidation in front of you is old.

It can be seen that a young man is proudly on the throne.

"Sky Demon Twins."

Yes, although I didn't have much contact with the Sky Demon Twins at the beginning, I still caught a glimpse.

At this moment, the other side of the Sky Demon Twins is completely black.

In other words, the other half is no longer there.

The arrow of the king of the land is gone.

Separated, only half but also has a strength beyond that time.

Wait, if the Heavenly Demon Twins are here, then who is there at the Twin Towers?

"You understand it too quickly."

The flame blocked Ling Fengyu's retreating steps.

One holds a flame knife with both hands.

The flames around the body are the result of burning the inner element.

Ling Fengyu knew that if it kept burning, it would eventually ignite its life and then die of exhaustion of life essence.

This person should be Yi Yanyan.

He has his own responsibility.

"Yi Yanyan, is this your name?"

Ling Fengyu asked.

The folding fan in his hand turned into a fan sword.

"My name is Supreme!"

Yi Yanyan's figure moved instantly, and the flame knife was already in front of Ling Fengyu.


The scorching force knocked Ling Fengyu away who was unprepared.

"Strength, speed, and internal energy are all superior. They shouldn't be manipulated by the Sky Demon Twins, but it shouldn't be like this at this moment. Is it the world? It doesn't look like it. It's done by someone who helped the Sky Demon Twins separate. Yes, but will the man be watching in the dark?"

Ling Fengyu was looking at everything, he had to find a way not to hurt Yi Yanyan and leave here temporarily.

Or, take Yi Yanyan away as well.

By the way, it is said that he will come with the memory of stopping the war.

Then ~

Ling Fengyu decided to take a risk.

Kong Kong and Yi Yanyan faced each other.

Ling Fengyu used this force to jump out of the fire circle.

With both hands clasped horizontally, light flashed, and Zhizhan Zhishang appeared in Ling Fengyu's hands.

at this time.

The Heavenly Demon Twins snapped their fingers.

The ground cracked, and a black aura appeared to envelop Zhizhan Zhishang.

As if wrapped in ghost hands, it seems to be trying to unlock the seal above.

The white night and day evil inside are also responding, this black power, this power is very strong.

Even though Ling Fengyu and the gun itself have their own seals, they still feel weak.

Just right.

Ling Fengyu actually temporarily lifted the seal he had set.

Pure white infected Ling Fengyu.

"Is Bai Ye Xie evil?" One of the demon twins wanted to stand up excitedly.


"Sorry, this is not the power of day and night evil."

Liberating his own seal, the power of Fenghuozhi also responded and assisted Ling Fengyu.

Therefore, what was used this time was not Ling Fengyu's own power, but the fusion power of the two existing artifacts.

However, the appearance on the outside is really like day and night evil.

Yi Yanyan didn't react at all.

Ling Fengyu must seize the opportunity to make the flames on Yan Yan disappear, or seal Yan Yan.

Otherwise there is risk to life.


Yi Yanyan once again ignited Ling Fengyu's surroundings.

Good guy.

The heat of the flame has increased several layers.

"Liuyan is not snow."

Orange snowflakes are flying around.

Once it is stained, it will cause a strong explosion.

so.After Ling Fengyu took the coach, he started the playing mode.

Ling Fengyu hit these snowflakes in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Twins.

"The three-handed ax wheel is over, are you looking at me?"

Just in time, Ling Fengyu wanted to use this to experiment with his own moves, the moves he had comprehended in the chess game.

"Black and white without a trace."

The body is white, the behavior is black, black and white blend, yin and yang blend.

What is virtual and what is real, materialism or idealism.

Inclusive, dialectical thinking.

Ling Fengyu can appear in any position beside Yi Yanyan, just like a chess piece on a chessboard, before it falls, any place is possible.

Weird footsteps.

"Undecided day."

On the high platform in the distance, a person sat lazily, watching the battle between Yan Yanyan and Ling Fengyu.

He could see that Ling Fengyu didn't take the enemy seriously, Ling Fengyu was just thinking about how to protect people.

"Strange boy, he is able to understand the regularity of Xingluoqi by himself. He is a good existence, a critical person, connecting the lines of the military world. Is this your choice?" He looked into the distance.

There is nothing in the distance, only infinite darkness, because it is too far away.

"Is there no time for demons and righteousness to blend together? Just like this kid's current state."

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