Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 892 Xiong Niangzi Appears, The Flower Picker's Nightmare

The next day.

The sun is shining.

The golden sunlight shines on the ground along the cracks in the doors and windows of the house.

Lin Pingzhi slowly opened his eyes.

I was very tired yesterday.

Like other men, maybe six, seven times a night.

But Lin Pingzhi couldn't do it.

He can only go one night at a time, but one night at a time.

Look left and right.

Gong Nanyan and Su Rongrong were lying on one of his arms.

Gently release the inner strength.

Lifting the necks of the two of them slightly, they drew out their arms.

Stepping over Su Rongrong who was sleeping outside, Lin Pingzhi stood on the ground and slowly put on his clothes.

The rustling sound of dressing seemed to have awakened Gong Nanyan.


She opened her sleepy eyes and looked at Lin Pingzhi with sweetness.

"Are you awake? Keep your voice down, Rong Rong is still sleeping."

He looked at Gong Nanyan, put his fingertips in front of his lips, and said softly.

Gong Nanyan pecked her head like a chicken, she was very cute.

Lin Pingzhi approached the bed, separated Su Rongrong, and gently kissed Gong Nanyan's lips.

"You sleep for a while, I'll go see Yin Ji."

he said softly.

Gong Nanyan's martial arts is very strong, and she joined later.

It's normal to wake up earlier than Su Rongrong.

Glancing at Su Rongrong, there was still a tired look on her face.

After all, it was the first time, and his martial arts were worse than Gong Nanyan's, so naturally he couldn't compare to Gong Nanyan's physique.

"it is good."

Gong Nanyan replied, with a sweet smile on her lips, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

After leaving the room.

Lin Pingzhi walked around the Shenshui Palace.

It has been a few days since the last time I did it.

Before going to the jellyfish Yinji, you can go to see Chu Liuxiang and the others.

After all, they came here to save him.

It's something to be grateful for.

"Where are Xiangshuai and the others arranged?"

Lin Pingzhi asked the female guard of Shenshui Palace.

The female guards knew Lin Pingzhi's identity.

Even the jellyfish Yinji, the lord of their Shenshui Palace, was accommodating to Lin Pingzhi.

They naturally need to be more respectful towards Lin Pingzhi.

"My lord, Chu Liuxiang and his party left Shenshui Palace on the day you passed out."

The female guard replied with a smile.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Chu Liuxiang and Zhongyuan Yidianhong have already left Shenshui Palace?

That is to say, only Su Rongrong was left to take care of him?

It seemed that Chu Liuxiang couldn't tolerate him.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be separated from Su Rongrong, and she would take someone away directly.

"Okay, I see, I'm going to find Yin Ji now."

He said in a deep voice, and rushed to the room of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

However, came to the door of Yin Ji's room.

Lin Pingzhi was taken aback.

Outside the room, there was a "woman" sneaking around, as if she was looking at something.


Lin Pingzhi gave a deep drink.

His gaze was fixed, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The female guards of Shenshui Palace are not so courageous.

Presumably this person may have come from outside.


The "woman" glanced at Lin Pingzhi, and a trace of astonishment flashed in her eyes.

But "she" didn't stop at her feet, and plundered directly into the distance.

Lin Pingzhi did not catch up immediately.

He first came to the door of the jellyfish Yinji's room, and felt that the jellyfish Yinji's breathing in the room was stable, without any signs of poisoning, so he was relieved and chased in the direction where the "woman" fled earlier.


He let out a low snort, and stomped on his feet at an extremely fast speed.

Those who were chased by Lin Pingzhi obviously did not expect that Lin Pingzhi's lightness kung fu would be so good!

Gritting her teeth, "she" used lightness kung fu to the extreme.

Lin Pingzhi looked at this man's back, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The speed of the light work under his feet also slowed down slowly.

The people who were being chased by Lin Pingzhi did not realize this sign.

Instead, he exerted his lightness kung fu desperately, trying to escape from Lin Pingzhi's pursuit.

A playful look flashed in Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

"It's time to stop."

he called after the man.

Now it is not far away from Shenshui Palace.

No matter how far away, it will be more troublesome to go back.

But the person being chased by Lin Pingzhi did not stop.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

What does this mean?

Let stop?

"call out!"

He took out a meteorite flying knife from his waist and shot it towards the person in front.


Xiao Li Fei Dao, the example is not false.

The big tree in front of the man was directly shot out of a hole.


The astonishment that came from that person was a man's voice.

This throwing knife was Lin Pingzhi's warning.

If the target is not a tree, it is "her".

What was pierced was "her" heart.

"Ken stop now?"

Lin Pingzhi walked slowly with a playful look on his lips.

The man turned his head, and Lin Pingzhi saw his face clearly.

From the silhouette it appears to be a man.

But she is extremely feminine, with her shawl-length hair, slender waist and protruding pelvis, she looks like a woman.

"Madam Xiong, I call you that, right?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly and walked step by step.

"You know me!"

Xiong Niangzi's eyes were fixed, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in Shenshui Palace!"

He had stayed in Shenshui Palace before.

In Shenshui Palace, there is no other man except him.

Jellyfish Yin Ji doesn't like men either.

Why did Lin Pingzhi appear in Shenshui Palace?

He was puzzled.

"Lin Pingzhi."

Lin Pingzhi gave his name indifferently.

Those indifferent eyes looked at Mrs. Xiong, as if looking at a dead person.

"You are Lin Pingzhi, son of Mingyue?"

Xiong Niangzi looked at Lin Pingzhi with different expressions, her calves were trembling.

Logically speaking, even if Lin Pingzhi stayed in Shenshui Palace.

He is not so afraid of Lin Pingzhi.

But in the Jianghu, Lin Pingzhi was rumored to be romantic and suave, and there was another rumor.

This rumor was what he was most afraid of.

It is rumored that the lone Wanli Tian Boguang and the Four Great Villains Yun Zhonghe died at the hands of Lin Pingzhi.

Who are they?

Those are all flower pickers!

Who is his wife?

Also a flower picker!

In the circle of flower pickers, there is a saying: It is better to provoke the king of Yan than to recruit Lin Pingzhi.

Tian Boguang and Yun Zhonghe are both prominent figures in the circle of flower pickers.

He is the idol of many flower pickers.

But they all died at the hands of Lin Pingzhi.

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I knew from the mouths of the Hengshan Sect and the other three villains that the rumors were true.

Now the person that flower pickers fear the most appears in front of his wife Xiong, who is also a flower picker.

How can you not be afraid?

"You look scared of me?"

A faint smile appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

"Am I a monster that can eat people? Or do you think I will kill you?"

A wry smile appeared on Xiong Niangzi's feminine face.

"I'm afraid, there is no flower picker in the world who is not afraid of you."

he said resentfully.


Lin Pingzhi was rather curious.

"I'm a little curious, what's going on, if you can answer me, I can consider letting you go."

In his hand, the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade suddenly appeared, startling Mrs. Xiong.

Xiong Niangzi nodded quickly and told Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I didn't expect that killing Tian Boguang and Yun Zhonghe would make the flower pickers afraid of me."

There is no way to kill Tian Boguang.

Who told Tian Boguang to die without repentance, and not to listen to admonitions.

As for the crane in the cloud?Damn him!

"Okay, the next step is the key point. If you don't satisfy me, you can die."

There was a "clang".

The weeping blood ghost knife was unsheathed.

Lin Pingzhi tapped his toes, and in an instant, he came in front of Mrs. Xiong.

Put the sword on the throat of Xiong Niangzi.

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