Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 895: Meet an acquaintance in the Stone Forest Cave Mansion!

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

The yellow sand is all over the sky, and the breeze blows, blowing with fine sand, which makes people's eyes a little confused.

"Is this the Stone Forest Cave Mansion?"

Looking at the strange stone forest in front of him, Lin Pingzhi expressed doubts.

There is something strange about this place.

The ground is full of yellow sand, but the ground is rocky.

These stones are tall and big, covering the sky and the sun, and have strange shapes.

"That's right, this is Shi Guanyin's lair, Shilin Cave Mansion."

Jellyfish Yin Ji nodded and said in a deep voice.

There was a hint of expectation in her eyes.

"Shall we go straight in?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

This strangely shaped stone forest is a bit like the stone formation in the Three Kingdoms period.

I don't know if there is a formation in it.

If there is a formation, it is not easy to handle.

He knows martial arts, but not formations.

"When I went to Shenshui Palace that day, Shi Guanyin didn't take anyone with me. There may still be Shi Guanyin's subordinates here."

Jellyfish Yin Ji said in a deep voice.

As an enemy, Shi Guanyin knows Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

Jellyfish Yin Ji naturally also understands Shi Guanyin.

"Is it just a subordinate?"

Lin Pingzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

I thought there would be a formation.

Thinking about it, this is the world of martial arts, and formations and the like should not exist.

"Then let's go in."

With that said, he took the lead and walked inside.

"Lin Lang, you have to be careful!"

Su Rongrong was behind, exhorting.

She was worried that Lin Pingzhi was too careless and would ambush him in the meeting.

"Don't worry."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

In terms of martial arts, he is quite confident.

Beside Su Rongrong, Gong Nanyan leaned over and said with a smile:

"Oh, it seems that our sister Rongrong is very worried about her lover."

When Su Rongrong heard this, her face turned red immediately.

"Hey, aren't you worried?"

She pouted and retorted.

Gong Nanyan just wanted to speak.

But Lin Pingzhi's voice sank.

"There is an ambush!"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were cold.

He sensed that behind the stone forest in front of him, the breath was very mixed.

Someone seems to be there.

"I gonna go see."

Jellyfish Yin Ji stepped forward, pointed her toes, and swept forward.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He didn't stop Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

In terms of martial arts, Yin Ji, the jellyfish who transforms the environment, is stronger than him who is the ultimate.

He didn't have to stop it.

With the jellyfish Yin Ji swept away.

Gong Nanyan also protected Su Rongrong and came to Lin Pingzhi's side.

Su Rongrong's martial arts is relatively low.

Along the way, Lin Pingzhi taught Su Rongrong and Gong Nanyan some martial arts.

Gong Nanyan has deep internal strength, coupled with the martial arts taught by Lin Pingzhi, as long as she has actual combat experience, she will definitely be no worse than the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Along the way, Gong Nanyan was also protecting Su Rongrong.

Gong Nanyan also killed all those green forests blocking the way who did not know how to live or die.

"Is Yin Ji going to be safe?"

Gong Nanyan was a little worried.

Although she knows that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, has high martial arts skills.

But I still couldn't help worrying about Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

"rest assured."

Although Lin Pingzhi said so.

But in my heart, I was also a little worried.

It stands to reason that the jellyfish Yin Ji passed by, so it should be done.

But there was no sound of fighting or screaming.

This made him not only a little curious.

"Let's go take a look."

Lin Pingzhi's eyes turned cold.

He walks ahead.

Gong Nanyan and Su Rongrong followed closely behind.

After crossing the stone forest smoothly, Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

He smelled blood.

"It's the smell of blood! Did Yin Ji make a move?"

Gong Nanyan said in surprise.

With the advancement of her martial arts, her perception of the smell of blood is also very keen.


Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

The smell of blood came to the nostrils, it was true.

But this bloody smell is fishy.

It's not new.

Fresh ones are pungent, but not so smelly.

"This smell of blood, I'm afraid it has been there for a while."

He looked around, but saw no body.

"Maybe the person is not dead, but injured."

With that said, he continued to walk forward.

The second daughter followed.

"Ding ding ding!"

The sound of gold and iron clashing reached Lin Pingzhi's ears.

His eyes narrowed.

"Go! Go help!"

With that said, step down a little and rush forward.

When he came here, he saw a few old acquaintances.

"Brother Little Red? Xiang Shuai?"

Lin Pingzhi really didn't expect that he would meet Chu Liuxiang and his party here.

And depending on the situation, they all suffered some injuries.

Especially Ji Bingyan, who fell into a coma directly and was carried by Hu Tiehua.

Lin Pingzhi shouted.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes were fixed and he looked forward.

The enchanting figure of jellyfish Yin Ji shuttles back and forth.

Shi Guanyin's remaining subordinates are not opponents of jellyfish Yinji at all.

In addition, he had already fought with Chu Liuxiang and others before.

When Lin Pingzhi arrived, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had already killed all of them.

Lin Pingzhi didn't even need to do anything.


Jellyfish Yin Ji flicked away the remaining blood on her fingertips, turned her head and walked slowly towards Lin Pingzhi, with infinite affection in her eyes.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He looked at Chu Liuxiang and the others who were gasping for breath.

"When I arrived, they were surrounded. I thought it was your friend, so I rescued them."

The voice of Yin Ji, the jellyfish, whispered in Lin Pingzhi's ear.

Yidianhong nodded her head simply as a thank you.

In Chu Liuxiang's eyes, there was a flash of reluctance.

He didn't want to be rescued because of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi has gained Su Rongrong's reassurance.

In terms of women's competition, he lost.

But now, he actually wanted Lin Pingzhi's people to help him.

For him, it was a shame.

"Xiang Shuai..."

Su Rongrong walked in at this time.

Her expression was a little complicated, and she looked at Chu Liuxiang with a hint of hesitation.

In the end, he seemed to be ruthless.

She walked to Lin Pingzhi's side and wrapped her arms around Lin Pingzhi's.

This is to tell Chu Liuxiang that she is already Lin Pingzhi's woman.

There was sadness in Chu Liuxiang's eyes.

He didn't expect that his confidante would fall in love with others.

I even feel a little regretful in my heart.

Why didn't Su Rongrong be taken down before.

Instead, get along as friends.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi is now cheaper.

"Rongrong, do you still have healing pills on you?"

Lin Pingzhi patted Su Rongrong's little hand lightly and asked.

Su Rongrong didn't look at Chu Liuxiang either, she raised her head and said to Lin Pingzhi:

"There are some!"

As he spoke, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom and handed it to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi took out a few elixir from it and flicked it with his fingers.

The pill fell into the mouths of Chu Liuxiang and the others.

After Chu Liuxiang and the others took the elixir, they sat cross-legged to adjust their breathing.

Ji Bingyan was still in a coma. Although she had taken the pill, her martial arts were too poor and she would not wake up for a short time.

Hu Tiehua, who was carrying him on his back, reluctantly said thank you.

Lin Pingzhi didn't talk to them, and walked directly to Zhongyuan Dianhong's side.

"Brother Yidianhong, why did you come to the desert?"

It's not that he doesn't want to ask Chu Liuxiang.

It's just that Chu Liuxiang's expression seemed like she wouldn't give him an answer if she asked.

Just don't make fun of yourself.

Ask the most familiar Zhongyuan Dianhong.

Zhongyuan Dianhong glanced at Chu Liuxiang.

Although he has a good relationship with Lin Pingzhi.

But this time he belongs to Chu Liuxiang's team.

Whether you can say something or not depends on Chu Liuxiang's decision.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi was startled and suspicious.

It seems that Chu Liuxiang and others must have some purpose in coming to the desert.

Whether this purpose is ulterior or not, has not yet been known.

However, in this Stone Forest Cave Mansion, is there anything worthy of Chu Liuxiang's covet?

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