Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 207 Chapter 1 No 4

After the blue-gold color flashed.

But Ling Fengyu appeared behind the human puppet.

What he held in his hand was a gaseous thing in the shape of a woman.

The puppet lost consciousness again.

But soon, after the arrow in the chest flashed a gleam of brilliance, it got the driving energy again.

His body moved again.

"The sky and the sun are the guide, the black moon is the heart, the sun and the moon are the stringed bow, and the world is shining!" Yi Yang's voice seemed to be adding strength to the arrow.

An arrow shot.

But why is there a reaction.

Yi Yang actually retreated a long way passively, with a distance of three feet.

The arrow actually squeezed out the arrow stuck in the puppet's chest, and replaced that position by himself.

The puppet no longer moves.

After he fell to the ground and staggered a few steps, the place where the arrow was inserted began to crack.

The cracked opening began to ignite an orange flame.

The whole puppet started to burn.

"so fast."

Mi Lan no longer gathers Qi because she no longer needs it.

Shalin puppets, one big and one small, don't need him to gather energy like this.

The woman's air dissipated in Ling Fengyu's hands.

Ling Fengyu's eyes were full of suppressed emotions.

Mi Lan didn't want to be at a disadvantage.

Let Mi Lan take care of big and small Sha Lin.

Since then, Ling Fengyu and others have gained a reputation in the military world.

Things came to an end a little bit.

Ling Fengyu went to find the man in black.


"Your name is?"

"Mi Lan, you are Ling Fengyu, you are not from the military world."

"Mi Lan? I've never heard of it. Indeed, I'm not from the military world."

"Your fan."

"Your fan."

"My master gave it to me. It should be left to me by my parents."

"I found it in a secret place, and for this fan, I killed everyone who entered."

"Have we known each other before?"

"I don't think so, but why are there so many similarities between us?"

"Maybe we are brothers?"



In fact, the two feel that there is a conflict between the two that is difficult to reconcile.

It seemed as if it was going to be a fight at last.

Of course, just to confirm the inner thoughts.

what idea?The similarities and differences of Gongyuan.

In fact, in terms of the form of expression, the aura exuded to the outside world is different, but I just feel that they will be very similar.

after that.

"You~ it looks like you're going to fight." Su Fufang said while hiding behind Yi Yang.

"Yeah, it's just a discussion. There's nothing to talk about." Mi Lan started to do the action she thought was handsome again, and then opened her fan to fan the wind.

"Your actions are not handsome at all."

"Oh, Mei Xiangyuan, are you okay?" Yi Yang adjusted his gaze to Mei Xiangyuan.

Mei Xiangyuan, who stood there silently, raised her head.

"Well, Mi Lan, have we met before?"


"It seems~ I haven't seen it before."

Mi Lan replied.

"Among the women I've met and made friends with in my next life, there is no one named Mei, and no girl with this appearance."

"Hey~ I remember seeing you when I was young, maybe it's my illusion."

"When I was a child?" Mi Lan thought about it.

Well, Mi Lan really started to think.

Not yet, Mi Lan is very old, so it is possible to see Mei Xiangyuan when she was a child at that time?

"Yi Yang, what are you worried about?"

"Oh." Yi Yang returned with concentration, "I was wondering where the Heavenly Demon Twins went."

"Naturally, I have to find a place to recover my own strength." Mi Lan said with a smile, "Okay, I should go too. I failed to deal with the Sky Demon Twins as agreed. It was my mistake. I have to go back and apologize."

That's it.

Yi Yang nodded,

"Although I have been chasing the Sky Demon Twins, in fact, the Sky Demon Twins are your mission." Mi Lan scratched her head, this action was very similar to Ling Fengyu's.

"my task?"

"You know, I don't use a bow and arrow, but after killing the Heavenly Demon Twins, the drop is an arrow, which is exactly what you need, so this is your task." Mi Lan was fiddling with meaningless things again. action.

In comparison, Ling Fengyu was much colder.

"There are many people who practice Yinzhi, why me?"

"Because I met you first."

oh, I see.

That's fine.

However, is it really just the first encounter?


At least Yi Yang himself didn't believe it.

As for Milan...


Mi Lan was not thinking about anything anymore.

Yi Yang or something, if it weren't for the sound of the chains on his body that attracted him.

Then because Ling Fengyu's voice disappeared when Ling Fengyu was present, and then reappeared when he left, he became interested in Ling Fengyu.

"Yiyang~" Mi Lan's walking steps stopped suddenly.

"It's not from Beiya Yi's family, but it's Yi again. Are they descendants of that person?"

Mi Lan thought of someone.

"Well, go find your friends first, and then pay for the crime."

Mi Lan makes her own decision.

Three days later.

Late Maple Pavilion.

The man in black, Ling Fengyu.

The two are separated by a stone table, but the distance between their hearts is even further away.

The coldness is a estrangement, or in other words, it is because of human beings.

A wink.

The two got close.

Ling Feng's feather fan sword was on the neck of the man in black.

And the sword finger of the man in black also touched Ling Fengyu's chest.

"Is it really okay to hurt each other?"

"I won't die, but you may not." Ling Fengyu smiled.

"Hahaha~" The black-robed man backed away slowly.

He took off his hood.




stranger.Pale complexion, snow-white and thin hair, and a pair of empty eyes, as if there is no light at all, it is obviously not the appearance of a soldier or a critical person.

"Let me introduce myself first, Ye Feitian."

Ye Feitian~

Gongshutian, Nangongtian, Ye Feitian, do all of you who use Fenghuozhi have the word Tian?

Is it possible that I will be called Qi Feitian when I have Fenghuozhiyin in the future?

"Ling Fengyu, of course, you can also call me Heiyu Yiren."

"I know, Bei Ya Yu Clan."

"No, you don't know. I'm not from the Beiya Yu tribe." Ling Fengyu withdrew his sword and shrugged.

"It's you, who are you?"

"Do you see me as human?"

As soon as this sentence comes out.

Daring is not human.

"Monster clan?"

"It doesn't have to be a monster race." The man in black said so.

"Not a human, not a demon. What could it be?"

Ling Fengyu didn't say these words.

"My race is not important, the important thing is, are you a human race?"

What is mine is not important, what is important is what, what.

Isn't this the beginning of the double standard?

Just like our country is not important, what is important is what your country is like, and then to sum up, your country has no human rights...

This is the double standard.

Therefore, Ling Fengyu was full of vigilance for the next words, and it should be said that he would not believe them at all.

"It's about the Three Musketeers."

Ye Feitian said slowly.

In fact, it is to say that the Three Musketeers are not for the human race, but are just disposable items used by the king of the land to help him retrieve his arrows.


understood.All of a sudden, they dragged the land king of the human race and the three musketeers who saved people into the water, and blackened them.


Killing two birds with one stone doesn't work that way either.


No wonder you asked me if I was a human race.

Makes me question my race.

Really good enough.

If it weren't for Ling Fengyu's natural defense against these things, something would really happen.

"I understand the truth. Did you witness the conversation between the Earth King and the Three Musketeers?"

Ling Fengyu started fishing.

The appearance of this black-robed man is almost gone.

"Yes, I was an attendant next to the king of your human race back then. In order to get that thing, he sacrificed me. I was lucky to wake up not long ago."

Come on, call again.

The conclusion is that the land king betrayed his class, so he used to be his little fan, and now he is blackened to take revenge.


Will Ling Fengyu believe it?

will not.

Once non-human beings talk about the mistakes of human beings, then the purpose is obvious, which is to create conflicts within the human race, and then achieve some of the goals he wants.

Everyone needs to understand this.

Of course, there are some who want to be dogs, but those with rooted knees don't count.

Ling Fengyu waited, waiting for Ye Feitian to finish speaking.

Ling Fengyu is not afraid of anything at all, because he is proud of being a human race.

"So~ are you going to let the Heavenly Demon Twins disrupt the military world?"

Ling Fengyu asked plainly, because of his plainness, Ye Feitian couldn't see that he was already on Ling Fengyu's must-kill list. He thought that Ling Fengyu's lack of anger was because he didn't consider himself a human race.

Hey, this is quite confusing.

It brought a different kind of convenience to Ling Fengyu.


The answer was straightforward, and, moreover, there was no thought process at all.


Ling Fengyu sneered in his heart.

It has been several months since I came to the military world.

Really everyone has seen it.

Hypocritical, sincere, people who don't treat themselves as human beings, and those who fool others into internal divisions.


at the same time.

water home.

Water roots and aquatic.

Behind the two stood other members of the Shui family.

Evenly matched.

This scene, needless to say, is definitely ready to split up.

Because they are evenly matched and no family is separated, is it necessary to beat you to the death and hurt both sides so that the fisherman can benefit?


Moreover, there is Tianyang Lord's army protecting him outside.

If you speak well, you are a supporter, if you speak badly, you are a fisherman.

No, a fisherman is a fisherman, and the fish he catches must be sold.

As for who to sell to...

As long as it's not the banner army or the army in the south.

"Shuigen, in fact, we are not convinced that you are the head of the family, but your old man has always been there, so we can't say much. Now that your old man has acquiesced, you should also abdicate." A person beside Shuisheng Young provocatively said.

old man?

Oh, it's the oldest one in the Shui family. His strength is not very good, but the main members of the current Shui family are all his descendants.


Things seem to have changed now.

"Actually, we seem to have entered a misunderstanding."

Shuigen smiled.

"Although we all belong to the Shui family, why do we still live in the same place?"

What does it mean?

Everyone did not understand.

"Think about it, why do other families do what they do after their old man passes away?"

No one answered, they were all waiting for Shuigen's next words.

"The family will be separated."

Shuigen said without hesitation

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