Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 106 Anger

Nong Chaosheng gave Xiaoqian a valuable jade pendant for auction. On the one hand, it was to test Xiaoqian's mentality. On the other hand, he didn't have enough money.

Too many armor weapons have been made, but Ghost Sparrow and others simply don't have the money to pay for them.

This is why trendy students have to make money everywhere.

Fortunately, the current expenses are only a drop in the bucket of his fortune, which is just enough for Ling Fengyu to owe him favors.

"You should see the results in two days."

Nong Chaosheng went to find the sparrow.

Familiar with the road.

As soon as he entered, he found Bai Mulio chatting awkwardly inside.

It made Neng Chaosheng not know how to insert a topic.

"Well, can I interrupt, please?" Nong Chaosheng asked cautiously.

"Say." Ghost Sparrow didn't like Nong Chaosheng very much.

"It's the end of this month, it's time to pay." Nong Chaosheng said with a smile.

To be precise, it's the last day.

After midnight it will be the next month.


Although after the final mediation with Zhu Haiqing, Nong Chaosheng still agreed to an interest-free loan for several years.

But, now it seems that the monthly money brought by the interest-free loan for so many years is not what the sparrow can afford.

"At the beginning I said that installments were not possible, but you still strongly demanded Zhu Haiqing to mediate with me like this, but now it seems that you can't afford it, what should I say?" Nong Chaosheng obviously smiled softly. Ghost sparrow seems to be a very unbeatable smile.

Ghost Sparrow is young, and he doesn't know what is called a trade-off.

"I~ have no money." Ghost Sparrow said bluntly.

Get in the tide and help your forehead.

"Beauty, beauty is not a value that can be increased in trading, unless you really want to use your body to pay for it." Nong Chaosheng said bluntly, "Well, originally, only Ling Fengyu was needed, but Because you didn't think deeply about it, you divided one transaction into so many shares, okay, if you don't pay it back every month, you won't accumulate it, just treat it as Ling Fengyu owes me a favor."

Ling Fengyu was tricked by Guique, and it was so serious.

In the end, Ling Fengyu was taken away by Nong Chaosheng.

After all, Bai Muliao is a smart person, and he heard something was wrong.

For Sparrow's sake, he started talking.

"Your Excellency is a businessman, or a businessman who keeps his promises. I know that Your Excellency is very fond of Ling Fengyu, so I hope that I can do these things according to the installment rules. Well, here is Wanjin, which is my personal Funds, can you temporarily pay for the sparrow?"

Wanjin is not enough, because the number of weapons and armor is really a bit too much.This ten thousand gold is still almost there.

"Do you think this ten thousand gold is enough?" Nong Chaosheng asked, "Too much indulgence will only make people more indulgent, and it will not be as gentle as it is now."

"I know, but today, can it go like this?"


This article is wrong.

"Hehe, don't worry about the money."

Nong Chaosheng flew the banknote back to Bai Muliao's hand.

Anger was constantly accumulating between the two men, Bai Mulian's expressionless face and Nong Chao's indifferent smile intertwined brilliant sparks at this moment, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

"So, do you not know how to compliment?" Bai Mu Liao spoke first.

"Don't know how to praise?" Nong Chaosheng's anger was also ignited at this moment, "I see, who doesn't know how to praise!"

Nong Chaosheng let his inner yuan out, and propped up his clothes.

mountain of strength.

Bai Muliu also puts his internal elements outside.

It's a pity that he is definitely not Nong Chaosheng's opponent. Nong Chaosheng has already suppressed his own realm and strength.

Bai Muliu took the lead in attacking, and he did not forgive anyone.

Reasonable, whose reasoning?own reason?

Isn't that wrong?

Nong Chaosheng's body was extremely hard under the blessing of Neiyuan, he didn't have any means of attack, but well, he was still very confident in his strength.

He was able to hold Bai Mu Ryo's blade with both hands without being injured at all.

Strength, absolutely suppressing strength.

Seeing that his assassination moves had no effect on Nong Chaosheng, Bai Mulio further improved his internal energy.

The sword blessed by Nei Yuan is a bit sharper.

Specializes in common weaknesses exposed by the human body such as lower body, eyes and temples.

It's just that these common weaknesses don't seem to work for Neng Chaosheng.

Originally, Bai Mulian only stabbed at the base of his thigh, but seeing that Nong Chaosheng didn't care at all, he continued to move towards the middle until the end.

A sword stabbed right into the bull's-eye, but the result was.

Brilliant sparks erupted from the iron crotch.

This is?

Bai Mulian took a closer look.

Well, the lower body is made of refined metal with an iron crotch. Although it is not a very good-looking style, it is very original and rustic, but it is definitely easy to use.

Through the shock transmitted by the sword just now, Bai Muliu already knew that his sword could not break through the iron crotch even if he strengthened his internal energy.

Also backhand to find other breakthroughs.

Although Nong Chaosheng is angry, reason is still the most dominant.

He was only passively defending, and did not take any countermeasures against Bai Mulian.

It can be said that trendy students can distinguish between primary and secondary.

What's more, now it's just a difference of opinion, not life and death.

This way of fighting is more like venting one's anger.

And this kind of anger is really uncomfortable.

On the one hand, Nong Chaosheng cursed in his heart, you kid, don't you know that too much indulgence can really bring about disastrous results?

But Bai Mulian is, you collect the money and leave quickly, don't disturb your plan.

Ha ha.

In hatchback conflict, there is no absolute wrong point.

It's just for their own benefit.

"What an idiot."

Nong Chaosheng originally wanted to continue fighting.

But it suddenly occurred to me that I had something to do, so I had to end it early.

"Shanghai Chaosheng in the cloud!"

Nong Chaosheng slapped out a palm, and the huge force of Han Hai made Bai Muliao, who was impacted by the force, take several steps back.


"As a killer, you have to be absolutely calm, you are not qualified at all." Nong Chaosheng smiled.

Nong Chaosheng left steadily.

Getting into a fight for no reason, and then leaving without knowing the meaning, is really just a fight.

"Inexplicable guy."


Nong Chaosheng suddenly sighed in the middle of his walk.

Ling Fengyu, ah Ling Fengyu, you really don't know how to take care of children, you will spoil the ghosts so much, you will definitely suffer a lot in the future.

Nong Chaosheng thought so in his heart, although the value of the transaction between Ling Fengyu and him is only a drop in the bucket, or even less, but the transaction with Ling Fengyu is also the least thought-provoking for him, everyone uses a unified standard to complete a transaction No one can take advantage of the transaction, this kind of relationship is what Nongchao students like most.

I also inquired about the transactions between Ling Fengyu and other wandering businessmen like him, but basically there was no negotiation, either the other businessmen took less benefits, or Ling Fengyu gave up his own interests.

There is no such thing as a completely happy transaction anyway.

Maybe this is an eternal business partner. Although they share interests, but they each get what they want, is it considered a kind of friendship?


At least, Nong Chaosheng thought so.

"His technique."

After calming down, Bai Mulio thought of the technique of Nong Chaosheng who had fought against him before.

Why does it feel wrong.

"It's obviously the thickness of the mountain, why is the last move like a wave of the sea?" Bai Mulian was very puzzled.

"Chaosheng Yunhai, this is more like the feeling of the Xihai Dynasty. I always feel that Nong Chaosheng is related to the Xihai Dynasty."

Ghost Sparrow replied.

Zhu Haiqing just arrived here.

"That's true. In fact, there are still many descendants of the Xihai Dynasty, but there are very few direct descendants in the true sense. My name is Zhu Haiqing, and I can be regarded as an outsider."

Indeed, the words Zhu Haiqing and Haiqing already represent a lot.

Not to mention Nongchaosheng, the closest name other than Yunhaishen.

"So, the spirit of the Xihai Dynasty has continued?" Bai Mulian asked.

"Forget it, streams and seas return to the cloud scripture, except for clouds, both streams and seas."

So, silently her?

This is actually fun.

"Is the Xihai Dynasty very powerful?" The image of the Xihai Dynasty in Bai Muliao's heart has changed a lot.

It was mainly because of the surprise that Nong Chaosheng's strength brought him.

This kind of strength is definitely not what a businessman from the mortal world would have.Just now, it obviously feels very strong.

"It can't be said to be great, but I always feel that it is not a critical person."

This is Zhu Haiqing's view on Nong Chaosheng.

Immediately, Bai Mulio told Zhu Haiqing all about Nong Chao's birth here and what happened.

"Actually, what Nong Chaosheng said is quite right. To be a human being and to serve the country, one must be honest. Only when everyone is honest can the dynasty develop rapidly." Zhu Haiqingyu said to Gui Que earnestly.

Bai Mulio raised an objection: "After leaving the dynasty, you will be in the cultivation world. I think the strong in the cultivation world are respected. There is no integrity at all."

"Hehe, I said that honesty is based on the situation of similar strength. After I have been in the sect for a while, I also understand that the operation of a sect is based on the rules and regulations when the sect was established. These are the rules. Acting within the rules is keeping promises, of course, you will refute me that some of the rules are incorrect, and these rules will become rules that conform to the interests of the vast majority through the mediation of various interest groups."

Well, after saying one more sentence, Bai Mulian's mouth was blocked.

Sparrow was speechless because he didn't know what to say.

Now she needs to think about a lot of things, and these are exactly what she doesn't like.

"Nong Chaosheng is actually waiting for the princess to break the contract."

Zhu Haiqing no longer repeats such things as honesty and breach of contract.

"What breach of contract?"

"It's just that there is no installment payment." Zhu Haiqing continued, "When I went to mediate, before I said anything, Nong Chaosheng knew it was the idea of ​​the princess. If I hadn't talked about it in every possible way, he would not have reluctantly agreed. , but in the end he left a way out for the princess, because he said that installment is a kind of slow death, and he will give the princess a chance to repent. As long as the princess apologizes in person, it will still be the same as before. "


That's right.

Is there something wrong with me?

Gui Que felt that he was right, but Zhu Haiqing knew that Gu Que had almost all shortcomings, apart from his own reasons, there was also the reason why he was used to Ling Fengyu.

Even though what happened to Yanmiao made it grow, it is still difficult for Guique to jump out of the current node without breaking or standing.

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