Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 103 Tomb of the Zong Emperor Part 2

"What is this?" Mo Rufang asked.

"It's nothing."

Ling Fengyu looked away from the stone pillar.

"The grain on it is the grain of a tree's bark when it's cracked. It's nothing weird."

While Mo Rufang was puzzled, Ling Fengyu continued.

"Of course, texture is meaningful in its own right, and it's also unique in being where other people want it to be."

not understand.

Although Mo Rufang understood, she still didn't understand.

"Looking at the textures, it's drowsy. That's the hardest part. Why? Because that's what it's there for."

Yep, this one is an excellent match with yellow gas.

"However. Hehe." Ling Fengyu smiled, but the voice expressed it like this, "I just suspect that the appearance of the worm emperor you are talking about is related to an old friend of mine."

An old friend?

Then the unblocking of the Zonghuang this time is really a lot of surprises.

What Ling Fengyu meant was not this time, but that the reason why the Zonghuang became such a ghost was because of the old man he said, very early, very early.

"This place needs to be completely destroyed after Yun Haishen finishes what he is doing," Ling Fengyu said bluntly.

It should be completely destroyed, if the worm emperor can really die.

From the perspective of Kaitiandi, we can know that because of the unblocking of the Zonghuang, the southern region has paid nearly 10 lives, including men, women, and children.

Once Ling Fengyu knows ~ let alone it is difficult to die, I am afraid that Ling Fengyu will continue to torture the insect emperor until he dies voluntarily.

In fact, in other words, Ling Fengyu still has a bottom line, but this kind of life matter cannot be viewed with a bottom line.

However, it is definitely different from person to person.Some people died, even if it was only one, Ling Fengyu would definitely take revenge, while others needed two, three, or even more.

This is probably an emotional problem that Ling Fengyu has never understood.

After waiting for a day.

The expression on Yun Haishen's face became weird.

Through the chrysalis that is now like pure amber, Yun Haishen saw the most extreme scene.

Or unbelievable.

Inside the chrysalis is a sleeping girl, a full-grown girl who is not curled up, but straight.

The deep sea of ​​clouds can see everything.

Such a face is Tong Ming.

But there is also a part of Teng Ming that does not belong to humans, a pair of big horns that seem to not exist, like a boiled red water chestnut cut in half and installed on both sides of the head.

The orange-yellow hair flutters like a water ghost in the mucus, maybe it's because of the Zonghuang himself, the big white rabbit also looks like an adult, and it's obviously a cute face, but at this moment it makes Yunhai feel deeply disgusted.

Because she opened her eyes, the beautiful azure blue disappeared and became a haggard purple, which is the color of the eyes of locusts.

That's not right, the purple of the locust is the agility of the crystal, and this is more like the color of losing the soul.

Eyes are the windows of the soul, so although the body looks like Tongming, but the inside has also changed, it is the worm king.

Kala, Kala.

The humanoid inside moved.

With just a slight movement, the outer hard shell was cracked.

A liquid slightly thicker than water fell to the ground, washing away the yellow ground to reveal the visible reality.

"Brother Yun."

Tong Ming smiled.


Yun Haishen doesn't like this.

"Pusha Wuwang." The sword shadow flew out, aiming at the naked Tong Ming.

However, this time it was Ling Fengyu who made a mistake.

The sword shadow was actually broken by the worm emperor.

The worm emperor just scratched slightly.

The sword shadow that condensed [-]% of its strength was captured.

"Brother, you are going to kill someone. He is so sad."

The perfect body walked out of the insect shell with perfect legs.

Mature Tongming is absolutely beautiful and cannot be found anywhere.

Obviously without the slightest coquettishness, it is also captivating.

But don't forget, the previous worm emperor was a boy who lost his male roots.

"Some things cannot be pretended by appearances."

Ling Fengyu approached slowly.

It's just that Ling Fengyu's eyes were looking at other places, not the Zonghuang.

Just by listening to the voice, Ling Fengyu was able to judge her position.

"The reason why a person is an independent person is because his consciousness and body have not changed since birth, instead of using the appearance of others to confuse people who do not belong to him."

This is talking about a normal person, not a worm king.

"What does this big brother who dare not look at me mean?"

"It's not that I don't dare to watch it, but that it's out of a kind of commitment."

Ling Fengyu didn't care.

"You are not feminine."

Is Ling Fengyu harassing?

"If you don't look at my perfect figure, how do you know I'm not feminine?"

"Smell, you only have the smell of a man."

"Indeed, the previous worm emperor was a man, a man who lost something important."

Mo Rufang said.

"Understood, and it's because I lost it when I was a child that it's so feminine."

Ling Fengyu understood again.

He didn't know the past of the Zonghuang at all, but he knew the reason.

Is this the master?

Mo Rufang sighed.


"By the way." Ling Fengyu interrupted the Zonghuang, "Since you are not dead, I will ask the questions I need to ask."

There was a pause, and no one spoke.

So Ling Fengyu continued.

"Is your practice taught to you by Chong Limulus?"

Horseshoe crab?

who is it?

However, the surname Chong is related to Chong.

"Yes, but except for the exercises, I have obtained everything through my own efforts!"

Emphatic tone, confident words.

"So, her death has something to do with you?"

"Of course, I killed her!"

Informative conversation.

Who is the horseshoe crab?How did he die again.

Killed?It's so messy.

"I said, it was agreed at the beginning that I will find me as soon as I come to the Southern Territory. But when I came to the Southern Territory, what I saw was a man who lost himself because of you, a woman who lost consciousness, and a family who lost her parents and family children, and children who become flying heads."

The more Ling Fengyu spoke, the more excited he became, his whole body trembled a little.

The death of a good friend, although he did not know him, is the death of the same human being, the hope of the future of human beings.

These are all dead.

Because of the worm emperor.

This neither male nor female exists and dies.

All the anger added together.

These angers burned like flames, stimulating Ling Fengyu's rationality.

"What flying head man? I don't know about this, but the men and women you mentioned, the men became the nourishment for the Gu insects when I transformed into a body, and the women became the nourishment for the drive of my palace."

Admitting that most of them also denied touching children. In fact, the real meaning is that in her opinion, there are only males and females, not young ones.

He, she, uh~ so hard to tell.

Forget it, call it whatever you want.

The worm emperor is the worm emperor, he doesn't care about gender, what he cares about is his behavior, his unknown past.

"That's good to be brave." Ling Fengyu said coldly, "Little sea cucumber, kill him."

Ling Fengyu's last rationality made Ling Fengyu give up the opportunity to Yun Haishen.

Such a serious situation turned out to be called Yun Haishen's nickname, which shows how angry Ling Fengyu is.

"Destroy and kill everything in Kyushu."

However, Yun Haishen is not the opponent of the Zonghuang after the successful evolution.

In the eyes of the Zonghuang, the extreme moves have no effect.

With a wave of his hand, the move was cracked.

In the dust, the worm emperor took advantage of this gap to put on a set of royal clothes, and the dragon pattern became a worm pattern.

The worm emperor with clothes on, Ling Fengyu can look at her faithfully.Looking directly at her.

The innocent face is matched with disgusting eyes and weird horns.

Let's go to the theater, since I'm here anyway, these two people can still protect themselves.

At the same time, Yiyang and their cottage.

A Boy Scout troop seemed to take shape.

And what they faced was their enemy.

What enemy?

Heads walking with dense insect legs, these are the existence of children like them.

At this moment, it is becoming a swarm of insects and attacking the last children here.

There are probably nearly [-] heads.

It's densely packed, and it's terrifying.

Yi Yang is the oldest, so as the oldest existence, he became the leader.

"It's time for us to grow up too. Big brother taught us the exercises, and it's time for us to protect ourselves. We must persist until big brother finds us!"

Yi Yang said so.

The heads are just gathered outside and have no plans to come in.

But Yiyang knew that he would come in and attack without waiting for a long time. Although the other side looked like a head, there were too many people. Yiyang even felt that everyone in Nanyu was dead except for them.

If this is the case, they must or, even if a few people are sacrificed, they must protect the vast majority of people here.

"But, brother Yiyang, these things are really scary." A little girl curled up and hugged the hand of the boy next to her.

The eyes are full of unknown fear of strange creatures.

"I know, because they are too scary. As big brothers and sisters, we have to work harder to protect those who are weaker than us. The exercises we learn are meaningful because of this."

"I just want to escape~" If the little girl grows up, she will definitely say that these things have nothing to do with her. These words are told by the boy who is younger than Yiyang in her arms. She is so scheming at such an age. It's something that Ling Fengyu couldn't think of, otherwise Ling Fengyu wouldn't have taken out the exercises and let Yiyang teach them to all the children.

Before this, Ling Fengyu thought that these children were pure, they could be trusted, and they could be fully confessed.

However, fortunately, Yi Yang is not only mature like an adult, but his scheming is no worse than the man and woman hugging in front of him.

"We are the last line of defense here. There is no result that can be escaped alone. Either all of them will die in humility and fear, or they will all survive, or at most one or two will die. You and the man you are holding can tell These words show that you can see the situation clearly and understand my words clearly. Let’s weigh for yourself, which one is the best.” Yi Yang no longer pretended to be young, he was a precocious child originally, because in When the village was still there, his parents were surprised and grew up independently.

In front of Ling Fengyu, it wasn't deceitful, but she was acting like a child.

In other words, he also acted like his parents were arrested by them, so he didn't have parents.


The girl didn't understand.

"If we fight together, we may survive, but the avatar will definitely die, just like their existence." Yi Yang pointed outside.

At this moment, the heads began to move slowly.

They are still children, these children are not as mature as Yiyang.

Many of them are two wars that almost want to go first.

In fact, Yiyang is also a child after all, how could he not be afraid in his heart?

However, mature reason made him stand still.

"Follow the wind in the zenith, like water in Baihui, condense the fire in the heart,~"

This is the most basic cultivation method taught by Ling Fengyu. He has taught it, but few of them have truly cultivated inner energy, even the weakest inner energy.

"Get ready to fight, the ones who have cultivated internal energy will be the first, in order of strength, and the ones without internal energy will be last."

In fact, if you really only consider survival, you must let those who cannot cultivate first resist in the front, so that the group that can survive will let the better blood pass on. This is the most scientific method, and it is also The most ruthless way, but Yi Yang would not think of this way, why?Because Yiyang is a human being, it is impossible for a human being to be so ruthless, unless he is the most selfish person.

"Okay, okay~"

I was scared, but I did it.

This is the talent and charm that a leader should have. Of course, what's the use of having this kind of charm, you must have the corresponding talent, otherwise not only will you die, but even the people who believe in him will die together. die.

That's what Yi Yang said.

"Remember, we are the oldest and the strongest." Yi Yang encouraged, not only encouraging others, but also encouraging himself.

There is no weapon in hand.

Or, how about weapons?

What Ling Fengyu gave was some daggers and the like

After Yiyang distributes it, others have it, but Yiyang himself doesn't have it.


They are ready to go, ready to fight to the death.

Children are pure, at least Ling Fengyu thinks so.

But the human heart is not pure.

For example, the men and women who were hugging each other before had obvious strengths, but they hid at the end, and Yi Yang had no time to care about them.

Zonghuang and Yunhaishen are stalemate at the moment.

Although Ling Fengyu didn't intervene directly, he still prevented the small locusts from entering.

Pure mischief.

Although the Emperor Zongming, who had turned into Tongming, appeared with killer moves from time to time, he always stopped at the most critical moment. Looking at the suspicion in the eyes of the Emperor Zongming, Ling Fengyu just smiled coldly.

Chong Limulus, her skills are not something that a most evil person can practice, and the Zonghuang is obviously the most evil person.

so what.

The previous conscience was temporarily because of itself, but the current conscience is probably not because of it.

How funny.

But Ling Fengyu won't say it, the reason is that sometimes, it really needs to be concealed to achieve the best effect.

"The legend of the worm emperor, Mo Rufang, can you tell me?" Ling Fengyu asked.


Right now, Mo Rufang told Ling Fengyu everything she knew about the Zonghuang.

"Oh." Ling Fengyu became more playful.

The deep blood of the sea of ​​clouds.

Why not yourself.

How can a person who dies immediately bring more benefits than a person who is alive?

What's more, because there were quite a lot of dead people, Ling Fengyu really didn't want the Zonghuang to die so easily.

No, how should I put it.

It is because the Zonghuang is difficult to kill, so you might as well bring it with Yun Haishen.

Is it a way to feed demons with your body?

No, no, this is not feeding demons with the body, this is Ling Fengyu's own evil taste.

Isn't it the happiest thing to let a person who fell into the ground due to other people's reasons gradually recover his original character and conscience, and finally use the rest of his life to atone for the crimes he committed?


Rationally, Ling Fengyu wants to kill the Zonghuang immediately, but his strength does not allow it. Since he can't succeed, he should change to a path that he can enjoy.

"Little sea cucumber, have you forgotten some information you know about the Zerg Emperor?"

Ling Fengyu started to work.

"what's the message?"

When fighting against the Zonghuang, he was still distracted talking with Ling Fengyu. He knew that for some reason, the Zonghuang kept stopping at the last moment, and he had considerations for not being seriously injured.

"We can't kill the worm emperor." Ling Fengyu sighed slightly.

Well, this sigh is all fake.

Let's act, let's act to your heart's content, why can't Yun Haishen see that this is acting?

"so what?"

Because he was still using the Shattering Art, and his murderous aura was still strong, so his expression was very little.

"So can't you change your mind? Like re-seal or something."

Ling Fengyu said so.

Well, Ling Fengyu can never say, ah, I know your bloodline, use your bloodline~

"Is that so?"

Yun Haishen doubted whether Ling Fengyu was telling the truth.

Because once he feels that Ling Fengyu is playing himself, everything else is to achieve his certain purpose.

"Otherwise, what do you think you can do? We mortals don't have anything special except for the internal energy we have cultivated." Ling Fengyu continued, "Besides your nose being more sensitive, my eyes are better. What stands out?"

"Look at what you said, we are all sworn brothers, so let me show you something special about me!"

Ling Fengyu laughed wildly in his heart, this sea of ​​clouds is deep, it is really easy to become stupid to acquaintances

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