Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 897 What's After Shimen?

"Hey, Gao Yanan! Why are you so close to him!"

Hu Tiehua's face was full of anger.

He is jealous!

I ate Lin Pingzhi's vinegar.

When Gao Yanan saw this, there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Senior brother Lin is my senior brother, I should be closer to senior brother, what's wrong?"

She pursed her lips and said proudly.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

Good guy, this is taking him as a mocking monster!

Use him to make Hu Tiehua jealous...

This trick is too bad, right?

And that guy Hu Tiehua was obviously fooled...

"Okay, since we are not outsiders, let's go in and have a look."

Lin Pingzhi put away the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and said with a smile.

At this time, Gao Yanan looked at Ji Bingyan who was in Chu Liuxiang's arms.

"Chu Liuxiang, what's wrong with Ji Bingyan's dead cock? Why does it look like he's about to die?"

She said very heartily, from the tone of her voice, it is not difficult to hear that she has a good relationship with Ji Bingyan and others.

Chu Liuxiang did not speak.

But Ji Bingyan turned a blind eye to Gao Yanan.

Seeing this, Gao Yanan quickly raised his fist and was about to beat Ji Bingyan.

Fortunately, Hu Tiehua stopped him in front.

"Okay, okay, Yanan, stop making trouble."

Hu Tiehua said while holding Gao Yanan's wrist.


Gao Yanan broke away from the hand Hu Tiehua was holding, rubbed it, and then said to himself:

"Didn't you help the dead rooster find the desert star? Did you find it?"

Her voice fell.

Chu Liuxiang, Ji Bingyan, and Hu Tiehua all changed their expressions.

Even Zhong Yuan's slightly red face showed a somewhat strange look.

"It turns out that the purpose of your coming to Shilin Cave Mansion is to find the star of the desert?"

With a slight smile on the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth, he looked at Chu Liuxiang and the others and said.

No wonder Zhong Yuan Dianhong had to speak out.

It turned out that the desert star was their goal.

Thinking about it this way, it seems normal.

Ji Bingyan is a businessman.

Merchants heavy profits!

The star of the desert is rumored to be invaluable.

If he can get this desert star, it will naturally be of great help to his business.

"Well, we are looking for the desert star."

Chu Liuxiang said in a deep voice, after finishing speaking, she glanced at Su Rongrong, and then said nothing.

"Since that's the case, whoever finds it first will own it."

Lin Pingzhi shrugged, put his arms around Su Rongrong's willow waist, led Gong Nanyan, and walked towards the cave with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

"Did I... did I say something wrong?"

Gao Yanan froze in place, a little embarrassed.

That scene just now made her realize if she said something wrong.


Chu Liuxiang shook his head, and helped Ji Bingyan to walk inside.

Seeing this, Zhongyuan Dianhong quickly supported Ji Bingyan's other side.

Only Hu Tiehua glared at Gao Yanan.


After a cold snort.

He followed up.

Gao Yanan was the only one left on the spot, standing there aggrieved.

It took a long time to follow up.

Inside the cave.

"Pingzhi, this Shi Guanyin is cruel and ruthless, and most of the women imprisoned are already dead."

Jellyfish Yin Ji sighed.

She wanted to send some female guards to Shenshui Palace.

Now it seems that this idea may not be successful.

"Let's look for it again."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

Gong Nanyan nodded.

"Let's find them separately!"

As she spoke, she walked aside with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Su Rongrong still followed Lin Pingzhi.

"Lin Lang, let's go to the other side and have a look."

She said, pointing in the opposite direction to the jellyfish Yin Ji and Gong Nanyan.

"it is good!"

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

The two followed the secret path in the cave and searched around.

On the way, Lin Pingzhi's hand gently stroked Su Rongrong's waist.

Su Rongrong suddenly became short of breath and blushed.

"Lin Lang, don't make trouble."

She scolded shyly.

It's still outside now.

Lin Pingzhi also withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

He didn't know what to think.

When looking at Chu Liuxiang by the side, he always had the urge to hug Su Rongrong in his arms and kiss wildly.

It seems that he wants to show Chu Liuxiang a show.

Now that he is not on the side, his hands are also a little dishonest.

At this time, after hearing Su Rongrong's words, he remembered that the current situation is not suitable.

"Then leave the desert, shall we? Leave the desert, we will fight for three days and three nights!"

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a smile.

A look of panic appeared on Su Rongrong's face.

"Lin Lang, you really don't know how to feel sorry for Rong Rong. For three days and three nights... Even if I were with Nan Yan, I'm afraid I'm not your opponent..."

she said bitterly.

If an ordinary person said three days and three nights, she might still think it was a joke.

Just rhetoric.

But Lin Pingzhi said so.

She dared not doubt the authenticity of it.

After all, she has personally experienced Lin Pingzhi's strength.

Before she was recruited, she had also heard other women jokingly saying something like six times a night, seven times a night, and so on.

But this time Lin Pingzhi...

It's all one night at a time, one night at a time.

How can this be tolerated?

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Pingzhi laughed and kissed Su Rongrong on the forehead.

"If neither you nor Nan Yan can do it, then call Yin Ji, she has strong fighting power!"

As soon as his words came out.

Su Rongrong immediately lowered her head in embarrassment.

Originally, the two of them were the same Gong Nanyan, which made her feel even more shy.

Now you want to add the jellyfish Yin Ji?

"Oh! Lin Lang, let's wait until we leave the desert!"

Su Rongrong was a little at a loss, so she could only lightly beat Lin Pingzhi's chest, acting coquettishly.

Acting like a baby is really good for Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi held Su Rongrong in his arms and walked forward again.

"The door in front doesn't feel easy!"

Looking at the stone door in front of him, he always felt that there might be something good behind this door.

Su Rongrong glanced at the stone gate, broke free from Lin Pingzhi's arms, and walked to the stone gate.

"There are three keyholes on this stone door, which means that three keys are needed to open it."

she said in a low voice.

Lin Pingzhi thought, isn't this the same as the prison where Ren Woxing was imprisoned under the West Lake?

Three keys are needed to open it!

Could it be... there is also a great person imprisoned inside?

In the case of Da Mo, could it be Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan?

its not right!

This is impossible!

No matter what, Li Xunhuan is also a legendary existence in Jianghu.

How could it be locked here by Shi Guanyin?

This unscientific!

"Lin Lang, after Shi Guanyin and the others died, were they searched and did they have a key?"

Su Rongrong looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Then suddenly remembered.

"Oh yes, you were unconscious at the time, and Nan Yan disposed of the body...you were directly thrown into the river to feed the fish..."

After saying this, she lowered her head somewhat disappointed.

Without the key, the door cannot be opened.

It is also impossible to see what is hidden in the door.

"Don't worry, there is me!"

Lin Pingzhi focused his eyes, and walked confidently to the stone gate.

Su Rongrong looked at Lin Pingzhi and was stunned.

"Lin Lang, don't waste your energy in vain. You must know that this stone gate is very deep, and it is not easy to open it."

she advised.

Lin Pingzhi didn't say much, he condensed his inner strength with both palms, and blasted towards Shimen!

He wanted to see what was behind this stone gate!

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