Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 924 Visit the palace at night, do it!

The guards of Ruyang Palace are still very strict.

But Lin Pingzhi never thought of going in through the gate.

After controlling the clothes on his body and turning them into night clothes, with a little step on his feet, his body jumped over the wall and entered Ruyang Palace.

He had been to Ruyang Palace once before.

He is quite familiar with Ruyang Palace.

This time, I didn't plan to ask someone from Ruyang Palace to lead the way.

He avoided the patrolling personnel, and walked towards Han Ji's residence according to the route he remembered.

With Han Ji's current status, she should no longer be regarded as Ruyang King's concubine.

After all, with Zhao Min around, King Ruyang had no choice but to give up.

When he came to the door of Han Ji's room, he sniffed lightly.

The fragrance belonging to Han Ji can be vaguely smelled.

Gently pushing open the door, Han Ji was sitting there in a daze, with memories in her eyes.

Even when Lin Pingzhi opened the door and came in, he didn't pay attention.

"Thinking of me? Thinking so engrossed?"

Lin Pingzhi's voice woke Han Ji up.

When Han Ji heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then her face was full of surprise.

"How did you come?"

Her beautiful eyes are full of memories.

When she saw Lin Pingzhi, she even doubted whether it was real or not.

Until her willow waist was hugged again like before.

The temperature from the big hand made her heart pound like a deer.

"Did you and Yuan Zhi go to the front line with Zhao Min?"

Lin Pingzhi's gentle voice rang in Han Ji's ears.

Han Ji leaned gently in Lin Pingzhi's arms, feeling his strong heartbeat.

"Yes, I don't like those fights, Sister Yunzhi stays with me."

She is an ordinary woman herself, she has never studied martial arts, so naturally she doesn't like to fight and kill.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly realized.

It turned out that Li Yuanzhi wanted to stay with her in Ruyang Palace.

It seems that they get along fairly well.

"Where does Yuan Zhi live?"

Lin Pingzhi asked Han Ji.

A trace of resentment appeared in Han Ji's eyes.

"What, can't wait to be with Sister Yunzhi? Are you going to leave me?"

As she spoke, she gently pushed Lin Pingzhi's chest.

But Lin Pingzhi hugged her, she didn't push away.

"Whatever you say, you are all the same in my heart."

As he spoke, Lin Pingzhi kissed her lightly on the lips.

Only then was Han Ji satisfied, pointing to Dongfang and saying:

"Not far from me, the third wing to the east is her residence."

Lin Pingzhi nodded, hugged her and planned to go outside.

Han Ji was shocked.

"What are you doing?"

she shouted hastily.

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

"Let's go together."

Han Ji understood instantly, Xia Fei's cheeks.

Although I feel a little ashamed, this is tantamount to the best choice.

Whether Lin Pingzhi stays with her or goes to Li Yuanzhi's place, one person must be left out in the cold.

"Then...then you can't just hug me..."

Han Ji said shyly.

"Outside, there are many patrols from the Ruyang Palace. It would be bad if they were seen."

Although because of Zhao Min's relationship, she is no longer Ruyang King's concubine.

But those patrols, if they saw her being hugged by Lin Pingzhi, not to mention that she would not be able to see anyone in the future, at least the patrols would not let Lin Pingzhi take her away like this.

"It's okay, I can avoid their eyeliner."

Lin Pingzhi said with a light smile.

Even if he doesn't consider himself number one in the world, at least in the Ruyang Prince's Mansion, it's very easy for him to avoid the eyes of the patrol team.

Han Ji rolled her eyes at Lin Ping.

She didn't doubt Lin Pingzhi, but she just didn't want to be carried out by Lin Pingzhi.

It's as if she was stolen by a flower picking thief, it doesn't feel right.

"You'd better wait in my room, I'll go find Sister Yunzhi and bring her to my room, okay?"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with some anticipation in her beautiful eyes.

After the first taste of human affairs, no matter men or women, they will have expectations, and Han Ji has this kind of psychology.

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Anyway, there is no rush at this moment.

It's only separated by three wing rooms, and not separated by three mountains, just wait a while.

"Well, it's agreed that you'll wait in my room, but I'm not allowed to bring Sister Yuanzhi here, but you are nowhere to be seen!"

Han Ji clenched her pink fist and shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

"I know, I know!"

Lin Pingzhi nodded obediently.

Then he ran to Han Ji's bed, lay down on it, smelled the faint fragrance from the pillow, and looked forward to it in his heart.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi lying on her bed, Han Ji was not at all unhappy, on the contrary she was very happy.

She opened the door, and after going out, she took it with her.

In the room, the decorations in the weak candlelight room are all illuminated in orange.

Lying on the bed, Lin Pingzhi closed his eyes, quietly savoring the demure good times.

However, time passed for a while.

Lin Pingzhi opened his eyes.

Just now, he almost fell asleep, but he still didn't wait for Han Ji and Li Yuanzhi to come over.

This made him feel a little suspicious.

"It's strange, it's only three rooms apart, there's no reason for it to take so long, could something have happened?"

He muttered, frowning.

Logically speaking, this is Ruyang Palace, with so many palace guards, nothing should happen.


Lin Pingzhi got up from the bed and stood in the room.

He felt that it was necessary to see what was going on.

If it's just two sisters chatting, you can come over and chat again.

It's unreasonable to take so long and not come here.

Han Ji should understand that he is waiting in the room and will not waste time.

Lin Pingzhi made up his mind and didn't stop.

He looked outside through the crack of the door.

After waiting for the patrol to leave, he left Han Ji's room and walked towards the east.

But he was very obedient, and he realized that something was wrong.

Why are there so many Mongolian officers and soldiers around the room of Yunzhi that Han Ji refers to?

Is something wrong?

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to hesitate, and he didn't care about other things at this moment, he rushed towards Li Yuanzhi's room.


Some Mongolian officers and soldiers noticed Lin Pingzhi's appearance and immediately questioned him.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't reply, but rushed over directly, and knocked the Mongolian officer unconscious with a knife in his hand.

"There are assassins!"

The other Mongolian officers and soldiers shouted immediately.

In their view, Lin Pingzhi in night clothes is an assassin!


Lin Pingzhi shouted at the Mongolian officers and soldiers in front of him.

As soon as he raised his palm, the Twenty Eight Dragon Subduing Palms spewed out from his hand.


With a dragon roar, many Mongolian officers and soldiers in front of them were blown away by Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, other Mongolian officers and soldiers surrounded Lin Pingzhi and did not dare to move without authorization.

The Twenty-eight Dragon Subduing Palms shown by Lin Pingzhi earlier really shocked them.

at this time.

The door of Li Yuanzhi's room opened.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He said why Han Ji and Li Yunzhi haven't come yet.

It turned out that someone was obstructing it!

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