Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 113: Heart

Book next time.

Ling Fengyu came to Lingquan alone.

He said he was alone, but secretly followed many people.

Every sect with artificial branches of Lingquan came here. They looked at Ling Fengyu and wanted to see Ling Fengyu's sealing method.

If you can learn a thing or two, it will be a special attack on other sects.

Ling Fengyu is working hard.

How could it be possible for them to learn?

No, wouldn't it be better to let them learn a little bit, and then mess up the Lingquan by themselves?

Ling Fengyu suddenly had such a bad taste.

But don't worry.

Looking at the spring water that kept gushing out, there was a broken sword that was still bright red stained with blood.

He sat down cross-legged.

This is the beginning of cultivation, yes, that's right, he has begun to cultivate.

Obviously there is no need to be in a state of cultivation all the time.

"Either flying against the wind, or flying fish into the abyss, so ~ no desires, no desires, put your desires on others, and stay with Fengyu."

Ling Fengyu muttered.

"Brother, do you understand?"

"Well, I understand, but I don't understand either."

"Brother, do you understand?"

"No, I don't understand."

No one understands what Ling Fengyu is talking about?

Because everyone has a different state of mind, they will have different feelings about what Ling Fengyu said.

It varies from person to person, which is why we should teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

Shi's way.

In short, it was another two days.

Knowing that someone's stomach growled, Ling Fengyu woke up faintly.

Yes, it's someone else's stomach.

This is not finished.

The first thing Ling Fengyu did when he woke up was to go fishing.

This time it's not for fun, but to say that I really want to fish and eat.

Then he succeeded.

A fish that has degenerated into an ordinary fish because of the lack of aura from the spiritual spring, with a long forearm.

Then wash it with Lingquan water.

Although it's living water, but Ling Fengyu's actions inevitably attracted strange attention. Some people almost couldn't help but want to beat Ling Fengyu. In their eyes, this place is a sacred existence.

It's ten, ten to use this holy spring water to clean ordinary fish~ Forget it, it's really not a good word.

Ling Fengyu doesn't care about these things.

What they think is sacred, they just think they can drink it.

After roasting and eating, the fish bones were thrown into the water to cause ripples.

This guy, don't stop me, I'm going to beat him up.

There is a violent existence among the people in the dark. Looking at Ling Fengyu's various behaviors, he can't help but lose his mind.

But the person next to him held him down forcibly.

"It's a bit unpalatable. Back then, I had eaten the most delicious fish here. It was obviously the same fish, tender and boneless, full of fairy flavor. Now, bones can account for [-]% of the fish."

It is indeed better to use this fairy.

This guy, I'm going to kill him, what sarcastic words!


Isn't it because of Ling Fengyu?

"All right."

Ling Fengyu's sword was inserted obliquely into the stone, as was the folding fan.

Then take off the golden brocade clothes and golden crown, and then~

His muscular flesh was on display in the afternoon sun.

Well, it's just an ordinary body that won't turn bronze in the sun, pale topaz-colored body, standard and beautiful.

There are no explosive muscles, but the inner feeling of others after seeing it is that this body is full of strength.

Ling Fengyu is restrained in everything, he doesn't want to tell others his boring stories.

Others also saw scars on him, Crescent Moon's scar.

There are also in the front.

It was as if the swirling saber energy pierced Ling Fengyu's chest, chilling his heart.

With such serious injuries, Ling Fengyu didn't die?

In fact, there was another wound on the other side of the chest, and the column of sword energy also penetrated the chest cavity. The difference was that there was no scar there.

The display of Ling Fengyu's blue light was actually obtained after comprehending this sword energy. After comprehending, the scar disappeared.

Therefore, when Ling Fengyu comprehends the inner essence of saber energy, the wound will probably disappear.

Such scars naturally shocked many people.

Because of deliberate turning around let people see all the scars.

Into the water, the spring water without the blessing of spiritual energy has no other advantages except for being clean.

Slowly pacing and approaching the spring.

Feel the gushing water.

Ling Fengyu grasped the hilt of the sword and slowly pulled it out.

The other free hand drew a mysterious seal, drawn with inner element.

Hurry up and write down this imprint!

This is what everyone thinks.

This is what Ling Fengyu wanted.

Originally, drawing the sword did not require any seals, as long as it was held by Ling Fengyu's vital hand, it would naturally be untied directly.

What they want is their smattering of knowledge.

What if someone really got it all?

That's right, congratulations to him.

"All right."

From the moment the sword was pulled out, the spring water glowed with life.

The blood on the broken sword also lost its color from bright red.


A few dark arrows fly,

Well, can you guys do it later, this is too anxious.

Well, it wasn't a backstab from the person who controlled the Lingquan Sect.

But a wave can be used.

Ling Fengyu dyed his own color on the broken sword.

Hair extensions.

The broken sword receives the arrow, dissipates its own power, and then injects its own power.

This is a short parabolic process, otherwise even if it is not backlashed by the force, it will shatter the artifacts that carry the force.

Sending the arrow back with a complete retracement.

The arrow disappeared into the bushes.

Everyone quietly waited for the development of the matter.

I saw blood slowly flowing out of it, and then dripping into the water.

"Okay." Beauty Ling Fengyu came out of the bath.

"Go back and discuss, how much should I pay?"


Well, if you cheat people, you have to cheat to the end.

Ling Fengyu pretended not to know that people from other sects did it.

"Besides, you have been watching my body for so long, you should also pay for the entrance fee."

No one spoke.

All leave.

Ling Fengyu showed his hand casually, which surprised many people.

Ling Fengyu came out of the water by himself.

Put on your clothes and watch a flower bloom.

If it wasn't for that irritable old man who spoke, Ling Fengyu would practice for a while, the time for the flowers to bloom would be just right, and there would be no need for Ling Fengyu to take off her clothes and go into the water to remove the seal and slowly take off her clothes and go into the water.

Well~ Accidents always happen outside of the plan.

Otherwise, it would be the most perfect for Ling Fengyu to ripen the flowers with his own internal energy.

A perfection that can be controlled by oneself.

It's a kind of mastery.

Even if the ripening person is nearby, the alchemy or even boiling of these ripened plants will be restricted. This is why if it is not for finding the original ecological plants reason.

Of course, exceptions are things like Bingning Flower Dew and Bingning Flowers. Those internal elements that need to be condensed by extremely cold exercises can be ripened. No one in the world can do it now, no, there are one person~

This is also the reason why Xiaoqian didn't check when Nong Chaosheng sold Bingning petals.

Things are also suitable.

Pick the flowers and wrap them in silk.At dusk under the setting sun, the waning moon goes up to the top of the mountain.

Ling Fengyu directly returned to the Gale Gate.

"Senior Ling, Elder Feng is here to invite you."


Originally, I planned to go directly to Xu Liling's place, but is it true that the plan can't keep up with the changes?

"Ling Fengyu, please sit down."

Small dishes and good wine.

This appearance should have something to do with Xu Liling.

Three rounds of wine, four flavors of food, no bitterness.

"Senior, I think~"

"I have already used the word senior, what are you thinking?"

"I hope that senior can give Ling Yuhua to me first, and I will pass it to A Niang."

"Why? The first question, how do you know that I'm going to hand over the Lingyu flowers to Xu Liling?"

Ling Fengyu smiled slightly.

This time I finally laughed out loud.

"Because no one is so eager to use Ling Yuhua except A Niang."

"So sure?"

"Yes, quite sure."

"Hehe, the second question."

"Please say."

"Give me a reason for you."

"A carefree person least likes to be involved in other people's karmic troubles."

"Well, it is. But why are you?"

"Because I don't want to live with kindness, this time I just have the opportunity to repay your life-saving grace."

"I'm afraid it's more than that."

"Yeah, because I don't want to suffer."

Feng Fuyao could see that Ling Fengyu didn't like people who left words, so he said everything he could.

Only when his mind is clear will Ling Fengyu back down.

On the contrary, the more you hide it, the more Ling Fengyu will get worse.


Ling Fengyu didn't feel anything.

So he handed Ling Yuhua to Feng Fuyao, and told him how to preserve it.

In this way, even if Ling Yuhua was damaged 'unintentionally', Ling Fengyu would not be involved.

What's more, you don't have to worry about using the things you take for others to harm others.

Suddenly, he got away alone.

Ling Fengyu stayed at the Gale Sect for several days again. During this time, sects came to send apologies one after another.

I was so afraid that I would be caught by the relevant sect.

Ling Fengyu said that he doesn't want anything, as long as gold and silver, these things should be close to tasteless to you practitioners, but they are useful to me, so I can use this to apologize.

As for why he received real money, Ling Fengyu naturally considered it for the sake of the sparrow.

Dynasty needs these.

Real gold and silver, if you have it, gradually take it out, and you can steadily increase the productivity of the entire dynasty.

Well, as long as you can bring it back.

Well, there are too many, really too many.

The gold sent by several sects is one hill after another.

This is still a small sect around.

But it's true, it's just letting it go, Ling Fengyu even saw a lot of gold enacted by the dynasty thousands of years ago.

For them, some 'junk' could be used.It is not impossible to fool a little ancestor to leave.

Even feel earned.

After all who did the stupid thing?Han Tianzong in the alliance.Coupled with the intervention of other forces outside, everyone almost hated Han Tianzong to death.

Ling Fengyu asked a few people to move the gold, but he really didn't keep any of it.

They didn't feel sorry for him either, and they didn't even want the people who helped him carry it, saying that teaching a single move was better than the gold.

Ling Fengyu didn't refuse either, and left a scar on each of them with sword energy.

Hey, although it is hurt, but ecstatic.

Ordinary people say that immortals have no desires and desires, but it is not true. What they pursue is not what ordinary people want, and they are not on the same level, so they feel that immortals are out of dust and indifferent to fame and wealth.

Ordinary people pursue money and power, and ascetics most seek longevity and greater strength, these are not intersecting lines.

Even in the dynasty.

Most people say that the emperor can eat white flour steamed buns and add an egg to his meal, but the emperor thinks that these people use golden hoes to hoe the ground.

Different perspectives see the world differently, and these are also taught to him by Ling Fengyu's master.

Speaking of which, Ling Fengyu's master~

It seems that he is talking with Lin Li about something.

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