Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 928 The News From Zhao Min

Originally, he had guessed who it would be.

I thought about it, maybe it was King Ruyang.

But I really never thought that Zhao Min would come.


The moment Wang Baobao saw his own sister, a smile appeared on his face.

There are many masters under Zhao Min, with Zhao Min around, he will definitely make the brat who just wanted to kill him look good!

"Quick! Where is your subordinate, this man wants to assassinate me!"

He pointed at Lin Pingzhi and shouted hastily.

However, Zhao Min ignored Wang Baobao.

Although her expression was still indifferent, deep affection for Lin Pingzhi was hidden in her beautiful eyes.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi, her red lips parted slightly:



Lin Pingzhi nodded.

The purpose of coming to Ruyang Palace is to meet Zhao Min and his daughters.

A slight smile appeared on Zhao Min's face, the dimples on his cheeks sank slightly, and Lin Pingzhi's heart sunk in too.

She looked at the three girls upstairs, and among the three girls, she had seen Ning Zhong before.

"It seems that you have a few more."

She slapped Lin Pingzhi hard.

Lin Pingzhi's face showed a slight embarrassment.

"Minmin! What are you talking about?"

Wang Baobao ran in front of Zhao Min and shouted at Zhao Min:

"He wants to assassinate me! Why are you still talking to him, let your men kill him!"

He wished that Lin Pingzhi's head would fall to the ground.

Seeing that Zhao Min didn't ask anyone to do it, but said something strange to Lin Pingzhi, which made him even more angry.

Zhao Min glanced sideways at her own brother.

"If he wants to kill you, can you still speak?"

Her voice was very flat, without any emotion, as if she was stating the facts.

Wang Baobao was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand Zhao Min's meaning.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi's hand flashed a cold light.

As if to prove what Zhao Min said was right, a Meteorite Flying Knife appeared in his hand.

A wave of hands.

"call out!"

The blade is broken.

With a "snap", the beams and pillars of the inn were pierced directly.

Not only that, after piercing the beams and columns, it didn't stop at the wall, but pierced through the wall as well.


Wang Baobao swallowed his saliva.

If Lin Pingzhi had used this throwing knife against him earlier, he must have died.

Only now did he understand what his younger sister Zhao Min said.

"You... have known each other for a long time?"

He looked at Zhao Min, then at Lin Pingzhi, and said in astonishment.

Lin Pingzhi spread his hands, looked at Wang Baobao and said:

"I've said it long ago, because of Minmin's sake, I didn't kill you. If you don't believe me, what can I do?"

If it wasn't because Wang Baobao was his elder brother-in-law, he would kill someone like Wang Baobao.

Wang Baobao sighed, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

"Go back to the palace!"

Zhao Min issued an unquestionable order.

Wang Baobao didn't dare to refute Zhao Min's words, he quickly greeted his subordinates and returned to the palace.

Lin Pingzhi also took the three daughters of Ningzhongze, and followed Zhao Min.

This time, he was the one who entered the Ruyang Palace in a dignified manner.

"Have you met Yuan Zhi and Han Ji?"

Zhao Min walked on the road, turned to Lin Pingzhi and asked.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Zhao Min rolled his eyes at Lin Ping.

"You must have sneaked in again. It seems that the guards of the palace need to be strengthened!"

She still knows a little about Lin Pingzhi's temperament.

If it wasn't for sneaking in, how could it be possible to see Li Yunzhi and Han Ji.

Lin Pingzhi touched his nose in embarrassment.

Beside him, Gao Yanan and Su Rongrong got together.

"Sister Rongrong, this seems to be the Princess of the Ruyang Palace... Isn't she a Mongol? How did Lin Pingzhi get so close to the Mongol..."

Gao Yanan was talking to Su Rongrong.

She wanted to try if she could win Su Rongrong into her camp.

However, Su Rongrong's heart is very firm.

"What happened to the Mongols? Mongols are people too."

She doesn't care about family and country feuds, for her, Lin Pingzhi is everything.

Lin Pingzhi, who was walking on the road, also heard the conversation between Gao Yanan and Su Rongrong.

There was also a knowing smile on his face.

Rongrong really has a deep-rooted affection for him.

Gao Yanan's idea is impossible to succeed.

"Minmin, aren't you on the front line of fighting against the Manchus? Why are you back?"

Lin Pingzhi took a few steps forward, followed Zhao Min's pace, and asked Zhao Min.

Zhao Min's face was gloomy, she didn't tell Lin Pingzhi directly, but said lightly:

"Go back to the palace and talk about it."

When Lin Pingzhi heard the words, he didn't ask any further questions.

Now that I said go back to the palace, let's go back to the palace.

The main hall of the Ruyang Palace.

Zhao Minduan sat at the first place.

Her elder brother Wang Baobao stood beside Zhao Min, speaking in a low voice, like a slave.

"The battle on the front line is tight, let the defenders of the surrounding cities gather and prepare to go to the front line to support."

Looking at Wang Baobao, she issued a "military order".

"Okay... I'll go now."

Wang Baobao nodded quickly, and ran out quickly.

King Ruyang and Zhao Min are not here, Wang Baobao is the largest in the Ruyang Palace.

But as soon as Zhao Min came back, Wang Baobao immediately became obedient.

After Wang Baobao left, Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi who was sitting below, and said in a deep voice:

"My father was caught in the trap and was seriously injured."

When saying this, Zhao Min's face became a little pale.

It was not difficult for Lin Pingzhi to see that King Ruyang should be seriously injured.

Otherwise, Zhao Min would definitely not have such an expression.

"Abducted? Seriously injured?"

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Although King Ruyang is not as strategic as Zhao Min, he has experienced many battles and expanded the territory of Mongolia for many years. How could he fall into the trap easily and be seriously injured...

"Well, Wu Sangui, that bastard, played a play with that kid Kangxi!"

Zhao Min nodded, her beautiful eyes were full of hatred.

"You mean, Wu Sangui and Kangxi are united? Where's Prince Bao?"

Lin Pingzhi asked in surprise.

It stands to reason that what he did in the Qing Dynasty earlier should have caused a gap between Wu Sangui and Kangxi, and the two should attack each other.

Now Wu Sangui actually united with Kangxi, he really didn't expect this.

Kangxi deserved to be Kangxi, even though he was young, he was still very powerful.

Zhao Min glanced at Lin Pingzhi with a disappointed expression.

"Prince Bao is also with them. Not only that, but apart from these positive troops, the anti-armies in the Manchu Kingdom, the Golden Snake Camp, the Tiandihui, and the Red Flower Society are also united with the people of the Qing Dynasty..."

Having said that, Zhao Min didn't say anything more.

She glanced at Lin Pingzhi.

Because Lin Pingzhi told her that Xia Qingqing, the leader of the Golden Snake Battalion, was also her woman.

Now, she was being bullied by Lin Pingzhi's woman, and she wanted to see what Lin Pingzhi would do.


Lin Pingzhi was embarrassed.

He had already guessed this point.

Whether it's the Golden Snake Camp, the Tiandi Society, or the Red Flower Society, their goal is to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty.

But if the Mongol army invaded the Qing Dynasty, they would choose to join forces with the Qing court.

Compared with the Manchu Kingdom, if the Mongol army, which is brave and capable of fighting, occupies the territory of the Manchu Kingdom, the hope of recovering the Ming Dynasty will be even slimmer.

"Next, what do you want to do..."

After sorting out his thoughts, Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and asked.

Zhao Min stood up from the main seat, with a cold light in his eyes.

"I want to let people in the Qing Dynasty know what will happen if they dare to hurt my father!"

When these words were spoken, a chill filled the hall.

Rao even Lin Pingzhi's state made him tremble all over.

He understood that Zhao Min was really angry...

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