Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 870 Following Bees and Butterflies, Su Rongrong's Careful Thoughts

"After we parted from Mr. Lin that day, Xiangshuai and I went to Shu, where we had conflicts with the people in Shenshui Palace. Later, the Tianyi Shenshui in Shenshui Palace was stolen, and Yin Ji, the jellyfish, insisted that it was Xiangshuai. Shuai stole the Tianyi Shenshui and hunted us down."

Su Rongrong gave an overview of the matter.

She and Chu Liuxiang were also separated during this process.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

He looked at Su Rongrong and asked:

"After you disperse, can you find Xiangshuai's whereabouts?"

Although he wanted to save Chu Liuxiang.

But Chu Liuxiang's whereabouts are not clear.

He took Su Rongrong with him, and he was like a headless chicken.

"Don't worry, son."

The corner of Su Rongrong's mouth outlined a smile.

There was a smug look on her face.

"Xiang Shuai has a sachet specially made by me on Xiangshuai's body. The fragrance will last for a long time, and there will definitely be bees and butterflies along the way."

As she spoke, she pointed to the side of the road.

"Young master, look at that."

Lin Pingzhi heard the words and looked intently.

I saw many bees and butterflies gathering by the roadside.

And more than one place, you can see it all the way.

"In other words, this road was walked by Xiangshuai."

Lin Pingzhi pinched his chin, roughly deduced.

Su Rongrong nodded.

"That's right, Xiangshuai must have passed by here, let's catch up quickly."

Knowing Chu Liuxiang's whereabouts, Su Rongrong also quickened her pace without any hesitation.

"Miss Rong Rong."

Lin Pingzhi called to stop Su Rongrong.

Su Rongrong turned her head to look at Lin Pingzhi in puzzlement.

"Huh? What?"

There was puzzlement in her eyes.

It is imminent to find Chu Liuxiang.

She also didn't know why Lin Pingzhi called her to stop him.

Lin Pingzhi walked towards Su Rongrong.

"Miss Rong Rong, your speed is too slow."

He looked at Su Rongrong and said.

Su Rongrong froze for a moment.

Then he was relieved.

Indeed, her speed is indeed a bit slow.

"Let the young master laugh, Rongrong's lightness kung fu is not as good as the young master and Xiangshuai..."

As she spoke, she felt ashamed.

As Chu Liuxiang's confidante, her lightness kung fu can be regarded as a master in the arena.

Compared with Chu Liuxiang and Lin Pingzhi, they are still far behind.

"If Miss Rongrong doesn't mind, Pingzhi can take you for a ride."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

"Huh? Really?"

Su Rongrong was a little happy.

According to Lin Pingzhi's lightness skills, he would definitely be able to find Chu Liuxiang sooner.

"It happened suddenly, Miss Rongrong, please forgive me."

Lin Pingzhi's words made Su Rongrong a little puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Pingzhi directly picked her up, stepped on the fragrance of the night, and followed the guidance of the bees and butterflies, and fled towards the distance.

Su Rongrong was still a little bit resistant.

But seeing the scenery passing by in front of him, he originally wanted to push Lin Pingzhi's hand away, so he stopped.

Although men and women are somewhat indifferent.

But now is a special time, in order to find Chu Liuxiang as soon as possible.

She didn't ask Lin Pingzhi to put her down either.

"Miss Rongrong, hurry up, I'm going to speed up."

Lin Pingzhi's voice reached Su Rongrong's ears.

Su Rongrong froze for a moment.

It's already so fast, still speeding up?

Before she could react, the flow of the scenery in front of her became faster and faster.

The sound of "huhu" kept ringing in my ears.

Su Rongrong was also full of surprises.

As Chu Liuxiang's confidante, she also experienced Chu Liuxiang's lightness skills.

Chu Liuxiang's lightness skill is unparalleled in the world, this is recognized.

But at this time, she had to admit.

Chu Liuxiang's lightness skill was slightly worse than Lin Pingzhi's.

Not to mention, Lin Pingzhi hugged her in his arms.

At the current speed, even if Chu Liuxiang was empty-handed, he would not be able to reach it.

Shocked, Su Rongrong raised her head slightly and looked at Lin Pingzhi's profile.

That focused look, meticulous.

With a handsome face, compared to Chu Liuxiang, who is more handsome and fragrant, he doesn't give in too much.

Then I felt Lin Pingzhi's strong warm hands holding her behind, on her thighs and waist.

Su Rongrong felt a little shy in her heart.

But soon, her vision returned to clarity.

After following Chu Liuxiang for a long time, her heart is still relatively clear.

There are charming thoughts in Su Rongrong's heart.

Lin Pingzhi is no exception.

Although he looked calm, but with Ruanxiang in his arms, his mind was also a little drifting.

However, considering the relationship between Su Rongrong and Chu Liuxiang.

He didn't dare to do anything overstepping.

It wasn't that he was worried about offending Chu Liuxiang, but that he was worried about the displeasure of the beautiful woman Su Rongrong.

In order to be able to leave a good impression on Su Rongrong, Lin Pingzhi could only forcibly endure the throbbing in his patience.

"Miss Rongrong, there are bees and butterflies on both sides, which side shall we go?"

Lin Pingzhi stopped at a fork in the road.

There are many bees and butterflies on the two roads ahead.

For a moment, he didn't know which way to go.

"Let me see."

Su Rongrong got up from Lin Pingzhi's arms.

She looked both ways, then pointed to the road to the left and said:

"This way."

"it is good!"

Lin Pingzhi responded.

Regardless of Su Rongrong's reaction, he picked up Su Rongrong again and fled to the left.

Su Rongrong hooked Lin Pingzhi's neck and explained softly:

"There are bees and butterflies on both sides. It should be that Xiangshuai wants to confuse the enemy's sight. The smell on the left is stronger. Presumably Xiangshuai should be here."


Lin Pingzhi, who was really galloping, didn't say much, but just responded.

He was thinking about the original book in his mind.

Chu Liuxiang must not have stolen Tianyi Divine Water.

He can be sure of this.

In the original book, it seems that Shi Guanyin's son Wuhua monk stole it.

Don't know if anything has changed here.

"Young Master Lin!"

Su Rongrong, who was in Lin Pingzhi's arms, suddenly let out an exclamation.

"What's wrong!"

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly stopped.

Su Rongrong let go of the hand that hooked his neck, pulled out from his arms, stood on the ground, and pointed to a forest by the roadside.

"Xiang Shuai should be in the woods!"

Su Rongrong pointed to the grove and said.

Lin Pingzhi looked intently.

In the dense forest, it is impossible to see through at a glance.

He looked around again, and there were no traces of bees and butterflies.

"Young master, look here."

Su Rongrong took a few steps forward.

She squatted down, picked up the branches on the ground, and fiddled with the soil a few times.

In the soil, there was a sachet embroidered with lotus, which appeared in front of Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

"This is the sachet I gave Xiangshuai. I think Xiangshuai should be hiding in the woods."

In Su Rongrong's eyes, there was a hint of anxiety.

After patting off the dirt on the sachet and putting it in her arms, Su Rongrong said eagerly:

"Young master, let's go in quickly, I don't know if Xiangshuai has been found."

Lin Pingzhi looked at the dark forest and nodded.

"You follow me."

He pulled Su Rongrong behind him.

In case of any accident like this, he can protect Su Rongrong immediately.

Su Rongrong felt a little shy.

She also noticed Lin Pingzhi's small movements.

In her heart, she also felt a little emotional.

If there is no Xiangshuai, maybe she will choose to follow Lin Pingzhi.

However, among Lin Pingzhi's many confidante friends, it seems that she is not missing one of them.

Under the leadership of Lin Pingzhi.

The two entered the woods.

However, before going too deep, they heard the sound of some swords and soldiers clashing.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

Hearing this voice, maybe Chu Liuxiang has already made a move with someone!

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